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Challenges of Managing Accounts Receivable and Inventory for MNCs

Challenges of Managing Accounts Receivable and Inventory for MNCs The components of a firm’s working capital are cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and accounts payable. Any chief financial officer’s (CFO’s) objective is to ensure that current assets less current liabilities—known as net working capital—is a positive number while also not having an excess of money tied up … Read more

Discuss the U.S economy.

Discuss the U.S economy. Take an article that discusses the current state of the U.S. economy and write a two- to three-paragraph summary of the article. In your summary, include any references to GDP or U.S. economic policy. Explain how these relate to what you have learned in this section. Also include an explanation of the writer’s … Read more

Analyze the Performance of the U.S Economy in 2019

Analyze the Performance of the U.S Economy in 2019 Take an article that discusses the current state of the U.S. economy and write a two- to three-paragraph summary of the article. In your summary, include any references to GDP or U.S. economic policy. Explain how these relate to what you have learned in this section. Also include … Read more

Communication, Trust, and Empathy

Communication, Trust, and Empathy Prompt: Multiple skills, theories, and methods have been presented in this course. Which ones have been most beneficial to you and your career? Which ones will be more challenging to develop? Explain .team communication and trust would be beneficial for my career and empathy would be more challenging … Answer preview: … Read more

Importance of Appreciation at Work

Importance of Appreciation at Work Prompt: Locate on the Internet a method of showing or using appreciation in the workplace. Discuss the best-practice methods with the class and how this will be utilized at your place of employment. Answer preview: Words:300

Safety Devices

Safety Devices Visit the online and conduct an article research regarding a component, system, or device that has improved aviation safety. Summarize the article, explain and correlate the relevancy of the article to the module and, of course, have the proper citation.   Answer preview: Words:300

Analysis of Chapter 3: Flowing

Analysis of Chapter 3: Flowing Read the chapter and respond to the following in at least 3 well-developed paragraphs: ● What does Kelly mean by “Flowing”? How does is relate to “liquidity”? “Streaming”? ● Which of the eight generatives that Kelly claims are “better than free” do you put the most value into? Give an … Read more

Challenges of Managing Accounts Receivable and Inventory for MNCs

Challenges of Managing Accounts Receivable and Inventory for MNCs Read the chapter and respond to the following in at least 3 well-developed paragraphs: ● What does Kelly mean by “Flowing”? How does is relate to “liquidity”? “Streaming”? ● Which of the eight generatives that Kelly claims are “better than free” do you put the most … Read more


MANAGING INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Lecture Notes.zip Order Summary Type of assignment:Research Paper Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s Referencing style:Harvard Number of sources:10 Subject: ManagementAssignment extract: Please see attached assignment topic and templates for work on assignemnt, choose either option 1 or option 2 to work on assignemnt; also the module guide and lecture note for … Read more


Assessment Economics Order Summary Type of assignment:Assessment Academic level:Specialized Level Referencing style:APA Number of sources:1 Subject:Economics Client country:Other Assignment extract: Note: numbers of question is 2 ,, Please provide a neat diagram to explain your answer in each question. You are required to answer each question as follows: Give an introduction to the question and … Read more

An entrepreneur- Rupert Murdoch background

An entrepreneur- Rupert Murdoch background   Order Summary Type of assignment:Assessment Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s Referencing style:Harvard Number of sources:12 Subject:Marketing Client country:Australia (UK English) Assignment extract: word paper on analysing a current Australian entrepreneur and his/her business venture Analyse a current Australian entrepreneur of your own choice. Individual assignment, report format with headings and … Read more

Robert’s case study

Robert’s case study Order Summary Type of assignment:Problem Solving Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s Referencing style:APA Number of sources:3 Subject:Management Client country:Other Assignment extract: i need to resolve the question behind according to the theory from small business management. Question : Robert has several possible options for expanding his father’s business—find a larger location in Fairfield, … Read more


Risk Management Plan for Convenience Store: Night Owl Convenience Subject: manage risk ASSESSMENT: • Design, develop and document a risk management plan related to: o the reduction of accidents, illness or incidents relating to worker or general public safety o the prevention of operational discontinuity o the need for new or innovative improvement/ changes in … Read more

Аdvаnсеd Finаnсiаl Ассоunting

Аdvаnсеd Finаnсiаl Ассоunting Order Summary Type of assignment:Assessment Academic level:College Level Referencing style:APA Number of sources:1 Subject:Accounting Client country:Australia (UK English)Assignment extract: The topic of assignment on the last docx. Please use my provide the accounts name and Number(chart of accounts). These PPTs will help you to finish this assignment. My first language is Chinese. … Read more

Discussion prompt on The United Arabs Emirates

Discussion prompt on The United Arabs Emirates Order Summary Type of assignment:Essay Academic level:College Level Referencing style:MLA Number of sources:1 Subject:Geography Client country:Other Assignment extract: Our ultimate questions: What makes the UAE different? What might it look like in 20 years? In this assignment you can now use your imagination and external sources alongside the … Read more

What is meant by a disruptive technology?

What is meant by a disruptive technology? What is meant by a disruptive technology? Provide several examples; Include winners as well as losers. The minimum wage has been a part of recent discussion as it concerns government’s role in setting the minimum. Discuss the impact on a firms strategic planning process related to government mandates. … Read more

Describe the Museum of Innocence

Describe the Museum of Innocence Please write a page of summary and reflection on the Museum of Innocence organization generally, and the Memorandum specifically. based on these links The Museum of Innocence web link: https://masumiyetmuzesi-en.myshopio.com/ A Modest “Manifesto for Museums”: https://masumiyetmuzesi-en.myshopio.com/page/a-modest-manifesto-for-museums FAQ: https://masumiyetmuzesi-en.myshopio.com/page/frequentlyaskedquestions About the audio guide: https://masumiyetmuzesi-en.myshopio.com/page/audioguide   Answer preview: Word: 300

Research on an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants

Research on an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants The growth, development, and learned behaviors that occur during the first year of infancy have a direct effect on the individual throughout a lifetime. For this assignment, research an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or … Read more

Discussion post: News Report: When Doctors Go Wrong

Discussion post: News Report: When Doctors Go Wrong Review the report and give your thoughts on Negligence   Answer preview: Word: 350

Capital Punishment as an Ethical Challenge

Capital Punishment as an Ethical Challenge Topic: Choose a contemporary ethical challenge. This can be a political issue, such as climate change or gun control, or an issue people face in their personal lives, such as avoiding prejudice or being a good friend. Feel free to be creative 🙂 In the paper, compare and contrast … Read more

Discuss four important issues that will shape compensation professionals’ work for years to come.

Discuss four important issues that will shape compensation professionals’ work for years to come. Discusses four important issues that will shape compensation professionals’ work for years to come. Which one of these issues stands to create the greatest uncertainty for compensation professionals? Explain your answer. Answer preview: Word: 700

Walk-Through Audit for a Local Service Business- Rok Bistro

Walk-Through Audit for a Local Service Business- Rok Bistro Identify possible service operation topics : service process, service encounters. Business link: http://www.rokbistro.com/about-rok/ Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/rok-bistro-sunnyvale-2   Answer preview: Word: 700

Reflect on Various Issues Regarding Christianity and the Bible

Reflect on Various Issues Regarding Christianity and the Bible 1) What is the catholic understanding of the relation between faith and reason? (cf. John Paul II., Faith and Reason, 1-5. 13 (partly). 25-27. 43-48. 107-108) 2) Genesis 1-2: What is the literary form of these texts? How can the biblical creation story be reconciled with … Read more

Explain the thinking behind quick response (QR) logistics

Explain the thinking behind quick response (QR) logistics The manufacturing of products such as cars or computers has shifted from take-what-you-get to made- to-order. Identify three ways this change has been beneficial to the logistics management process. Document your sources. Explain the thinking behind quick response (QR) logistics. How could QR help a retailer to … Read more

Define succinctly utilitarianism, deontology, and contractarianism.

Define succinctly utilitarianism, deontology, and contractarianism. Define succinctly utilitarianism, deontology, and contractarianism. Which is most valid and/or beneficial? Why do you assert this?   Answer preview: Word: 600

Why did the institution of slavery command the loyalty of the vast majority of ante-bellum whites,

Why did the institution of slavery command the loyalty of the vast majority of ante-bellum whites, Subject: Re: Why did the institution of slavery command the loyalty of the vast majority of ante-bellum whites, despite the fact that only a small percentage of them owned slaves Should include revenant and historical content, and should seek … Read more

Development of Fan Culture

Development of Fan Culture Subject: Re: Write a response by the question This is example  The division of labor led to the start of commercial and professional cinema and encouraged the development of factory- oriented approach to film production. This approach had significant benefits for the industry. For instance, the division of about led to … Read more

What happened to the representation of human form? Explain with 3 examples.

What happened to the representation of human form? Explain with 3 examples. Write: What happened to the representation of human form? Explain with 3 examples. Book: Steve Edwards & Paul Wood, eds. Art and Visual Culture 1850-2010: Modernity to Globalization, Open University, 2012.   Answer preview: Word: 300

What is David Hume’s main argument in this week’s reading?

What is David Hume’s main argument in this week’s reading? What is David Hume‘s main argument in this week’s reading? Make sure you quote from the text! Further, what do you think? Do you make your ethical decisions/choices based on your emotions or your thoughts? Give an example from story that has taken place , … Read more

Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny Subject: Re: Although Americans perceived Manifest Destiny as a benevolent movement , it was in fact an aggressive imperialism pursued at the expense of others. Assess the validity of this statement with specific reference to American expansionism in the 1840’s.   Answer preview: Word: 550

Research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years

Research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years Networking Trends Paper: In this paper, you will research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years (present year minus 2) in the areas of virtualization, security, hardware, network management tools, software defined networking, and wireless. Choose, … Read more

What have you “cultivated” from TV and other media?

What have you “cultivated” from TV and other media? George Gerbner’s Cultivation Theory posits that media exposure leads us to “cultivate” certain perceptions, but it’s not immediate: it’s gradual, cumulative, and significant. What have you “cultivated” from TV and other media? Write a one page essay that explain how media have shaped your perception of … Read more

Where have you recently witnessed informative speeches in your everyday life?

Where have you recently witnessed informative speeches in your everyday life? Where have you recently witnessed informative speeches in your everyday life? What type(s) of information were the speakers presenting? What other qualities made them informative (and not persuasive)? Are the lines blurred sometimes in your experience? If so, how so?   Answer preview: Word: … Read more

Research Paper about any current issues with Russia

Research Paper about any current issues with Russia analyze covering ongoing developments in Russia about categories listed below. 1. International Relations (with countries, regions, international organizations, etc.) 2. Domestic Politics (anything within Russia’s borders – governance,elections, trials, opposition movements, political blogging, etc. ) 3. Economy (energy issues, investment, stock market, etc. ) 4. Social Issues … Read more

Reflection Assignment

Reflection Assignment Watch a documentary, then write a small report regards to the questions below: The documentary is called obsessed from A&E TV series regard to OCD. Discuss your thoughts and observations about the two case studies presented about OCD. From a clinical perspective, did you feel that CBT was helpful in treating both of … Read more

Civil Rights Movements

Civil Rights Movements 4. QUESTIONS Choice 1: Answer both questions. In each essay, I want to see engaging with one primary source to support your argument. Choice 2: Answer 1 question (out of the 2). In the essay, I want to see you engaging with two primary sources to support your argument. The 1950s and … Read more

What is ideology? What is your ideology?

What is ideology? What is your ideology? Subject: Re: What is ideology? What is your ideology?   Answer preview: Word: 1,350

Robert F. Williams’ -Negros with Guns

Robert F. Williams’  –Negros with Guns Robert F. Williams (1925-1996) was a pioneer activist in behalf not just of African American freedom and civil rights, but indeed human rights throughout the world.  He was controversial because of his promotion of what he termed the “armed self-defense” of minority communities, particularly black communities in the American … Read more

Describe the end of the cold war.

Describe the end of the cold war. Subject: Re: End of the Cold War The Cold War is over. Time to do a victory lap and celebrate the primacy of American power. But the celebration seemed short-lived, as there were plenty of other concerns. Nothing is as it should be. Our adversaries are now our … Read more

Compare and Contrast Judaism and Christianity

Compare and Contrast Judaism and Christianity For this discussion, I want you to compare and contrast Judaism and Christianity. To do this explain three ways they are similar and three ways they are different. I want you to be sure and be totally neutral in this comparison. I don’t want you to argue that one … Read more

Effects of Social Networks on Social Interactions

Effects of Social Networks on Social Interactions Subject: Re: “Social Networks, Social Interactions, and Exchange of Ideas and Reflection” 1.5pages due 6pm Read Louv, R. 07/13/2016.”Resisting the Call to the Virtual.” The New York Times. Be prepared to discusshttps://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2016/07/12/p… From the Activity, take a position on this statement: People who resist using online social networks such … Read more

Distinguish between various quality tools and visual aids applicable to service industries

 Distinguish between various quality tools and visual aids applicable to service industries CO7: Distinguish between various quality tools and visual aids applicable to service industries Forum Prompt: What quality techniques and tools used in service industries have you found to be different (or somewhat) different from those in manufacturing?   Answer preview: Word: 300

Understanding Human Rights, Power and Privilege

Understanding Human Rights, Power and Privilege Write a critical reflection of understanding Human Rights, Power, and Privilege in Roxbury neighborhood story. Link for the movie https://www.kanopy.com/wayf/product/holding-ground   Answer preview: Word: 400

Compare and contrast the two types of authoritarian governments that arose after 1917, that is, communism and fascism.

Compare and contrast the two types of authoritarian governments that arose after 1917, that is, communism and fascism. Compare and contrast the two types of authoritarian governments that arose after 1917, that is, communism and fascism. What were the origins of these governments, their accomplishments, and their failures? What accounts for the fact that the … Read more

Discuss The Banking Concept of Education

Discuss The Banking Concept of Education Topic: Choose your own adventure Read the following chapter and write a substantive reaction paragraph to it. Avoid summary/synopsis. Discuss how it relates to your life. Identify how it connects to lecture and reading materials from this class. Connect the idea of Problem Posing Education and Walking on Water to our border crossing … Read more

Reasons why third party logistics arrangement are not always successful?

Reasons why third party logistics arrangement are not always successful? Questions: 1. What are 3PL firms? 2. Assess the reasons for using third party logistics service in Saudi Arabia? Using examples, Explain 3.Reasons why third party logistics arrangement are not always successful?   Answer preview: Word: 900

What are the core principles that should be the basis for building a talent pipeline?

What are the core principles that should be the basis for building a talent pipeline? Assignment: Talent Pipeline The global downturn of 2009 affected the way organizations compete for talent and handle their talent pipeline (Greenberg & Sweeney, 2010). To build a talent pipeline, organizations need to use multiple channels continuously to identify and develop … Read more

Write a close analysis of the short film, Good Morning, Ronny

Write a close analysis of the short film, Good Morning, Ronny Write a close analysis of the short film, Good Morning, Ronny.() https://youtu.be/-k5fm7-U-7c You can choose to focus on any particular part(s) of the film, but try to be limit yourself to at most 3 issues. Additionally, please choose two from the list of concepts … Read more

Describe Leadership Communication Styles

Describe Leadership Communication Styles Prompt: Locate a YouTube link (must be appropriate) that best describes your leadership communication. Briefly describe your leadership style of communication.   Answer preview: Word:  300

Role of Access Control System in Ensuring Physical Security

Role of Access Control System in Ensuring Physical Security Research how organizations Access Control Policy builds enforcement measures to ensure their access control system is effective and safe.   Answer preview: Word: 1,000