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Analyze and describe the pros and cons of capital punishment

Analyze and describe the pros and cons of capital punishment Death Penalty The newly-elected governor of your state is considering whether to support or reject the death penalty. She has assigned you the task of putting together a presentation to educate her and her staff. Prepare a presentation of 6- to 7- slides in Microsoft … Read more

Discuss the how Crisis Management Plan (CMP) and DRP are similar or different.

Discuss the how Crisis Management Plan (CMP) and DRP are similar or different. Discuss the how Crisis Management Plan (CMP) and DRP are similar or different. Research and find at least three (3) approaches for developing a CMP. Research and recommend a CMP approach for Wilmington University https://youtu.be/bBGbqwTihC4 Answer preview: Word:850

Management Information System 201-Vail Ski Resort

Management Information System 201-Vail Ski Resort List and describe the types of systems described in this case study How do these systems improve the operation of the business How do these systems support decision-making? Identify 3 different decisions that can be supported by these systems The questions are worded to help you apply the readings … Read more

Discuss Eight Ways Play Helps Children Learn

Discuss Eight Ways Play Helps Children Learn Discussion Question: Create a bulleted list in your discussion outlining each 8 ideas and give an example of how you as an educator can integrate these ideas into your classroom. You are encouraged to think outside the box!   Answer preview: Word: 600

what are the causes and effects of people drinking excessively

what are the causes and effects of people drinking excessively what are the causes and effects of people drinking excessively   Answer preview: Word: 900

Withdrawal of US Troops from Syria

Withdrawal of US Troops from Syria Ideally, I agree to withdraw the troops out of Syria. The reason is, I want our troops to be in U.S. soil safe and sound near their loved ones. However, I believe President Trump speaks before engaging his administration, considerations of the pros and cons on what would benefit … Read more

Write an essay on the Impacts of Divorce on Children

Write an essay on the Impacts of Divorce on Children Write an essay in which you consider the socioemotional response of adults and adolescents regarding divorce and custody arrangements. You are encouraged to use attachment theory in your paper. Address the following in your paper: 1.Steps that can be taken to minimize the number of … Read more

How to Brand Yourself for Professional Success

How to Brand Yourself for Professional Success developing a brand helps you focus on the value you bring to employers and identifies the unique traits you bring to the workplace; delivers an authentic message to hiring managers around your career goals and depicts who you are as a professional; enables employers to see not only … Read more

A Critical Analysis of Classical and Modern Art

A Critical Analysis of Classical and Modern Art David Nevard, “The Argument” (ca. 2010s, British Modern, chalk, charcoal, pastel and spray paint on cardboard) As you’ve come to discover, the history of Modern Art is one full of controversies and debates, leveled from the outside as well as from the inside of the movement. Indeed, … Read more

Carol Gilligan’s Views on Ethics of Care

Carol Gilligan’s Views on Ethics of Care Response; Carol Gilligan is an American feminist, ethicist, and psychologist best known for her work with and against Lawrence Kohlberg on ethical community and ethical relationships. Carol Gilligan argued that males and females are often socialized differently, and females are more suitable than males to stress interpersonal relationships … Read more

Discuss the key advantages and disadvantages of organic expansion

Discuss the key advantages and disadvantages of organic expansion Organizations often face the “build it or buy it” decision: whether to expand “organically,” or to expand through some form of business combination such as mergers or acquisitions, joint ventures, licensing, franchising (a form of licensing), or contractual, strategic alliances. Discuss the key advantages and disadvantages … Read more

Toxicology Of The Environment As An Environmental Issue

Toxicology Of The Environment As An Environmental Issue For this assignment, please pick one recent article related to effects in the environment that you find in any information source (not necessarily scientific literature) and write a short review of it. The article can be concerned with any environmentally related issue.In addition to summarizing the topic … Read more

Teenagers and drugs: Two Things That Don’t Go Well Together

Teenagers and drugs: Two Things That Don’t Go Well Together See the video and write comments on one (1) of the videos (8-12 sentences) provided. https://youtu.be/elKvxVzarIk   Answer preview: Word: 300

Boilerplate Objections

Boilerplate Objections CASE: Wesley Corp. v. Zoom T.V. Prods., LLC, No. 17-10021, 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 5068 (E.D. Mich. Jan. 11, 2018). FACTS: In Wesley Corp, Plaintiff sought, among other things, a Motion to Compel Defendants’ responses to Plaintiff’s discovery. Plaintiff argued that Defendants’ use of boilerplate objections in the returned discovery requests were improper … Read more


OBSERVATION WORKSHEET Last week, you studied milestones of developmental changes during the early childhood years, including the improvement of motor skills, the advances in language use, and the emergence of an increasingly complex self-concept. This week, your observation, too, will take you into the world of young children 2-6 years old. There will be much … Read more

Discuss the value that edge computing brings to the organization or industry

Discuss the value that edge computing brings to the organization or industry Discuss the value that edge computing brings to the organization or industry   Answer preview: Word: 300

Classification of Music

Classification of Music For this week’s online exercise, each student will find an online recording of three primary forms of modern music: folk music, popular music and art music (which represents “high culture” in this course). While each of these differs in terms of form, audience, and technology used for recording and transmission, all three … Read more

Reflect on Logistics Performance Priorities in Organizations

Reflect on Logistics Performance Priorities in Organizations 1. Executive summary (no more than one page) – Summarize what is logistics performance priorties, what Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools have been applied to achive the companies objective. 2. Background information – Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location, internal/external interesting facts, … Read more

Describe the original Miranda case and the statements required for making a valid Miranda warning.

Describe the original Miranda case and the statements required for making a valid Miranda warning. Before interrogating a suspect in police custody, the police need to inform the suspect about his or her constitutional rights. Tasks: Assume you are a high-ranking official in a law enforcement agency and have ten years of experience in the … Read more

What is meant by Cyber-security for Critical Infrastructures

What is meant by Cyber-security for Critical Infrastructures You are working for the Chief of Staff (CoS) for a newly elected Governor. The governor asked the CoS to research and prepare a 5 to 7 paragraph background briefing (backgrounder) that addresses the question below. This background briefing will be used to help prepare the Governor … Read more

Discuss how professional nursing organizations support the field of nursing and how they advocate for nursing practice

Discuss how professional nursing organizations support the field of nursing and how they advocate for nursing practice Discuss how professional nursing organizations support the field of nursing and how they advocate for nursing practice. Explain the value professional nursing organizations have in advocacy and activism related to patient care.   Answer preview: WORD; 400

The Do’s and Don’ts in Thank You Letters

The Do’s and Don’ts in Thank You Letters I’ve read too many to count cover and thank you letters. One of the things I look for is did the author include the name of the position and the company. Why? First and foremost, it demonstrates to the hiring manager that you’re not using a generated … Read more

Substantive Reactions to Various Topics-Discuss how they relate to your life. 

Substantive Reactions to Various Topics-Discuss how they relate to your life. Topics: Race/Ethnicity/Nationality/Citizenship/Globalization Read all of the following articles and write a substantive reaction paragraph to each. Discuss how they relate to your life. Avoid summary/synopsis. Interview with Beverly Daniel Tatum: Race – The Power of an Illusion http://www.pbs.org/race/000_About/002_04-backgroun… Review by Hamid Yeganeh: The McDonaldization of American … Read more

Write a reflection on Protecting Customer Information

Write a reflection on Protecting Customer Information profoundly questionable move, your most loved informal organization has recently consented to permit Wal-Mart access to the postings, messages, and photographs of its clients. Wal-Mart will likewise access client names and email addresses infringing upon the system’s security approach. Wal-Mart intends to mine this information to take in … Read more

Responses to Forum Posts

Responses to Forum Posts Each response must be 150 words and respond as if you were me. 1. Jill Part One: Several of our works this week portray significant or complex relationships between characters. Choose one that stood out to you as particularly moving or engaging. Describe the relationship and explain its personal resonance with you. … Read more

Discuss the Application of Aristotle Poetics

Discuss the Application of Aristotle Poetics Choose one to the themes listed below and do an analysis using Aristotle’s poetics. Use the videos provided in the attachment and here. Instructions are very broad. https://youtu.be/qhqtByYjmPY BLACK AND WHITE, (or, ancient history), THE STORY OF TELEVISION, 1956 with David Sarnoff, Vladimir Zwyorkin https://youtu.be/cxJisP8x3Ok LIVING COLOR, (or, recent … Read more

Explain the Employee Benefits at Deloitte

Explain the Employee Benefits at Deloitte Benefits and the Organization Based on one of this week’s articles, “Filling in Around the Edges,” you’ve learned about the wide variety of potential employer-sponsored benefits found within today’s organizations. For this week’s application, think of an organization with which you are familiar. What do you believe this organization’s … Read more

Alleged Possession of Contraband and Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado

Alleged Possession of Contraband and Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado 1. Lakisma Patel is driving a car and is stopped by police for speeding. After issuing Patel a ticket for speeding, the officer asks Patel if there is anything illegal in the vehicle to which Patel responds “maybe, not that I know of”. The officer … Read more

Reflect on Sacred Texts as Sources of Historical Documentation

Reflect on Sacred Texts as Sources of Historical Documentation Sacred texts (like the Bible, the Vedas, etc.) are completely useless as sources of historical documentation.   Answer preview: Word: 600

Organizational Governance and Sustainable Structures

Organizational Governance and  Sustainable Structures Read the Mini-Case answer two questions Read the Chapter 10 Mini-Case: The Imperial CEO, JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon Respond to question 3: What do you recommend to improve the governance system specifically for JPMorgan Chase but also overall relative to the system of governance devices described in Chapter 10? AND Read the Chapter 11 … Read more

Mandatory minimum sentence and sentencing guidelines

Mandatory minimum sentence and sentencing guidelines Define “mandatory minimum sentences” and “sentencing guidelines.” Referencing your text and resource materials, explain why we have mandatory minimum sentences and sentencing guidelines; what purpose do they serve? State your opinion as to whether mandatory minimum sentences help or hinder judicial efficiency and defend your position by explaining why … Read more

writing paper about online marketing and security :

writing paper about online marketing and security : writing paper about online marketing and security : Executive Summary Table of Contents Sample Design Research Design Data Collection Data Analysis Limitations https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/… https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/6236…   Answer preview: Word: 2,050

Health South’s Accounting Case Study

Health South’s Accounting Case Study This is a case study question, answer in essay format in your own words and backed up by facts as an accounting auditor Read attach case study case and answer the question below in essay format. question is What were the balance sheet and income statement implications of HealthSouth’s aggressive … Read more

Discussion on two Major Issues in WW1

Discussion on two Major Issues in WW1 WWI was the war to “end all wars.” Clearly not! Identify at least 2 major issues in this war. Why did you choose them, and why are they important? Has anything changed today?   Answer preview: Word: 600

Reflect on Approaches to employee motivation

Reflect on Approaches to employee motivation Motivating Employees Interview your selected manager to determine his or her approach to motivating employees and ensuring high performance. Write a 500 word analysis of the manager’s approach to motivating employees and ensuring high performance, applying specific OB concepts from your readings to each of the following: How workforce … Read more

Write a Physical Security Policy,

Write a Physical Security Policy, In the realm of IT Security, policies should include a Physical Security Policy. Our dependence on computers has resulted in massive amounts of sensitive, and valuable information being physically and digitally stored. This dependence has increased the need for digital based security along with digitally based products. A comprehensive IT … Read more

Challenges of Artificial Intelligence

Explain the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence Challenges of Artificial Intelligence with 4 references?   Answer preview: Word: 1,700

Write about a change in the way you consume a particular product, like a favorite album or book

Write about a change in the way you consume a particular product, like a favorite album or book You can write about a change in the way you consume a particular product, like a favorite album or book. You can also think more broadly. For instance, you can write about changes in the way you … Read more

A summary of the musical: The Marriage of Figaro

A summary of the musical: The Marriage of Figaro Watch the opera youtube link and write one page summary  https://youtu.be/N1NXlx_Up38 Answer preview: Word: 400

Does economic stratification occur as a result of racial discrimination?

Does economic stratification occur as a result of racial discrimination? Conduct a safe internet search regarding economic stratification. What evidence do you find to support or refute how racial discrimination might be related to economic stratification? Write a one-page (250-word) paper. In your essay, summarize any findings regarding: Does economic stratification occur as a result … Read more

What is the role of the professional journalist?

What is the role of the professional journalist? Citizen Journalists What is the role of the professional journalist? What do we mean when we say that in today’s era we have expanded this role to include citizen journalists? Does this affect how we share news and information in a free society? Think about the traditional … Read more

Article review-qualitative nursing article by Crowther

Article review-qualitative nursing article by Crowther Find an academic journal article that interests you. (Academy of Management Journal, Psychological Science, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Academy of Management Discoveries, and Journal of Management are all good examples, but you can pick any peer reviewed journal). Briefly include : 1) the citation and link, … Read more

The issue of deadline in writing proposals

The issue of deadline in writing proposals Writing Proposals” Please respond to the following: Deadlines are often associated with writing proposals. Determine where or what specifically can be “skimped” on when writing a proposal in order to meet the deadline. Imagine you are asked to write a proposal for a new software application that you and … Read more

Justifications for Punishment and Mandatory Sentencing

Justifications for Punishment and Mandatory Sentencing a) Your text discusses several justifications for punishment, including general deterrence, individual deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation and retribution. Which of these do you believe is the most important in terms of sentencing and which do you believe is the most effective and why? b) Mandatory sentences have become common in … Read more

Analysis of the Mercedes Benz Brand

Analysis of the Mercedes Benz Brand The following link is a list of the World’s Most Valuable Brands, http://www.forbes.com/powerful-brands/list/3/#tab:… Select ONE of the brands from the list. I challenge you to select a brand you may not have a direct relationship with. After selecting your brand, ask 5 friends or family members the following question: “Name the first … Read more

An Investment Proposal for Nordstrom Company

An Investment Proposal for Nordstrom Company Imagine you are a manager working at a publicly traded company. My selected company is Nordstrom, Inc. You have been tasked with preparing an investment proposal for a large bank loan to finance a major expansion into another country. Your funding request will include both narrative text and financial models designed … Read more

Essay on the Issues of Gender and Sexuality

Essay on the Issues of Gender and Sexuality Topics: Gender/Sexual Orientation Read all of the following articles and write a substantive reaction paragraph to each. Discuss how they relate to your life. Avoid summary/synopsis. Robin Marantz Henig: How Science is Helping Us Understand Gender https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/0… Justin Baldoni: Why I’m Done Trying To Be “Man Enough” https://www.ted.com/talks/justin_baldoni_why_i_m_d… PART … Read more

Reading Reflections: Reactions to Various Authors

Reading Reflections: Reactions to Various Authors Read all of the following chapters and write a substantive reaction paragraph to each author’s ideas (one paragraph per book). Offer personal examples, perspectives and opinions. Avoid summary/synopsis. Jensen: Control – Who Again? Robinson: Chapter 8 Doctorow: Chapters 13 – 15 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r5WyfH55qRpjaCeGe… https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bydt2DNWRzNeTXMxR… https://craphound.com/littlebrother/Cory_Doctorow_..   Answer preview: Word: 1,400

Public Policy Regarding Fat and Calorie Content on Fast Foods

Public Policy Regarding Fat and Calorie Content on Fast Foods Prepare and submit an essay analyzing public policy regarding fat and/or calorie content of fast foods, based on the essay, “Medicine and Public Health, Ethics and Human Rights” pp. 583-593. Answer preview: Word:650

The Impact of the Hide-and-Tallow Trade

The Impact of the Hide-and-Tallow Trade Discuss the impact of the Hide-and-Tallow Trade.   Answer preview: Word: 550