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Are Australians unduly obsessed with the memory of war?

Are Australians unduly obsessed with the memory of war?   Answer preview: WORD; 1,900

Critically review zone and field models which are used for compartment fire modelling.

Critically review zone and field models which are used for compartment fire modelling. Critically review zone and field models which are used for compartment fire modelling. Include examples and critically analyse the main assumptions, limitations, advantages and disadvantages of these models.   Fire modelling contains two distinct models; zone and field models Field Models Field … Read more

Explain the importance of brand valuation.

Explain the importance of brand valuation. Answer preview: Word:1,100

What are the functions and powers given to the warden under the Mining Act 1978

What are the functions and powers given to the warden under the Mining Act 1978  Answering the functions and powers given to the warden under the Mining Act 1978 (WA), such as “the warden”, “warden of mines”, “warden’s court”, and the “warden in open court”.wer the question of whether the warden in performing those functions acting … Read more

What are the new requirements to remain competitive in the market place?

What are the new requirements to remain competitive in the market place? Considering the changing competitive environment  to remain competitive in the market place.  Recommend Manufacturing Strategies for April Pumps for both their Agricultural and Industrial Pumps. Compare and contrast how the requirements for the two ranges vary and influence the strategic operational decisions made. … Read more

Develop and discuss a basis of the formal commercial negotiation.

 Develop and discuss a strategy using the knowledge gained from this programme, which could form the basis of a formal commercial negotiation. Assignment Select a category of spend from your organisation. Develop and discuss a strategy using the knowledge gained from this programme which could form the basis of a formal commercial negotiation. Your assignment … Read more

Should goodwill be subject to impairment testing in financial accounting?

Should goodwill be subject to impairment testing in financial accounting? Assignment extract: As explained within the Chapter 8, intangible asset, Australian accounting standards now prohibit goodwill from being subject to amortisation. There is a requirement that goodwill be subject to impairment testing. In relation to impairment testing of goodwill, Petersen and Plenborg (2010, p.420) state: … Read more

Corporate social responsibility amongst Petrochemical firms in the United Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Corporate social responsibility amongst Petrochemical firms in the United Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Project Corporate social responsibility amongst Petrochemical firms in the United Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The approach is inductive approach and the philosophy is interpretivisim.For example : take qualitative and quantitative approaches and put them under separate headings also take inductive and deductive … Read more

How Aristоtlе’s соnсерt оf humаn flourishing аnd mоrаl virtuе is аn аltеrnаtivе tо еthiсаl thеоriеs

Ethics How Aristоtlе’s соnсерt оf humаn flourishing аnd mоrаl virtuе is аn аltеrnаtivе tо еthiсаl thеоriеs Aristotle concept оf humаn flоurishing аnd mоrаl virtuе is а viаblе аltеrnаtivе tо оthеr еthiсаl thеоriеs еvеn thоugh it is nоt рrеsсriрtivе fоr еthiсаl dесisiоn mаking   Refer to the link: http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen.2.ii.html   Answer preview: Word: 18  

Discuss the credibility of Eyewitness Testimony

Discuss the credibility of Eyewitness Testimony Psyсhоlоgiсаl rеsеаrсh shоws thаt еyеwitnеss tеstimоny is nоt аlwаys ассurаtе, thеrеfоrе it shоuld nоt bе usеd in thе сriminаl justiсе systеm. disсuss.   Answer preview: Word: 1,900

Discuss Facebook live killings.

Discuss Facebook live killings. Assignment extract: Read the article Cleveland Shooting Highlight’s Facebook’s Responsibility in Policing Depraved Videos found at: http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/cleveland-shooting-highlights-facebook-s-responsibility-policing-depraved-videos-n747306 Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: 1.Discuss whether or not you believe that Facebook has a legal or ethical duty to rescue a crime victim. 2. Suggest and elaborate … Read more

Discuss critical reflective writing

Discuss critical reflective writing. The report requires:  A thorough research and treatment of the contemporary literature in the topic area. You must use a minimum of 10 references: Answer preview: Word: 1,800

How to examine techniques used by auditors, including risk analysis &audit reporting

How to examine techniques used by auditors, including risk analysis &audit reporting Task: Chose a company which is listed under the Australian securities exchange (ASX) to analyse. (Remember that you are not permitted to choose JB Hi-Fi Ltd, West-farmers Ltd, Woolworth Ltd and Qantas Ltd.) Chose an industry with which you are familiar. You are required … Read more

Creating an action plan on emerging Issues in Hospitality and Tourism

Creating an action plan on emerging Issues in Hospitality and Tourism This assessment gives you the opportunity to combine all of the Hospitality and Tourism knowledge that you gained  in previous subjects in this degree. This will enable students to apply learned hospitality and tourism theories and concepts to a business case within a safe … Read more

Discuss how copyright creators ensure society is rich with creative works?

Discuss how copyright creators ensure society is rich with creative works? Оnе оf thе рrimаry аims оf сорyright is tо еnsurе sосiеty is riсh with сrеаtivе wоrks. Withоut сорyright сrеаtоrs wоuld nоt сrеаtе nеw wоrks. Disсuss. Students are required to write and submit a 2500 word essay responding to ONE of the following questions:1. Copyright … Read more

Discuss economies of scale and its importance to market types in Australia

Discuss economies of scale and its importance to market types in Australia Assessment Information 1. What are economies of scale? In what market types (i.e. perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition) are economies of scale most important? Why? 2. Based on the article below and some limited research what type of market form you think … Read more

Write an essay arguing,how violent video games cause violence in teenagers

Write an essay arguing,how violent video games cause violence in teenagers 1) High School athletes should be given drug tests. 2) Violent video games cause violence in teenagers. 3) Professional Athletes make too much money. 4) Military service should be mandatory when a person reaches a certain age. 5) Using stem cells in medical research … Read more

Identify a quality improvement opportunity based on Evidence-Based Practice

Identify a quality improvement opportunity based on Evidence-Based Practice The Road to Evidence-Based Practice Identify a quality improvement opportunity in your organization or practice. Describe the problem or issue and propose a quality improvement initiative based on evidence-based practice. Apply “The Road to Evidence-Based Practice” process. Include the following: Provide an overview of the problem … Read more

Discuss the concept of DNA, microorganisms and how cells work in a human body.

Discuss the concept of DNA, microorganisms and how cells work in a human body. Can you write about any biology concept article that you feel comfortable with like DNA, Organisms and how the cells working in human bodies. Answer preview: Word: 500

Analyzing the Importance, Threats, and Protection of Coral Reefs

Analyzing the Importance, Threats, and Protection of Coral Reefs Coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth. They are also among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth. For this assignment, you will discuss the importance of, threats to, and protection of coral reefs.Write a 3–5-page paper in which you do the following: … Read more

Identify ways to be efficient and effective within a simulated work experience.

The Efficiency Challenge. Identify ways to be efficient and effective within a simulated work experience. Purpose of the Assignment Transformative Learning is the process of using prior interpretation to construe a new and revised interpretation of meaning of one’s experience in order to guide future action (Mezirow, 1996, p. 162). For this assignment, we will … Read more

Describe a future network architecture in support of the growth of the company

Describe a future network architecture in support of the growth of the company IT 640 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric Future Network Architecture Overview: When you plan your network infrastructure, a number of key elements need to be clarified or determined because it is the network’s logical infrastructure that makes it possible for computers to … Read more

Discuss the case involving the United States of America versus Ross Ulbricht.

Discuss the case involving the United States of America versus Ross Ulbricht. In book 4, Augustine narrates his account with his friend where they have hidden under religion to spread false illusions. Ideally, Augustine argues that religion allowed them to be seducers and helped them to earn fame. Other than creating popularity, Augustine claims that … Read more

Why was Augustine critical of the way in which he grieved for his friend.

Why was Augustine critical of the way in which he grieved for his friend. Theology and religion study You should i) base your argument on examples from the primary sources and lectures; ii) demonstrate knowledge of the basic historical narrative supplied by the lectures and textbook; iii) display critical thinking by developing a logical argument … Read more

Describe nursing care delivery models.Describe communication strategies.

Describe nursing care delivery models.Describe communication strategies. After reading Chapter 13 and reviewing the lecture powerpoint (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post. 1. Describe at least 3 nursing care delivery models. 2. Describe communication … Read more

Analyzing dramatic Interlude/Play Title: Fourteen, by Alice Gerstenberg

Analyzing dramatic Interlude/Play Title: Fourteen, by Alice Gerstenberg 1. For your final project, you will need the script for (Play listed below) You can select from one of these two plays. Either Fourteen by Alice Gerstenberg http://www.theatrehistory.com/plays/fourteen.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or The Boor by Chekhov http://www.theatrehistory.com/plays/boor.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. You … Read more

Changes in aging are biological, social, psychological and physical.

Changes in aging are biological, social, psychological and physical. Suppose you are asked to lead a 1- hour discussion for a group of ten seniors at a senior citizens center. Issues related to urine control Fall prevention Prevention of influenza and pneumonia Medications and aging Normal aging changes What would be your goal? What physiological … Read more

Write a report using paragraphs describing Washington vs. Donald J. Trump

Write a report using paragraphs describing Washington vs. Donald J. Trump Watch the case vedio State of Washington vs. Donald J. Trump, (2017). Federal Trial Court. http://www.uscourts.gov/cameras-courts/state-washi… Legal question: Is President Trump’s “travel ban” (Executive Order #13769), which bans entry to the United States from certain predominantly Muslim countries, contrary to the Constitution and laws … Read more

Discuss the aging process and give examples of psychosocial issues related to aging.

Discuss the aging process and give examples of psychosocial issues related to aging. Read chapter 19 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation. Once done, answer the following questions; 1. Discuss the aging process. 2. Discuss the demographic characteristics of the elderly population in your community. 3. Describe and give 2 examples … Read more

Research about Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Research about Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) I need the most recent and updated research about Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Please Focused in: 1. Patient assessment ( physical exam with UTI, including burning urination, fever….) 2. Nursing care plan 3. Pharmacologic treatment 4. Non-pharmacology treatment. 5. Differential diagnosis (more than 3) 6. Follow up, and Prognosis … Read more

Write a case study on creating value through reverse logistics.

Write a case study on creating value through reverse logistics. Read the article(JOHN DEERE REMAN: CREATING VALUE THROUGH REVERSE LOGISTICS) and write a case study. APA style   Answer preview: Word: 600

Explain the downside of the Kant’s Categorical Imperative.

Explain the downside of the Kant’s Categorical Imperative. Based on this video, explain what the Categorical Imperative consists in. Also, explain the downside of the Kant’s Categorical Imperative. https://youtu.be/RP4lwWIZPKQ Answer preview: Word: 600

Analysis of the arguments of Posthuman Glossary by Rosi Braidotti & Maria Hlavajova

Analysis of the arguments of Posthuman Glossary by Rosi Braidotti & Maria Hlavajova You must provide an analysis of the arguments made in your assigned reading. You must also provide at least ONE discussion question (see below) with your analysis In class, lead the discussion by—if possible–offering a (brief) media example that highlights an element … Read more

Review trends in general environment affecting movie exhibition in strategic management

Review trends in general environment affecting movie exhibition in strategic management. Review trends in the general environment that affect the movie exhibition business, and establish whether their effects are helpful or harmful to theater owners. Note: the case analysis should NOT use any outside sources. You should use ONLY the information from within the case … Read more

Discuss the pros and cons of very simple plans versus detailed plans

Discuss the pros and cons of very simple plans versus detailed plans Write a 3 page report that discusses the pros and cons of very simple plans versus detailed plans, although the standards mandate very specific requirements for the plans that add a level of complexity. Include a summary paragraph/abstract at the beginning of the … Read more

Write an essay reflecting ESL 273 and work of the teachers evaluating the portfolio.

Write an essay reflecting ESL 273 and work of the teachers evaluating the portfolio. Write a brief essay, of three pages, reflecting on your progress in ESL 273, and argue why your writing demonstrates your ability to go on to the next level, ESL 5. This essay will go in the front of your portfolio, … Read more

Examine foods that are hybrids or fusions of different cultures from Eastern Europe.

Examine foods that are hybrids or fusions of different cultures from Eastern Europe. In Eastern Europe there are many small countries that are close in proximity and thus their foods along with their cultures and languages have melded together in many ways. Examine 5 foods that are hybrids or fusions of different cultures from the … Read more

Define and discuss models for disability.

Define and discuss in your own words the definitions and models for disability. Community Nursing Discussion Answer the following questions. 1. Define and discuss in your own words the definitions and models for disability. 2. Discuss the difference between illness and disability. 3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of rural and urban communities. 4. Discuss … Read more

Discuss County’s Emergency Operation Plan in communications in case of a disaster.

Discuss County’s Emergency Operation Plan in communications in case of a disaster. Communications and Warning The County Basic Emergency Plan describe the assignment and its role in the development or management of the County’s EOP. Answer preview: Word: 600

The work of Robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Hotel Industry

The work of Robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Hotel Industry Future Hospitality Marketing Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the hotel industry. Some believe the robots/AI will sabotage jobs for humans and replace team members at hotels. Then there are others who believe the age of robots will free humans from “grunt” work … Read more

Role of advertising in a culture of consumerism-Personal care

Role of advertising in a culture of consumerism-Personal care Research the Internet to analyze how that product or service has been advertised. Prepare a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you investigate the role of advertising in a culture of consumerism. Be sure to discuss the following: Who determines ethical standards for advertising? In what ways has … Read more

What are the challenges and advances of Cirrhosis

What are the challenges and advances of Cirrhosis TOPIC: Cirrhosis Instructions II. Discuss the age group, SES, region, ethnic group, gender, etc. where this disease or injury is most prevalent. Include recent data and statistics III. Discuss the causes and symptoms IV. Discuss treatment and proliferation without treatment.   Answer preview:     Words:930

Discuss a business idea on Baxton Food Delivery Services Company 

Discuss a business idea on Baxton Food Delivery Services Company Portfolio project we are taking yet another step toward the completion of the portfolio project. By now, you should have decided on your mock business or organization. The business idea is Baxton Food Delivery Services Company <<   Answer preview: Words:350

Role of Employee relations in fostering performance of an organization

Role of Employee relations in fostering performance of an organization Annual review Imagine you work at a company and it is time for an employee named Jim’s annual review. While he was a model employee the first nine (9) months of the year, recently Jim has been coming in late. It has not been just … Read more

An Analysis of editing in the Film “Hurt Locker”

An Analysis of editing in the Film “Hurt Locker” Kathryn Bigelow’s 2009 film The Hurt Locker follows a U.S. Army bomb squad (Bravo Company) in Iraq as it counts down to the end of its mission. Use the questions below to analyze how the basic elements, techniques, and strategies of editing contribute to the visual … Read more

Learning to Lead Interview Analysis

Learning to Lead Interview Analysis Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you: Analyze the interviewee’s responses. Summarize what you learned from your interview. Explain how you would apply what you learned into your own leadership responsibilities. Distinguish the differences between management and leadership.   Answer preview: Words:880

Discuss on the Nursing interventions in Catastrophic Events.

Discuss on the Nursing interventions in Catastrophic Events. Nursing in Catastrophic Events Watch the “Diary of Medical Mission Trip” videos dealing with the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Reflect on this natural disaster by answering the following questions: Propose one example of a nursing intervention related to the disaster from each of the following … Read more

Discuss the case of National Federation of independent business v. Sebelius

Discuss the case of National Federation of independent business v. Sebelius Legal Healthcare In a well-organized, two to three page essay discuss the case of NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS ET AL. v. SEBELIUS. Be sure to include who benefited by this decision and what negative consequences might follow. Cite all sources used   Answer … Read more

Significance of Statistical Application in Healthcare

Significance of Statistical Application in Healthcare Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following: Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance … Read more

Analyze current leadership skills based on leadership styles and ethical leadership.

Analyze current leadership skills based on leadership styles and ethical leadership Ethics and Leadership This question want a detailed analysis on the  current leadership skills based on leadership styles and ethical leadership. Complete the leadership self-assessment: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_50.htm This will identify your leadership effectiveness and explore where your skills need further development. Utilize the results by reading … Read more