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The Future of the American Institutions

The Future of the American Institutions This summer we have explored many aspects of the American Congress and presidency as portrayed through film. I want you to look beyond the present day to 20, 30, 40 years down the road. What kind of American institutions do you envision? Will the president still be the most … Read more

The impact of implementing Nursing Informatics on Patient outcomes and Patient Care

The impact of implementing Nursing Informatics on Patient outcomes and Patient Care project proposal written to the the leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency. Your proposal should include the following: Describe the project you propose Identify the stakeholders … Read more

Technology Assignment

Technology Assignment Attorney Adams has accepted a case that involves a series of harassment incidents over a long period of time at a job site. The employer is one of the defendants. To get maximum recovery, the timing of several separate incidents will need to be shown. The timing of employer responses and training need … Read more

The Agrarian Origins of Capitalism

The Agrarian Origins of Capitalism Question: Summarize Ellen Meiksin Wood’s argument about the agrarian origins of capitalism. Reading: Wood, E. M. 1998. The Agrarian Origins of Capitalism. Monthly Review, 50(3), July-August. 1) Make sure you’ve done the readings AND watched the lectures 2) If there is content in the lectures that is relevant to the … Read more

Objectivism and Subjectivism about Morality

Objectivism and Subjectivism about Morality Write a 5-6 page paper on one of the Topics below. It should be double-spaced, 1” margins (for comments), page numbers, and set in 12pt Times New Roman font.   Remember, please, to mark the number of the question you are answering! Advice. Read the question you choose carefully, and make sure you answer … Read more

Discussion of Organizational Culture

Discussion of Organizational Culture Organizational Culture is one of these “soft” concepts that are in nature difficult to define simply. Org culture is felt, developed, enriched, encouraged through a variety of methods, but mostly through communication. I find interesting to illustrate organizational culture with corporate videos that exemplify the company “vibe” such as the one … Read more

The Iliad and the Art of War

The Iliad and the Art of War The Iliad (Books I-III and XX-XXIV) and The Art of War (Complete) Homer’s Iliad: Background to the Trojan War The War resulted from the Judgment of Paris–a myth involving Achilles’ parents, the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite (called Juno, Minerva, and Venus in our text), and the mortal Trojan, … Read more

A Day in the Life of Event Manager

A Day in the Life of Event Manager A Day in the Life Assignment For this assignment students will need to shadow or do a phone interview with an event manager/director. This assignment will be written like a journal, documenting certain things that stuck out to you throughout the day. In the conclusion of the … Read more

Personal Writing Experience

Personal Writing Experience Write a well developed essay outlining a retrospective view of your personal writing experience in this course. You may wish to focus on your personal writing technique, what you have learned, high points and/or low points, aspects of the peer collaborations, group work, class discussions on the discussion board, the reading assignments,  … Read more

Training and Development

Training and Development ABC Company ABC Company is a manufacturing company with over 15,000 employees with multiple plants in North America. The company is expanding by acquisitions of plants in Europe, Asia and South America, leading to a diverse and globally-minded workforce. Effective global growth is a core focus of senior management. Over the last … Read more

Social Work Profession: Personal Statement

Social Work Profession: Personal Statement I would like a personal statement for graduate school. I’ll give you the points and will need a statement.  Heading 1: Social Work Profession – In your own words, explain your understanding of the social work profession. – Describe the personal characteristics that equip you for this field. Heading 2: … Read more

Scandinavian Films – Ingmar Bergman

Scandinavian Films – Ingmar Bergman Write an essay on Bergman’s films of the 1950s. Examine his development as a filmmaker and artist during his period. In which ways are these films different than his films of the 1940s? You might consider one or more of the following approaches: film style, themes, experimentation, narrative strategies, performances, … Read more

Assignment-Monroe v. Pape

Assignment-Monroe v. Pape In light of Monroe v. Pape, what psychological research, data, law, or theory can be used to support or oppose law enforcement officers in a legal dispute? Explain the repercussions of that psychological information for law enforcement in detail.   Answer preview: Words:650

Thematic Analysis of the Film “Hidden Figures”

Thematic Analysis of the Film “Hidden Figures” Pick a movie and write how the theme impacts your own life. and this some example you might use one of these sentences to begin your reflections: –“One of the themes in this film that really struck me was X, because…” –“I could identify with the theme of X … Read more

Organizational Change and Redesign

Organizational Change and Redesign What is a situation in your organization that could be researched as part of an effort to develop a meaningful solution in the organization? Identify the problem, situation, or issue, and describe how you would research it, adhering to the general characteristics of the scientific approach   Answer preview: Words:650

Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper Write a  reflection paper on one of the themes. The papers will focus on how the theme impacts your own life, and it is not to be just vague musings on the theme in general. Apply it to your life! For instance, you might use one of these sentences to begin your reflections: –“One of the … Read more

Analysis of New Managed Care Contract

Analysis of New Managed Care Contract Instructions Based on the information provided below, provide an analysis of the pros and cons of entering into a contract with a national managed care organization new to your service area. ACS Health Insurance Company, a national organization that insures approximately 10% of all Americans, is starting to provide … Read more

Discussion about Public Policies and Healthcare

  Discussion about Public Policies and Healthcare Discuss how the structure of government impacts the policy development process. Describe the legislative, judicial, and administrative (executive) processes involved in establishing federal, state, or local health policy. Discuss the factors that influence the cost of health care.   Answer preview: Words:600  

Ethical Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs in Decision Making

Ethical Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs in Decision Making Bad decision making is one of the ethical challenges an entrepreneur faces. After reading the chapters assigned for the week and conducting some research, write a paper that identifies and describes a bad decision that a leader has made. Next, select an ethical theory that could have … Read more

Explain Data Analytics Lifecycle

Explain Data Analytics Lifecycle Locate and review an article relevant to the topic of the class. The review is between 400-to-550 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting. Topic of the class: Data Analytics Lifecycle   Answer preview: Words:500

Characteristics of the Aging Process- Discussion

Characteristics of the Aging Process- Discussion Describe the characteristics of the aging process. Explain how some of the characteristics may lead to elder abuse (memory issues, vulnerability, etc.). Discuss the types of consideration a nurse must be mindful of while performing a health assessment on a geriatric patient as compared to a middle-aged adult   … Read more

Discussion on Inequalities in Social Institutions

Discussion on Inequalities in Social Institutions Write a 5-7 sociological paper on social norms key in on why men have standard to take an active role in relationship Write about inequalities and on social institutions. Include how this can look different across different (race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, family, education, religion, work, government )Required to use … Read more

Workplace Ethics: Made in America

Workplace Ethics: Made in America This assignment will give you the opportunity to choose a case study, and then write about the ethical implications and the impact of the events that are described. Each case study includes a set of questions that you should answer. You can choose either Case Study 1.1: Made in America … Read more

Reflect on the Effects of Culture on Social Class

Reflect on the Effects of Culture on Social Class Social class can be divided in several ways. After reading Chapter 8 and discovering more about the USA social class divisions. Write a 500 or more word essay answering the following questions. You should use the book as a reference. Be sure to include in-text citations … Read more

Essay  :World War II was a continuation of WWI

Essay  :World War II was a continuation of WWI Write an argument essay (three to five paragraphs) supporting your position. Support your claim with logical arguments and evidence. Take time to view this tutorial on argument writing to help prepare your response. Step 1: Determine Your Position Decide whether you will defend or reject the following statement:“World … Read more

Write an essay on the Ethical Theories in Nursing

Write an essay on the Ethical Theories in Nursing Discussion board questions: 1. Think about the ethical theories and approaches and the moral conflicts you have experienced in the past. Have you used one of these approaches to resolving conflict? Which theory or approach have you used? 2. Has there ever been a time when … Read more

The Culture of Technology annotation

Describe The Culture of Technology annotation Subject: Re: Read the first chapter of “The Culture of Technology”  and make annotations Provide an analysis of the arguments made in your assigned reading Also provide discussion question (see below) with your analysis   Answer preview: Words:350

Case Study – Ford Motor Company

Case Study – Ford Motor Company Implementation Plan: Part 1 During Unit IV, VI, and VIII, you will be working on an implementation plan for a business. The components within these three units combined will create this plan. Please take a look at the 30 case studies located in your textbook on pages 370–625. There … Read more

Discuss human trafficking and forced prostitution

Discuss human trafficking and forced prostitution Subject: Re: human trafficking discuss human trafficking and forced prostitution. Discuss the following questions How effective are local law enforcement personnel at distinguishing between victims of human trafficking and those engaged in prostitution? Should we even bother distinguishing between them? Does the general public care about the differences between … Read more

How interest groups and social movements have played a big role in representative democracy

 How interest groups and social movements have played a big role in representative democracy The response must explain the topic, why it is important to politics / political science, why you are interested in the topic, and your thoughts (opinion) on the topic. The headings should follow basic MLA format regarding Name, Course Number, Professor … Read more

Essay on the Expansion of Westward from 1860 to 1890

Essay on the Expansion of Westward from 1860 to 1890 Subject: Re: Westward expansion from 1860-1890 in the United States The topic of the paper is Westward Expansion from 1860-1890 in the United States. The paper can include: Major Cities, Railroad Networks, Improved Agricultural Land, and States and Territories. -3 pages double spaced of text … Read more

Explain Operating Systems and Their Vulnerabilities

Explain Operating Systems and Their Vulnerabilities discussion deals with Operating systems and its vulnerabilities. An operating system is defined as the following: A software that manages the hardware and software of a system. It also provides the User Interface that allows humans to interact with the system. As much of the information is either created … Read more

Can the President Issue a Pardon to Self?

Can the President Issue a Pardon to Self? 1. Does the pardoning power afford the President of the United States to pardon himself? (your opinion and your analysis of your answer) 2. Does the Emoluments clause of the Constitution forbid a President from 6 figure annual profits due to Foreign Officials staying at one or … Read more

Reflection on Running for National Office

Reflection on Running for National Office TOPIC Running for National Office QUESTIONS Compare and contrast the movies in Section I. What does it take to run a successful campaign for Congress or the White House? Should the candidates’ personal lives be fair game? Does anything go in a presidential or congressional campaign? Do candidates have … Read more

How and How not to love Mankind

How and How not to love Mankind Your assignment is to read any ONE of the following four articles: The Frivolity of Evil How and How Not to Love Mankind What We Have to Lose Roads to Serfdom   Answer preview: Words:1300

Write an essay analyzing America as a Super Power

Write an essay analyzing America as a Super Power The word “policing” here has nothing to do with traditional law enforcement agencies. It is more about trying to manage parts of the globe—usually by use of military force or the threat of it. The aim of this management may be to maintain stability, remove threats … Read more

The major theme for 1989: Democratic Revolutions at Cold War’s End

The major theme for 1989: Democratic Revolutions at Cold War’s End 1989: Democratic Revolutions at Cold War’s End: A Brief History with Documents. TEXTBOOK IS Pollard, Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, Volume Two: From 1000 CE to the Present. Basic three page essay: For this option you would write an essay on a major theme you see … Read more

Heads of the Colored People: Discussion

Heads of the Colored People: Discussion 33 unread replies.33 replies. DUE DATE: Initial Response: Wednesday 5/22 Response to 1-2 classmates: Sunday 5/26 DIRECTIONS: For this discussion, answer 3 of the following question in as much detail as you can. Your answers to each questions should be at least 250-300 words. In “Belles Lettres,” how does … Read more

Explain the Behaviors of Servicemen During Wartime

Explain the Behaviors of Servicemen During Wartime Paper Assignment for Paul Fussell’s Wartime Requirements: 2.5- 4-page paper (double-spaced). Use at least seven examples from at least three chapters. Please make sure that the paper is based on the book wartime by Paul Fussell and that the examples come from this book. The books name is Wartime by … Read more

Essay on the Five Pillars of Islam and Comparisons

Essay on the Five Pillars of Islam and Comparisons Subject: Re: Five Pillars of Islam and Comparisons  Explain one of the Five Pillars in Islam and one of the social teachings of Islam that you find most interesting. Be sure to explain how they might relate back to the foundational theological concepts of Islam. Compare … Read more

Write a Literature Review Operation Control Topic

Write a Literature Review Operation Control Topic Operations Control: –Lean Manufacturing -Inventory Control –Kaizen Literature Review Paper Each student will complete a stand-alone literature review focusing on a specific topic in management or leadership. Students must choose a topic from the “Literature Review Topics Handout Which is the topic above” The literature review will include … Read more

Discuss the Civil Rights Movement

Discuss the Civil Rights Movement Subject: Re: The exploitation of the laboring Chicanx subject and resultant labor rights organizing.   Answer preview: word: 600

A Comparison Postmodern Art World and Postwar Modern Movements

A Comparison between  Postmodern Art World  and Postwar Modern Movements Compare the Postmodern Art World (chapter 25) with the Postwar Modern Movements(chapter 24-such as Abstract Expressionism, Conceptual Art, Minimalism and Pop Art-). What, if any, are the main differences or similarities? What kinds of issues do Postmodern artists take up in their work? Do issues … Read more

Reflect on Employee Privacy and Job Satisfaction

Reflect on Employee Privacy and Job Satisfaction Many people debate how much privacy an employee can expect at work. Share your thoughts on the following questions: Do you think that employees have an expectation of privacy in the workplace? Why or why not? What do you feel is more important, job satisfaction or pay? Explain … Read more

Types of Crime; Robbery

Types of Crime; Robbery Please choose one discussion prompt below to respond to: A – Group Conformity and Leadership Style, Or, B – He Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules? After identifying which discussion prompt you are responding to and making your initial post, be sure to make at least one of your response posts to … Read more

Thematic Analysis of the Film “Field of Dreams”

Thematic Analysis of the Film “Field of Dreams” The focus of these reflections and discussions will be the Themes of the films, not the plots.This means you are to reflect on what the film was about, not what happened in it. Write a 1-2 page reflection paper on one of the themes. The papers will focus on how the theme … Read more

Reflect on The Beauty of Face to Face Communication

Reflect on The Beauty of Face to Face Communication Please write an essay addressing the following question: Why is face to face communication important? Make sure to skip lines, indent paragraphs, you must integrate one paraphrase and one quote (minimum) into your essay from the article. Do not forget the in-text citation. Start with a … Read more

Discuss the Declining participation in democratic process hypothesis

Discuss the Declining participation in democratic process hypothesis Develop a rough and ready theory of declining participation in democratic process. Taking any case that you choose, or reviewing democracy in general, brainstorm to come up with some hypotheses that help to explain why is there a general trend of declining participation in democratic process. The dependent … Read more

Discuss Environmental Issues

Discuss Environmental Issues According to Chapter 14 in the textbook, What are some examples of environmental health problems and which do you understand is the most recurrent? APA style. Arial 12. At least 3 References.   Answer preview: Word: 400

Monitoring and Managing Network Connectivity between Sites

Monitoring and Managing Network Connectivity between Sites For Week Four, write a  proposal using Microsoft® Word for how you would monitor and manage the network connectivity between the sites. The proposal should include the following: An accurate account of at least two monitoring tools you could use An accurate description of at least two metrics … Read more