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What is the Importance of Critical Thinking on Decision Making

What is the Importance of Critical Thinking on Decision Making First – Give your opinion on whether being an effective critical thinker makes decision making easier or more challenging. Talk about concrete decisions you had to or will have to make. Justify your response Second – Consider the following statement: “The major difference between a … Read more

Research and explain the Dickey Amendment

Research and explain the Dickey Amendment Subject: Re: Research and explain the Dickey Amendment Research and explain the “Dickey Amendment,” including its history, as well as the reason it was adopted. Provide your analysis of the amendment, including arguments for and against it, as well as its consequences. Define your position on the amendment, providing … Read more

How many historians struggle to define progressivism

How many historians struggle to define progressivism Subject: Re: How many historians struggle to define progressivism Many historians struggle to define progressivism. Using your reading of the American Yawp textbook and at least five primary sources, craft an argumentative essay that attempts to define what animated the progressive movement in the United States Answer preview: … Read more

Analyze the importance of employee benefits in organizations.

Analyze the importance of employee benefits in organizations. Case Study  Imagine working in an organization where employee morale is low, turnover is high, and the costs of hiring are astronomical.  If that were the case, you’d imagine the employer would go to great lengths to find, attract, and retain quality employees. Couple this goal with … Read more

Employee Privacy Versus Security in Organizations

Employee Privacy Versus Security in Organizations Choose ONE of the privacy or security considerations . Summarize the information as if you are teaching a new employee about the topic.   Answer preview: Word: 300

Customs and Folktales in Chinese Festivals

Customs and Folktales in Chinese Festivals Please use at least 3 different sources from the required readings in weekly agenda to discuss one or two customs and the folktale associated with the Chinese festivals we went over: Yuanxiao Festival (Lantern Festival), Qingming Festival (Pure Brightness Festival) and Duanwu Festival (Dragon Boat Festival) in terms of its origin and its type*, … Read more

Analyze The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

Analyze The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” Essay 2: The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” The process of characterization is that which every author uses to make, build, or create a character. In most cases this process is carried out in three ways: 1) the author has the character say things that tell … Read more

What an Effective Community Oriented Policing Program Looks Like

What an Effective Community Oriented Policing Program Looks Like   What an Effective Community Oriented Policing Program Looks Like Community Policing – W4 Assignment – Midterm What an Effective Community-Oriented Policing Program Looks Like For this week’s assignment assume that you are a police chief in a medium size part urban, part suburban police department. … Read more

How are third-party sources (‘earned media’) affecting Oreo’s image and consumer’s attitudes (including trust) in a negative way?

Brand Assignment on Oreo Discuss the following: 1. How are third-party sources (‘earned media’) affecting Oreo’s image and consumer’s attitudes (including trust) in a negative way? 2. Discuss the importance of managing the brand’s (company’s) communication (‘owned media’ and ‘paid media’) and the communication from other sources (‘earned media’ – publicity via traditional and online … Read more

Reasons against Gun Control

Reasons against Gun Control For or Against Gun Control, Why and Why not?   Answer preview: Word: 1,500

Porter’s five forces analysis for carpet Right

Porter’s five forces analysis for carpet Right Carpet Right Marketing strategy Description need Porters 5 forces analysis?  You need to develop new marketing strategy for Carpet Right company in the UK, give samples of that strategy and provide porters 5 forces model and some more theory that You feel is relevant. Answer preview:

Describe two external stressors that are unique to adolescents.

Describe two external stressors that are unique to adolescents. Describe two external stressors that are unique to adolescents. Discuss what risk-taking behaviors may result from the external stressors and what support or coping mechanism can be introduced.   Answer preview: Word: 650

Tangible Gifts as a Form of Appreciation at Work

Tangible Gifts as a  Form of Appreciation at Work Prompt: If you had an employee whose Language of Appreciation was tangible gifts, how would you best motivate them? Does “tangible gifts” mean that they only communicate by receiving things? Describe.   Answer preview: Word: 350

Address the Barriers to Effective Communication

Address the Barriers to Effective Communication Discussion: Addressing Barriers to Effective Communication From moment to moment, a nurse leader’s day involves communication—with patients, families, colleagues, supervisors, and so on. Think of a particular day you spent working in a health care environment, and consider three or four distinct points in time. For each point of … Read more

Explain the Importance of Leadership Skills Training

Explain the Importance of Leadership Skills Training Prompt: “Leadership is not what you want. Leadership is about who you are.” How will this Master’s degree increase your ability to lead based on the above saying?   Answer preview: Word: 300

Short research on Mobile security

Short research on Mobile security Subject: Re: Short research on Mobile security Prepare a research paper that describes a known problem with securing mobile communications. The paper may cover any number of topics that include unintended data leakage, poor authorization and authentication, broken cryptography, etc. Describe the potential security flaw and provide your recommendations to … Read more

Arguments Why Guns Should be Tightly Regulated

Arguments Why Guns Should be Tightly Regulated Subject: Re: Persuasive Outline-Gun Regulation Claim: Gun ownership should be tightly regulated. Reason: because doing so can reduce guns falling in the wrong hands and prevent tragedies.   Answer preview: Word: 800


DRED SCOTT V. SANDFORD CASE Subject: Re: Landmark us Supreme court cases due 4pm Research landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases that addressed civil rights and slavery on the Important Supreme Court Cases for Civil Rights web page. Choose one for the basis of this assignment. Summarize the details of the case. Explain how the Bill of Rights addressed the facts of … Read more

Describe the evolution of the GATT agreement

Describe the evolution of the GATT agreement The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was created in 1947 as a multilateral treaty that allows states to enter into “reciprocity and mutual advantage”, in the negotiation of a “substantial reduction in customs tariffs and other impediments to trade.” Describe the evolution of the GATT agreement? … Read more

What is carbon tax?

What is carbon tax? What is carbon tax? Do you think it will change consumer/corporate behavior toward carbon emissions? Explain.   Answer preview: Word: 300

Criminal Courts IP

Criminal Courts IP It is unusual when a case proceeds through both the state and federal court systems. Read each of the court decisions identified below that discuss Michigan State Department of Police v. Sitz. This case involves the use by Michigan of driving under the influence (DUI) roadblock stops. Case decisions are as follows: 496 … Read more

Comprehensive Analysis of the Film Chinatown

Comprehensive Analysis of the Film Chinatown Stage 1: Analysis For this stage, you will be analyzing a movie selected from the AFI’s 10 Top 10 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. list. The film you choose can be one that you have previously analyzed in this course. While you are allowed to choose a film … Read more

Discuss how the religious and social issues of Europe helped to define and segregate the early American colonies.

Discuss how the religious and social issues of Europe helped to define and segregate the early American colonies. Discuss how the religious and social issues of Europe helped to define and segregate the early American colonies. Your response must be at least 200 words in length. Answer preview: Word: 300

Discuss what is meant by the FEMA Whole Community approach

Discuss what is meant by the FEMA Whole Community approach Discuss what is meant by the FEMA Whole Community approach, and explain whether or not you think such an approach is beneficial to emergency management efforts   Answer review: Word: 300

Write an essay on a type of diversity and stratification in your town or city. 

Write an essay on a type of diversity and stratification in your town or city. Write an essay on a type of diversity and stratification in your town or city. If you are from a rural area you may write about a nearby town/city (In the United States) that you are familiar with. you will focus on a … Read more

Should the high school dropout age be raised to 18?

Should the high school dropout age be raised to 18? Please read the article submission and view the video posted by student presenter Browyn Dishun (Should the high school dropout age be raised to 18?) and after posting, respond to at least two other students. Should the high school dropout age be raised to 18? This article … Read more

Define human error

Define human error Define human error, and explain the HFACS method used to classify human error and how HFACS can be both reactive and proactive. Remember, you must have a title page, 300 word body written in the third person, and at least two references.   Answer preview: Word: 300

Compare and contrast the 1960s with the conservative 1950s

Compare and contrast the 1960s with the conservative 1950s Compare and contrast the 1960s with the conservative 1950s. However, you must also keep in mind this week’s reading on conservatism through the 1980s. Ultimately, how did these juxtapositions influence each other?   Answer preview: Word: 350

Digital Terrorism and Criminology of Computer Crime

Digital Terrorism and Criminology of Computer Crime List at least three major categories of cyber terrorism and / or information warfare. Among the chosen categories, determine the one that should be the top priority for the federal government to address. Provide a rationale to support your response. Among the different psychological theories that are discussed … Read more

Describe a specific activity or organization in which you were directly involved as a leader

Describe a specific activity or organization in which you were directly involved as a leader Describe a specific activity or organization in which you were directly involved as a leader. What ,challenges did you face, how did you resolve them, and what did you learn about yourself as a leader in the process? Further, include … Read more

Analysis of Russia’s National Resource Policy

Analysis of Russia’s National Resource Policy critically assess it through a presentation of the author’s main idea(s), strengths and weaknesses of the argument, historical and literary contexts, contemporary applications, and other salient themes. Outside research welcome to help sustain key points, but analysis and reflection is the top priority.   Answer preview: Word: 1,200

The Positive Impact of My Mother in My Life

The Positive Impact of My Mother in My Life After reading Chapters 4, 5, 6 in A Lesson Learned by Jeevan Brown, you are to respond to the following statement below: Describe a person who has had a positive influence on you. Tell what the person said or did to make an impact on your life. Write two detailed … Read more

Company Selection

Company Selection It is time to select a company for your Strategic Management Plan. provide a brief description of the organization you selected and the reason why you chose that particular company. Answer preview: Word: 250

Digital Terrorism and Criminology of Computer Crimes

Digital Terrorism and Criminology of Computer Crimes “Digital Terrorism and Criminology of Computer Crime” List at least three major categories of cyber terrorism and / or information warfare. Among the chosen categories, determine the one that should be the top priority for the federal government to address. Provide a rationale to support your response. Among … Read more

TO DEFENDANT: Abel Abrahamson

TO DEFENDANT: Abel Abrahamson Subject: Re: Civil Litigation Assignment This is for California State Your supervising attorney has asked you to formulate a set of interrogatory questions for his review, which could be served on the opposing party in a car accident case between Cain and Abel. Abel, our client, was sued by his brother. … Read more

Cuba after the Pink Tide


Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography An annotated bibliography is your works cited list, with added information for each source. In addition to the citation, each annotation should include a concise summary of and evaluation of each of the sources. Each annotation should be a strong paragraph (about 150 words), double spaced. The annotations should be alphabetized by citation, just as you would alphabetize … Read more

Influence of Other Cultures on Western Music

Influence of Other Cultures on Western Music Overview: In this Cultural Perspective, you are introduced to ways in which Western music has been influenced by exposure to other cultures. You also discover the conditions under which these cross-cultural contacts have occurred, from voyages of exploration to war. Issues: From our perspective within an essentially European … Read more

How did the US and USSR close the gap in the last quarter of the 20th century to allow communism to go out with a whimper and not a bang?

How did the US and USSR close the gap in the last quarter of the 20th century to allow communism to go out with a whimper and not a bang? Many factors come into play here but I would say if there is a main reason it would be the gradual injection of western ideologies … Read more

Define jihadi Salafism and outline its history dating back to the Crusades to its modern day version.

Define jihadi Salafism and outline its history dating back to the Crusades to its modern day version. Subject: Re: Jihadi Salafism In a well-written paper: a. In a three-page paper discuss define jihadi Salafism and outline its history dating back to the Crusades to its modern day version. Next discuss any past/present U.S. foreign policies … Read more

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security Prepare a research paper that describes one of the web application security organizations listed in Chapter 15 of your text book that you believe is the most important to application security. Your paper should identify the organization, describe the mission of the organization, and provide an explanation of why you believe … Read more

Where does physician assisted suicide (PAS) fit in the typologies of suicide?

Where does physician assisted suicide (PAS) fit in the typologies of suicide? Watch the following episode of VICE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgj2VXltbuI Where does physician assisted suicide (PAS) fit in the typologies of suicide? What do you think about PAS?   Answer preview: Word: 400

Film Argument Essay

Film Argument Essay- Subject: Re: Film Argument Essay?   Answer preview: Word: 1,100

TIdentify two of the most effective, evidenced based practice treatment models utilized for veterans suffering from PTSD

Identify two of the most effective, evidenced based practice treatment models utilized for veterans suffering from PTSD Treatment modalities used for Veteran with PTSD Identify two of the most effective, evidenced based practice treatment models utilized for veterans suffering from PTSD. Why are these approaches the most effective? What modalities are used? Discuss the phases … Read more

Assessment Tools for Psychology

Assessment Tools for Psychology Subject: Re: clinical psychologist eval and discuss types of assessment tools the Psychologist may use and how they help in diagnosis and treatment. Your neighbor tells you that her nine-year-old son has been having behavior and academic problems in school. “His teacher recommended taking him to the pediatrician to get a … Read more

Physiology research paper about Alzheimer disease

Physiology research paper about Alzheimer disease Subject: Re: Physiology research paper about Alzheimer disease   Answer preview: Word: 2,750

Conflict and Dysfunction of Teams in the Workplace

Conflict and Dysfunction of Teams in the Workplace Prompt: In week four we discussed conflict at work. Now is your opportunity to collect data and create a qualitative study on this topic. You will conduct your own workplace survey about the dysfunction of teams in the workplace. Use the Five Dysfunctions of a Team Survey … Read more

Effects of Long Prison Sentences on Deterring Crime

Effects of Long Prison Sentences on Deterring Crime Lengthy prison sentences deter crime. III. Argumentation Essay   Answer preview: Words:1350

What implications can be drawn for the launch of a microbrewery service?

What implications can be drawn for the launch of a microbrewery service? Read the business running case “Investing in a New BrewPub?” and review the Tutorial for AD715: Business Simulation “Strategies and Decision Support in Organizations”. To understand how the microbrewery industry works, read the case “Hockley Valley Brewing Co. Inc.” Discuss one or several of the following … Read more

How to Succeed in Education and Career

How to Succeed in Education and Career or this assignment, you will need to interview a professional working in a field that is relative to your major and career goals. Some questions may include asking them what they did to help them get where they are today, what tips can they provide to you as … Read more