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Discuss what you know or can find out about Nikolas Cruz.

Discuss what you know or can find out about Nikolas Cruz. Watch the video on A Young Schizophrenic. Post your thoughts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTUMt05_nCI 2. Discuss what you know or can find out about Nikolas Cruz. Who is he? Do you think he had a disorder? if so what are the symptoms of his disorder. 3.Compare and contrast Schizoaffective … Read more

Create  a Business Impact Analysis

Create  a Business Impact Analysis Create a business impact analysis on SanGrafix a video game design company. The BIA should include a descriptive list of the organization’s key business areas. The BIA helps to identify and prioritize critical IT systems and components. A template for developing the BIA is also provided to assist the user. … Read more

What do you rely on in the absence of evidence?

What do you rely on in the absence of evidence? Evidence Hierarchy in nursing research.   Answer preview: Word: 350

Culture In Nursing-Discussion.

Culture In Nursing-Discussion.  Cultutal Nursing chapter_04.pptx (198.882 KB) The Influence of Cultural and Health Belief Systems in Health Care Practices. Read chapter 4 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation. Once done answer the following questions; 1. Write a three paragraph essay about a specific health system that is common to a population; … Read more

Deviance article summary and analysis based on a social theory

Deviance article summary and analysis based on a social theory This assignment, Project 2, addresses course outcomes 5 and 6. This assignment will require you to think about key sociological concepts, such as race, gender, and social class. You will need to think about the way social groups develop and enforce rules. Specifically, you will … Read more

Discuss The Power of Introverts

Discuss The Power of Introverts Watch this powerful TED talk from Susan Cain, and answering questions below with 400 words. https://youtu.be/c0KYU2j0TM4 Share your views on the respective powers of extroverts and introverts. Try to focus more specifically on some key OB concepts such as performance, communication or leadership Support your opinion with your personal experience or … Read more

Essay on Healthcare patient satisfaction data access

Essay on Healthcare patient satisfaction data access In this Discussion, you will consider a scenario that would benefit from access to data and how such access could facilitate both problem-solving and knowledge formation. To Prepare: Reflect on the concepts of informatics and knowledge work as presented in the Resources. Consider a hypothetical scenario based on … Read more

How to implement a policy.

How to implement a policy. Law Enforcement Organizations are facing a tremendous problem with social media. On one hand, social media such as Facebook, My Space, and Twitter can be extremely useful for effective and efficient communication. On the other hand, Law Enforcement Executives are constantly facing situations in which employee misconduct is occurring through … Read more

Discussion on Healthcare Policy

Discussion on Healthcare Policy Select a healthcare policy and identify the impact economics, political, and legal/ethical issues had on the development of that policy. – At least 2 references within 5 years(At least 1 reference must be the course textbook) -textbook: Mason, D.J., Gardner, D. B., Outlaw, F. H., & O’Grady, E. T. (2016). Policy & Politicism Nursing and Health Care, 7th Edition, ISBN: 978-0-323-24144-1, St. Louis, Missouri ,Elsevier   Answer preview: Word: 500

Civil Rights Movements-Response

Civil Rights Movements-Response write one paragraph for each response related to the text below.   Answer preview: Word: 600

Define terrorism question

Define terrorism question Define terrorism from the textbook (including the different definitions given). Is the U. S. ready for a major terrorist attack? Is there something more that the U. S. should do to prepare, and if so, what? And do you believe in preemptive strikes? Why or why not?   Answer preview: Word: 700

Explain the Roles of police officers

Explain the Roles of police officers Discuss the 2 roles of police officers: the public servant and the crime fighter. Utilize current research to explain why some people may believe police subculture is breaking down. Integrate an analysis of “Biblical Themes”, legalism, and licentiousness, How do these concepts tie into the roles of police officers … Read more

Art Description: Mona Lisa

Art Description: Mona Lisa Select a work of art to write your first essay about. This work of art must be a painting, drawing, or photograph. Provide a link or picture of the work of art for me. In addition, write description of the work of art. Remember, this should be description only, with NO … Read more

Community Health Nursing Assignment

Community Health Nursing Assignment Explain the role of the community health nurse in partnership with community stakeholders for population health promotion. Explain why it is important to appraise community resources (nonprofit, spiritual/religious, etc.) as part of a community assessment and why these resources are important in population health promotion. Answer preview: Word: 600

Discussion Campaign Communication

Discussion Campaign Communication Marshall McLuhan is considered as one of the most influential thinkers of modern communication and media. He predicted the internet in 1965, a good 30 years before the internet appeared in our daily life, and he challenged the establishment on the meaning of media communication at a time where radio and TV … Read more

Elaborate the Effects of Industrialization

Elaborate the Effects of Industrialization The United States went through dramatic economic change during and after the Civil War, as industrialization spread rapidly and changed society. This transformation and some of the apparent abuses that developed led to an increased role of the government in regulating businesses and society. This role was heightened as government … Read more

What is Electoral College?

What is Electoral College? Follow these steps to create an argument in the form of an essay: Step 1 In one or two very clear sentences state whether or not you think the Electoral College should be kept or eliminated. This is called writing a thesis statement. Step 2 In three paragraphs describing three (3) … Read more

How to control an infection.

How to control an infection. Read Chapter 25: Communicable Disease and infectious disease and to make a brief summary of how to apply the chain of transmission to describe approaches to control infectious disease. APA style, Arial 12. At least 2 References. Information of the book: Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Health of Populations Authors: Mary … Read more

Discussion on Scholarly Activity

Discussion on Scholarly Activity Instructions You have been asked to present information to your company’s board of directors regarding each of the following items: business continuity plan (BCP), disaster recovery plan (DRP), business impact analysis (BIA), and operational risk management strategy (ORM). Create a written report consisting of at least three pages in which you … Read more

Explain the Influence of Geopolitical and Phenomenological on Community Assessment and Intervention

Explain the Influence of Geopolitical and Phenomenological on Community Assessment and Intervention Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population or community assessment and intervention. Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues (local or global in nature) and in creating an appropriate intervention, including screenings … Read more

Discuss the Fundamentals of Income Tax

Discuss the Fundamentals of Income Tax 1 page, respond the following two questions at lest two paragraph. Question 1: Robert, a new client of yours, is a self-employed caterer in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Robert drives his personal van when delivering catered meals to customers. You have asked him to provide the amount of business … Read more

Analysis of Fallacies

Analysis of Fallacies Reading the below conversation between Nick and Joey. Then, answer the following questions (2 paragraphs each): This conversation includes a red herring fallacy. Where does the fallacy occur, and why is it a red herring? Be sure to define the fallacy, and discuss how it is fallacious within the context. At the … Read more

Write an essay analyzing The Influences of New Media

Write an essay analyzing The Influences of New Media Read pages 125-128 provided below, and write a 1-page paper analyzing the influence of the new media. Choose 3 out of the 4 questions below to answer in essay format. 1. Have you noticed in your own life that it’s easier to move quickly around the … Read more

what do you understand by Racial Economic Inequality

what do you understand by Racial Economic Inequality write at least three paragraphs analyzing and reflecting on the information related to the text below Reflective Learning Journal 1 1       Theory In this section you should write a reflection about your learning and engagement with the knowledge-based content. This means reading and/or videos discussing what we … Read more

Analysis of the Contributions of Emory O. Jackson

Analysis of the Contributions of Emory O. Jackson I uploaded example and you will write about the Chinese government and follow what the instructions want from you and there is a brief you have to do smiler to this style for example key judgments you have to include 5 strong judgments then you will write … Read more

Reflect on The Fight for Civil Rights in Alabama

Reflect on The Fight for Civil Rights in Alabama Choose a primary source from the blackpast.org site.It must relate to Feminism/Womanism or Black Power. It must be at least 2 pages/ At least 500 words. You can use the textbook to help provide context for these documents. You must also use a library resource, meaning a book or … Read more

How does the military manage conflict?

How does the military manage conflict? Read the article below and complete a 1-2 page article review. The article review should include the following: Summary of the article. What are the key points of the article? How does military conflict management different from traditional businesses? Do you agree with the techniques presented in the article? … Read more

Discuss the Origin and History of ISIS in Africa

Discuss the Origin and History of ISIS in Africa The Origin and history of ISIS in Africa. The problems and how is the government and politician responding to it.   Answer preview: Word: 900

What is Magical Realism

What is Magical Realism Documented Essay Assignment and Topic We are ready to begin working on our research essay although it is not due for another week or more. We will all use the same topic, a simple one that is focused on explaining Magical Realism, what it is, where it came from, and some … Read more

Health Education Programs in Florida

Health Education Programs in Florida Reflect on Florida‘s current health education programs such as Zika Free Florida, Tobacco Free Florida and consider what part the media plays in such disease prevention programs. Identify a specific public health issue that you believe needs to be highlighted in health policy and based on your textbook readings discuss … Read more

Human Resource – Three Safety and Health Issues

Human Resource – Three Safety and Health Issues Safety Policies Recall your chosen firm and industry you have been using throughout the course. For this assignment, you will identify the top three major safety and health issues in your firm, and write a policy on each, consistent with Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) standards. There … Read more

what are the benefits of change management.

what are the benefits of change management. Resource: The Benefits of Change Management Grading Guide You are a project manager and believe that your initiative would be more successful if you had a change manager on your team. Develop an argument to your manager on the importance of change management. Describe the role of a … Read more

Why did the Reformation occur in Europe?

Why did the Reformation occur in Europe? 1) Why did the Reformation occur in Europe? What were its causes? Name 2 of its leaders and their major beliefs. Where and why did the resulting religions find success in a previously unified Christian world? Did the Christian world ever recover? What was the result in Europe … Read more

Effects of Tighter Gun Regulation on Crime

Effects of Tighter Gun Regulation on Crime In the Week 1 Presenting Arguments assignment, you objectively and neutrally evaluated reasoning on each side of your question from non-scholarly sources. For this assignment, you will objectively and neutrally evaluate and present the reasoning from scholarly sources on the same question. For an example of how to … Read more

Assignment on Ethical Implications of Research

Assignment on Ethical Implications of Research When we think of ethics, we usually think of guidelines for differentiating between what is right and what is wrong. For example, consider the Golden Rule (“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”) or the Hippocratic Oath (“First, do no harm”). We are exposed to … Read more

How do I determine my Diversity Quotient

How do I determine my Diversity Quotient Complete Exercise 2.2 “Determining Your Diversity Quotient (DQ) and post a discussion of your results. What do you believe influences your score? Please note that the requirement is to respond to the initial discussion questions. Please be sure to cite any sources you use to support your answers. … Read more

Analysis of the Organizational Culture at Zipcar

Analysis of the Organizational Culture at Zipcar After completing the lecture and reading assignments, write a 2-page, 500-word-minimum paper describing the culture of the organization that you work for or one with which you are familiar. Indicate (1) how the culture was formed and the effects that its culture has on the organization’s outcomes and … Read more

Dystopian Writing Assignment

Dystopian Writing Assignment Many Dystopian Novels are reactionary pieces to events that are headlining the news in their respective publication decades. In some way, shape or form, they promote an escape from the cave. Many of the issues that irked Aldous Huxley when he wrote his novel are in the news today. You probably noticed … Read more


INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Please make 4 slide only make simple and you can copy paste from the word document   Answer preview: Slides: 5

The function of the  Electoral College in U.S. Presidential Elections

The function of the  Electoral College in U.S. Presidential Elections It is important that you understand the electoral college and its function. Write a one page report explaining what the electoral college is, your understanding of why it is considered controversial, and your opinion of the electoral college.   Answer preview: Word: 450

Homeland Security Discussion Post

Homeland Security Discussion Post The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a key component in emergency communications to strengthen national preparedness and resilience. The DHS communications website identifies multiple programs and capabilities to assist in disaster response efforts. Choose one of the areas of communications and discuss the capability and resources that DHS provides to … Read more

Analysis of the IRS

Analysis of the IRS explain the organizational structure of the IRS and the IRS audit process. Describe the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. Define the common penalties or taxpayers and be able to apply them to specific situations. Apply the general rule for the statute of limitations on tax returns and the important exceptions to the … Read more

Judaism and Religious Beliefs

Judaism and Religious Beliefs   Answer preview: Word: 600

Emergency Management Discussion Post

Emergency Management Discussion Post Discuss what the Office of the Homeland Security does, and identify three components of this office.   Answer preview: Word: 300

Reflect on the Search for Life on Mars

Reflect on the Search for Life on Mars Search for life on Mars. – Reasons why there could potentially be life from what has been discovered.   Answer preview: Word: 1,800

Essay on Supply Chain Management

Essay on Supply Chain Management .The usage and significance of third-party logistics (3PL) services has grown dramatically during the past two decades or so. Explain why this has occurred and what the benefits are, if any? Document your sources. Respond to at least two of your fellow classmates’ postings. 350 Words********** 2.Based on the course … Read more

Discuss Various Topics on Art

Discuss Various Topics on Art 2 paragraphs for each bullet point Compare and contrast Monet’s Gare Saint-Lazare and Cezanne’s Mont Sainte-Victoire. Explain why both of these artists fit into the Impressionist period. Explain what each artist was trying to accomplish with his piece. Is there a similarity to discuss when analyzing the subject for these works? (Think about … Read more


RISK IDENTIFICATION PROCESS Instructions Tessile, S. A., a company based in Turin, Italy, is a medium-size company that manufactures, sells, and exports textiles. An increased demand for the company’s high-quality textiles has led to the approval by its CEO, Giuseppe Franco, to implement a major expansion to other markets. Mr. Franco is seen as a … Read more

Arguments about Capital Punishment

Arguments about Capital Punishment A  essay,  talking about capital punishment how in the U.S it is still legal and the controversy that comes with that. Use at least 5 sources supporting it and opposition of it, so it could be three in opposition of it then two in favor of it. Include a bibliography with … Read more

Conflict Resolution Styles for Nursing Leaders

Conflict Resolution Styles for Nursing Leaders Discussion: Conflict Management Styles In Week 10, you considered how ethical, moral, and legal dilemmas can provoke internal conflict when a nurse’s values are not in alignment with the apparent demands of a situation or with others’ values, as well as external conflict that can arise as these dynamics … Read more