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Reflect on Threats to the global environment

Reflect on Threats to the global environment The United Nations has hired you as a consultant on global issues. Many of the UN members are not satisfied with the progress of the Millennium Development Goals. They feel that the goals focus on the wrong issues. There is a disconnect between what issues the UN developed … Read more

Economic Discussion Post

Economic Discussion Post The motivation for many people pursuing a college degree is to improve their human capital. Describe how improving human capital increases wages. In your description, be sure to address the marginal product of labor. Explain how rising wages could lead to a backward bending supply of the labor curve. Discuss factors that … Read more

Juvenile Justice Standards

Juvenile Justice Standards Read the United Nations Fact Sheets on Youth (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Based on this information, evaluate your impression of international juvenile justice and violent crime. Analyze cultural perspectives of the courts and corrections for juveniles who commit violent acts by indicating if you believe they should be tried … Read more

A Comparison Between the American and Japanese Management Styles

A Comparison Between the American and Japanese Management Styles Compare an element of American management styles with a foreign counterpart. Be sure to reference the weekly learning goals, readings and videos.   Answer preview: Word: 850

Good Governance and Accountability Needed to Defeat Boko Haram

Reflect on the Good Governance and Accountability Needed to Defeat Boko Haram An article review. To Help Defeat Boko Haram, the EU Should Push for Good Governance and Accountability.     Answer preview: Word: 1,350

Finding and Keeping the Best Employees at Patagonia

Finding and Keeping the Best Employees at Patagonia See the video and search information to answer 3 short question about human resource Management.  there are 3 questions Patagonia – A designer of outdoor clothing and gear. Watch this YouTube Video and then do an Internet search for information to answer the following questions: 1: How does … Read more

Explain the Factors that an Entrepreneur Should Consider When Setting Up Business

Explain the Factors that an Entrepreneur Should Consider When Setting Up Business Compile three bullet lists that address the three to five most important: Legal issues an entrepreneur must plan to address before the business is up and running? Ethical issues an entrepreneur must contend while setting up their business? Social responsibilities an entrepreneur must … Read more

What were President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s political philosophy and priorities?

The Political Philosophy and Priorities of President Dwight Eisenhower What were President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s political philosophy and priorities? You must cite your sources both in your response and below it (Bibliography), using the Chicago Style citation format. Students who do not cite their work can expect to receive only a minimum grade of 60% … Read more

A Review of the Film-The Kingdoms of Africa: Nubia

A Review of the Film-The Kingdoms of Africa: Nubia You need to provide an introduction, a short summary, analysis, and a conclusion. The rest of the paper must link the film to World history. Much of the review should focus on analysis—the arguments presented and whether the film portrays history accurately and why. This will … Read more

Discuss Fleet Safety Programs

Discuss Fleet Safety Programs 1. Define three types of stressors that can impact a fleet driver’s work environment. What are three possible solutions for correcting these stressors to improve safety and productivity? Your response should be at least 75 words in length. 2. Analyze the safety implications that a workspace environment within a fleet vehicle … Read more

Executive Briefing describing plans for moving the organization from the current business operating environment to the new one

Executive Briefing describing plans for moving the organization from the current business operating environment to the new one Executive Briefing describing plans for moving the organization from the current business operating environment to the new one. Include plans for the following: Describe the resources that will be needed for supporting the system during the startup … Read more

What is the Internet of things? How is it

What is the Internet of things? How is it What is the Internet of things? How is it used or could be used in industrial plants? One paragraph only typed Please cite your reference/s   Answer preview: Word: 300

Software and Operating Systems in Reverse Logistics

Software and Operating Systems in Reverse Logistics The paper on Software and Operating Systems in Reverse Logistics should identify technology that advanced Reverse Logistics systems, or synthesized operating systems and processes to empower leaders and manages within the industry. o This final paper should be between 10 – 12 pages for the content, not counting … Read more

The Criminal Justice System

The Criminal Justice System Within the Discussion Board area, write 600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Because you have a strong legal background, you know that there are several criminal charges that could apply to this … Read more

The Immigration of the Québécois into the United States

The Immigration of the Québécois into the United States Choose a sentence or section from the text only about the Québécois immigration. Copy and paste the sentence or section into your discussion. Now briefly explain how your choice illustrates the concept of historical context? Also, answer: How does this article give you a better understanding … Read more

Discuss what is meant by a dual authentication level of security.

Discuss what is meant by a dual authentication level of security. Discuss what is meant by a dual authentication level of security. If you were planning a security system for a new hospital, what would need to be locked down, and what would your recommendations look like?   Answer preview: Word: 700

Computer and Cybercrime in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Computer and Cybercrime in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia In this assignment, you are to prepare a set of emergency contacts for use in your organization related to the reporting of computer and cybercrimes. As you are no doubt aware, the emergency number throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is 999. Expand on this resource … Read more

An Overview of Managing Risks

An Overview of Managing Risks Cyber Cafe – Use for Questions to Other Students and Instructor Use this thread to post anything that might be of interest to your students. This is not a private discussion, so don’t post anything private here.     Answer preview: Word: 650

Criminal Antitrust Violations by Human Resource Professionals

Criminal Antitrust Violations by Human Resource Professionals I would like to see an enthusiastic discussion over this topic. Please do not feel that you are restricted to only one post.put two thoughts one thought is 100 words   Answer preview: The success of any business entity is heavily dependent on the ability of the organization to … Read more

The Effects of “Reaganomics” to the U.S Economy and Society

The Effects of “Reaganomics” to the U.S Economy and Society 2. What is “Reaganomics“? What were its effects on American society and economy?   Answer preview:   Words:420

A Discussion of the Information Systems Strategy Implementation for Mary Kay, Inc.

A Discussion of the Information Systems Strategy Implementation for Mary Kay, Inc. Please find the discussion topic below and questions to be answered in the discussion. Please follow APA format with references and citation. Discussion Topic: Mary Kay, Inc., sells facial skin care products and cosmetics around the globe. The business model is to provide … Read more

An Analysis of the Death Penalty in the United States

An Analysis of the Death Penalty in the United States “Death penalty: is it lawful, is it moral, is it just? Example of a country of choice” focused on the topic and on the particular country of choice. Answer preview: Words2650

An Analysis of the Firms External Environment

An Analysis of the Firms External Environment The key elements of external analysis are rivalry, substitute, threats, and opportunity. Rivalry takes into account competition or competitive factors within the market, substitute analyzes other related businesses or products similar to yours, and opportunity seeks ways to make current opportunities greater. External analysis is a key component … Read more

Importance of a Clear Mission Statement

Importance of a Clear Mission Statement One thing to remember is that all strategy begins with a clear Mission Statement. The mission describes the core competency of the organization, or why it is in business. This statement is often on the company website, or even on a banner in the break room. Class- Does your … Read more

Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC.

Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. Read case 1: Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, page # 33.(IN THE TEXTBOOK) And submit least two pages (hard copy) analyze of the case study. APA style. Please download the attachment.   Answer preview: Words:800

My Integrative Personal Theory of Counseling and Psychotherapy

My Integrative Personal Theory of Counseling and Psychotherapy Application: Personal Theory of Counseling or Psychotherapy This Application Assignment is considered the Final Paper for this course. For the Final Paper in this course, you will create your own personal theory of counseling or psychotherapy, integrating or selecting from the theories and applications presented in this … Read more

The Use of Utilitarian Approach in Solving Ethical Problems

The Use of Utilitarian Approach in Solving Ethical Problems Give an example where you have seen the utilitarian approach used to solve an ethical problem. 250-300 words   Answer preview: Words:420

Beethoven: Art and Protest in the 1800s

Beethoven: Art and Protest in the 1800s Week Four Discussion Beethoven: Art and Protest in the 1800s Please respond to each of the following questions, using on line sources and the textbook for your response: 1. Cite several lines from a Romantic poet/poem in our text and then find a landscape painting by Constable or Turner … Read more

Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC.

Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. Read case 1: Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, page # 33.(IN THE TEXTBOOK) And submit least two pages (hard copy) analyze of the case study. APA style. Please download the attachment.   Answer preview: Words:950

An Analysis of the Vikings History and Culture

An Analysis of the Vikings History and Culture Option A: The Vikings were more than marauders, although they did rape, pillage, and plunder parts of Europe and strike fear into the hearts of many. Discuss Viking culture (you may choose to discuss any/all: religion, war, economy, gender constructs, life styles). Why did the Vikings move … Read more

What is the electoral college and how does it work?

 What is the electoral college and how does it work? This week’s topic is Presidential Authority. For your reading this week you read Bush v Gore. Let’s talk about presidential elections. For initial forum post discuss: 1) What is the electoral college and how does it work? 2) Do you agree with the concept of electoral … Read more

The Effectiveness of Surveillance Cameras in Tampa

The Effectiveness of Surveillance Cameras in Tampa Chapter 3 covered Designingwith Architects; this discussion focuses on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). Review the contradicting article, and discuss your opinions and perceptions. Do you agree with Mr. Skinner or Jill Wax? Resource here http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/04/us/tampa-scans-t… In proper APA format, write a minimum of 2 paragraphs Answer preview: Words:450

Intellectual Disorder: An Analysis of the Film, Graduating Peter.

Intellectual Disorder: An Analysis of the Film, Graduating Peter. Read Chapter 5 first, then view the you tube clip below and write how Peter exhibited characteristics of intellectual/cognitive disability that you read about in the chapter. “Graduating Peter” Please see the following link: Graduating Peter (2001) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.   … Read more

An Analysis of Police Killings in the U.S. in 2015-2016

An Analysis of Police Killings in the U.S. in 2015-2016 WEEK 3 HOMEWORK “WORKING WITH DATA” “Working with Data”- Develop Intimacy with your data. Review the data from the exercise: “Police Killings” Exercise located at the following link: Working With Data You can do the exercise in excel or you are welcome to take advantage of … Read more

What are the factors that influence the selection of access control software and/or hardware?

What are the factors that influence the selection of access control software and/or hardware? DISCUSSION #1 What are the factors that influence the selection of access control software and/or hardware? Discuss all aspects of access control systems. DQ requirement: Note that the requirement is to post your initial response no later than Thursday and you … Read more

Strategically Appropriate Investment Projects

Strategically Appropriate Investment Projects My chosen not for profit is – Habitat for Humanity (https://www.habitat.org/) Most of the concepts in this course apply not only to businesses, but also to not-for-profit organizations, governments, and other types of organizations. Think of a major, well-known business; a prominent not-for-profit organization; and a state, provincial, or national government. … Read more

Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population .

Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population . Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population or community assessment and intervention. Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues (local or global in nature) and in creating an appropriate intervention, including … Read more

Principles for Success: Reactions to Different Authors’ Ideas.

Principles for Success: Reactions to Different Authors’ Ideas. write a substantive reaction paragraph to each author’s ideas (one paragraph per book). Offer personal examples, perspectives and opinions. Avoid summary/synopsis. Jensen: Who Are You – Most Important Robinson: Chapter 2 Pink: Lesson 4 – End https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r5WyfH55qRpjaCeGe… https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bydt2DNWRzNeTXMxR… https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bydt2DNWRzNeVm91U… https://craphound.com/littlebrother/download/   Answer preview: Words:1120

Unethical Conduct: Lessons from Previous Events

Unethical Conduct: Lessons from Previous Events One of the most challenging things to understand is why people commit what seem to be heinous and unethical acts. Kelman and Hamilton analyze the My Lai Massacre to understand its origins. What are the social causes of the massacre? Can you apply their argument to understand other major … Read more

Explain the training needs analysis approach that your organization uses to define training needs

Explain the training needs analysis approach that your organization uses to define training needs Part 1 The discussion assignment for this week includes a review of the Key Assignment Outline completed by one of your classmates, as well as a substantial response to at least one other student. This should be in Word format. Part … Read more

Readings on Current Affairs

Readings on Current Affairs Address each of the items below Think of a recent example to support the reading: Jemele Hill Sports and Politics Have Always Mixed. Pick 1 of the 5 things listed in the reading: 5 Things that Will Shape Social Media in 2019 — share an experience with one of these five … Read more

Student Discussion on Utilitarianism

Student Discussion on Utilitarianism Write a response: Utilitarianism is the moral belief that an action is right if it produces the greatest good for the most number of people. It is often based on the calculated consequences or outcomes of a certain action. If you think action will bring the maximum amount of happiness to … Read more

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Discussion.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Discussion. Post-traumatic stress disorder Focus your discussion on the following: What are some of the symptoms? What would this disorder look like in person? Make sure you relate this back to the DSM criteria. Find 1 article, book, or video that shows someone discussing his or her personal experience related to the … Read more

Communicating Historical Ideas

Discussion Board 1-Women’s Suffrage Movement Respond to the following prompts in one to two paragraphs: Choose a sentence or short section from the article about the women’s suffrage movement. Copy and paste the sentence or section into your post, and explain how your choice illustrates the concept of historical causality. Also answer: How does this … Read more

The Inverted Triangle Approach

The Inverted Triangle Approach use the Facts, Ma’am” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, assess how well the news release follows the inverted triangle approach. Be sure to provide the date, title, and the company which released the news. Create a best practice to determine how many facts are essential when writing a … Read more

Health Information Management

Health Information Management HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Record processing (concurrent and retrospective analysis and monitoring of health record content) Record completion Storage and retrieval of health records (including monitoring and tracking of health record location) Release of patient information Clinical coding of diagnoses and procedures Transcription of medical reports (excluding pathology and radiology reports) Statistical and … Read more

Explain how you connect this precept with the concept of patient autonomy?

Explain how you connect this precept with the concept of patient autonomy? Christian teaching holds that God allows and respects each person to make his or her own choices in life. Explain how you connect this precept with the concept of patient autonomy? related readings Mark 10:46-51 ( use as a reference)   Answer preview: … Read more

Film Review: 500 Days of Summer

Film Review: 500 Days of Summer Watch a film made in the last 25 years from one of the following genres – Melodrama, Science Fiction/Fantasy, or Horror. It cannot be from the genre that your favorite movie is from (the film you told us was your favorite in week one). What does it have in … Read more

Senior Centers in Colorado

Senior Centers in Colorado COURSE PROJECT PREPARATION In Unit 5, you will research programs, agencies, and organizations in your area ( Colorado) that contribute to successful or optimal aging. This week, begin to search online and explore your neighborhood resources, such as community centers and senior centers, to find out what types of opportunities (resources, … Read more

what is the purpose of conducting normalization to a relational database?

what is the purpose of conducting normalization to a relational database? ? Using examples to explain your answers. short discussion.   Answer preview: Word: 400