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Write an essay on Gun Control in America

Write an essay on Gun Control in America Read the essay THE (REALLY, REALLY) RACIST HISTORY OF GUN CONTROL IN AMERICA and write a 300 to 400-word critical analysis. Analyze the article: What claims does the article make? What are the article’s main points? What new ideas did the article introduce you to? What aspect of gun … Read more

What are the historical foundations of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)?

What are the historical foundations of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)? Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. What … Read more

What do you think about certification? How could certification add to your career plans?

What do you think about certification? How could certification add to your career plans? What do you think about certification? How could certification add to your career plans? Are there any negatives surrounding the Microsoft Certification? Do you plan to get one? Which one(s)? How will you know when you are ready? Did you learn … Read more

Reflect on Non-experimental Research Methods

Non-experimental Research Methods Students will identify one statement (from a provided list or of their own choosing) and will research that statement to ascertain if, in fact, it is supported by research. Students will submit a brief written report (no more that 4 typed, double-spaced, 12-point font pages) summarizing what was found. At least eight … Read more

Enron: Movie Review for Lincoln

Enron: Movie Review for Lincoln could you please write for me the movie analysis paper for American culture class the movie should be related to the 20th century, so I choose Lincoln movie which is about the civil war. please follow the movie analysis criteria, I will upload it. the paper should be 5 paragraphs … Read more

The Mayan Culture

The Mayan Culture The Mayan Culture Answer preview: Words:360

An essay on Vishnu Purana

An essay on Vishnu Purana Vishnu Purana Answer preview: Words:330

Ancient Egyptian Society

Ancient Egyptian Society After reading the chapter please write one page Answer preview: Words:350

Misconceptions of Psychological Disorders

Misconceptions of Psychological Disorders For centuries, people have believed myths and misconceptions about psychological disorders and the people who suffer from them. Modern psychological research has allowed us to correct some of these misconceptions. As a result, many people have changed their ideas about mental and emotional disorders. Think of a common misconception you have … Read more

Rene Descartes: The Father of Modern Philosophy

Rene Descartes: The Father of Modern Philosophy Rene Descartes Answer preview: Words:350

Emerging Trends in Global Supply Chain Management

Emerging Trends in Global Supply Chain Management Assignment: Final Paper Throughout this seminar experience, you have explored foundational content, past and current research, and trends and innovations in the field of global supply chain management. In addition to acquiring this body of knowledge, you have also considered possible areas for future research in the field. … Read more

Perceived Conflict between Science and Religion

Perceived Conflict between Science and Religion Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references. The perceived tension between science and religion is that scientism has been trying to disprove religious viewpoints for many years. Scientism focuses highly on the value of natural science as the source of legitimate knowledge. Scientism … Read more

Bioethics in Nursing Practice

Bioethics in Nursing Practice Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references. I think in the topic readings, I really liked the chapter “Christian Vision” from Bioethics: A Primer for Christians.As a Christian who happens to be a nurse, I think there is always a dilemma in the work place between … Read more

The Future of the Family in Later Life

The Future of the Family in Later Life FUTURE OF THE FAMILY IN LATER LIFE The study of the family in later life is the attempt to capture an ever-changing process that affects us all as we move through our individual lives, through the domains of family, work, and the political world. As a human … Read more

Family-Centered Positive Psychology

Family-Centered Positive Psychology POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY APPLIED TO INSTITUTIONS For this assignment, apply principles of positive psychology to a setting of your choice from the list below. Choose a setting for which you have a personal or professional interest, as this will strengthen the relevance of this assignment for you. Character Strengths in the Workplace. Positive … Read more

Effective Business Management Plans for Projects

Effective Business Management Plans for Projects You will be developing a project plan to present to your stakeholders. A Business Management Plan. Start thinking about the project (A Business management plan) that you will a project plan for, and briefly describe it. Why are you considering this project? How do you feel the project will … Read more

Healthcare Costs and Delivery in the United States

Healthcare Costs and Delivery in the United States Health care costs and delivery are considered by many to be a problem in this country.Where do we rank in terms of health care spending?Isn’t our health care system the best in the world?What solutions might you offer to get health care to more people in this … Read more

An Analysis of Inequalities in Our Societies

An Analysis of Inequalities in Our Societies By historically showing the development of our society, we have been able to demonstrate how society functions and uses inequality to maintain difference in current times. Using a Social Institution of our society as a guide, discuss if changes in inequality can be accomplished. If it’s going to … Read more

Special Movements and Their Effects

Special Movements and Their Effects There is going to be a specific topic to write about, you are going to write 3 pages single spaced about a specific region and topic that will be given Option #3. An Appalachian Author, Activist, Movement, or Artist.Choose a person to research whose work has contributed to representations of … Read more

Conducting a Successful Digital Forensic Investigation

Conducting a Successful Digital Forensic Investigation Instructions It is essential that digital forensic investigators take the time to thoroughly document investigation processes. Although there are many techniques for collecting data, there are numerous precautions that need to be taken into account to prevent data corruption, especially when the particular investigation is related to illegal financial … Read more

Policy and Procedure for Rasmen Pharmacy

Policy and Procedure for Rasmen Pharmacy It is time to synthesize the elements of your Policy and Procedure into a document for the Rasmen Pharmacy Supervisor to review. Your document should be a 3-4 page paper, written in APA format, which draws upon all of the content you have researched and submitted for your Course … Read more

Effect of Culture on the Effectiveness of Counseling

Effect of Culture on the Effectiveness of Counseling Identify one of your core values (e.g. spiritual/religious, end of life, cultural, sexual) and show how this value could either encourage or interfere with the effectiveness of counseling. Demonstrate how you might handle a situation in which your values differ from those of the client.   Answer … Read more

The 5 Theories of Moral Status

The 5 Theories of Moral Status List the 5 Theories of Moral Status Provide a brief, one-sentence summary for each theory. There are five theories on moral status according to Beauchamp and Childress. Those theories are human properties, cognitive properties, moral agency, sentience and relationships. Human properties theory says only human beings, or Homo sapiens have … Read more

Explain Verbal Abuse as a Form of Workplace Violence

Explain Verbal Abuse as a Form of Workplace Violence Security in the workplace continues to remain a high priority for organizations, especially in light of increases in workplace violence. Conduct appropriate research to identify what are the main or most common types of workplace violence. Select 1 specific type of workplace violence or threat to … Read more

The Economic Impact of Redistribution of Income

The Economic Impact of Redistribution of Income Please compose 2-3 paragraphs on the following: Taxes are a primary tool for redistributing income from the wealthy to lower income earners. The economic impact of the redistribution of income is a highly debated topic and arguments are generally formed in the Tax Reduction/Increase debates. The following two … Read more

compare public and private budget preparation strategies.

compare public and private budget preparation strategies. compare public and private budget preparation strategies. Make sure to include: Introduction to budget preparation Operating and funding sources of public revenue Effects of demographics on public revenue services Include at least two academic sources in your paper, including one from the University Library. Format your paper consistent … Read more

Ethical Issues Faced by Employees in Organizations

Ethical Issues Faced by Employees in Organizations Imagine you interview someone who works about the ethical issues they face on the job or see others face. Ask about how those issues get resolved and if your interviewee believes they are resolved fairly. Describe the interview on one or two pages, including some direct quotes. On … Read more

Ethical Perspectives on Procreation and Reproduction

Ethical Perspectives on Procreation and Reproduction Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references. The definition of procreation (to beget or generate offspring). Meilaender defined it as a child produced through “the power of their mutual love has given rise to another who, though different from them and equal in … Read more

Discuss how technological forces will determine future change in health care.

Discuss how technological forces will determine future change in health care. Discuss how technological forces will determine future change in health care. Related readings Matthew 6:33, Revelation 21:1-5, Micah 6:8 and Matthew 5:13-16 Use at least one related reading as a reference Apa style format   Answer preview: word: 400

Discuss how Christian worldview provides insight into actions needed to sustain the future of healthcare delivery.

The Future of Healthcare from the Christian Worldview Discuss how Christian worldview provides insight into actions needed to sustain the future of healthcare delivery. Related readings Matthew 6:33, Revelation 21:1-5, Micah 6:8 and Matthew 5:13-16 Use at least one related reading as a reference   Answer preview: Word: 300

People Living with Dementia

People Living with Dementia Debby, a 63 year old female, presents to her primary care doctor, Dr. Lakewood, for her annual check up. She mentions at the beginning of the appointment that she hasn’t been sleeping well and asks a prescription of sleeping medication. After doing a routine physical exam, Dr. Lakewood asks some background … Read more

Discussion on “The Death of My Father”

Discussion on “The Death of My Father” From your course textbook, Ticket to Write, read the following short essays: “The Death of My Father” by Steve Martin, “Stepfather’s Day” by Rick Bragg, and “My Home is New Orleans” by Mike Miller. A narrative essay relates a story in order to convey meaning or significance. Choose one of the above … Read more

Assignment on Criminal Law and Procedure

Assignment on Criminal Law and Procedure COMPETENCIES ADDRESSED IN THIS ASSIGNMENT Competency 1: Examine criminal law and procedure. Competency 2: Articulate the historical development of criminal law. Competency 3: Distinguish between legal and social parameters in criminal law. Competency 4: Analyze the elements of a crime. Competency 5: Communicate effectively in writing. OVERVIEW The criteria … Read more

The effectiveness of Ambush Marketing Techniques

The effectiveness of Ambush Marketing Techniques Then, draft a two-page paper by addressing each of the following items: In your own words, how would you describe “ambush marketing”? Include two examples with your description. What are the advantages and disadvantages (risks and consequences) of ambush marketing? What was Bavaria Beer hoping to achieve through its … Read more

Physical Assessments among School-aged Children

Physical Assessments among School-aged Children The needs of the pediatric patient differ depending on age, as do the stages of development and the expected assessment findings for each stage. In a 500-750-word paper, examine the needs of a school-aged child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old and discuss the following: Compare the … Read more

Which two of the steps in the ten-step strategic planning process did you find most interesting?

Which two of the steps in the ten-step strategic planning process did you find most interesting? Which two of the steps in the ten-step strategic planning process did you find most interesting? Why? Discuss each of of the steps that you chose and what they entail. Ten-Step Management Process Review TEN-STEP PROCESS Initiating and agreeing … Read more

Explain The Effects of the French Revolution

Explain The Effects of the French Revolution Did the French Revolution separate 1) Many historians argue that the French Revolution of 1789-1799 was a major historical watershed separating an “early modern era” from a “late modern era” in regard to the social, cultural, and political structures of Europe. How valid is that argument? How different … Read more

Distinguish the strategic actions that differentiate between successful domestic and international sourcing plans.

Distinguish the strategic actions that differentiate between successful domestic and international sourcing plans. Competencies Distinguish the strategic actions that differentiate between successful domestic and international sourcing plans. Instructions You have been in the Emerging Leaders on boarding learning and development program for one quarter and have experienced a few successes. During this onboarding-program you have … Read more

Discuss various Business model components

Discuss various Business model components Hutt breaks the concept of business model into four components: customer interface, core strategy, strategic resources, and value network. Please share what company you believe follows this concept to a “T” in their business model, and what components you believe this company excels at? Where is the company’s opportunity for … Read more

Examine the concept of time value of money in relation to corporate managers.

Examine the concept of time value of money in relation to corporate managers. Examine the concept of time value of money in relation to corporate managers. Propose two (2) methods in which time value of money can help corporate managers in general. Examine the pros and cons of a sinking fund from the viewpoint of … Read more

Discussion Board on business environment.

Discussion Board on business environment. Assignment Details This assignment has 4 parts: Collaboration in a business environment is a best practice that leverages the collective knowledge of the team assembled. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success, result in higher quality deliverables than generally possible by the efforts … Read more

Reflect on Birthing Techniques and Alternatives

Reflect on Birthing Techniques and Alternatives There are many approaches to birthing, such as the Lamaze method. Many women use some pain-relieving medications or anesthesia during labor and delivery. Home delivery and hospital birthing rooms are two options available to pregnant women. Nurse midwives can assist with deliveries. Examine at least two birthing techniques or … Read more

Write an essay about a performance based on reading Chapter 6 in Bloom’s Fact and Artifact

Write an essay about a performance based on reading Chapter 6 in Bloom’s Fact and Artifact Write an essay about a performance based on reading Chapter 6 in Bloom’s Fact and Artifact on “Writing About Performance.”(in the file name CH 6 Bloom) Please read the entire chapter carefully. Using MLA formatting (12 pt. font, 1” … Read more

Reflect on Three Unique Places to Visit

Reflect on Three Unique Places to Visit After reading Chapter 5 in Bloom(in the file) and the readings from “Reading Packet C” (in the file), write an essay about a place or places (4 pages). You may write about any place you have been, lived, known, traveled to, or grown up. It can be as … Read more

What kind of society do you want to live in?”: Inside the country where Down syndrome is disappearing.

What kind of society do you want to live in?”: Inside the country where Down syndrome is disappearing. Read this online article, “What kind of society do you want to live in?”: Inside the country where Down syndrome is disappearing.” How does this article’s statistics from Iceland compare to the United States’ statistics? What are … Read more

Group Research Paper

Group Research Paper: Solar Irrigation System in Tanzania Group Research Paper: Solar Irrigation System in Tanzania Core argument: Wish to create a solar water pump irrigation system in order to improve the agricultural sector of Tanzania. This is a teamwork, we have finished Introduction, Theories and Methodology . The next, we need to complete Conceptual … Read more

I would ask for your help to design a total of 10 survey questions for my market research and to test the new product.

I would ask for your help to design a total of 10 survey questions for my market research and to test the new product. I would ask for your help to design a total of 10 survey questions for my market research and to test the new product. My idea is to create something called “ Store carousel “ which … Read more

Explain the Changes in Immigration Policies

Explain the Changes in Immigration Policies Please write at least a 5 paragraph essay responding to ONE of the the following. Before submitting the essay, Remember that a compare/contrast essay does not simply describe the similarities and differences between two topics. Good comparison writing always has a specific purpose / point to the writing and … Read more

Effects of Brexit Without a Deal

Effects of Brexit Without a Deal Make an argument for or against that proposition that, come March 29 of next year, the United Kingdom will have to leave the European Union without a deal in place   Answer preview: Word: 650

Effects of Monetary Policy in the Economy

Discuss the Effects of Monetary Policy in the Economy Discuss what monetary policy is. Discuss different instruments of monetary policy. Discuss the impact of expansionary and contractionary monetary policy, specifically the change in interest rate and credit availability, and the process by which these changes impact business’s decision-making process. Minimum 300 words, citied in APA … Read more