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Descride ESL language acquisition

Describe ESL language acquisition Review the information found in “Key Terms” on the “ESL Database.” Choose two terms from the database to paraphrase. How are these terms used in relation to English language learners or education in general? I choose; Endangered Language – a language that is endanger of being replaced by the majority language because … Read more

Strategies used in research study

Strategies used in research study Using the research article selected for DQ 1, identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important. When responding to peers, provide other questions and answers that could be considered in relation to the peers’ studies.   Answer preview: … Read more

Discuss expansion marketing research

Discuss expansion marketing research Section One; Country Study: Assume your company has decided to expand their US business into an international business. You have been asked by your company to research potential countries to determinewhich country they should expand their business to as their first overseas venture.Assignment Criteria: Introduction a. Pick a real organization to … Read more

Discuss power dynamics in various aspects of human interactions

Discuss power dynamics  in various aspects of human interactions Power in a relationship is the ability to influence a situation that you control or that the other participant in the situation perceives your control. Halfway through the project, Annie’s background enables her to position herself as the lead person for the project. Annie is worried … Read more

Do existing laws do enough to protect the interests of individual investors?

Do existing laws do enough to protect the interests of individual investors? For this assignment, you will need to conduct legal research online and in the LEXIS/NEXIS database of the Rasmussen College Library. Your research should be focused on helping you to answer the following questions: Do existing laws do enough to protect the interests … Read more

Discuss about strategic leaders and their involvement in the strategic management

Discuss about strategic leaders and their involvement in the strategic management Prompt: Strategic leaders come from different areas in a business. Their involvement in the strategic management process is necessary for the firm to achieve its mission and fulfill its vision. The effectiveness of the strategic management process is enabled by the ethical intentions of … Read more

Do you believe that the mind is the result of activity in the brain

Do you believe that the mind is the result of activity in the brain Do you see the mind as separate from the body, that is to say, an ineffable entity? Or do you believe that the mind is the result of activity in the brain and that the two are intertwined? What is your … Read more

Describe the positive youth development practices you heard in the Because of Camp© video

Describe the positive youth development practices you heard in the Because of Camp© video Because of Camp Youth Development is a process that prepares young people to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood through a coordinated, progressive series of activities and experiences that help them to develop assets essential to their future. Camp and … Read more

Challenges affecting freight transportation safety and security

Challenges affecting freight transportation safety and security Implications of Increased Security/Safety Measures Impacts of poor safety  Poor safety in transportation – road and trucks Topics questions: Select only ONE (1)of the following current freight transportation challenge: 1)Freight transportation safety and security (i.e., what and how are carriers dealing with security risks in freight transportation and    … Read more

What are punitive damages and what purpose do they serve

What are punitive damages and what purpose do they serve What are punitive damages and what purpose do they serve? Do you think punitive damages are a legitimate award in personal injury cases? Why or why not? In your answer, consider the purpose of the tort system and the interests of the plaintiff, defendant and … Read more

Discussion on Various Legal Sources

Discussion on Various Legal Sources You have worked through a number of videos, lecture demonstrations, and Lexis.com modules to help you learn about legal sources. You have tried various tools and methods for using the sources. Sources are statutes, cases, rules, constitutions, and secondary sources. Tools and methods are natural language and terms and connector’s … Read more

Discuss nature of the HR system recommend for the customer service representatives at the six stores.

Discuss nature of the HR system recommend for the customer service representatives at the six stores. CASE STUDY. Chapter 14 – People’s Home Gadgets People’s Home Gadgets (PHG) is a relatively young company that competes in the consumer electronics and appliances industry (TVs, computers, kitchen appliances, etc.). It has quite a large selection of items, … Read more

Evaluate perception that affects distinct forms of communication

Evaluate perception that affects distinct forms of communication Post 1: Communtion And Perception Contains unread posts Richard Roop posted Aug 21, 2019 9:58 AM Some of my influences on the perception would be the president of the united states of amercia, He hold the perception that the media is all lies and sad news all … Read more

Discuss Ethics of Workplace Privacy

Discuss Ethics of Workplace Privacy Part of ACME’s ability to grow and be innovative involves the use of the latest technology. As the Human Resource Manager, Mary knows there are implications to allowing the employees “free reign” of company property. However, the executive leadership is not worried. Remember, the company has 750 employees. For this … Read more

Discuss entrepreneurs and innovation in technology

Discuss entrepreneurs and innovation in technology write about entrepreneurs and innovation in technology that includes talking about these topics : Information about innovation Entrepreneurs and how they find an opportunity in the market Benefits of innovation and change Startups and innovation Struggles entrepreneurs face when they come up with a new business idea Seeking funding … Read more

Write a research in managerial economics about International trade

Write a research in managerial economics about International trade I need help writing a research in managerial economics about International trade and trade restrictions from 12-15 pages including these points to talk about : I’m going to write about International trade and trade restricts, research includes talking about these topics such as : The history … Read more

Discuss professional ethics and responsibilities of intermediaries

Discuss professional ethics and responsibilities of intermediaries Instructions Create a 5- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation that explores professional ethics and responsibilities. You can use information from the CSU Online Library or other reliable sources. (Note: Websites such as Wikipedia are not acceptable academic sources.) You may use the slide notes function to explain slide contents as necessary. … Read more

Discuss the following hefty hardware case study

Discuss the following hefty hardware case study HEFTY HARDWARE CASE STUDY  Read the Hefty Hardware Case Study on pages 76-79 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study. APA   Answer preview: Words: 702

Critically review the principle of incident response and disaster recovery

Critically review the principle of incident response and disaster recovery The Principle of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery Daily business management entails taking several risks in decision-making, which may at times, pose serious threats to the business or turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Threats negatively affect business operations, thus creating the need … Read more

Critically discuss how to overcome barriers of perception

Critically discuss how to overcome barriers of perception Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. After you have completed the Reading for the week, respond to the questions below. Discussion responses should be on topic, original writing, contribute to the quality of the Discussion by making … Read more

Describe how research uses hypothesis testing and the criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis

Describe how research uses hypothesis testing and the criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis Provide two different examples of how research uses hypothesis testing, and describe the criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis. Discuss why this is important in your practice and with patient interactions. Follow this guideline for credit…. To earn full credit, please … Read more

Identify some of the specific behaviors that indicate issues of codependency

Identify some of the specific behaviors that indicate issues of codependency Please see the case of Colleen on page 73 (Kelly, 2015) and the discussion questions that follow the case: “Colleen is a 26-year-old graduate student who reports “issues with relationships.” She is currently in a relationship with a 30-year-old man, Sean; she has been … Read more

Describe the stage of change, in the case study in reference to (Miller & Miller, 2014)

Describe the stage of change, in the case study in reference to (Miller & Miller, 2014) “George is a 21-year-old college student who has been referred to you because he has been suspended from the university he attends because of an alcohol/drug-related charge. He has been told that he cannot be considered for re-enrollment as … Read more

Describe the triggers as ethnocentric responses.

Describe the triggers as ethnocentric responses. 1. Triggers are ethnocentric responses to differences and defensive reactions to ethnocentrism. Any number of things can serve as triggers, but they generally fall into the following categories: voice, appearance, attitude, and behavior. For the initial post, address the following: Describe a trigger that you have responded to in … Read more

Describe in details the Case study Stage 3 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Describe in details the Case study Stage 3 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Case Study: A 65-year-old woman was just been diagnosed with Stage 3 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She was informed of this diagnosis in her primary care physician’s office. She leaves her physician’s office and goes home to review all of her tests and lab results with her … Read more

Critically analyse an employment practice and make recommendation

Critically analyze an employment practice and make recommendation For the final paper, you will be required to prepare a written analysis to an organizational problem case that is provided below. You will be expected to analyze an employment practice and make a recommendation. Your recommendation must be supported with at least five scholarly references. The … Read more

Discuss ways in which the Federal Trade Commission Act applys to healthcare operations

Discuss ways in which the Federal Trade Commission Act applys to healthcare operations What are some of the ways the Federal Trade Commission Act could apply to a healthcare operation? Answer preview: Words:353

Briefly define the geographic and product markets of large healthcare organizations

Briefly define the geographic and product markets of large healthcare organizations How would you define the geographic and product markets of large healthcare organizations such as Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins? What are new competitors’ barriers to entry to those markets?   Answer preview: Words:383

Annotated Bibliography on the Impacts of Technology on Education.

Annotated Bibliography on the Impacts of Technology on Education. Assignment details below: This is a two-part assignment: Part 1: Locate five peer-reviewed articles published within the past 5 years related to a topic of How Technology has Changed Education. Do not include book chapters, books, editorials, white papers, trade magazine articles, or non-peer-reviewed sources. Then, … Read more

Analyze the research designs to identify their advantages and disadvantages

Analyze the research designs to identify their advantages and disadvantages In this assignment, you will use the scholarly articles to analyze the research designs to identify their advantages and disadvantages. Alper, M., Durose, M. R., & Markman, J. (2018). 2018 Update On Prisoner Recidivism: A 9-Year Follow-Up Period (2005-2014) Retrieved from https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/18upr9yfup0514… Explanation of the advantages … Read more

Write a research paper on online retailing

Write a research paper on online retailing Answer preview: Words: 1240 words

What signs might alert you to a potential professional boundary violation

What signs might alert you to a potential professional boundary violation  Please answer the following questions. 1. What signs might alert you to a potential professional boundary violation or crossing? 2. Contrast the terms terminal sedation , rational suicide, and physician-assisted suicide. 3. Identify at least 3 moral dilemmas that occur during end-of life care … Read more

Discuss the case of Barnes Hospital v. Collector of Revenues

Discuss the case of Barnes Hospital v. Collector of Revenues Review Greater Anchorage Area Borough v. Sisters of Charity and Barnes Hospital v. Collector of Revenue. In a brief, well-organized two to three page essay answer the following: How did to courts take such similar cases and reach opposite conclusions? Which of the two interpretations … Read more

Describe and identify elements of a good data backup planning and disaster recovery Planning

Describe and identify elements of a good data backup planning and disaster recovery Planning Define, describe and identify the elements of (a) good Data Backup Planning (b) good Disaster Recovery Planning (c) good Business Continuity Planning. Be sure to identify and describe any interdependencies in the planning.  APA Answer preview: Words: 1172

Discuss the role of nurse informaticists

Discuss the role of nurse informaticists Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team. To Prepare: Review … Read more

Find an article on the Internet outline a security breach or cyber attack

Find an article on the Internet outline a security breach or cyber attack Find an article on the Internet outline a security breach or cyber attack. Provide a link to the article, what type of attack was used, why the attack was successful, and suggest a control that would mitigate against that attack. Clearly explain … Read more

Explain implicit assumptions and behaviors that affect explicit behaviors

 Explain implicit assumptions and behaviors that affect explicit behaviors The Efficiency Challenge Assignment Purpose of the Assignment Transformative Learning is the process of using prior interpretation to construe a new and revised interpretation of meaning of one’s experience in order to guide future action (Mezirow, 1996, p. 162). For this assignment, we will seek to … Read more

Find one new health care article that uses quantitative research

Find one new health care article that uses quantitative research Find one new health care article that uses quantitative research. Complete an article analysis and ethics evaluation of the research using the “Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics” template. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to … Read more

Emerging Technologies and Practices in Next Generation:Blockchain Technology

Emerging Technologies and Practices in Next Generation: Blockchain Technology Emerging technologies and practices in next-generation data analytics include blockchain, digital strategy, and Artificial Intelligence. Choose one of these technologies and research on it. Your research should include: 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 3. Methodology 4. How it works 5. Would you recommend the technology or … Read more

Dicuss Gout disease

Dicuss Gout disease I need the most recent and updated research about Gout, Please Focused in: 1. Patient assessment ( physical exam with Gout, joint pain etc ….) 2. Nursing care plan 3. Pharmacologic treatment 4. Non-pharmacology treatment. 5. Differential diagnosis (more than 3) 6. Follow up, and Prognosis APA   Answer preview: Words: 901

Discuss,”Embracing Change” by Jason Clarke

Discuss,” Embracing Change” by Jason Clarke After watching the YouTube video “Embracing Change” by Jason Clarke, discuss a few points from the (7) classic reasons people resist change and discuss how you feel about change in an organization – what are your real resistance to change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPhM8lxibSU   Answer preview: Words: 339

Research about anxiety disorder

Research about anxiety disorder I need the most recent and updated research about Anxiety disorder, Please Focused in: 1. Patient assessment ( physical exam with Anxiety disorder, palpitations etc ….) 2. Nursing care plan 3. Pharmacologic treatment 4. Non-pharmacology treatment. 5. Differential diagnosis (more than 3) 6. Follow up, and Prognosis APA   Answer preview: … Read more

Evaluate the Oregon Death with dignity act.

Evaluate the Oregon Death with dignity act. The question is Evaluate the Oregon Death with dignity act. Does it present the slippery slope that Leon Kass suggests in reading 33? Or does it have appropriate safeguards? Or perhaps the law is too restrictive? Consider the amount of power the physician holds in this act. Is … Read more

Review the book and highlight important information

Review the book and highlight important information Book review, highlight important information. Not a summary  also no plagiarism because I will check it right away also do not give summary I put the book on the file   Answer preview: Words: 1,231

What signs might alert you to a potential professional boundary violation or crossing?

What signs might alert you to a potential professional boundary violation or crossing? Please answer the following questions. 1. What signs might alert you to a potential professional boundary violation or crossing? 2. Contrast the terms terminal sedation , rational suicide, and physician-assisted suicide. 3. Identify at least 3 moral dilemmas that occur during end-of life … Read more

Discuss sleep hygiene

Discuss sleep hygiene How many of you have had difficulty sleeping that has developed into insomnia or a sleeping pattern that has impacted your ability to concentrate, your ability to feel healthy, and may be impacting your work and school, or relationships. One of the things that I have talked about with clients of mine … Read more

Consider the evolution and dynamics of a particular system

Consider the evolution and dynamics of a particular system Consider the evolution and dynamics of a particular system or systems and the application of system-level thinking. 1. Analyze how systems evolve. 2. Compare the study of individual components to the analysis of entire systems. 3. Evaluate how system-level thinking informs decision-making, public policy, and/or the … Read more

Explain the experience with mental illness patients

Explain the experience with mental illness patients Reflect on your personal experience interacting with individuals with mental illness. What thoughts or feelings did these experiences produce? What are several issues that nurses can advocate for in caring for this special population? Your reflection must contain your personal opinion   Answer preview: Words: 1,065

Discuss disaster behavioral health in context & personal development

Discuss disaster behavioral health in context & personal development Disaster Behavioral Health in context & Personal Development Think about the application of disaster mental health in the field. How is this skillset and application helpful? For example, how does it tie into Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and how is that helpful in a post-disaster context? … Read more

Dayana Becquer’s Views on Ethics

Dayana Becquer’s Views on Ethics I need to give comments about what Dayana Becquer said below: Dayana Becquer Every day doctors have to deal with complicated circumstances where their actions can make a remarkable difference in the life of human beings. This video begins explaining us how medical science has made remarkable advances in the … Read more