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What role do politics play in key issues like expanding access, reducing costs, and improving quality in your organization, community, or practice setting?

What role do politics play in key issues like expanding access, reducing costs, and improving quality in your organization, community, or practice setting? Keepnews (2013) states “the challenges facing the U.S. health care system— expanding access, reducing costs, ensuring quality, and transforming how care is delivered—affect everyone, regardless of political affiliation. Everyone—including every nurse, and … Read more

Please review a local healthcare organization and identify any potential stakeholders.

Please review a local healthcare organization and identify any potential stakeholders. Next, answer the following questions: Provide the name, specialty, and location of the organization Why are they considered stakeholders? Describe the potential areas of conflict How do they benefit from the success or failure of the healthcare organization Answer preview: word limit:427  

Write a short paper describing the normal age-related changes that produce challenges in maintaining physical activity.

Write a short paper describing the normal age-related changes that produce challenges in maintaining physical activity. Individual Assignment Option 2 – Mobility Write a short paper describing the normal age-related changes that produce challenges in maintaining physical activity. Discuss specific physical activities that can enhance health in this population. Compare the benefit of these activities … Read more

Review the company’s social responsibility (CSR) strategy; mention briefly all of the company’s current CSR initiatives.

Review the company’s social responsibility (CSR) strategy; mention briefly all of the company’s current CSR initiatives. Company chosen: Artisans of Leisure (a global hospitality or tourism company) Assignment: Prepare an introductory section about the selected company detailing size, locations (number, international, domestic, etc.), type of company, main competitors, place in the market (leading the segment, trailing, etc.). Identify the company’s … Read more

Investigate your own personal philosophy of older adult nursing.

Investigate your own personal philosophy of older adult nursing. Individual Assignment Option 1 – Gerontology Specialty In the past few decades, the specialty of gerontological nursing has experienced profound growth. Along with the growth of the specialty, there has been a heightened awareness of the complexity of gerontological nursing, utilizing the nursing metaparadigm shown below. Investigate … Read more

Examine the life experiences of aging itself and more specifically, aging in US society.

Examine the life experiences of aging itself and more specifically, aging in US society. Interview of an Older Adult Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to examine the life experiences of aging itself and more specifically, aging in US society. The assignment is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to reflect … Read more

Academic Integrity in Nursing Education: Is it Declining?

Academic Integrity in Nursing Education: Is it Declining? A group of nursing students are in the middle of an exam when two students witness another student pull out his phone and look up answers. Neither student informs the faculty member but after the exam they discuss what they witnessed. 1. Describe the most common forms … Read more

What are the pros and cons of whistle-blowing?

What are the pros and cons of whistle-blowing? Please be certain to answer the questions on this week DQ and to provide a well-developed and complete answer to receive credit. Your post must have 3 references for full credit. Also, please ensure to have read the assigned chapters for the current wee Chapter 16- Whistle … Read more

Digital Forensics Discussion- An academic approach to digital forensics. 

Digital Forensics Discussion- An academic approach to digital forensics. A digital forensics professional must know basic IT skills, understand computer architecture and networking, and have analytical and investigative skills, as well as strong attention to detail. Why do think all of these skills are necessary? Please explain. Requirements: 350-400 words   |   .doc file Answer preview: … Read more

Identify the steps required in developing a nursing service business plan and explain why they are important.

Identify the steps required in developing a nursing service  business plan and explain why they are important. The purpose of this assessment is to explore and apply the principles of business planning and budget development within a hypothetical clinical area. Select one of the following case analyses and answer the questions below. Case analysis (a) You are … Read more

Ethical decision-making based on systematic reflection

Ethical decision-making based on systematic reflection Case analysis (about 1200 words) Please analyze the following case by applying ethical methods. Case: IT business dilemma Susan, a software engineer, recently started her own company that provides tailored software solutions for small businesses. The company’s mission is to provide custom IT solutions while emphasizing affordability, quality, and data … Read more

Discuss the various organizational barriers that exist in your organization that affect team effectiveness.

Discuss the various organizational barriers that exist in your organization that affect team effectiveness. Imagine that you have been charged with transforming the performance of a team at your workplace. Specifically, it is under-performing, and your supervisor wants the team to be high-performing within six months. Based on the information in Chapter 18 of Organizational … Read more

Examine the life experiences of aging itself and more specifically, aging in US society.

Examine the life experiences of aging itself and more specifically, aging in US society. Interview of an Older Adult Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to examine the life experiences of aging itself and more specifically, aging in US society. The assignment is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to reflect … Read more

Analyzing the Need for Change in an Organization – Personal Change Tools

 Analyzing the Need for Change in an Organization – Personal Change Tools Organizational change is a process that can be complex. Change efforts are not easily carried out but can be successful through the use of various resources and tools. As explored within the Interactive Lecture, change often starts with knowing what to change, continues … Read more

Current data project concerning Indigenous research ethics

Current data project concerning Indigenous research ethics Explain on data collection an how qualitative and quantitative researchers should indulge different world views to ensure the process complies with data collection ethics Answer preview: word limit:1200

Explain what Ethics mean when we talk about it in the context of software engineering.

Explain what Ethics mean when we talk about it in the context of software engineering. Read the attached document (ethics pdf) explains what Ethics mean when we talk about it in the context of software engineering. Complete the reading and then proceed to the two case studies in the Part One of the focusing area: … Read more

Identify one issue on Electronic transactions and create a Legal Issue Brief.

Identify one issue on Electronic transactions and create a Legal Issue Brief. ACTION ITEMS Identify one issue from the weekly reading and create a Legal Issue Brief. In a Word document, compose a one-page legal brief that follows the order indicated below: Title (Issue summarized in 2-5 words) Student Name Issue (1-3 sentences) Facts (3-4 … Read more

Provide a written recommendation to the executive leadership team and the Board of Directors

Provide a written recommendation to the executive leadership team and the Board of Directors You are a newly hired operations manager within Simi Regional Hospital. Prior to your arrival, based on customer feedback, the executive leadership team has developed interest in the purchase, installation, and employment of a new radiology service line. Using a planning … Read more

What are the advantages and disadvantages of labor unions?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of labor unions? Author a short paper 5 pages or less and apply at least four (4) credible sources to answering the following questions: What are the advantages and disadvantages of labor unions? Who do unions affect? Are unions more popular or less popular now than they have been … Read more

Research and methodology- Antibiotic Use in Healthcare

Research and methodology- Antibiotic Use in Healthcare In research, you should select research articles that are peer-reviewed and, in most instances, are not more than five years old. Find 10 peer-reviewed articles to research in (Antibiotic Use in Healthcare) At least five articles should be empirical studies. Write at least two-page overview of your topic and the … Read more

Contemporary Moral Issue Judgment


Need an argumentative essay. It’s about social media affecting mental health

Need an argumentative essay. It’s about social media affecting mental health I need 2 pages or above (5 paragraphs). the rubric for the essay is attached. MLA style 5 paragraphs and at least 3 resources. Also as you can see here, the conclusion should have a quote. Instructions for argumentative essay are attached. But please … Read more

social Media Round-Up .Explain how you think this will impact social media and campaigns.

Social Media Round-Up .Explain how you think this will impact social media and campaigns. Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications report and need support to help me learn. The purpose of this assignment is for you to keep up with the ever-changing world of social media. You will utilize the website Social Media Today … Read more

Write a paper that discusses how you might achieve the owner’s goal in a more efficient manner using a database.

Write a paper that discusses how you might achieve the owner’s goal in a more efficient manner using a database. What database model would you implement? A convenience store located within an apartment complex uses a log similar to the following one to keep track of customer purchases. The goal of the database is to … Read more

Create a Mini Consumer Research Plan – Ethenography

Create a Mini Consumer Research Plan – Ethenography Please submit a plan for your Unit 2 mini consumer research project. You may choose any good or service to study that you can reasonably observe and conduct interviews about in a few weeks. In the past, students have studied AirPods, Dating Apps, Ride-Sharing Apps, Starbucks, Chipotle, … Read more

Why is branding so crucial to an organization’s success?

Why is branding so crucial to an organization’s success? Brands and Brand Equity and Brand Positioning The reading on Brands and Brand Equity aims to combine theory and practice by summarizing and integrating the latest theories and models in branding research and illustrating them with examples from diverse industries, including stories of both success and failure for well-known … Read more

Topic: Distributed System, Cloud Computing System, Data Collection or Data Analysis Discussion

Topic: Distributed System, Cloud Computing System, Data Collection or Data Analysis Discussion hoose ONE of the following: Articulate the goals of a distributed system Describe the five basic characteristics of a cloud computing system Compare and contrast methods of data collection Describe the process of data analysis Reply to peer 1: The idea behind cloud … Read more

Imagine yourself to be a virus and you need to establish infection in an organ of your choice.

Imagine yourself to be a virus and you need to establish infection in an organ of your choice. Discuss the innate and adaptive immune responses, including the roles of neutrophils, monocyte, macrophages, antigen, antibody, and B and T-cell mediated responses, that you will need to overcome along with their attributes to establish the infections and … Read more

Discussion of the prevention of cyber-attacks and the proper maintenance needed to achieve this goal.

Discussion of the prevention of cyber-attacks and the proper maintenance needed to achieve this goal. You are the chief information technology officer at a small outpatient health care facility in Riyadh. The medical facility employs five specialist physicians, ten certified nurses, five administrative assistants, and two technicians. There are 25 clinical rooms. Each room is … Read more

In a brief summary which was the most important contribution of Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War.

In a brief summary which was the most important contribution of Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War. Theories comprise a set of concepts and assumptions, related to each other, covering the field of practice, teaching and research. Nursing theories bring concepts and propositions related to nursing and linked to a vision of the world. All … Read more

Importance Of Taking Vital Signs in Nursing.

Importance Of Taking Vital Signs in Nursing. Mention why is important of taking vitals signs in nursing and what are the normal parameters of each of them. Requirements: 1 pg Answer preview: word limit:325

Analysis- Flu vaccine on the elderly population

Analysis- Flu vaccine on the elderly population Session 6 10/05/2021 VIII Interventions for Health Promotion A. Screening 1. Age Related Immunization 2. Age Related Screenings Students can work together on this project in clinical groups or groups of their choosing. The purpose of this project is to develop a document (bi-fold, tri-fold color brochure) that … Read more

The scrutiny of identifying community-acquired pneumonia.

The scrutiny of identifying community-acquired pneumonia. Screenings from 66 years and beyond pneumonia A. Screening 1. Age Related Immunization 2. Age Related Screenings The purpose of this project is to develop a document (bi-fold, tri-fold color brochure) that outlines required immunizations and screenings throughout the lifespan. Screenings from 66 years and beyond pneumonia Requirements: haft … Read more

Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change.

Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change. Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change. Compare and contrast methods of data collection Course outcome assessed/addressed in this Assignment: PC-4.3: Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change. Instructions Recent audit results revealed … Read more

Discuss the influence of globalization, social responsibility and environmental sustainability on strategic management of a corporation.

Discuss the influence of globalization, social responsibility and environmental sustainability on strategic management of a corporation. In what ways can a corporation’s structure and culture be internal strengths or weaknesses? (1Mark) Discuss how executive leadership is an important part of a strategic management? Give examples from real market. (2 Marks) Notes: Using the terminology developed … Read more

What are the differences between the Benihana production process and that of a typical restaurant?

What are the differences between the Benihana production process and that of a typical restaurant? May you please answer the question from the Benihana of Tokyo case. Answer preview: word limit:300

Impacts of Colonial Legacies in the Modern Era

Impacts of Colonial Legacies in the Modern Era Discuss some of the “central conflicts” of the colonial era, our “colonial legacies” that would shape the region for centuries to come: of the conquest, subjugation and exploitation of Native peoples (native slavery, the encomienda); diseases and demographic collapse (which ones? When? Consequences?) Answer preview: word limit:904

Watch the following video segment titled “Humans: Destroyers of Ecosystems”

Watch the following video segment titled “Humans: Destroyers of Ecosystems” New Atlantis (Producer). (2002). Humans: Destroyers of ecosystems (Segment 7 of 13) [Video]. https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/logi… Click here for a transcript of this video segment. How much time did you spend outside as a child/teenager? Describe your experiences with forestland or other natural environments. Are those areas still in their natural … Read more

Describe the organizational structure of your school or company. What difficulties have you encountered working within this structure?

Describe the organizational structure of your school or company. What difficulties have you encountered working within this structure? Chapter 7. Scope and Organizational Structure of a Project 1) Describe the organizational structure of your school or company. What difficulties have you encountered working within this structure? 2) Write a job description for a project manager … Read more

Impacts of Colonial Legacies in the Modern Era.

Impacts of Colonial Legacies in the Modern Era Topic of Central Conflicts and Colonial Legacies (Spain and the Aztecs)Discuss some of the “central conflicts” of the colonial era, our “colonial legacies” that would shape the region for centuries to come: of the conquest, subjugation and exploitation of Native peoples (native slavery, the encomienda) The paper … Read more

What does Immanuel Kant’s account of duties and rights depend on?

What does Immanuel Kant’s account of duties and rights depend on? 2. Which of Sandel’s 3 categories does Kant’s methodology fall into? 3. Why does Kant reject utilitarianism? 4. For Kant, what is the connection between our capacity for reason and our capacity for freedom? 5. What does Kant mean by “freedom?” 6. What is … Read more

Changing Role of Women in American religious Life

Changing Role of Women in American religious Life Prompt: Explore the changing role of women in American religious life. There are many current debates and controversies that you could address. Examples include: Ordaining women in the Catholic and Anglican Church The role of women in the family as prescribed by the Southern Baptist Convention The … Read more

Discussion: To what extent should there be something of a caveat emptor/buyer beware when someone chooses to professionally play football in the NFL?

Discussion: To what extent should there be something of a caveat emptor/buyer beware when someone chooses to professionally play football in the NFL? The NFL has been dealing with the after-effects of football players who have sustained repeated head injuries/concussions. Many retired NFL players have faced neurological issues, depression, and higher instances of Alzheimer’s disease. … Read more

Discussion: Lasting Ideas From the Renaissance

 Discussion: Lasting Ideas From the Renaissance module overview https://snhu-media.snhu.edu/files/course_repositor… In addition to the information presented in the module overview this week regarding the reasons for the creation of artifacts in each era (the ancient world, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance), recall information about motives for creating artifacts presented earlier in the course as you answer … Read more

Highlight the role of Knowledge management cycle for the development of organizations in a sustainable way.

Highlight the role of Knowledge management cycle for the development of organisations in a sustainable way. Assignment Questions:(05 Marks) This Assignment is a report-based assignment. The Assignment structure is as follows: Introduction: (2 Marks) The introduction part must clearly highlight the history of knowledge management. (Provide minimum 3 references to support your answer.) Highlight the … Read more

Demographic factors contributing to online movie piracy of Hindi films produced in Mumbai.

Demographic factors contributing to online movie piracy of Hindi films produced in Mumbai. Develop a thesis statement on the topic of pirated movies (piracy hurts the economy by…, society can prevent movie piracy by…, etc.) and write an argumentative essay.   OPTION #1: YOUR POSITION ON PIRATED MOVIES Develop a thesis statement on the topic of pirated movies (piracy … Read more

Investigate and explain how Climate Change reveals human vulnerability to our environment.

Investigate and explain how Climate Change reveals human vulnerability to our environment. 2. Explain in detail how the following human aspects relate to Climate Change. 3. Discuss how they could have a short term and/or long-term effect on humans. Aspects: • Health • Living conditions • Economic To start your research, you need to use … Read more

Identify an artifact that embodies or refers to ethical values, and write paragraphs stating what the ethical connection is.

Identify an artifact that embodies or refers to ethical values, and write paragraphs stating what the ethical connection is. Examples of such artifacts are provided in the resources this week, but they may also be found in literature, other forms of music, live performing arts such as theater, and other visual arts. Requirements: 1-2 pages   … Read more

Develop questions about fundamental aspects of human culture that inform personal assumptions, beliefs, and values using evidence from cultural artifacts and systems

Develop questions about fundamental aspects of human culture that inform personal assumptions, beliefs, and values using evidence from cultural artifacts and systems Before submitting Project 1, review the Artifact Chart Checklist Word Document to ensure you have met all the requirements for Project 1. When you feel that you have met all of the requirements successfully, submit … Read more

Discuss the Role of Ethics in Scientific Research

Discuss the Role of Ethics in Scientific Research After completion of your reading and viewing of the videos, provide a written explanation of your views on ethics and the roles of ethics in scientific research. Include a summary of what happened in the Tuskegee Syphilis Studies and identify the problem that was being investigated by … Read more