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What is Marx’s Critique of Bourgeois liberal democracy? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

What is Marx’s Critique of Bourgeois liberal democracy? Do you agree with him? Why or why not? The writing prompt is as follows: Basically I need to critique Marx’s position on the bourgeois liberal democracy . Utilizing references and quotes from the resources I listed. Would it help if I sent you some ideas I … Read more

Reflective Essay: Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care

Reflective Essay: Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care REVIEW: : Sources: 3 Style: – Standard: – Language: English (U.S.) Order Type:          Essay Level: Subject:          Nursing Order Topic:          Legal and ethical issues in health care Instruction: Structured reflective paper utilizing Driscoll’s reflective frame work CNA 308 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care ASSESSMENT TASK … Read more

Explain the ‘Quantity Theory of Money’,

 Explain the ‘Quantity Theory of Money’, Order Topic: Quantity theory of money Instruction:   Assessment Task: an essay, explained below.  The word limit (for Sections 1 and 2 combined) is 2000 words (plus or minus 10%); this limit excludes the bibliography, and do not count any words in the three Charts such as axis labels or … Read more

Question and Answers

Question and Answers Order Summary Type of assignment:Case Study Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s Referencing style:APA Number of sources:1 Subject:Other / Non-applicable Client country:Other assignment extract: undergraduate level, public health major PUBH 303 – Assignment 1 Critical appraisal of published studies (20%) This assignment involves critically appraising a published study. Your critical appraisal should be in … Read more

Reasons why Water Reform has failed in Murray-Darling Basin

Reasons why Water Reform has failed in Murray-Darling Basin Project Details  Paper Topic : Law assignment on why water reform has failed in the Murray Darling Basin Style : AGLC  Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Article  Acedemic Level : Graduate Level  Number of Sources : 1 Order Instruction Topic 1: Law – Governance – Water … Read more

Facilitate the development of purposeful research towards positional reflection.

Facilitate the development of purposeful research towards positional reflection. Order Summary Type of assignment:EssayAcademic level:University Level, Bachelor’sReferencing style:HarvardNumber of sources:3Subject:ArtsClient country:United Kingdom (UK English)Assignment extract: read the files I have add below. give 3 examples about a range of crafts and/or design practices in relation to a variety of contextual, theoretical and critical perspectives. 2. … Read more


LITERATURE REVIEW Project Details Paper Topic : (Task A – Ch2 Literature Review- editing Research gap section) Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Literature Review Deadline : 7 Hours Acedemic Level : Editing Rewriting Number of pages : 6Number of Sources : 1       Order Instructions           Hope you’re doing well. Please find the instructions for … Read more

Sustainable Management of Amazon

Sustainable Management of Amazon Read: Case Problem “Amazon.com, Inc.”, Case MH0053, May 25, 2017 Prepare a Managerial Report* structured as follows: Task 1-1: Structure and present your paper in the form of a Managerial Report, with a cover page, table of content, executive summary, main body, appendices. Expected length of Assignment 1: up to 6 pages APA … Read more

Discuss the purpose of compensation and benefits from the organization’s viewpoint.

Discuss the purpose of compensation and benefits from the organization’s viewpoint. Direct and Indirect Compensation Organizations must make strategic and tactical decisions regarding a complete compensation and benefit package to ensure recruitment and retention of employees who perform well in their positions. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to … Read more

A post on Transgender Issues

A post on Transgender Issues CHOOSING YOUR TOPIC This week you will be choosing your research paper topic. I will provide some options below to get you started. All of the topics that I am providing you with have readings that accompany them in your They Say, I Say text that you are allowed to … Read more

Characters in the Film, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

Characters in the Film, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Writing Assignment: Media Analysis You are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optional DRAFT. This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that can inform your revision. You should always avoid focusing solely on the … Read more

How the Market Mechanism Functions to Allocate Resources Effectively

How the Market Mechanism Functions to Allocate Resources Effectively How does the market mechanism function to allocate resources effectively? apa format   Answer preview: Word: 400

Teaching Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Teaching Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills Title is Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Book is provided in requirements. just make sure that it relates to the topic and is peer reviewed as a requirement. This is a great opportunity to put critical thinking to work, use critical thought in developing this project, remember to … Read more

Discuss the idea that service is part attention to detail and part theater

Discuss the idea that service is part attention to detail and part theater Discuss the idea that service is part attention to detail and part theater. Give examples of how service providers are often actors. How do we create an imagine in the hospitality industry? How can we train our employees to be actors? (400 … Read more

The Fly-Katherine Mansfield

The Fly-Katherine Mansfield https://commapress.co.uk/resources/online-short-st… After you read this ( The Fly – Katherine Mansfield ). Discussion posts need only be a short paragraph in length, but please demonstrate careful reading, particularly in consideration of the topic of memories, and how they relate to our readings.   Answer preview: Word: 400

Discuss The impact of a change in ownership, given the strong local ties of the existing owners.

Discuss The impact of a change in ownership, given the strong local ties of the existing owners. The Case: You are working as the asset manager for a large Hotel REIT. In your role, you oversee a portfolio of 9 assets in the Midwest. Your REIT is performing due diligence for the potential purchase of … Read more

Laws Applicable to Recording People in Organizations

Laws Applicable to Recording People in Organizations When recording people within a corporation what are some common rules / laws that should / must be followed?   please dont copy and paste, please put things in your own words References APA Format Answer preview Word:400

Describe Knowledge Management Systems and CRM

Describe Knowledge Management Systems and CRM KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND CRM In answer to the challenges Nelnet faces in servicing a growing volume of student loans, the company chose to deploy a knowledge management system called OpenText Process Suite. Go online and investigate the features and capabilities of this suite of software products. What functions … Read more

Questions on Mark Klein and Whistleblowing at NSA

Questions on Mark Klein and Whistleblowing at NSA Watch the enclosed YouTube Video and do an Internet search on Mark Klein and Whistleblowing at NSA and then answer the following questions. 1. Of course, this is not the only instance of someone “going public”; the former NSA employee Edward Snowden allegedly did something much more serious … Read more

Discuss the benefits of PTO.

Discuss the benefits of PTO. Organizations do not generally generate revenues when employees are not working and productive, so it is advantageous to keep employees healthy, engaged, and excited about their jobs and their work. Additionally, employees require some type of paid-time off benefit to recharge and reinvigorate their efforts and motivation. Elements you may … Read more

Discussion on Planning Employee Engagement

Discussion on Planning Employee Engagement Planning Employee Engagement Imagine that you hold a leadership position within an organization. Create an outline of an employee engagement plan to create optimal engagement, retainment, and productivity. You might consider methods of engaging staff through orientation, decision making, focus groups, etc. Select and describe at least five strategies for … Read more

Imposing Criminal Responsibility

Imposing Criminal Responsibility Your text indicates that one of the most difficult problems in imposing criminal responsibility for the crime of attempt is determining when a suspect has crossed the line from mere preparation or planning of a crime to “attempting” the crime and sets forth various tests used to determine when the actus reus of attempt … Read more

Discuss a recent fiscal policy employed by the government.

Discuss a recent fiscal policy employed by the government. Government regularly uses fiscal and monetary policy in an attempt to influence the economy. Discuss a recent fiscal policy employed by the government. Describe, using economic theory from the module and your own research, how that policy is expected to affect the economy. Discuss how crowding … Read more

Do you view nursing as a career or a job? What are your professional goals related to nursing?

Professional Nursing Career For the following two questions read Chapter 7 and please write 5 paragraphs each question . Be sure to explore and read more than two reference and include it in your references. Please only utilize word documents so that I can open the document. Questions: 1. Do you view nursing as a … Read more

Felicity’s Fine Formal wear Advertising Design-Case study.

Felicity’s Fine Formal wear Advertising Design-Case study. Case 1 Felicity’s Fine Formal wear Certain occasions require special clothing. Felicity’s Fine Formal wear provides tuxedos and other dress-up essentials for men along with wedding and prom dresses for women. The store, which is located in a major metropolitan area, has been in business for nearly a … Read more

Effects of Disasters on Community Health

Effects of Disasters on Community Health Homeless Population. Disaster in the Community. Read chapters attached of PowerPoint presentations. Once done, answer the following questions. 1. Identify and discuss the types of disasters. 2. Mention and discuss two natural or man-made disasters that recently occurred and discuss how they affect the community health. 3. Discuss the … Read more

Is the process by which correctional clients are selected discriminatory?

Is the process by which correctional clients are selected discriminatory? Is the process by which correctional clients are selected discriminatory? What might be done to reduce actual or perceived discrimination? Is classifying people who have been convicted of a crime according to the probability of future criminal conduct a good idea? What are the dangers … Read more

Why the Parthenon Marbles Should Be Returned To Greece

Why the Parthenon Marbles Should Be Returned To Greece 1. Should the Parthenon marbles be returned to Greece? Develop a full analysis either for or against the return of these artifacts to Athens. (See “Who Owns the Art? The Elgin Marbles and the Euphonious Krater to get you started. This can be found in Chapter … Read more

Discuss the BCP strategies discussed in the video.

Discuss the BCP strategies discussed in the video. Discuss the BCP strategies discussed in the video. Research and find at least three (3) more recommendations for developing a BCP. Research and recommend a Contingency Planning Management Team for Wilmington University Library. Research and provide your recommendations be for the Business Continuity Management Team (BCMT) for … Read more

Discuss two examples to illustrate the Jockey Clubs powerful influence over French opera.

Discuss two examples to illustrate the Jockey Clubs powerful influence over French opera.     Answer preview: Word: 700

What are the Causes and Consequences of Innovation Failure at JCPenney (JCP)

What are the Causes and Consequences of Innovation Failure at JCPenney (JCP) Read the Chapter 13 Mini-Case: An Innovation Failure at JCPenney: Its Causes and Consequences Respond to question 2: Do the innovations implemented by JCP sound interesting to you? Would you shop at a store with these features? Why or why not? Use examples and illustrations from … Read more

Explain the Types of Pollution

Explain the Types of Pollution Please watch the videos to answer the following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKBVwX8dVhI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CSm4GG2VrU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWCREZ0UPIg Of these three types of pollution, which type of pollution do you believe you could influence most? Which type of pollution would be the most manageable at the individual level? Explain your reasoning. So you need to have a … Read more

Describe positive ways in which you can create a professional social media presence.

Describe positive ways in which you can create a professional social media presence. Describe positive ways in which you can create a professional social media presence. Describe ways in which your social media presence today could impact your future career opportunities.   Answer preview: Word: 400

Why Nations Trade

Why Nations Trade Why Nations trade?   Answer preview: Word: 450

Explain how advertising enhances the overall concept of integrated marketing communication (IMC) within a company.

Explain how advertising enhances the overall concept of integrated marketing communication (IMC) within a company. Using an academic online Library, locate an article that discusses an area of interest to you around the concept of advertising. This article might include current trends in advertising, advertising effectiveness, issues within marketing, and ethical implications of advertising. Note … Read more

How would you characterize the social networks in your field site?

How would you characterize the social networks in your field site? 1. How would you characterize the social networks in your field site? For example, are the ties strong or weak? Did you observe a lot of social capital or not much? Is there much homophily? How do you think the nature of the networks … Read more

How do these strategies affect your own success or challenges within your own work or school environment?

How do these strategies affect your own success or challenges within your own work or school environment? Complete the following assessments: Gaining Power and Influence Using Influence Strategies Respond to the following in a 250 word reflection: What did you learn about your own preferred influence strategies? How do these strategies affect your own success … Read more

The Brain and Psychological Processes

Explain The Brain and Psychological Processes please write essay about ( The Brain and Psychological Processes ) please write essay in word , the essay should include some psychology theories   Answer preview: Word: 300

Associative Learning

Associative Learning A. POINTS Briefly summarize 5 key points you learned from reading this week’s Chapter. 1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. PERSON Identify 1 … Read more

Creation of a Free and Equal Society

Creation of a Free and Equal Society i need you to write an essay and answer 3 of 6 questions from the book called “give me my liberty”, Also you need to rely more on my class notes rather than the book to write the essay question. however the 3 other question you should answer … Read more

Describe and reflect on your own personality

Describe and reflect on your own personality Part II Conduct an interview with an older individual and write a four page paper detailing your experience. Ask them to tell you their life story. Begin the paper by describing who you interviewed, how you met them or know them. Based on your interview, assess their personality … Read more

Demonstrate an understanding of how global competitive environments are changing supply chain management and logistics practice.

Demonstrate an understanding of how global competitive environments are changing supply chain management and logistics practice. Learning Outcome: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of how global competitive environments are changing supply chain management and logistics practice. 2. Apply essential elements of core logistic and supply chain management principles. 3. Analyze and identify challenges and issues pertaining … Read more

What Happens When the Hippocampus is Removed

What Happens When the Hippocampus is Removed Subject: Re: watch ‘what happens when you remove the hippocampus” by sean kean. In 1953 h.m. underwent experimental brain surgery and after he could no longer remember new info. After viewing the video write a one page response discussing this situation.Due 6pm   Answer preview: Word: 350

Assess the reasons for using third party logistics service in Saudi Arabia? Using examples, Explain

Logistics Management 1. What are 3PL firms? 2. Assess the reasons for using third party logistics service in Saudi Arabia? Using examples, Explain 3.Reasons why third party logistics arrangement are not always successful?   Answer preview: Word: 1,000

Identify and analyze a department in your organization that experiences frequent equipment or process failures.

Identify and analyze a department in your organization that experiences frequent equipment or process failures. Reliability is the probability that a machine, part, or product will function properly for a specified amount of time. A machine, part, or product can be designed and maintained to meet an expected level of reliability. In this activity, we … Read more

Comparisons of the Religions and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Comparisons of the Religions and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave Short essays- you may use parenthetical citations for the Main text and the Reader as follows: (MT p. number) or Reader p. number). If you use a secondary source please include a works cited page including citation of this source in body of the paper. … Read more

Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health: Request for Funding

Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health: Request for Funding Instructions Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a grant proposal to secure funding for future climate change related emerging environmental health issues in your community. The first step is to persuade the Board of Directors that funding is needed and your time will be … Read more

Marriage and Family Relations

Marriage and Family Relations On June 26th, 2015, the United States Supreme Court rendered a decision regarding the legality of same-sex unions. Justice Kennedy wrote that under the 14th Amendment’s equal protection provision, “couples of the same-sex may not be deprived of that right and liberty.” This is a historic decision that many civil liberties … Read more

Research a well understood data breach that occurred in the past 24 months

 Research a well understood data breach that occurred in the past 24 months You are being challenged to view a data breach from two distinct yet opposing viewpoints. Research a well understood data breach that occurred in the past 24 months. Write one paragraph on the surrounding facts from the organizations perspective as to what … Read more

Explain the Causes and Results of the Haitian Revolution

Explain the Causes and Results of the Haitian Revolution analyze the causes and results of the Haitian Revolution. Consider the social, economic and political issues prior to the revolution and the legacy of the revolution. Draw on the class readings as well as the primary documents below (please see attachments for documents) Also please find … Read more