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Describe the budgeting and budgetary Control

Describe the budgeting and budgetary Control Question 2 (maximum 400 words – 10 marks) You are required to select the following topics. In order to demonstrate your understanding of the selected technique, explain how and where it would have been relevant and beneficial to any of your team’s decisions during the business simulation “Winning Margin™”, … Read more

Discuss a  circularly economy in  Arcelor Mittal the automotive industry wastage and pollution 

Discuss a  circularly economy in  Arcelor Mittal the automotive industry wastage and pollution can you add more in index? see the below example 5. Arcelor Mittal a. Company overview b. Production and management of steel c. Supply Chain & Logistics and sustainability d. Waste management e. Environmental and social contribution/responsiveness 6. Automotive industry: Car manufacturer … Read more

Describe a successful environmentally sustainable workplace practice

Describe a successful environmentally sustainable workplace practice Task instructions Find an example of a successful environmentally sustainable workplace practice in Australia. Write a 500-word description of the workplace practice: Describe the initial workplace issue(such as Cafe, Restaurant, include company name, business type and information source). Explain the sustainable work practice including two environmental benefits which … Read more

Using Human Geography describe the politics of scale

Using Human Geography describe the politics of scale Hide Description This is the main weekly discussion forum for the course. Each weekly discussion will open on Saturdays (at 12 a.m.) and close the following Sunday (at 10 p.m.). You will notice that you need to post your own comment before you can see other comments. … Read more

Critically research and comply with regulatory requirements

Critically research and comply with regulatory requirements Research and Comply with Regulatory Requirements Part 1 Short Answers Q1. Why must a business make sure that any contractors they employ, holds the appropriate licences? Part 2 Compliance and Continuous Improvement Write a short procedure outlining how you will address the following aspects for continuous improvement, communication … Read more

Explain activity-based costing.

Explain activity-based costing. Activity-based costing. Write 2000 words looking at important aspects of managerial accounting focus.. Use Arial font size 12 and single spacing typed assignment. Provide 3 academic references.   Answer  preview: Words: 2,077

Describe handling of a Resigning Employee

Describe handling of a Resigning Employee You are the manager of a department. A employee comes to you with the intention to quit. She says it’s because of the behavior of one of the other employees. This employee feels like she is being bossed around and she feels like she can’t do anything right. You … Read more

Critical analysis of the effectiveness of employee involvement and participation.

Critical analysis of the effectiveness of employee involvement and participation. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of different methods, of employee involvement and participation. In your answer consider the impact of organizational context on choice of method and the advantages and disadvantages for the key actors in Employment Relations. 1.   Please refer to relevant academic literature in … Read more

Discuss why the courts have had such a hard time distinguishing the fixtures and chattels.

Discuss why the courts have had such a hard time distinguishing the fixtures and chattels. Read ‘Fixtures and Chattels: A Question of More or Less…’ The difference between fixtures and chattels has been a concept with which the courts have struggled. Having regard to the historical basis of the law surrounding fixtures and chattels discuss … Read more

Prepare a draft letter to Lyn Smith, in which you attempt to refuse her specific requests

Prepare a draft letter to Lyn Smith, in which you attempt to refuse her specific requests It will include two parts. A draft letter and a transmittal memorandum. Draft Letter: Negative Message with Positive Emphasis Background: Go back to the “Globe Airlines” case and review it. In particular, review the criteria for the reply to … Read more

It is  more important to study science and technology than business.Debate

It is  more important to study science and technology than business.Debate The essay needs to be typed in Word with double lined spacing. -Use font 12 and reference your work correctly. -The full subject of this essay is ( People consider it more important to study science and technology rather than business. To what extent … Read more

Compare and contrast companies entrance strategy and cross cultural challenges

Compare and contrast companies entrance strategy and cross cultural challenges Your task is to research each company’s entrance strategy, cross cultural challenges and business results specifically in the markets above. Then, utilizing a compare and contrast approach, discuss the three companies to address the following: What was the companies’ globalization strategy at the time they … Read more

Discuss the dividend policy of your company.

Discuss the dividend policy of your company. Assessing Dividend Policy Revisit the company you chose for your Week Six Final Project. Using the annual report and other sources such as a 10k or 10q’s, discuss the dividend policy of your company.Answer the following questions as part of your response: How would you describe your chosen … Read more

Critically review the factors in capital budgeting decisions

Critically review the factors in capital budgeting decisions Imagine you are a representative of management in the company you have selected for your Week Six assignment and you must make a capital budgeting decision. The decision is to implement a new computer network system to decrease the time between customer order and delivery. The cost … Read more

Write a detailed case study ethics report on Professional Practice and Ethics

Write a detailed case study ethics report on Professional Practice and Ethics The case study below describes a questionable situation in ICT industry .You are required to write 2500 words report that addresses ethical issues in the case study. What are the ethical issues and implications?   Answer preview: Words:2865

Critically analyze the Health of Adults.

Critically analyze the Health of Adults. 1. A new patient has presented at a local clinic for treatment of a “red, bumpy rash” on his hands. The patient is 47 years old and is accompanied by his wife. The nurse is preparing to take a health history. a. Which type of history, comprehensive or focused, … Read more

Competitive Advertisements Case Analysis -Case Analysis: Beyoncé John Doe

Competitive Advertisements Case Analysis -Case Analysis: Beyoncé John Doe. Analyze the problem. This is where you identify relevant facts from the case and apply a conceptual model to diagnose the problem. Analyze the problem you identified (and not some other problem). Organize the facts into a coherent whole as if you were presenting evidence to … Read more

Study and analyze an existing website using the given criteria and prepare a report

Study and analyze an existing website using the given criteria and prepare a report Case Analysis – Report of a Contemporary Website The objective of this assignment is to study and analyze an existing website using the given criteria and prepare a report to provide your results. You are expected to do the following: ·         … Read more

Explain how the modern world has opened opportunities for local business ventures to operate in international markets

Explain how the modern world has opened opportunities for local business ventures to operate in international markets 1. Identify any two potential overseas markets (i.e. two countries) for your chosen product/organization and conduct a detailed assessment of the                 political, economic, legal, financial and cultural factors, and clearly explain … Read more

Invest in building a greenfield automobile assembly facility in Costa Rica with a local partner.

Invest in building a greenfield automobile assembly facility in Costa Rica with a local partner. The global automaker you work for, has decided to invest in building a greenfield automobile assembly facility in Costa Rica with a local partner. Which FDI theory presented in this chapter might explain your company’s decision? in what areas might … Read more

Debate about benefits and consequences of shareholder primacy in corporate governance

Debate about benefits and consequences of shareholder primacy in corporate governance Revisit the issue of shareholder primacy by assessing Lynn Stout’s article on the “toxic effects” of this doctrine. Assess her overall argument. If she is correct that shareholder primacy issues in new problems, how ought these problems be addressed?   Answer preview: Words: 350

Should an elected official use any text other than the traditional use of the Bible

Should an elected official use any text other than the traditional use of the Bible Steve Dedmon, newly elected House of Representative to the U.S. Congress from Florida, who is a Muslim, has ignited debate across the country because he has expressed his desire to use the Qur’an as the book on which he will … Read more

Discuss whether life is meaningful or meaningless

Discuss whether life is meaningful or meaningless In this paper, you will argue that you would, or would not, want to live forever. In doing so, discuss Susan Wolf’s analysis of the meaning of life and Thomas Nagel’s view on death. For many of you, this is your first philosophy class. To give direction to … Read more

“Who is better off: a person using credit cards or a person refraining from any loans?”

“Who is better off: a person using credit cards or a person refraining from any loans?” Essay’s subject is “Who is better off: a person using credit cards or a person refraining from any loans?”   Answer preview: Words: 642

Is it plausible to create the United States of Africa

Is it plausible to create the United States of Africa “Is it plausible  to create the United States of Africa, uniting all African countries under one flag and constitution?”   Answer preview: Words:632

Explain Principles of Marketing strategies

Explain Principles of Marketing strategies  Principles of Marketing Answer preview: Words: 2,462

Explain maintenance of staff records as a requirement under employment law

Explain maintenance of staff records as a requirement under employment law Q1. Maintaining Staff Records Maintenance of staff records is a requirement under employment law. Employers are required to keep accurate and complete records of time and wages and to issue pay slips to each employee. Records must be laid out so that a government … Read more

Describe the benefits of implementing the continental Go forward strategy

Describe the benefits of implementing the continental Go forward strategy Describe the benefits of implementing the continental Go forward strategy. Explain why it is important for an airtime to use a real time data warehouse. Identify the major differences between the tradition data warehouse and real time data warehouse as was implemented at continental. What … Read more

Protection from the skin cancer by having darker skin color is not a good evolutionary argument

Protection from the skin cancer by having darker skin color is not a good evolutionary argument 1.  Why do the authors say that protection from the skin cancer by having darker skin color is not a good evolutionary argument? Remeber that for              Darwin, fitness means surviving, and importantly, having … Read more

Write a reflective Essay on an Ethical Dilemma

Write a reflective Essay on an Ethical Dilemma Essay Topic: The ‘best interests of the child’ (Article 3.1 UNCRC) is not always easy to identify particularly in situations that present us with an ethical dilemma. Discuss your chosen dilemma in relation to the children’s rights (as defined by UNCRC) and the determination of children’s best … Read more

Discuss the impact of technology on employment relationship

Discuss the impact of technology on employment relationship What is employment relationship is?  What actors?  Taking generally technology affecting the employment relationship. Generally the impact of technology, the all level of technology Answer: do you agree with the question. Part 2: Main body P.41-P.46 IT, performance and HRM Automation Social media Monitoring Apps and gig economy … Read more

Critically discuss the Core drivers of globalization

Critically discuss the Core drivers of globalization 1. Discuss the core drivers of globalization as identified by Dye & Stephenson (2010), with respect to logistics.  Which have the greatest effect on the logistics function?  What effect do the others have?  Are these effects mainly positive, negative, or a mixture of both? Explain. 2. Rodrigue (2012) … Read more

Write a 1500 word essay response on an influenza

Write a 1500 word essay response on an influenza Case Study: Mr. Abeo Okafor is an 88-year old resident of Ruby Gardens Nursing home. He is a widower but has a daughter and three grandchildren who visit once a week. Mr. Okafor emigrated from Nigeria with his wife and family 10 years ago but only … Read more

Develop and discuss a strategy of spending from an organisation

Develop and discuss a strategy of spending from an organisation Select a category of spend from your organisation. Develop and discuss a strategy using the knowledge gained from this programme which could form the basis of a formal commercial negotiation. Your assignment should include an explanation of the key facts, data and approaches that you … Read more

Show detailed solutions to the Advanced accounting questions

Show detailed solutions to the Advanced accounting questions You are required to finish each of these questions, total 40 marks. Please give the solutions in detail, show calculations and submit the solutions to Moodle using a single file, it can be Excel format, Word format or PDF format, no requirement on word limits. If any … Read more

Investigate the practices and perceptions found in petrochemical firms in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Investigate the practices and perceptions found in petrochemical firms in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia Therefore, this study sought to answer the following three research questions: What is the present status of CSR initiatives and reporting among petrochemical companies in the KSA? What are the motivations/barriers for petrochemical companies in the KSA to disclose their … Read more

Compare Aristotle concept on moral virtue to other ethical theories

Compare Aristotle concept on moral virtue to other ethical theories АRISTОTLЕ’S СОNСЕРT ОF HUMАN FLОURISHING АND MОRАL VIRTUЕ IS А VIАBLЕ АLTЕRNАTIVЕ TО ОTHЕR ЕTHIСАL THЕОRIЕS ЕVЕN THОUGH IT IS NОT РRЕSСRIРTIVЕ FОR ЕTHIСАL DЕСISIОN MАKING Discuss Human Flourishing and Moral Development: Cognitive and Neurobiological Perspectives of Virtue Development. Answer preview: Words:1623

Eyewitness Testimony is not Always Accurate. Discuss.

Eyewitness Testimony is not Always Accurate. Discuss. Research Psychology Shows that Eyewitness Testimony is not Always Accurate, therefore it should not be used in the Criminal Justice System. Discuss. Answer preview: Words:1966

Discuss christian view of human nature, the theory of moral status and its compatibility.

Discuss christian view human nature, the theory of moral status and its compatibility Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” and other required topic study materials, answers the following questions: What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to … Read more

Discuss whether or not Facebook has a legal or ethical duty to rescue a crime victim.

Discuss whether or not Facebook has a legal or ethical duty to rescue a crime victim. Read the article Cleveland Shooting Highlight’s Facebook’s Responsibility in Policing Depraved Videos found at: http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/cleveland-shooting-highlights-facebook-s-responsibility-policing-depraved-videos-n747306 Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: 1.Discuss whether or not you believe that Facebook has a legal or ethical … Read more

Critically reflect upon the role played during the simulations projects

Critically reflect upon the role played during the simulations projects Critically reflect upon the role you have played during the simulation project this semester. In your observations, comment upon the team dynamic, the role you have played and how performance could be improved in your group next time. Tie your critical reflections to the academic … Read more

Suggest suitable control elements that may mitigate the impact of the risks on the firm.

Suggest suitable control elements that may mitigate the impact of the risks on the firm. Scenario: You are a senior auditor in the firm of BG Partners. The firm has decided to take on a new client and has requested you to compile a risk assessment report on the firm, as part of the initial stage … Read more

What is the role of environment in our life

What is the role of environment in our life This this is a group ass we choose the topic talking about the environmental :helping me doing this few parts 1. Introduction (1 reference ) 2.Role of environmental in our’s life ( 2reference) 3. Mission statement of the environmental (1reference) 4.Vision statement of the environmental (1reference) … Read more

Discuss, without сорyright сrеаtоrs wоuld nоt сrеаtе nеw wоrks

Discuss, without сорyright сrеаtоrs wоuld nоt сrеаtе nеw wоrks Оnе оf thе рrimаry аims оf сорyright is tо еnsurе sосiеty is riсh with сrеаtivе wоrks. Withоut сорyright сrеаtоrs wоuld nоt сrеаtе nеw wоrks. Disсuss. 1. Copyright has been called “an engine of free expression”. How accurate is this statement? 2. One of the primary aims … Read more

What are economies of scale

What are economies of scale 1. What are economies of scale? In what market types (i.e. perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition) are economies of scale most important? Why? (10 marks) 2. Based on the article above and some limited research what type of market form you think the airline industry in Australia was in … Read more

What is corporate governance and financial system

What is corporate governance and financial system Question 1: Corporate Governance and Financial System Jason’s grandfather gave him some shares as gifts when he graduated. One of these shares is Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA.AX). Jason read some news headlines about CBA’s recent scandal and come across phrases like ‘corporate governance’ and ‘money laundering’. Compose … Read more

Draft a proposal  outlining an accounting standard on the following issue

Draft a proposal  outlining an accounting standard on the following issue Assume that you have been contracted by the Australian Accounting Standards Board to develop a proposal regarding whether to issue an accounting standard on accounting for the costs of environmental damage. Draft a proposal  outlining why you think it is appropriate, or inappropriate, to … Read more

Discuss”Companies are said to be an artificial legal person.”

Discuss  “Companies are said to be an artificial legal person.” “Companies are said to be an artificial legal person.” Your answer must include a discussion of the following: • Discuss the legal basis of the statement • Explain the Salomon v A Salomon And Co Ltd [1897] AC 22 case. How is this case incorporated … Read more

Evaluate different depreciation methods that could be used for financial reporting purposes.

Evaluate different depreciation methods that could be used for financial reporting purposes. Q1 PSB8.8 Buttercup Ltd purchased machinery on 1 January 2015, at a cost of $310 000. The estimated useful life of the machinery is 5 years, with an estimated residual value at the end of that period of $40 000. The entity is … Read more

Plan an audit and have access to the preliminary trial balance for your client.

Plan an audit and have access to the preliminary trial balance for your client. Details of your task You are planning an audit and have access to the preliminary trial balance for your client. You would like to use the trial balance to identify accounts that are likely to require significant audit attention. To access … Read more