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Sports History and Ethics-Essay

Sports History and Ethics-Essay Rationale The ability to identify major issues relating to ethical issues in sport, along with the ability to identify the governing bodies in world sports are key skills that will allow the student to fully appreciate the subject matter material as the course proceeds forward. For this unit of the class, … Read more

Discuss and briefly outline one way in which Judaism finds meaning

 Discuss and briefly outline one way in which Judaism finds meaning 1. Discuss and briefly outline one way in which Judaism finds meaning. 2. Consider and explain what a few (at least two) of the other religious traditions we have discussed so far might say about the areas in which Judaism finds meaning. In particular, what … Read more

Business Technology

Research on Business Technology The structure of your paper should include a paragraph explaining a business problem and then a paragraph explaining what new or existing technology/ies or combination of both can solve this business problem. Finally, you should include a paragraph explaining what do you anticipate the benefits and associated cost will be .It … Read more

Two poems and how the two writers show different opinions about WWI.

Two poems and how the two writers show different opinions about WWI. In ACES paragraphs: Explain how the opinions of WWI are depicted through the poetry and academic articles. Then form your own opinion about the war based on what you have read. Did patriotism justify a soldier’s involvement the war? *I HAVE UPLOADED THE … Read more

Write a reflection on the American government.

Write a reflection on the American government. FINAL EXAMINATION AMERICAN GOVERNMENT PLEASE ANSWER TWO OF THE FOLLOWING ESSAY QUESTIONS Describe the Truman Doctrine. What was its principal objective? Would you contend that it was consistent, or conflicted with, “making the world safe for democracy”? What did Presidents Clinton and Bush offer as a replacement for … Read more

Thematic Analysis of the Film, Casablanca

Thematic Analysis of the Film, Casablanca hi there , this is not what i want. i want you talk about how the theme impacts your own life. you can talk about one theme. and i gave you some example down there. i do want you to talk about the movie. For instance, you might use one … Read more

Market Economy Policies

Explain Market Economy Policies Socialism in its two forms of communism and fascism have caused more deaths in the 20th century than all natural disasters during the same time. Only disease has killed more human beings. Despite this, many developing countries in the “Global South” turned to socialism in the past as a means to … Read more

Write a comprehensive essay on slavery

Write a comprehensive essay on slavery answer and prepare the two following questions in advance. Support your argument with specific examples/evidence. Write essay with an argument first a brief introduction paragraph with thesis and it least three (3) additional paragraph support your argument and last brief conclusion( every question should be answered in 2 essay … Read more

How to apply the Recurrence Relations in Real World problems

How to apply the Recurrence Relations in Real World problems “Recurrence Relations” Please respond to the following: Apply recurrence relations to one real-world problem. Discuss the rationale behind your response.   Answer preview: Words:350

Research on Creativity and Strategic Change

Research on Creativity and Strategic Change Identify the change issue in your organization that you will address in your final paper and discuss the other aspects of the organization that will/must change as a result of the issue you propose to improve. Please note that the requirement is to respond to the initial discussion questions … Read more

Discussion about stress and immunity

Discussion about stress and immunity What are the different types of immunities and give an example of each Describe how stress impacts the immunity of a person You should include a minimum of 3 scholarly references. Include a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page in APA forma   Answer preview: Words:550

Write a paper outlining a time when you experienced prejudice, stereotypes, and/or discrimination.

Write a paper outlining a time when you experienced prejudice, stereotypes, and/or discrimination. Activity 4: Write a paper outlining a time when you experienced prejudice, stereotypes, and/or discrimination. Who was involved? How did you feel? Do you still experience strong feelings about that particular experience? Submit paper in Moodle.   Answer preview: Words:200

Strategies for addressing the Psychological Needs of Police Officers

Strategies for addressing the Psychological Needs of Police Officers Critically review 1 recent peer-reviewed articles . You may wish to spend some time researching critical review techniques for journal articles prior to starting this assignment. The paper must follow current APA guidelines. The page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or … Read more

Philosophy Essay

Philosophy Essay in a final essay of at least 400 words, please discuss what you have learned in this course and how you plan to implement that information in your personal and professional life. GUIDELINES: Your essay should clearly indicate what you have learned as a result of taking this course. You must reference at … Read more

Discuss Consumer protection and Ethics in the Pharmaceuticals Industry

Discuss Consumer protection and Ethics in the Pharmaceuticals Industry Subject: Re: Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry. In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe … Read more

Netflix’s strategy case study

Netflix’s strategy case study Instructions Read “Exemplary Company Showcased: Netflix, Inc. (NFLX)” on page 90 of your course textbook. As you read, pay close attention to Netflix’s strategy, and write a case study describing the points listed below. What are Netflix’s internal strengths and weaknesses? Who are Netflix’s competitors? Do you see Netflix’s strategy as … Read more

Abstract Expressionism Response

Abstract Expressionism Response please respond to the following with 200 words : When you go to an art museum to look at Abstract Expressionist painting, you will often overhear other visitors saying things like “My four-year old could do that!” or “That painter must have been drunk!” Do you think that the demonstration of technical … Read more

Articles Critique: Arguments in Support and Against Privatizations of Prisons

Articles Critique: Arguments in Support  and Against Privatizations of Prisons For each article critique, you will select 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5 years. Using concepts presented in the weekly reading and study, you will write a paper critique that is at least 4 pages but no more than 7 pages of these articles … Read more

Leadership triangle and its importance in public administration.

Leadership triangle and its importance in public administration. Subject: Re: Focus on the leadership triangle and its importance in public administration. 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the core mechanisms of public administration 2. Explain how and why different political, economic, legal and social environments impact public administration and policy 3. Delineate challenges to providing public goods … Read more

Identify and explain the basic tenet of Christianity that you find most distinctive

Identify and explain the basic tenet of Christianity that you find most distinctive 1. Identify and explain the basic tenet of Christianity that you find most distinctive, meaning the one that is most disimilar to the religious beliefs and practices of the other religious traditions we have studied. [The three basic tenets are Incarnation, Atonement, … Read more

A Letter from Boston

A Letter from Boston Instructions A Letter from Boston Place yourself (same age, family situation, and relative occupation) in early 1770s Boston. You are inspired to write a letter to someone (family, friend, co-worker, etc.) outside of the area about what you have seen or heard happening with regards to the growing rift with Britain. … Read more

Important Tactical Tasks in Distributive Bargaining

Important Tactical Tasks in Distributive Bargaining What are four important tactical tasks for a negotiator in a distributive situation to consider? requires two academically reviewed references in apa format.   Answer preview: Words:500

Promotion of a Casino Gambling Bill

Promotion of a Casino Gambling Bill As a junior congress person you have been asked to help promote a bill to allow casino gambling in your state. There is much opposition to this bill. Using distributive bargaining, discuss the pros and cons which might arise toward the passing or defeating of this bill. You must … Read more


EVIL AND GUARDING THE INNOCENT FROM INVOKED FEAR1 Prompt: Often our readings suggest that those who use the word evil to accuse others are often the ones who are frequently unethical themselves and, in a few cases, actually guilty of committing crimes against individuals and/or humanity. History furthermore suggests that the word evil is often used to discriminate against … Read more

Civil Rights Assignment

Civil Rights Assignment 1. Summarize the specific methods used by interest groups in order to influence governmental decision making in all three branches of government. Provide at least two examples from each branch. 2. Explain what role the present-day mass media can have on both the public and on the government. 3. One of the … Read more

What specifically struck you about the Civil War?

Striking Event of Civil War Prompt: What specifically struck you about the Civil War?   Answer preview: Words:280

Comparison of National Football League and National Basketball Association

Comparison of National Football League and National Basketball Association Write an comparison article of two North American Sports governing organizations in the following three areas: use of performance enhancing drugs, player discipline, and diversity initiatives. You would have to demonstrate an understanding of how each governing organization is led, structured and interact with partners specifically. … Read more

Write an essay about Oedipus Rex

Write an essay about Oedipus Rex Subject: Re: Oedipus Rex: essay/questions First, give a brief plot summary that answers the following questions. This should take no more than one good paragraph: How does Oedipus ascend to the throne of Thebes, and what happens at the crossroads where three roads meet? What crimes does Teiresias know … Read more

Discussion about Media Portrayals and Representation

Discussion about Media Portrayals and Representation Subject: Re: Media Portrayals and Representation 1. What device do you most often use for your favorite program watching or other chosen media? Do you agree that you favor the device that gives you access to the information and programming that most meets your needs? 2. How does the … Read more

Analysis of the FBI Reports on the Columbine High School Incident

Analysis of the FBI Reports on the Columbine High School Incident What hazards are present? Are they safety, natural, or manmade hazards? This exercise will help you learn to interpret the information that you discover while conducting risk analysis records reviews. In this exercise, you have been tasked to conduct a risk analysis portion of … Read more

Philosophy journal assignment

Philosophy journal assignment For this journal assignment, determine if each of following arguments validity (valid or invalid) and soundness (sound or unsound). In addition, explain WHY each argument is valid or invalid, sound or unsound. Here is an example: 1. No mammals are birds. Some penguins are mammals. Therefore, some penguins are not birds. This … Read more

Reflect on the need to belong.

Reflect on the need to belong. Your task in this paper is to examine or observe a phenomenon in your life or surroundings, and to describe and interpret it in terms of one or more of the psychological principles, phenomena, and perspectives covered in the first half or so of the course. In short, your … Read more

What Can Digital Sociology Offer to Employment?

What Can Digital Sociology Offer to Employment? Subject: Re: What Can Digital Sociology Offer to Employment? Now that you have been introduced to the many concepts that technology affects the world, it is now your turn to demonstrate your knowledge on the way digital sociology is involved in the employment industry. Using material from the … Read more

My First Experience with Computer and use of Internet

My First Experience with Computer and use of Internet Using a Microsoft Word document, please describe your first experience with a computer and with use of the internet. I need three answers for same question..   Answer preview: Word: 950

What is ideology? What is your ideology?

 What is ideology? What is your ideology? Subject: Re: Essay: What is ideology? What is your ideology? An Essay on the said topic and please you have to use the file i uploaded in writing the Essay and it should be 3-4 pages. thanks for understanding and i await you neat work Answer preview: Word:1,150

Invoking the word evil is constructive in the 21st century.

Invoking the word evil is constructive in the 21st century. Task: Much has changed in the world since early civilizations thought that natural disasters were manifestations of evil. For example, science allows us to understand the interconnectivity between severe storms and changes in our environment. While religion still plays a large part in many people’s … Read more

Attending to Patients from Different Culture

Attending to Patients from Different Culture   Answer preview: Word:650

Tesla Innovation; Annotated Bibliography

Tesla Innovation; Annotated Bibliography I want my essay to be about smart cars. Focusing on Tesla. And all the technology smart cars use. An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to the articles, book and other documents you plan on using to support your essay. Each citation is followed by a brief descriptive and … Read more

Reviews of Various Environmental Science Articles

Reviews of Various Environmental Science Articles read a professional (peer-reviewed) paper related to your major. After reading the paper, write a short (1-2 page) summary and comment–briefly summarize the paper, then follow that with your observations, comments, critique, etc. At the top of your page, write your name, (the journal submission number 11 journals one page … Read more

What do you understand by the White Privilege

What do you understand by the White Privilege Write at least three paragraphs based on the doc below.   Answer preview: Word: 600

Analysis of the Texas Government

Analysis of the Texas Government 1. Pick one position in the Texas Executive Branch and write me a one paragraph overview of that position. Then research the person in the position now and write me a paragraph about that person. 2You are a United States Supreme Court Justice .A case comes before the Court from … Read more

Critical infrastructure and high-profile data security breaches

Critical infrastructure and high-profile data security breaches PART 1: Explain what is meant by the term “critical infrastructure.” Provide three examples of critical infrastructure that may be susceptible to a terror attack and what measures we can take to protect them. PART 2: In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile data security breaches involving … Read more

Exam-Structural Functionalism, Conflict theory and Symbolic Interactionism

Exam-Structural Functionalism, Conflict theory and Symbolic Interactionism Please explain how these three perspectives ( Structural Functionalism, Conflict theory and Symbolic Interactionism) would view and explain POVERTY. Your essay should have an introduction, a paragraph for each perspective and a conclusion. I do not need additional sources but you are allowed to use them as long … Read more

Complete the leadership style self-assessment under learning activities

Complete the leadership style self-assessment under learning activities Overview Complete the leadership style self-assessment under learning activities. Use information from your assigned readings and the literature related to leadership styles, and leadership and management theories to complete the paper. Discuss your style of leadership based on the completed self-assessment. Describe what leadership and management theories … Read more

What is sexual harassment?

What is sexual harassment? What is sexual harassment? How is sexual harassment linked to social stratification? What are the consequences of sexual harassment?   Answer preview: Word: 600

The Beautiful Struggle

The Beautiful Struggle In this HW you have to read the story FIRST and then write a page about it, it will in clouds, First Paragraph – Summary about Coates, The Beautiful Struggle (characters, plot, and overview of the story) (NOT SHORT). I will put the link of the story second Paragraph – Analysis. (Your … Read more

Write a research paper that focuses on Sex Discrimination in the Workplace

Write a research paper that focuses on Sex Discrimination in the Workplace This research paper is focused on sex discrimination in the workplace. Attached are the sources I picked out and an outline to help guide you through it. I have started the first page and a half.   Answer preview: Word: 2,800

Importance of Strategic Leadership: Analysis of Judith McKenna

Importance of Strategic Leadership: Analysis of Judith McKenna In Chapter 12, we discuss the importance of strategic leadership .Identify a strategic leader in your respective organization (or previous workplace). What characteristics are essential/unique to the leader you identified? How does this leader shape the formation of the organization’s vision and mission? What is the communication … Read more

Reflection on Strategic Management

 Reflection on Strategic Management 8.1 Throughout this course, you have been studying the ways in which managers can use all of a company’s resources to manage and plan its strategy and leverage and build competitive advantage. Now you will reflect on these principles. Write a 250 word reflection on strategic management in which you reflect … Read more

Should Children be Vaccinated?

Vaccination of Children Should Children be Vaccinated? Answer preview: Word: 1,400