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Jackson Pollock’s Art

Jackson Pollock’s Art HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/SM2MOYONDSY PROVIDE A FORMAL ANALYSIS OF THE FOLLOWING PAINTINGAND PROCESS OF THE AMERICAN ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONIST ARTIST, JACKSON POLLOCK, IN WHICH YOU… Specifically note at least 3 formal elements that significantly contribute to this work. Include a discussion of “action painting” and “all over-ness.” Offer at least 2 ways in which this painting’s style and Pollock’s … Read more

Principles and Concepts of Substantive and Procedural Law

Principles and Concepts of Substantive and Procedural Law Understanding American criminal law concepts is a necessity for a criminal justice major. Chapter 3 of the text is devoted to explaining the principles and concepts of substantive and procedural law under due process of the American criminal justice system. In order to examine global criminal activity, … Read more

Interviewing at Zipcar

Interviewing at Zipcar Watch the enclosed YouTube Video and do an Internet search on Interviewing at Zipcar and then answer the following questions. these are questions 1. What makes Zipcar an attractive employer for which to work? 2. What do those doing the actual hiring at Zipcar feel are important characteristics to find in potential employees? 3. List … Read more

International Project Assignment

International Project Assignment Imagine yourself in a job/firm that does business internationally. Your boss has determined that you will be moving out of the United States for a project assignment for a period of 1 year. Name a country that you would like to work in, and state your reasons for choosing that particular country. … Read more

Diversification Acquisitions

Diversification Acquisitions Diversification and acquisition create value by allowing companies to expand and grow their business to the extent that there are multiple businesses operating under one unit. When businesses diversify then they have multiple streams of revenue coming back into the same company all while acquiring a bigger footprint in their given market. Diversification … Read more

Solving Ethical Dilemmas

Solving Ethical Dilemmas formulate an ethical argument Essay   Answer preview: Word: 1,250

Similarities and Differences between Medieval Tournaments and Modern Sports

Similarities and Differences between Medieval Tournaments and Modern Sports Read the definition of “tournament.” Look at the 2 web sites. Write on the following topic: In what ways are medieval tournaments similar to modern sports such as football, soccer, baseball, and son on? In what ways are they different? Tournament, also called tourney, series of military exercises, probably … Read more

Effects of Advances in IT and Communications on Global Competition

Effects of Advances in IT and Communications on Global Competition Explain how advances in information technology and communication have increased global competition for goods and services. How has the increased global competition, in turn, impacted brand parity, the need for customer engagement, and changes in channel power? Be specific by identifying examples to illustrate your … Read more

Describe the labor that enslaved Africans performed in British North America.

Describe the labor that enslaved Africans performed in British North America. Be certain to delineate by region, developing economy, gender and generation. Describe various working conditions, work place relations and the results of this labor for masters and for the captives. Please if its possible use these books as references : 1. Brenda Stevenson,What Is … Read more

How do you feel about your own technology use?

How do you feel about your own technology use? I want you to read the New York Times article “Why We Can’t Look Away from Our Screens”and respond to the following questions. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/06/science/technol… How do you feel about psychologist Adam Alter’s main point? Do you believe that technology addiction is as big a problem as he … Read more

The Case of Ethics and Fraud at ZZZ Best Company

The Case of Ethics and Fraud at ZZZ Best Company Ethics and Fraud Case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fZVyyWvWE8 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. After watching this video and considering what you learned about the IMA’s Statement of Ethical Practice, think about what the auditors in this situation could have done to help catch Barry Minkow? … Read more

Effects of Racism and Inequality

Effects of Racism and Inequality Midterm Exam Paper “I’d like to say that when I say “white” I’m not talking about the color of anybody’s skin. I’m not talking about race. It’s a curious country, a curious civilization, that thinks of it as race. I don’t believe any of that. White people are imagined. White … Read more

The Power of Passion and Perseverance

The Power of Passion and Perseverance watch a video and write a discussion https://www.ted.com/talks/angela_lee_duckworth_gri… What is your reaction to the video? Explain your reaction. Do you agree or disagree with what is presented in the video and why? Do you think we can strengthen and grow our own “grittiness”? If so, how? If not, why? … Read more

What do you believe are the three most important indicators of quality care in a hospital? Why? 

 What do you believe are the three most important indicators of quality care in a hospital? Why? 1. What do you believe are the three most important indicators of quality care in a hospital? Why?  2. Locate a patient safety initiative on the internet. Explain the initiative. Do you think that this initiative is … Read more

Writing Good Instructions

Writing Good Instructions “Writing Good Instructions” Please respond to the following: Review the nine steps to composing instructions. Then, assess which is the most likely violation that can occur when writing instructions. Provide your reason(s). Discuss and give an example when it might be appropriate to omit explanations from your instructions. Then, discuss the possible consequence(s) … Read more

What are some ways the physician and patient relationship is unlike an ordinary service-provider and client relationship?

What are some ways the physician and patient relationship is unlike an ordinary service-provider and client relationship?   Answer preview: Word: 400

Reflection on Music and Movement in Toddlers

Reflection on Music and Movement in Toddlers music and movement in children ages 3 to 5year old. How does it affect them and why do they need music and movement   Answer preview: Word: 350

Female Ethics of Care

Female Ethics of Care Carol Gilligan, cited in Nursing: An Ethic of Caring, and Helga Kuhse seem to disagree regarding the impact of gender upon ethics in nursing. Which do you agree with and why? Reading assignment( Luke 4:1-13) must be used as a reference Answer preview: Word: 400

An analysis of LEGO’s Business Strategies

An analysis of LEGO’s Business Strategies Prior to 2004, was LEGO focused on its products or its marketplace? Why? By analyzing this case we can see that from 1998 things started to backfire for the company, Lego started losing money and by the mid 2000 ́s sales had dropped by 26%, the following year a … Read more

Ethics and Social Responsibility

Ethics and Social Responsibility Corporate social responsibility is an emerging trend for businesses in today’s environment. Regardless of the nature of the industry, corporations are held to higher ethical standards. This assignment will give you a chance to think as an executive and take into consideration the importance of ethics and social responsibility. You are … Read more

The Proof of Concept

The Proof of Concept Order Summary Type of assignment:Assessment Academic level:College Level Referencing style:APA Number of sources:1 Subject:Other / Non-applicable Client country:Australia (UK English) Assignment extract: The Proof of Concept -This is what we think will work base of the assumption The Website IN the beginning of developing the website I was doing a lot … Read more


FOOD EVENTS Type of assignment:Essay Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s Referencing style:Harvard Number of sources:3 Subject:Management Client country:Australia (UK English) Assignment extract: You (as a supervising chef) will need to individually write aFormal report to the Executive Board. This is in regards to the planning process of the event and the (expected) outcome of the event. … Read more


FACEBOOK IPO ANALYSIS Order Summary Type of assignment:Coursework Academic level:University Level, Master’s Referencing style:Harvard Number of sources:7 Subject:Finance Client country:Other Assignment extract:  covering multiple questions using (4) main resources. Assignment Question: The assignment is based on four documents   A case study ‘The Facebook IPO hype: a rude social awakening’ Facebook IPO prospectus An Excel … Read more

The Materiality of Technology

The Materiality of Technology Order Summary Type of assignment:Report Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s Referencing style:Harvard Number of sources:10 Subject:Arts Client country:Australia (UK English) Assignment extract: Research Report Qtn: How does the materiality of a technology affect the materiality of experience? “Your report should be structured around a case study and your argument must be supported … Read more

Who was the first monotheistic leader

Who was the first monotheistic leader order Summary Type of assignment:Editing Academic level:College Level Referencing style:MLA Number of sources:1 Subject:Archaeology Client country:Other Assignment extract: I need editing according to the notes written on the attached pictures of the assignment. adding the page numbers of the sources and focusing on the notes the professor added. also … Read more

Human Growth and Development

Human Growth and Development Order Summary Type of assignment:Essay Academic level:College Level Referencing style: APA Number of sources:1 Subject:Psychology Client country:United States (US English) Assignment extract: Over the course of this semester, in what ways have you improved in furthering of your knowledge of psychology? How did the course elements help you in furthering this … Read more

Mission and Goal for ABZ Retailers Limited

 Mission and Goal for ABZ Retailers Limited Order Summary Type of assignment:Assessment Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s Referencing style:MLA Number of sources:2 Subject:Business Client country:United States (US English) Order Status:   In progress, ready 25% This week you are going to try your best to build a Risk Assessment Plan using: Risk analysis, FMEA, Ladder of … Read more

The regeneration of Dawley Town

The regeneration of Dawley Town Essay Level: Master’s Subject: POSTGRADUATE REGENERATION WORK Order Topic: POSTGRADUATE REGENERATION WORK Instruction: I HAVE ATTACHED A DOCUMENT WITH ASSIGNMENT BRIEF Conduct a review of the regeneration issues, challenges and opportunities fading England’s new Towns for DCLG regeneration team. Marking criteria: Demonstrates understanding of the multi-dimensional nature of regeneration issues in the context … Read more

The role of advanced nursing practices

The role of advanced nursing practices Order Summary Type of assignment:Research Paper Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s Referencing style:Harvard Number of sources:15 Subject:Nursing Client country:Other Assignment extract: see the attached file for all the instruction Dear writer I hope you are doing well, plz find my note under each section of the assignment in addition to … Read more


RESEARCH PAPER AND INVESTIGATION project Details Paper Topic Number of Sources: 1 please help by underlying the topic sentence for each paragraph and evidences to support topic sentence .So it is easier to memorise the key sentences and phrases for the questions and remember for exam . Please also provide sources information taken from   … Read more

Role of Morality in Theology

Role of Morality in Theology Project Details  Paper Topic : Writing research paper; Philosophy and moral theology Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Research Paper Deadline : 9 Days Acedemic Level : Post Graduate Level Number of pages : 7 Number of Sources : 20       Order Instructions           Note! Draft should be sent on the 6th … Read more

Preparation for a food event.

Preparation for a food event. Order Summary Type of assignment:Essay Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s Referencing style:Harvard Number of sources:6 Subject:Food Hygiene and Nutrition Client country:Australia (UK English) Assignment extract: Dear writer: This essay is a group work, please just focus on Introduction, Staffing Requirements and Preparation for the event these three parts. And the degustation … Read more

ABZ Traders

ABZ Traders Order Summary Type of assignment:Research Paper Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s Referencing style :MLA Number of sources:1 Subject:Business Client country:United States (US English) Assignment extract:  After brainstorming with your client about some of the possible solutions. What do you think are the challenges that you might face when you find out that more information … Read more


What is IT Governance? Project Details Paper Topic : (Task A – Ch2 Literature Review- editing Research gap section) Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Literature Review Deadline : 14 Hours Acedemic Level : Editing Rewriting Number of pages : 10 Number of Sources : 1       Order Instructions           Hope you’re doing well. Please find the … Read more

The Extent of Policy Engagement in Sustainable Urban Design

The Extent of Policy Engagement in Sustainable Urban Design   Order Topic: Urban Design and Sustainability Instruction: Essay Level: Master’s Subject:  Postgraduate Planning and Development THIS IS A POSTGRADUATE ESSAY IN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: 3000 WORD POLICY ANALYSIS ESSAY: Evaluate and discuss the extent of policy engagement in sustainable urban design as a contributor to the … Read more

Management Information System: Apple Case Study

Management Information System: Apple Case Study Prepare an in-depth analysis of four case studies during the semester. Here are some guidelines: This is an individual assessment, which is a part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking This assignment will worth 25 mark (Case Study Questions 15 Marks/ Presentation 10 Marks) Answer … Read more

Effects of Technologies on Art Museums and Galleries

Effects of Technologies on Art Museums and Galleries Effects of Technologies on Art Museums and Galleries Answer preview: Words:600

A Comparison of Barbara Kruger’s and Carrie Mae Weems’ Works

A Comparison of Barbara Kruger’s and Carrie Mae Weems’ Works A Comparison of Barbara Kruger’s and Carrie Mae Weems’ Works Answer preview: Words:600

An Analysis of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Artwork

An Analysis of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Artwork An Analysis of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Artwork Answer preview: Words:550

An Analysis of CustomInk’s Target Market

An Analysis of CustomInk’s Target Market An Analysis of CustomInk’s Target Market Answer preview: Words:350

Validity and Reliability-Discussion

Validity and Reliability-Discussion Validity and Reliability Answer preview: Words:300

Crundwell’s Fraud Case

Crundwell’s Fraud Case Crundwell’s Fraud Case Answer preview: Words:1300

Discussion on Logistics Performance Priorities

Discussion on Logistics Performance Priorities Logistics Performance Priorities Answer preview: Words:750

Analyze the Advantages of the DuPont Analysis

Analyze the Advantages of the DuPont Analysis Advantages of the DuPont Analysis The DuPont analysis is a very important equity valuation tool which can assist company’s investors to make more informed decisions on their equity holdings in the company. The Du Pont system has the main advantage in that it provides the investors with a … Read more

The History of Western Civilization

The History of Western Civilization Answer 10 of the following questions in 3 or 4 sentences, identifying, who, where, when, what and most importantly, how relevant to the history of Western Civilization. 1. Charles V 11. Anabaptism 2. Machiavelli 12. Calvinism 3. Benedict of Nursia 13. Investiture Controversy 4. Zwingli 14. Cluny 5. Augustine 15. … Read more

Gaining Employee Trust and Commitment

Gaining Employee Trust and Commitment Explain and document your reasoning using scholarly and peer reviewed journal articles and/or texts. Do you believe that managers in a business firm are dependent upon the trust, commitment, and effort of others within the firm? Answer preview: Words:380

Explain Personal Code of Ethics

Explain Personal Code of Ethics You will compile a series of statements (usually done as bullet points) that will assert the attitudes, actions, and behaviors of the person you genuinely aspire to become. Because of the personal nature of this assignment, you will not be asked to discuss these with anyone else. As you prepare … Read more

Discuss The Effects of the Opioid Crisis on Kinship Care

Discuss The Effects of the Opioid Crisis on Kinship Care Discussion Post Watch the following video, “The opioid crisis is making grandparents become parents again.” And answer the following questions. What statistics can you find for instances of kinship care in your town or the state of California? What services could local government or nonprofits … Read more

Reflect on Authoritarian versus Democratic Governments

Reflect on Authoritarian versus Democratic Governments And do not listen to those who keep saying, ‘The voice of the people is the voice of God.’ because the tumult of the crowd is always close to madness.” Alcuin of York, 8th century AD ” … the Legislative being only a Fiduciary Power to act for certain … Read more