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Describe the role of information management nursing practice.

Describe the role of information management nursing practice. What is your role as a nurse in protecting patient healthcare information?  Research what types of technologies and service such as free internet exist in South Florida for underserved populations. Describe what they are and how does the underserved population gain access to them.   Answer preview: … Read more

Discuss the case of Johnson v. Misericordia Commmunity Hospital

Discuss the case of Johnson v. Misericordia Commmunity Hospital In a well-organized, discuss the case of Johnson v. Misericordia Commmunity Hospital. Take about a page to summarize the facts and findings of the court, then discuss whether you agree or disagree with the court’s statement on how the public perceives a modern hospital today. Give … Read more

How a non-speaking English immigrants without funds or transportation obtain health care

How a non-speaking English immigrants without funds or transportation obtain health care Determine how a non-English-speaking immigrant without finances or available transportation would obtain prenatal care.   Answer preview: Words: 878

What theological issues did the Councils of Nicaea and Ephesus address

What theological issues did the Councils of Nicaea and Ephesus address Theology and religion study The Discussion Question is: What theological issues did the Councils of Nicaea and Ephesus address? What do these councils tell us about the nature and purpose of theological decision-making? Does knowing about this historical process change the way you think … Read more

Determine how a non-English-speaking immigrant would obtain prenatal care. 

Determine how a non-English-speaking immigrant would obtain prenatal care. Determine how a non-English-speaking immigrant without finances or available transportation would obtain prenatal care. APA   Answer preview: Words: 1000

Explain virtualization and cloud computing

Explain virtualization and cloud computing Virtualization is innovation that divides functions from hardware, while clouds depends on that split. It's easy to complicate the two, particularly because the two of them spin around creating valuable settings from abstract resources. The differences between the two can be describe from a cloud computing model Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) standpoint. … Read more

Examine infant mortality statistics in the community

Examine infant mortality statistics in the community Examine infant mortality statistics in the community (Miami Dade), and compare the rates with state and national averages. Is infant mortality higher for any particular racial or ethnic group within the community? APA   Answer preview: Words: 985

Explain economic principles and their applications in the real world

Explain economic principles and their applications in the real world Explain economic principles and their applications in the real world. Summarize the different types of market structures and the role of government in economics. In the workplace, we are often asked to create “briefs.” A brief provides a snapshot, or short, written summary, of a … Read more

What are the challenges currently facing the event organizers

What are the challenges currently facing the event organizers Case Study Questions What are the challenges currently facing the event organizers? What strengths and weaknesses does the organization bring to those challenges? Using the data in Appendix A create a profile of existing volunteers. What are their demographics? What are their motives? Which demographic and … Read more

Explain what virtue ethics is and tell if it works

Explain what virtue ethics is and tell if it works Based on this video, explain in your own words what Virtue Ethics is and tell if it works. In addition , discuss the downside of Virtue Ethics. https://youtu.be/vMeh7SQ8JVs Answer preview: Words: 650

Examine the influence of the Protestant Reformation on the art of Northern Europe

Examine the influence of the Protestant Reformation on the art of Northern Europe Survey II Essay Choices 1) Examine the influence of the Protestant Reformation on the art of Northern Europe. Choose at least two artists to use as examples. 2) Looking at the work of Michelangelo, examine how the changing politics and religious beliefs … Read more

Discuss the United States history since the civil rights movement.

Discuss the United States history since the civil rights movement. What are the  most interesting and/or shocking new information you learned about the United States History since the Civil Rights Movement? Your answer should include the following for each topic in paragraph format. What was the event, story, person, etc? Where did you learn the … Read more

Explain sophisticated genetic testing in human evolution

Explain sophisticated genetic testing in human evolution Sophisticated genetic testing is on the verge of making it possible to manipulate the genes of a human fetus to determine traits such as height, weight, and body shape. What impact, if any, would you expect from this type of designer genetics on human evolution? Write a brief … Read more

What factors predict whether older people who die from cancer have a “good death”

What factors predict whether older people who die from cancer have a “good death” What factors predict whether older people who die from cancer have a “good death”, e.g. being relatively free from pain and having their wishes met? Is hospice use associated with having a “good death”? Using the topic you selected, identify a … Read more

Explain images of Morals and Morality coming from heroic figures in world literature.

Explain images of Morals and Morality coming from heroic figures in world literature. Images of Gender–we have been discussing this theme all term–it was on the Mid-Term, but our discussions keep coming back to this topic, so I think it’s worth exploring over the course of our readings. Images of Morals and Morality coming from … Read more

Explain the variety of ideas regarding the use of a “retirement” period in the life course

Explain the variety of ideas regarding the use of a “retirement” period in the life course The authors  present a variety of ideas regarding the use of a “retirement” period in the life course. Compare and contrast these perspectives. How do you perceive what the American cultural attitudes towards any of the ideas proposed by … Read more

Explain how remodeling in the cerebral cortex produces the phantom limb

Explain how remodeling in the cerebral cortex produces the phantom limb Explain how remodeling in the cerebral cortex produces the phantom limb experience.   Answer preview: Words: 460

Explain global societal problem and determine some logical solutions to the problem.

Explain global societal problem and determine some logical solutions to the problem The topic of your essay needs to be a global societal problem from the following list: Climate change Pollution Religious conflict and violence Rise of artificial intelligence Lack of education Unemployment and lack of economic opportunity Government accountability and corruption Food and water … Read more

Does a hospital have a different duty to an indigent person

Does a hospital have a different duty to an indigent person Does a hospital have a different duty to an indigent person who comes to the emergency room than to a person who has insurance? Please explain .   Answer preview: Words: 290

Discuss whether a bystander has no duty to come to the aid of a person in need

Discuss whether a bystander has no duty to come to the aid of a person in need Do you personally agree with the common law viewpoint that, ordinarily, a bystander has no duty to come to the aid of a person in need? Do you think that a doctor or nurse or other licensed professional … Read more

Discuss ways of developing an IT disaster recovery plan

Discuss ways of developing an IT disaster recovery plan After watching the video, Modern Disaster Recovery Workshop: Developing an IT Disaster Recovery Plan, each student will create their own thread discussing at least three concepts presented in or that you learned from the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuibH0n6W9s&feature=youtu.be APA   Answer preview: Words: 720

 Describe what are the nursing care delivery models.

Describe what are the nursing care delivery models. 1. Describe at least 3 nursing care delivery models. 2. Describe communication strategies for effective inter professional teams. 3. Describe the behaviors  important to demonstrate when working within a team to enhance teamwork and collaboration in the context of quality and safety. APA   Answer preview: Words:1,050

Describe how you can initiate a small project in your workplace

Describe how you can initiate a small project in your workplace Explain the project rationale and key objectives Outline the stakeholder and their role How can you use the following techniques to effectively support project team? Encouragement and regular meetings Feedback and supervision Learning and development   Answer preview: Words:2108

Discuss the impact of IT on Business operations

Discuss the impact of IT on Business operations 1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the new POS system? 2) How will this POS system help the business gain competitive advantages? 3) What are the advantages of having a centralised database? 4) How could this POS system facilitate decision making?   Answer preview: Words:1863

Discuss how the parents’ behaviour influence their children’s behaviour

Discuss how the parents’ behavior influence their children’s behaviour Should the parent take responsibility of their children’s bad behavior? should the parents be punished because of their children bad behavior?   Answer preview: Words:339

 What is the impact of emotional labour in the retail industry?

What is the impact of emotional labour in the retail industry? What is the impact of emotional labor in the retail industry?  How is emotional labor  conceptualized?   Answer preview: Words 1344

Where should MSDS be kept? List 3 pieces of information you can find on an MSDS.

Where should MSDS be kept? List 3 pieces of information you can find on an MSDS. What information does filling out a risk assessment give you? List 4 pieces of information that should be recorded as a training record for a staff member who has undertaken WHS training. How can you minimize the environmental impacts … Read more

Discuss the possible causes of the financial crisis. Do you think GFC could be repeated again?

Discuss the possible causes of the financial crisis. Do you think GFC could be repeated again? Explain the scale and impact of GFC in economies of different countries including your own country. Identify some of the actual or proposed reforms which have eventuated. The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) is the most significant worldwide economic catastrophe … Read more

Present a brief review of your self-assessment findings

Present a brief review of your self-assessment findings Self Awareness is the key to being a great leader and manager Each student is required to conduct and document a “Critical Analysis” of their following personality self- assessment activities from the self-assessment library:  Myers Briggs Profile  Costa & McCrae Big 5 Personality Traits  McClelland Needs Analysis … Read more

Prepare a report to comment on suitability of TDABC for a company

Clearly review on the suitability of TDABC for a company Describe your firm client Describe TDABC and its features In what ways TDABC is different from activity based costing and traditional costing system Discuss whether TDABC is suitable to your firm’s client   Answer preview: Words:2191

Critically review zone and field models used for compartment fire modelling.

Review zone and field models which are used for compartment fire modelling Critically review zone and field models which are used for compartment fire modelling. Include examples and critically analyse the main assumptions, limitations, advantages and disadvantages of these models Critically analyse the effect of ventilation on the composition of smoke using equivalence ratio. Compare … Read more

Explain the biological theories of crime.

Explain the biological theories of crime. Explain four biological theories of crime In this unit, we looked at the biological theories of crime. For this scholarly activity, you will explain four theories of crime. Some of the biological theories focus on internal factors. In your explanation of each theory, include responses to the following items: … Read more

Could you write correct presentation of any potential changes in accounting policy?

Could you please provide advice on the correct presentation of such intangible assets and any potential changes in accounting policy using a business letter? Assume that you are an accountant working for Magenta and Associates a public accounting firm situated at 718 Geelong Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. The manager of your firm, Ms. Lisa Magenta … Read more

What caused the perceived need for the law or change in the law?

What caused the perceived need for the law or change in the law? Select one of the topics presented in the text, and answer the following questions in the form of an essay: Reforming the Criminal Law Laws, in part, reflect public opinion and morality ➤ Stalking laws ➤ Prohibiting assisted suicide ➤ Registering sex … Read more

Discuss the oреrаtiоns strаtеgy used in the mаnufасturing industry

Discuss the oреrаtiоns strаtеgy used in the mаnufасturing industry You should address all the elements covered by the model. • Try to make recommendations you feel will improve the situation at April Pumps under each of the elements. • In particular for Performance Measurement you should include at least one performance measure in each of … Read more

Which stress management technique has the chance to manage or decrease stress?

Which stress management technique do you believe has the best chance to manage or decrease your stress? Which stress management technique do you believe has the best chance to manage or decrease your stress? Do you think that love is a real medicine? Do you think that humor therapy can play an important role in … Read more

Hemingway’s “Hills like White Elephants.” discussion

Hemingway’s “Hills like White Elephants.” discussion Read Hemingway’s “Hills like White Elephants.” answer question What, if anything, is resolved at the end of Hemingway’s story? Examine the last paragraph and how the 2 characters are behaving. What does the American mean by saying other passengers were waiting “reasonably”? What does the tone and meaning of … Read more

Describe types of work breakdown structures typically used by organizations

Describe types of work breakdown structures typically used by organizations Submit a WBS for a fictitious or a real project with a minimum of 15 activities and the first three levels (e.g., task, sub-task, activity). A real project may be something that you managed or are managing. You may use Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, or … Read more

Effects of Impairment expense in a company

Effects of Impairment expense in a company Please read the relevant footnotes of your firm’s financial statements carefully and include information from these footnotes in your answer. Within your firm’s latest annual report (i) From your firm’s annual report find out the asset/s that your firm has tested for impairment. (ii) How did your firm … Read more

Discuss the operational Issues that affect Hospitality management and its solutions

Discuss the operational Issues that affect Hospitality management and its solutions. This question answers the prompt about Operational Issues that affect Hospitality management. Describe how you would monitor the work hours  of the driver/tour guide and the efficiency involved in those hours this would also mean you need to identify relevant problems associated with adjusting … Read more

What are the income tax consequences in Australian Law?

What are the income tax consequences in Australian Law? This assignment consists of two (2) parts. Part A Mrs Brown has been working in Australia in the child care sector as an early childhood educator from 2012. During the 2017 income year Mrs Brown worked as a casual employee with two different employers in the … Read more

Mental health and well-being awareness affecting today’s society

Mental health and well-being awareness affecting today’s society Answer preview: Word: 2,100

Use of Information Technology in business

Use of Information Technology in business Assignment extract: 1. Introduction: Clear statement of purpose, clarity of methods and assumptions; systematic approach to project. 2. Use of resources: Application of relevant course concepts, tools and frameworks use of evidences, engagement with the literature. 3. Content:  Balanced coverage of each of the important points,  Richness … Read more

Impact of parent’s behavior on children’s growth.

Impact of parent’s behavior on children’s growth. Impact of parent’s behavior on children’s growth is effected if a child behaves badly his/her parents should be considered responsible and should be punished.How far do you agree with this?   Answer preview: W0rd: 300

What is the impact of emotional labour in the retail industry?

What is the impact of emotional labour in the retail industry? Assignment extract: Question 1:  What do you think case tells you about the impact of emotional labour in the retail industry? Question 2 : Do you think that this case presents a credible account of how emotional labour is conceptualized? Answer preview: Word: 1,300

Environmental and sustainability initiatives in hospitality management.

Environmental and sustainability initiatives in hospitality management. This is an unit of hospitality management .What are the hospitality standard operating procedures   Answer preview: Word: 800

How to implement work health and safety services in hospitality management.

How to implement work health and safety services in hospitality management Referring  as a restaurant manager in South Australia, answer in detail the below queries; Questions 1. Under the WHS legislation there are 5 situations when a person conducting a business or undertaking (employer) must consult with workers. Name 3 of them. 2. List 4 … Read more

Discuss the possible causes of the financial crisis

Discuss the possible causes of the financial crisis The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) is the most significant worldwide economic catastrophe since the Great Depression of 1929. The sub-prime mortgage crisis is an example of the financial crisis that affected global financial markets worldwide. Give some other examples of financial crisis events in your discussion below.Discuss … Read more

Ways to being a great leader and manager

Ways to being a great leader and manager ORGANIZATIONAL BЕHАVIОR Each student is required to conduct and document a “Critical Analysis” of their following personality self- assessment activities from the self-assessment library:  Myers Briggs Profile  Costa & McCrae Big 5 Personality Traits  McClelland Needs Analysis  Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument The critical analysis requires: Presenting a … Read more

What are the different costing methods in Managerial Accounting

What are the different costing methods in Managerial Accounting   Answer preview: Word: 2,100