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Describe types of work breakdown structures typically used by organizations

Describe types of work breakdown structures typically used by organizations Describe three types of work breakdown structures typically used by organizations. Submit a WBS for a fictitious or a real project with a minimum of 15 activities and the first three levels (e.g., task, subtask, activity). A real project may be something that you managed … Read more

Work out the following accounting tasks

Work out the following accounting tasks Within your firm’s latest annual report (i) From your firm’s annual report find out the asset/s that your firm has tested for impairment. (ii) How did your firm conduct the impairment testing? (iii)Has your firm recorded any impairment expenditures during the period? (iv)Identify the key estimates and assumptions used … Read more

Discuss hospitality management in monitoring work operations

Discuss hospitality management in monitoring work operations НОSРITАLITY MАNАGЕMЕNT: MОNITОR WОRK ОРЕRАTIОNS Scenario 1 You are the manager at the Ocean view hotel. During the last 4 weeks the numbers of patrons during dinner service on Wednesdays to Fridays have doubled. Although this is good news for the operation, there have been associated with this … Read more

Explain safety procedure in handling hazardous chemicals such as toxics and corrosive chemicals

Explain safety procedure in handling hazardous chemicals such as toxics and corrosive chemicals WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING THIS PROCEDURE: xxxxx HOW IS THIS DOCUMENT GOING TO BE IMPLEMENTED? A checklist, what checklist, when, how and by whom? xxxxxx   WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING THAT THE STAFF ARE IMPLEMENTING THE SOP? xxxxxxxx   EFFECTIVENESS: … Read more

Explain the situations when a person conducting a business or undertaking (employer) must consult with workers.       Name  3 of them.

Explain the situations when a person conducting a business or undertaking (employer) must consult with workers. Questions 1. Under the WHS legislation there are 5 situations when a person conducting a business or undertaking (employer) must consult with workers.       Name  3 of them. 2. List 4 ways of providing staff with workplace health … Read more

Explain this ethical Dilemma Presentation

Explain this ethical Dilemma Presentation Ethical Dilemma Presentation Students of school law will present to the rest of the class an ethical dilemma that has legal implications and is related to education. An ethical dilemma, by definition, is a situation that presents an individual with two or more viable options. An ethical dilemma is different … Read more

Reflect on self-reflective journal on sustainable consumption

Reflect on self-reflective journal on sustainable consumption This is a self reflection journal In this assessment task, you must: demonstrate your understanding of the chosen theme/s, considered how the theme/s apply to you, as an individual and as a potential future manager considered the implications of these at a personal level e.g. what may have … Read more

Discuss the process of knowledge formation in a social-technical system

Discuss the process of knowledge formation in a social-technical system Read the attached article and discuss 1. The process of knowledge formation in a socio-technical system (how do we know what we know). 2. The concept of “vast machine” and knowledge infrastructure. 3. The basis of scientific knowledge. 4. The concept of globalist information.   … Read more

Explain patient’s perception of quality palliative care

patient’s perception of quality palliative care Assessment task 2 is different to assessment tasks that you have encountered in the BN so far. Basically, this assessment task is designed so that you can be as innovative as you like – it is an opportunity for you to highlight your creativity in addition to the knowledge … Read more

What classes of liabilities are recorded under the classification “Current Liabilities”?

What classes of liabilities are recorded under the classification “Current Liabilities”? Refer to the consolidated financial statements and notes in the 2017 financial report of Wesfarmers on its website, http://www.wesfarmers.com.au/docs/default-source/reports/j000901-ar17_interactive_final.pdf?sfvrsn=4 and answer the following questions: Have the current liabilities of Wesfarmers increased or decreased over the year? By how much? What classes of liabilities are recorded under … Read more

Explain three types of qualitative research:phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnographic research

Explain three types of qualitative research:phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnographic research The three types of qualitative research are phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnographic research. What are the differences and similarities between two of the three types of studies?   Answer preview: Word: 353

Discuss how the dietary, physical activity and anthropometric data compare with Australian population trends

Discuss how the dietary, physical activity and anthropometric data compare with Australian population trends а jоurnаl аrtiсlе рrеsеnting thе findings frоm thе nutritiоn, рhysiсаl асtivity аnd рrоvidеd аnthrороmеtriс dаtа with strеngths аnd limitаtiоns. Discuss how the dietary, physical activity and anthropometric data compare with Australian population trends and Australian recommendations or guidelines (eg NRVs). Comment … Read more

what in the air blower and what it is components

what in the air blower and what it is components Describing the device you are considering for analysis and reengineering Design a Mini Air BlowerComponents: Motor Fan Blades Nozzles Shaft Suction frame Supporting frame Joints & screwse   Answer preview: Words: 157

Discuss critical Analysis of a Psychological Issues in Diabetes

Discuss critical Analysis of a Psychological Issues in Diabetes Present a critical analysis as to the impact of grief to a person who is newly diagnosed with the chronic disease diabetes. Explore the significance of this issue to the assessment and management of diabetes in general and for the person in question. Briefly include relevant … Read more

Prepare an international business strategy report for the management team of Disney

Prepare an international business strategy report for the management team of Disney Disney’s purchase of Fox’s entertainment assets is a gamble on media’s future Using the above article, additional research, and course material, prepare an international business strategy report for the management team of Disney. The report must present a logical (strategic) analysis of the … Read more

Discuss hоsрitаlity mаnаgеmеnt mоnitоr wоrk ореrаtiоns thеоry

Hоsрitаlity mаnаgеmеnt mоnitоr wоrk ореrаtiоns thеоry Q1  The process of monitoring work operations is often broken down into six stages. Q2. Monitoring the expected service provisions of your staff is an important part of a frontline supervisor’s job. How often should this be done? Q3.Once workflows have been established, what should you do to determine … Read more

Develop a responsibility matrix for the work that needs to be done prior to starting your trip.

Develop a responsibility matrix for the work that needs to be done prior to starting your trip. You are the father or mother of a family of four (kids ages 13 and 15) planning a weekend camping trip. Develop a responsibility matrix for the work that needs to be done prior to starting your trip. … Read more

How colonisation determines social justice and Indigenous health

How colonisation determines social justice and Indigenous health 1. https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publications/social-justice-report-2005-chapter-2-achieving-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander#b-equality 2. How colonisation determines social justice and Indigenous health—a review of the literature (Article attached) 3. Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health equity through action on the social determinants of health. 4. http://anmf.org.au/documents/policies/PS_Aboriginal_and_Torres_Strait_Islander_Health.pdf 5. Identifying hotspots of health inequity (article attached) 6. Access to primary health … Read more

Discuss the challenges of managing people within an organization

Discuss the challenges of managing people within an organization Managing people in my opinion, is quite a challenging task. One reason is that, as the text by HBR states, managers must be able to “motivate every single employee to take action and engage them with a compelling mission and vision.” I find this challenging because … Read more

Select a country in comparison with KSA in relation to the factor endowment theory

Select a country in comparison with KSA in relation to the factor endowment theory. In a critical essay, For each country, discuss: What is the impact of resource endowments on comparative advantage? Is this theory a good predictor of trade patterns? What additional trade theories can be applied? Explain their main insights and challenges. As … Read more

Discuss a firms’ customer considerations ,the basis of successful business strategy

Discuss a firms’ customer considerations ,the basis of successful business strategy Customers are the foundation of successful business-level strategy. Discuss a firm’s three customer considerations—who, what, and how. These issues refer to the customer groups to be served. Answer Preview: Words: 158

Discuss the Telecommunications and Network Security

Discuss the Telecommunications and Network Security 1. Who is ultimately responsible for the security of information in an organization? 2. What are the disadvantages of using a VPN instead of a leased line? 3. If a hacker hacks into a network, copies a few files, defaces the Web page, and steals credit card numbers, identify … Read more

Critically discuss the cybersecurity challenges that companies face as they expand

Critically discuss the cybersecurity challenges that companies face as they expand Using powerpoint presentation  address cybersecurity challenges the company may face as it plans to expand into global sales Address the issues below in your presentation. Determine the scope of e-commerce crime and security challenges. Outline the concerns as the company conducts business internationally. Describe … Read more

Discuss the anticompetitive behavior that companies engage in

Discuss the anticompetitive behavior that companies engage in Identify one example within the last year of a large company that has (or might be) engaged in anticompetitive behavior and what type. Suggest three ways that this behavior could be viewed as either a Horizontal or Vertical restraint of trade. Be sure to explain and define … Read more

Critically discuss God as loving citing experiences.

Critically discuss God as loving citing experiences. When we speak of God as loving we use our experience of love. Do you agree?  How might our experiences of hurt in personal relationships (i.e. an abusive parent) affect our understanding of God?   Answer preview: Words:355

What factors motivate healthcare organizations?

What factors motivate healthcare organizations? What factors motivate healthcare organizations to maintain programs aimed at compliance and corporate ethics? Discuss healthcare Ethical Compliance   Answer preview: Words:342

Critically review the changing the Medicare fraud offences from misdemeanors to felonies

Critically review the effects of changing the Medicare fraud offences from misdemeanors to felonies Analysis of Misdemeanor crime Critically review the effects of changing the Medicare fraud offences from misdemeanors to felonies   Answer preview: Words636

Discuss ways of managing stress in the society today

Discuss ways of managing stress in the society today What is your relationship with stress, and how do you manage stress? How can stress be managed stress everyday? Watch the  TED talk about stress management https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX7jnVXXG5ohttps://www.ted.com/talks/kelly_mcgonigal_how_to_make_stress_your_friend   Answer preview: Words:340

What is your explanation of the relationship with God?

What is your explanation of the relationship with God?  When we speak of God as loving we use our experience of love. Do you agree?  How might our experiences of hurt in personal relationships (i.e. an abusive parent) affect our understanding of God? What is your explanation of the relationship with God?   Answer preview: … Read more

What factors motivate healthcare organizations to compliance and corporate ethics?

What factors motivate healthcare organizations to compliance and corporate ethics? What is  your arguments on the importance of value-based healthcare system? Healthcare organizations focus on consumers who determine the reliability of an organization in the healthcare system. Discuss   Answer preview: Words:167

Identify common health concerns of school-age children and associated health interventions

Identify common health concerns of school-age children and associated health interventions Identify common health concerns of school-age children and associated health interventions. Recognize the major stressors that can negatively affect an adolescent’s mental and physical health. You must include at least 1 evidence-based article no older than 5 years and write at least 700 words … Read more

Discuss the personal philosophy of nursing

Discuss the personal philosophy of nursing 1. Introduction that includes who you are and where you practice nursing 2. Definition of nursing 3. Assumptions or underlying beliefs 4. Definitions and examples of the major domains of nursing 5. Summary that includes answers to the following questions: a. How are the domains connected? b. What is … Read more

Discuss evaluating a Company’s Culture for Diversity

Discuss evaluating a Company’s Culture for Diversity You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in the area of diversity for your company. Each section will contain specific areas within diversity for you to focus … Read more

Explain why some people resist the idea of working in teams

Explain why some people resist the idea of working in teams Why do you think some people resist the idea of working in teams and how would you deal with their resistance? Provide specific examples and support your recommendations with research. Answer preview: Words: 333

What is the purpose of BI demo tool and its features

What is the purpose of BI demo tool and its features  BI tool demo (YELLOWFIN) What is the purpose of the tool? What features does the tool have? What industries benefit most from this type of tool? What similar tools are available from competing BI solution provides? As part of the demonstration show how data … Read more

How can managers overcome obstacles to diversity such as mistrust,tension, stereotyping, and communication problems

How can managers overcome obstacles to diversity such as mistrust,tension, stereotyping, and communication problems How can managers overcome obstacles to diversity such as mistrust and tension, stereotyping, and communication problems? What approaches to diversity and inclusion would you recommend and why?   Answer preview: Words: 367

Compare Gilgamesh and Ovid’s Metamorphoses and how the World Was Made’ is obviously a creation story

Compare Gilgamesh and Ovid’s Metamorphoses and how the World Was Made’ is obviously a creation story Our first story, ‘How the World Was Made’ is obviously a creation story–how does it compare to similarly themed stories we saw in Gilgamesh and Ovid’s Metamorphoses as well as the perhaps best known creation myth for most of us, the Genesis stories? We see a similar … Read more

Why non-employee members of any board of directors serve without pay are willing to donate their time?

Why non-employee members of any board of directors serve without pay are willing to  donate their time? Generally, non-employee members of any board of directors serve without pay. As they could face personal liability in certain situations, why do you think they are willing to essentially donate their time? What various factors might motivate such … Read more

Identify the components of an information system (IS) using the five-component framework

Identify the components of an information system (IS) using the five-component framework Develop a paper that reviews some of the main topics covered in the course. Compose an essay to address the elements listed below. Identify the components of an information system (IS) using the five-component framework, and provide a brief summary of each. Explain … Read more

what expectations do you have of the directors of a corporation where you are employed?

what expectations do you have of the directors of a corporation where you are employed? From an employee’s standpoint, what expectations do you have of the directors of a corporation where you are employed?   Answer preview: Words:342

Discuss morphological predictions in the Westerschele (Belgium and the Netherlands)

Discuss morphological predictions in the Westerschele (Belgium and the Netherlands) Morphological Predictions in the Westerschele (Belgium and the Netherlands) Instructions: APA   Answer preview: Words: 1074

Analyze the breach in the context of NIST’s recommendations.

Analyze the breach in the context of NIST’s recommendations. Review NIST’s guidelines for Patch Management at https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/sp/800-4…What was Equifax lacking that contributed to the breach? . Next research the Equifax breach that occured last year. Analyze the breach in the context of NIST’s recommendations. How much will this likely cost them? What steps you would take if you … Read more

Discuss ethical considerations and research, linking sexual orientation to genetics

Discuss ethical considerations and research, linking sexual orientation to genetics The chapter focuses on the ethical considerations and concerns about research linking sexual orientation to genetics   Answer preview: Word: 840

Critically analyse the potential effects of using ADHD drugs

Critically analyze the potential effects of using ADHD drugs what would your thoughts be on this topic ! Like General question . what would you say in your opinion!   Answer preview: Words:130

Describe the renspose of the non-employee members of boards willing to donate their time

Describe the renspose of the non-employee members of boards willing to donate their time Non-employee members of boards may be willing to donate their time for the purpose of expanding their self-actualization and power within the community. According to Tillich, “Power is the possibility of self-affirmation in spite of internal and external negation. It is … Read more

Describe critically the Director’s Priorities Response

Describe critically the Director’s Priorities Response Discuss the importance of the employees to know and understand the importance of safe working  Suggest the changes that directors should do within the hubs to create safe work environments.   Answer preview: Words:189

Compare and Contrast the Hindu Religion with the Sikh religion

Compare and Contrast the beliefs and practices of the Hindu Religion with the Sikh religion 1) You may focus on Doctrine Beliefs, Ethics, the divine experiences of their prophets or any notable figure, views on women. 2) Cut down body cremation, marriage practice and background only a little bit 3)A little focus on Gurus and … Read more

Critically analyse the Culture in the workplace

Critically analyze the Culture in the workplace Distinguish your local culture from your national culture? Why do you think the ad agency chose this power relationship for its commercial? Is it one to which you can relate? Have you had any kind of similar experience at your workplace or school (e.g., with a patient, client, … Read more

Critically analyse the impact of rapid environmental changes on organizations

Critically analyze the impact of rapid environmental changes on organizations What is the impact of rapid environmental changes on organizations? Answer preview: Words:725

Critically analyse a political ideology and its impact.

Critically analyze a political ideology and its impact. Present to class using PowerPoint analysis of the impact of a political ideology on Education and religion Family structure Diplomacy and economy   Answer preview: Words:13 slides