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Communication Ethics: Moral Ownership

Communication Ethics: Moral Ownership Think about the problem description from your final project and then complete this ethical organizational culture assessment. In your entry, answer the questions below. APA format. 1. Think about what might happen if you take moral ownership, that is, speak up (Hannah et al., 2011) about the moral problem that you have identified … Read more

Evaluate Magnolia Brands’ sustainable competitive advantage by analyzing the case study

Evaluate Magnolia Brands’ sustainable competitive advantage by analyzing the case study Read “Case 6: Fixer Upper: Expanding the Magnolia Brand” in your Connect textbook. Evaluate Magnolia Brands’ sustainable competitive advantage by analyzing the case study and answering all of the following questions in 350 to 525 words of total. ·How will the components of the … Read more

Select a Middle Eastern organization that underwent a change due to internal or external factors on organizational change.

Select a Middle Eastern organization that underwent a change due to internal or external factors on organizational change. When an organizational change is implemented, it is critical that the organization has a strong vision in place. Unfortunately, during times of change and uncertainty, many organizations have not developed a clear vision, which has resulted in many … Read more

Discuss team building and various approaches towards building high-performing team

Discuss team building and various approaches towards building high-performing team. Examine the various stages of team development and how to build trust among a team Analyze personal, professional, and organizational issues as they relate to diversity. Apply principles, concepts, and techniques from the course to case studies and exercises. Discuss team building and various approaches … Read more

Program Planning Model for Design Strategy

Program Planning Model for Design Strategy After reviewing the models presented in the reading, which is the best model? Describe why the model you chose is the best model. Use the model that you thought was the best to explain the steps/phases for addressing the health problem. The assignment should be typed using 12-point font … Read more

What Factors helps Project Managers in Determining Quality of a Project or Organization

What Factors helps Project Managers in Determining Quality of a Project or Organization. Quality Issues Compare and Contrast Please read the below two links articles and evaluate them: – Quality Issues Compare and Contrast Address the below questions: What is good enough for a project manager in determining quality for a project or organization? What factors … Read more

Discuss The History of Nursing Profession.

Discuss The History of Nursing Profession. Nursing has been called the oldest of the arts and the youngest of the professions. He has gone through numerous stages and has been part of social movements. He mentions how nursing has evolved in this 21st century, according to the documents in this module. Requirements: 1 page Answer … Read more

Current trends of unethical behavior within organizations.

Current trends of unethical behavior within organizations. Think of an example or situation you’ve experienced as a consumer that was unethical. How long would you be a patron for a company that is unethical? Do you have examples of companies that you don’t support because of their corporate governance or ethics? Explain. Requirements: 1 page   … Read more

Analysis on a current issue facing the marketing discipline.

Analysis on a current issue facing the marketing discipline. The final signature assignment for this strategic marketing course will require research, academic writing, critical thinking, and analysis on a current issue facing the marketing discipline. Through this assignment (referred to as the “Semester Paper”), students will demonstrate their ability to conduct academic research. The final … Read more

Demonstrate an understanding of business system management.

Demonstrate an understanding of business system management. Current Role:Business System Analysts. Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently … Read more

Lack of communication is the primary complaint people have about their immediate supervisor. Is this correct? Why or why not?

Lack of communication is the primary complaint people have about their immediate supervisor. Is this correct? Why or why not? Each question must be answered in 2-3 paragraphs each using detail and examples! References from the text must be included! 1. A lack of communication is the primary complaint people have about their immediate supervisor. … Read more

Demonstrate the concept of operations functions, supply chain strategy and issues required for a new production design.

Demonstrate the concept of operations functions, supply chain strategy and issues required for a new production design. Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. In doing this, first describe the operation process of the production system. Second, identify operations decisions. (Marks 3) (word count maximum:500) Suppose that a firm is considering moving from a batch … Read more

Start-up Business Plan.

Start-up Business Plan. Start-up Business Plan Imagine you started a new business as an entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia. Please, think and share information on the following items: 1. Owners, capital structure and company profile a. Your Business Name, Address, E‐Mail b. Form of ownership:What is the legal structure? Sole proprietor, Partnership, Corporation….. C. Investment capital … Read more

Provide a real life example from current news of a company that made a critical success or failure in international business. Discuss, post why?

Provide a real life example from current news of a company that made a critical success or failure in international business. Discuss, post why?   Subject 1: Factors to Consider When Expanding International Markets Question 1: Provide a real life example from current news of a company that made a critical success or failure in international … Read more

Core tenets of Piagets and Erickson theories

 Core tenets of Piagets and Erickson theories Consider the core tenets of Piaget’s and Erikson’s theories and describe how each would design a preschool classroom based on their beliefs about development. Post a response that addresses each item below: What would the classroom look like? What materials could be found in the classroom? How would the children … Read more

Forecasting Applications- Calculations of the Naïve Forecasting Method

Forecasting Applications- Calculations of the Naïve Forecasting Method Forecasting Read through the Case Study entitled “Highline Financial Services, Ltd.” in Chapter 3 of your textbook. Examine the historical trends this company has experienced for the three products (A, B, C) discussed over the 2 years shown. Address the following requirements: Prepare demand forecasts for the … Read more

Analyze HIPAA and Protecting Health Information

Analyze HIPAA and Protecting Health Information According to the information shared about the Hipaa Law of module VII what are the objectives of it. And what is our responsibility as nurses with this law. Requirements: 1 page Answer preview: word limit:310

Cybersecurity / Ethics and incorporate critical thinking skills.

Cybersecurity / Ethics and incorporate critical thinking skills. Over the past 18 months, Americans took to the streets to exercise their First Amendment rights to protest various social issues ranging from protests against police brutality and racism to the results of the 2020 presidential election. In some instances, agitators infiltrated peaceful protests, turning First Amendment-protected … Read more

Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of team building and conflicts in teams.

Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of team building and conflicts in teams. Examine the various stages of team development and how to build trust among a team. Recognize various approaches to dealing with conflict. Team Conflict Conflict exists in nature and, by extension, in all human relationships. Conflict can be something to avoid or … Read more

Reading “The Ugly Duckling” by Anderson and answer some questions.

Reading  “The Ugly Duckling” by Anderson and answer some questions. Reading is with the link by “The Ugly Duckling” by Anderson https://andersen.sdu.dk/vaerk/hersholt/TheUglyDuck… Create a word document and answer the following questions in paragraph form: 1. How is the writing of Hans Christian Anderson different from the writing of the Grimm Brothers? 2. Choose one story. Describe … Read more

Give an example of an organization with an ineffective or cumbersome structure.

Give an example of an organization with an ineffective or cumbersome structure. Activity Give an example of an organization with an ineffective or cumbersome structure. Explain the problems with the current structure and how these problems could be solved. The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be … Read more

Company Overview: Apple Technology Company

Company Overview: Apple Technology Company Submit a final paper on a publicly traded company of your choice. You will complete this paper over several units in this course. For this assignment, you will be completing the first part of this project. It would be a good idea to read all of the milestones of this … Read more

Demonstrate an understanding of job requirements as well as roles and responsibilities before securing a vacancy.

Demonstrate an understanding of job requirements as well as roles and responsibilities before securing a vacancy. Identify a company you want to work for upon graduation. Research the company and any job openings that company might have. Write a 2-3 page paper that includes background information on the company, requirements of a job you want … Read more

Interview of an Older Adult

Interview of an Older Adult   Purpose of Assignment:The purpose of this assignment is to examine the life experiences of aging itself and more specifically, aging in US society.The assignment is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to reflect upon their own thoughts, attitudes and beliefs about aging and develop empathy for the … Read more

Discussions on teamwork, significance of self directed team and elaborating the meaning of autonomous or semi autonomous work teams

Discussions on teamwork, significance of self directed team and elaborating the meaning of autonomous or semi autonomous work teams. 1.Explain, in detail, how culture, structure, and systems can support or discourage teamwork.200 word minimum 2. Describe the significance of self-directed teams and the meaning of autonomous/semiautonomous work teams. How do self-directed teams compare to decision … Read more

Describe management issues such as diversity, attitudes and job satisfaction, personality, and values in organizational behavior.

Describe management issues such as diversity, attitudes and job satisfaction, personality, and  values in organizational behavior. Thesis Statement: This paper answers various questions on organizational loyalty. 1. Compare the findings described above for Millennials to your own views on Millennial characteristics. What surprises you about the findings? What doesnt surprise you? 2. If you think … Read more

Learning Styles and Problem-Based Learning

Learning Styles and Problem-Based Learning Discussion on the Learning Styles. 1. A brief description of your learning style  The identified predominant learning style encompasses kinesthetic learning, also tactile in which learning is best when students are involved in hands-on experiences 2. Does PBL fit into your learning style  PBL fits into the kinesthetic … Read more

Write a reflection on agile and extreme programming

Write a reflection on agile and extreme programming Two of the new trends in systems design and analysis is Extreme Programming (XP) and Agile Methodology. Differentiate between the two. For EACH method, name an organizational entity (business, government agency, etc.) that uses these methods and describe what they have done. Do NOT use the examples … Read more

As a police chief using Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, what types of motivators would you use to improve officer’s productivity?

As a police chief using Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, what types of motivators would you use to improve officer’s productivity? 2. If you were a police administrator, what do you believe would be a reasonable span of control of management? In other words, how many subordinates do you believe you could effectively supervise and why? 3. … Read more

What is your definition of leadership? What traits do you attribute to successful leaders?

What is your definition of leadership? What traits do you attribute to successful leaders? For this discussion, respond to the following 1. What is your definition of leadership? 2. What traits do you attribute to successful leaders?   3. If you had to select one most important characteristic of a leader, which would you select … Read more

Complete an article on the subject of Argentina

Complete an article on the subject of Argentina Complete an article on the subject of Argentina. The length of this article is 5-6 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, using APA format can not be copied and must be original. It will also cover the negative and positive effects of tourism on a particular culture/destination. The above … Read more

Roles and Responsibilities as a Qualitative Researcher

Roles and Responsibilities as a Qualitative Researcher Part 1: Reflect critically on your role as a qualitative researcher. (Half page) Part 2: Describe your understanding of the following terms: positionality, reflexivity, and researcher-as-instrument. Provide definitions for each term, and offer examples that you draw from your own personal and professional experiences. Pick three adjectives to describe the role … Read more

How technology-based leadership has driven the digital age

How technology-based leadership has driven the digital age The key focus of the article was how technology-based leadership has driven the digital age. Also, that the role of technology leadership incorporates with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In this paper, address the following key concepts: Define TAM and the components. Note how TAM is impacting … Read more

Leading the Process of Organizational Change

Leading the Process of Organizational Change Leading the Process of Organizational Change Our world continues to change, and therefore, people and organizations must change accordingly. Various researchers have created change models that have been throughout the years. One of the most highly regarded models is Lewin’s change theory, which has been utilized by many researchers. … Read more

Effects of Exercise on Cardiovascular

Effects of Exercise on Cardiovascular Your topic can be from one of the following five areas related to exercise physiology: 1) Bioenergetics, 2) Neuromuscular, 3) Pulmonary, 4) Cardiovascular, 5) Body Composition, or 6) Training Effects. This assignment will include (with sections labeled and underlined) in the following order: a. the physiological area, b. a rationale (3-4 … Read more

Explain the following political science terms ;The Bureaucracy ,Judges Rulings ,The Lobbying Tactics ,Public Opinion ,Voting Probability

Explain the following political science terms ;The Bureaucracy ,Judges Rulings ,The Lobbying Tactics ,Public Opinion ,Voting Probability. Political Science 21A: Question Set #3. The Bureaucracy, The Courts, Interest Groups, Public Opinion, Campaigns & Elections, and the Media Please respond to five of the six short response questions posted below. Your answers should be short, focused, and complete, ranging from … Read more

What is the ratio of wealth between the top 1 % of Americans and the bottom 90%?

What is the ratio of wealth between the top 1 % of Americans and the bottom 90%? Business questions. What is the ratio of wealth between the top 1 % of Americans and the bottom 90%?  Why would a libertarian argue against the redistribution of wealth? What is the central claim of libertarianism? Answer preview: … Read more

Describe two of the mobile devices that you use either personally or professionally.

Describe two of the mobile devices that you use either personally or professionally. Also discuss whether you think mobile devices are less secure than traditional computer systems and explain your answer. Do you currently take steps or follow best practices to secure your own mobile devices? Explain your answer Requirements: 300 words Answer preview: word … Read more

Explaining 3 differences between Karl Marx and Max Weber explanation of social stratification.

Explaining 3 differences between Karl Marx and Max Weber explanation of social stratification. Write 3 paragraph identifying and explaining 3 differences between Karl Marx and Max Weber explanation of social stratification. Grading criteria: A student can gain up to 5 points per paragraph written, and 5 points for the bibliography (list of sources consulted). Each … Read more

Project Management- Tham Luang Cave Rescue.

Project Management- Tham Luang Cave Rescue. Learning Goal: I’m working on a management question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Assignment-3: Case Study & Discussion questions Assignment Question:(Marks 10) Please read the Case-8.3 “Tham Luang Cave Rescue.”from Chapter 8 “Scheduling Resources and Costs” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition … Read more

Are Men and Women’s Roles to be Different by Nature According to the Bible?

Are Men and Women’s Roles to be Different by Nature According to the Bible? Prompt: According to Genesis 1:27, men and women are created in God’s image; therefore, they are equal in worth. Is there biblical support that although equal in worth, men and women’s roles are by nature to be different? If so, how? … Read more

Should Deaf parents have the right to bring deaf children up as members of Deaf Culture?

Should Deaf parents have the right to bring deaf children up as members of Deaf Culture? Respond to one of these prompts and be clear about which one you are referring to: PROMPT #1: VALUE OF PRIVACY. In your opinion, what is privacy and what is the most important value of privacy? PROMPT #2: CYBER … Read more

Identify and discuss the role of the diverse stimuli that lead to the invention of Align-Drive.

Identify and discuss the role of the diverse stimuli that lead to the invention of Align-Drive. 1.Thoroughly discuss characteristics that Henry has that helped in the creative process. Give examples. 2.What role did Henry’s wife, Joleen, play in the development of Align-Drive? Explain. 3.Identify and discuss the role of the diverse stimuli that lead to … Read more

What are some of the key customer-centric characteristics of successful companies?

What are some of the key customer-centric characteristics of successful companies? as part of a knowledge management system (understanding the customer); as part of developing strategic competence as a learning organization (building a customer-centric culture); and as a foundation for corporate strategy development and execution (serving the customer). Following your review, prepare responses to the … Read more

What is the normal process flow of the production system at Donner?

What is the normal process flow of the production system at Donner? 1- What is the normal process flow of the production system at Donner? 2- Draw the process flow diagram. What orders would you schedule on the NC drill? On the CNC router? What is the capacity of the Dry Film Photo resist area? … Read more

Explain Symbolic Appropriation of Land

Explain Symbolic Appropriation of Land Write a précis of 500 words minimum of the assigned excerpt by Oleg Grabar: “Symbolic Appropriation of the Land.” In the book, The Formation of Islamic Art, pp. 45-74. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987. I’ve attached the file below. Your précis should demonstrate comprehension of the author’s main points, supporting … Read more

Discuss the difference between positive association and negative association.

Discuss the difference between positive association and negative association. Let’s discuss the difference between positive association and negative association when describing the relationship between two variables. What do we mean by the least-square criterion? Give a general description of how the least-square criterion is involved in the construction of the least-square line. Why do we … Read more

Explain the Impact of COVID-19 on Saudi Aramco

Explain the Impact of COVID-19 on Saudi Aramco Many factors, internal and external to organizations, impact the need for change. Since 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic was first recognized on a large scale, many organizations have undergone major changes, thereby impacting employees, departments, organizations, and society as a whole. Select an organization in the Kingdom … Read more

Answer the following questions on Connecting with Narratives.

Answer the following questions on Connecting with Narratives. Create a word document and answer the following questions in paragraph form: 1. Which one of the stories can you relate to the most in a human aspect? 2. What common theme or themes do you observe between the stories? 3. In your opinion, at what age … Read more

Explain how quality is evaluated, and the role of technology in the customer perception of quality

Explain how quality is evaluated, and the role of technology in the customer perception of quality Carrefour is a French owned hypermarket operating in many places including Saudi Arabia. Consider Carrefour in Saudi Arabia when you, as a customer, judge the quality of the hypermarket. Explain how quality is evaluated, and the role of technology … Read more