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Annotated Bibliography of Marijuana

Annotated Bibliography of Marijuana Below is the drug I selected and what I wrote. Marijuana Also, known as cannabis, Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that is obtained from cannabis plants and is consumed for varied reasons. Cannabis active compound called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is responsible for the effects it causes Cannabis can be smoked, vaporized, consumed … Read more

Aging in Society

Aging in Society should old age have some “meaning” to our wider society? Meaning as a society, should we ascribe special status and “meaning” to reaching old age? In either case, what changes either in simple terms such as culture or complicated terms, such as social policy could be made to facilitate this pursuit of … Read more

Experiential exercise

Experiential exercise This experiential exercise asks you to reflect a bit on the currents of matter, energy, and information that flow through you in your daily life. Please follow the instructions to complete this exercise and write a brief reflection (one page maximum) that summarizes your experience.   Answer preview: My daily experience is shaped … Read more

Analysis of Arthur Miller’s “ Death of a Salesman”

Analysis of Arthur Miller’s  “ Death of a Salesman” Production Title:       Playwright:  This Production Directed By: In short, why did you select this play? Inspiration: What thematic “buzz words” come to mind as you watched? Ideas: State the major idea of the play (as you see it) in ONE complete sentence. Write one or more clear and … Read more

Statistical Research in Healthcare System

Statistical Research in Healthcare System The interpretation of research in health care is essential to decision making. By understanding research, health care providers can identify risk factors, trends, outcomes for treatment, health care costs and best practices. To be effective in evaluating and interpreting research, the reader must first understand how to interpret the findings. … Read more

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 This paper will detail the foundation of why this act is in place, how it came to be, how it is currently implemented in the workplace, and offer suggestions for change going forward. Additionally, it should detail how this particular act is impactful to the hospitality industry … Read more

Cultural Diversity at the Workplace

Cultural Diversity at the Workplace our hospital is in need of someone to fill a new position. The spot calls for some very specific skills, education, and experience, but you happen to have an old friend who exactly fits the bill. In addition, he has mentioned to you that he feels it is time to … Read more

Implication of Double Indemnity on Social, Political, and Economic Reality

Implication of Double Indemnity on Social, Political, and Economic Reality Focus on: DOUBLE INDEMNITY Reading a movie script reminds us that the mode of telling that story on screen—the images and sounds—can only be approximated or suggested by the written word. With that caveat, we will look at an excerpt from the screenplay for Billy … Read more

The pricing policy of price discrimination

The pricing policy of price discrimination Discuss the pricing policy of price discrimination. Provide the economic reasoning for movie theaters, airlines, and many other businesses to charge customers different prices based on time of the day, age, and purchase dates. Why? Provide an example of a price discrimination for a good or service that you … Read more

Cyber Viruses

Cyber Viruses Use a search engine to find the names of five different cyber viruses. Answer preview: Words:450

Business Insurance Policies

Business Insurance Policies Instructions Small to medium businesses are exposed to risks on a daily basis. The impact of these risks could cause a decrease in revenue and/or an increase in expenses. As we all know, every business is subject to risks at any time. The potential losses as a result of unmanaged risks could … Read more

Community Assessment of Hough

Community Assessment of Hough This assignment consists of both an interview and a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation. Assessment/Interview Select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community. Perform a direct assessment of a community of interest using the “Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Guide.” Interview a community health and public … Read more

Nursing Role and Scope

Nursing Role and Scope please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post. Additionally, you are expected to reply to two other students and include a reference that justifies your post. Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs. 1. Describe a clinical experience … Read more

The Impact of Standardized Nursing Terminology

The Impact of Standardized Nursing Terminology In a 3-page, address the following: Explain how you would inform nurses (and others) of the importance of standardized nursing terminologies. Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing standardized nursing terminologies in nursing practice. Be specific and and provide examples. Be sure to support your paper with a peer- … Read more

Critical Reflection on Empathy and Relationship Building in Counseling

Critical Reflection on Empathy and Relationship Building in Counseling Collaborative Critical Reflection and Replies Step 1: Capture your topic. For the critical reflections, please choose one (or more) one or two sentence direct quotations from the readings or supporting resources as your prompt. The quotation(s) should reference, in a relevant, meaningful way, the issues, idea … Read more

Signet Jewelers

Signet Jewelers Write a 3 pages paper about the General Business case. Follow the instruction in the word document Answer preview: Words:950

Federal Court Proceedings

Federal Court Proceedings G. Explain the applicable sentencing guidelines in the federal and state judicial systems for this scenario? Defend your response. H. Determine how sentencing guidelines impact the functionality of a court system? Defend your response. D. Describe the litigation process that would be used for this scenario at the state and federal levels? … Read more

Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage Using Porter’s Five Forces Model, personal Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and/ personal Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), write a paper explaining how you will overcome threats from each of the five forces while achieving your professional goal(s) after graduation from the MS-IST Program. The paper’s first paragraph must identify and define at least one … Read more


Discussion PART 1: Pretend you are an HR manager helping to select the next front desk manager for a four-star hotel in a suburb of Dallas, Texas. Develop three questions that you would ask to a potential candidate and explain your reasoning for wanting to ask each question. Make sure that when you are developing … Read more

Simple Versus Detailed Plans

Simple Versus Detailed Plans Write a 3 page report that discusses the pros and cons of very simple plans versus detailed plans, although the standards mandate very specific requirements for the plans that add a level of complexity. Include a summary paragraph/abstract at the beginning of the report. Include a conclusion at the end of … Read more

Reflection of ESL 273

Reflection of ESL 273 Content: Write a brief essay, of three pages, reflecting on your progress in ESL 273, and argue why your writing demonstrates your ability to go on to the next level, ESL 5. This essay will go in the front of your portfolio, serving as an introduction to your work for the teachers … Read more

Effective Judicial Administration

Effective Judicial Administration American court dockets are crowded and expensive, yet the need for access to court process is great and the ability to get a fair court hearing is a treasured right of all Americans. Taking into account all that you have learned in this course, compose a post of one to two paragraphs … Read more

Gender Specific Schools are Very Successful

Gender Specific Schools are Very Successful For this week, you are to write an Example Essay. This kind of essay requires you to select a topic for an essay and write about it by defining it and then providing more information through scenarios and examples. For instance, if you choose to write about muscle cars, … Read more

No Secret Policy

No Secret Policy a) Discuss the reasons why it is essential to define the unit of treatment from the start of therapy and what the potential consequences could be if this is not done. B.) Describe a scenario where you may choose to see one member of a couple individually and why you would make … Read more

Project Management

Project Management The project presentation should demonstrate knowledge in the chosen area. The presentation should be formatted as follows: Use APA style correctly throughout the presentation Use correct grammar and punctuation Format correctly and consistently Include a cover slide, introduction slide at the beginning of the presentation, a conclusion slide at the end of the … Read more

Diverse Population: Socio-cultural Context

Diverse Population: Socio-cultural Context Diverse Populations: Socio-cultural Context Listen: to This American Life Episode 296: After The Flood (September 9, 2005) 60 min http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/296/after-the-flood ~ Try listening while driving, cooking, folding laundry or doing other household tasks if you find it difficult to listen without visual input J Reflect on the following: 1. What “Act” stuck out … Read more

Leadership and Organizational Behavior Skills: Personal Reflection

Leadership and Organizational Behavior Skills: Personal Reflection In our last discussion, reflect on your experience in this course by addressing the following items in your response: What skills do you feel you developed most in this course? Emotional Intelligence Motivation Diversity Leadership Decision-Making How do you plan to continue growing your leadership and organizational behavior … Read more

Problem Based Assessment on Australian Migration Law

Problem Based Assessment on Australian Migration Law QUESTION 1: LETTER OF ADVICE (S) You are a Registered Migration Agent. Your client is Miss Shannon Shanahan, a 31-year-old citizen of Ireland. She is a Civil Engineer who completed her studies in Ireland and then worked in that occupation there for 3.5 years. For the past 2 … Read more


INCONTINENCE IN NURSING: BRIAN’S CASE STUDY Describe Brian’s contributing factors in detail supporting with other references. Also we have to describe main issues contributing urine incontinence problem in Mr. Brian’s case supporting with references too. Part 2: We have to describe one innovation supported by two randomized controlled trial or systemic reviews. Do not use … Read more

Non-experimental Research Methods

Non-experimental Research Methods Students will identify one statement (from a provided list or of their own choosing) and will research that statement to ascertain if, in fact, it is supported by research. Students will submit a brief written report (no more that 4 typed, double-spaced, 12-point font pages) summarizing what was found. At least eight … Read more

Problems of ancient ethnicity

Problems of ancient ethnicity Write an essay pertaining to the problems of ancient ethnicity Terminology and emergence of ancient ethnicity.   Answer preview: word: 1,700

Corporate Culture at Apple

Corporate Culture at Organizational Culture Organizational Culture is one of these “soft” concepts that are in nature difficult to define simply. Org culture is felt, developed, enriched, encouraged through a variety of methods, but mostly through communication. I find interesting to illustrate organizational culture with corporate videos that exemplify the company “vibe” such as the … Read more

Improving Employee Retention Rate

Improving Employee Retention Rate The final paper is a change recommendation for the organization with which you currently are employed. Choose an issue in the organization for which you can make a positive impact. It will be evaluated using the Weekly Writing Assignments and Final Paper rubric (Appendix A). Use the text reading “Managing Organization … Read more

The Role of Men and Women

The Role of Men and Women Essay comparing and/or contrasting how women’s or men’s roles are portrayed in one of the two plays we’ve read with how women’s or men’s roles are today. Make sure to cite your sources!   Answer preview: Word: 1,000

Building a leadership strategy.

Building a leadership strategy. write a paper that starts to build your leadership strategy. Describe how you might use each of these to help you with the leadership strategy: anticipate and interpret challenge the status quo own your decisions align your team learn Be sure to include in-text citations to support your assertions. All assignments … Read more

Images of Women in Ancient Societies

Images of Women in Ancient Societies The Mid-Term exam will consist of a single, short essay (5-7 paragraphs) responding to one of two topics. You do not need a proctor for this test (only the Final is proctored). You are on your honor not to plagiarize or cheat via other means. You must use your textbooks and … Read more

Elements of ACA

Elements of ACA The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010. Many of the provisions of the law directly affect health care providers. Review the following topic materials: “About the Affordable Care Act“ “Health Care Transformation: The Affordable Care Act and More” What are the most important elements … Read more

Bulgaria Democracy

Bulgaria Democracy Identify possible issues, problems, shortcomings of the Democracy in Bulgaria and all the arms of government please i need a very good presentation on Bulgaria democracy because the first one someone did for me here was rejected by my professor and he is a Bulgarian  i need a presentation that will outline the … Read more

Culture and Environmental Degradation

Culture and Environmental Degradation ESL 272, Reading Assignment 2 In “Easter’s End,” Jared Diamond claims that environmental degradation was the main reason for the destruction of the culture and population on Easter Island.In the second article, “A Monumental Collapse,” researchers, including Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo, argue that there were more factors contributing to the collapse, and … Read more

Psychology 24 extra credit

Psychology 24 extra credit Directions: For this extra credit, you will search for two articles (from a magazine, newspaper, or published article—can be online) related to any topic that is covered in Psych24 (both articles need to be on the same topic). You need to find recent articles (within the past year). First, you will … Read more

Socio-cultural Analysis of Saudi Arabian market

Socio-cultural Analysis of Saudi Arabian market Your organization has reviewed your country study and has decided to go with your recommendation for their initial international expansion.A complete a socio-cultural analysis needs to be completed to determine the entry strategy, financing, human resource needs, suppliers, marketing, pricing and distribution, and organizational structure. Assignment Criteria: Write a … Read more

Business current events in the U.S

Business current events in the U.S Question: Given today’s business current events in the U.S., do you think it is likely or unlikely that we are creating a serious asset bubble with the stock and housing markets that could lead to another financial crisis and recession? Consider the increase in the stock market values not … Read more

Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Internal Controls

Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Internal Controls Compare and contrast the views of management and accountants regarding the changes required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on internal controls and how these changes have affected corporations, accounting firms, and investors. APA,   Answer preview: Word: 700

Intervention and Treatment Plan

Intervention and Treatment Plan The culture paper needs to be at least 3,000 words, 12 point type .All references need to be cited in-line. The choice of topic is up to you and needs to focus on an aspect of international culture and how that relates to international marketing. For example in the past, students … Read more

Organizational Ethical Analysis

Organizational Ethical Analysis Here is the question: Each student will write a research paper on an organization of his or her choice (5-7 pages minimum). The organizational analysis will utilize a minimum of five external, peer-reviewed academic sources and contain the following sections: · What is the organization and how would you describe it? · … Read more

Benefits of Professional Resource Documents

Benefits of Professional Resource Documents Fwd: prepare and submit a reflective essay looking back on the BUSN 499 course and your academic program of study. The intent is to prepare a reflective write-up that frames the benefits of an ePortfolio, resume, cover letter and other professional resources t 2pages due 2days Learning objective: To reflect … Read more

The 1001 Nights

The 1001 Nights Can we connect Shahrazád to characters like Achilles, Hector, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, et al through the idea of conflict? What other factors can we use to compare and contrast these characters across World Lit? These men want glory, recognition, idealization, be remembered in songs and celebrated–as great leaders, warriors, etc. They want others … Read more

Being a Member of Congress or President

Being a Member of Congress or President This is both a creative exercise and a test of what you have learned so far in the course. Use your imagination as well as apply your knowledge of relevant information in answering the questions. Feel free to use sources such as the Internet, magazine and newspaper articles, … Read more

Case Management

Case Management Case Management PowerPoint Ron and Betty, two of your co-workers, created a PowerPoint for a meeting the firm is having about case management. As a class, recommend additions and changes to the presentation. Your recommendations should include two types of ideas. You should recommend changes and additions that give the firm more information … Read more

Nutrition Question

Nutrition Question This discussion is taking a look at Chapters 4 as well as 5, since Diabetes is effected by blood sugar levels and those levels can rise due to added sugars. But could Diabetes be associated with people who are obese? The data indicates this. But not every obese person has Diabetes. The possibility … Read more