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Replying to seminar slides using a reflective document

Replying to seminar slides using a reflective document Reply to seminar slides While listening to this week’s archived Seminar, complete a reflective document. You may write the assignment in a bulleted list format OR paragraph format. APA style is not required. Please include: The main topics discussed. Sub-topics and/or subsequent classroom discussion. Points you found … Read more

Summarize the vedio “Achieving your childhood dreams” by Dr. Randy Pausch

Summarize the vedio “Achieving your childhood dreams” by Dr. Randy Pausch I would like for you to watch/rewatch the online talk given by Dr. Randy Pausch called “Achieving your Childhood Dreams”. After watching,  write an essay which summarizes the talk, highlights what you think were his most unique/interesting childhood dreams, and what your top ten … Read more

Discuss The Impact of Social Norms on Verbal Communication

Discuss The Impact of Social Norms on Verbal Communication Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. After you have completed the Reading for the week, respond to the questions below. Discussion responses should be on topic, original writing, contribute to the quality of the Discussion by … Read more

Briefly discuss how you did on the survey, why you think you performed well or poorly

 Briefly discuss how you did on the survey, why you think you performed well or poorly 1. Read the article and complete the survey instrument which Dr. Blessman and colleagues administered to employees of a local health department prior to a training event (last two pages of the Blessman article linked above). Most of you … Read more

Discuss the link between the PICOT question, the research articles, and the nursing practice

Discuss the link between the PICOT question, the research articles, and the nursing practice Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the instructor feedback from the previous course assignments and the guidelines below. PICOT Question Revise the PICOT question you wrote in the Topic 1 assignment using the feedback you received from your … Read more

Critically Analyse the Pertinent Healthcare Issues

Critically Analyse the Pertinent Healthcare Issues The healthcare issue I wrote on : Violence in a workplace, focused on psychiatry unit. Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue Develop a 3- to 4-page paper, written to your organization’s leadership team, addressing your selected national healthcare issue/stressor and how it is impacting your work setting. Be sure … Read more

Write a detailed Franchise Memo on Corporate Law

Write a detailed Franchise Memo on Corporate Law This is for California Your firm represents John McGee, a franchisee of McDonald’s. Suzie, a customer of John’s, claims to have gotten food poisoning after eating Chicken McNuggets and is threatening to sue John. Your managing partner has requested that you perform legal research and determine what … Read more

Determine how the sociological imagination can help understand a certain problem. 

Determine how the sociological imagination can help understand a certain problem. Instructions The textbook reading for the week explores social forces that can affect the seemingly private act of suicide. For this assignment, conduct scholarly research on a different private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue, … Read more

Discuss the Critical Aspects of Business Continuity

Discuss the Critical Aspects of Business Continuity 5 words to help paint a better picture of business continuity. Timeout (p. 182): Let’s take our scheduled TIMEOUT so we can assess our progress in the emergency exercise and see if we have any positive take-aways and if we should make changes before continuing. Flash Report (p. 159): I am … Read more

Critically describe the Tesol Philosophy Statement

Critically describe the Tesol Philosophy Statement Major Assignment 1: TESOL Philosophy Statement Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to develop an initial TESOL philosophy statement explaining how you would approach working with students in your class who don’t speak English. Be sure to keep hold of this statement, as you will need to refer to … Read more

Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest in EVIDENCE BASED PROJECT

Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest in EVIDENCE BASED PROJECT Introduction to Clinical Inquiry PART 1 EVIDENCE BASED PROJECT Create a 4- to 5-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following: Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest. Describe how you used keywords to search on your … Read more

Identify a quality improvement opportunity in your organization or practice

Identify a quality improvement opportunity in your organization or practice Identify a quality improvement opportunity in your organization or practice. In a 1,250-1,500 word paper, describe the problem or issue and propose a quality improvement initiative based on evidence-based practice. Apply “The Road to Evidence-Based Practice” process, illustrated in Chapter 4 of your textbook, to … Read more

Discuss in details the Importance of a  Business Strategy

Discuss in details the Importance of a  Business Strategy Research: Business Strategy, Organizational Strategy, and IS Strategy Background Question: I want you to carry out research on why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver? Reference: Pearlson, K., … Read more

Identify a business opportunity and discuss the standard contracts necessary for the operation

 Identify a business opportunity and discuss the standard contracts necessary for the operation The paper should identify a business opportunity and discuss the standard contracts necessary for the operation of the business opportunity and the appropriate choice of business organization for the business opportunity. The paper should identify, through appropriate research, the pertinent legal authorities. … Read more

Ethical theory in medical cases of the premature twins

Ethical theory in medical cases of the premature twins In a five paragraph essay, apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course of action in the medical case of the premature twins studied in class. Apply the ethical theory to support your arguments. Not using the ethical theory results in an automatic zero. Using … Read more

Response to Krystine Munoz’s View on Ethics

Response to Krystine Munoz’s View on Ethics KRYSTINE MUNOZ Peter Singer believes that animals deserve the same respect as human beings do. He believes that it is immoral to use animals in any way that may promote cruelty or pain. His views on Ethics stems from a utilitarian point of view—maximize happiness while diminishing pain. … Read more

Managing pain in patients with chronic migraines during a hospital stay

Managing pain in patients with chronic migraines during a hospital stay “In patients with chronic migraines, is non-pharmacological technique compared to pharmacological technique more effective in pain management during hospital stay? For this assignment, you will create a clinical guiding question know as a PICOT question. The PICOT question must be relevant to a nursing … Read more

Feasibility Report for Baxton Food Delivery Services Company

Feasibility Report for Baxton Food  Delivery Services Company Analytical Report This week, you are tasked to write an Analytical Report. Using your Proposal from week three, research the feasibility of your plan. Following the steps in our textbook, write a feasibility report laying out the specifics for the implementation of your proposal. Look to the … Read more

Discuss teamwork Challenges

Discuss teamwork Challenges 1. Communication: Some employees require more communication than others. Some employees you may have to explain a task in more details and possibly stay with them to make sure that the task is being completed correctly, while some employees are about to pick up on that certain just by simply instructions with … Read more

Who owns the physical health records containing health information?

Who owns the physical health records containing health information? Who owns the physical health records, X-ray photography, and other items containing health information? What does this mean for the person wishing to obtain copies of their medical records?   Answer preview: Words: 307

Research the law in your jurisdiction regarding the duty to warn third persons.

Research the law in your jurisdiction regarding the duty to warn third persons. First: review Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California; then, research the law in your jurisdiction regarding the duty to warn third persons. (You may do your research on-line, be sure to site your source.) In a brief, well-organized two to … Read more

Analysis of Plea Bargains in the US

Analysis of Plea Bargains in the US Plea bargaining is a fixture in the American Criminal justice system. A lot of work can go into a properly constructed plea bargain, but to some it may seem like the easy way out. The written assignment this week is for you to thoroughly discuss the pros and … Read more

Discuss how to apply the four functions of management

Discuss how to apply the four functions of management Discussion Teamwork Look at the posts from part 1 and summarize the main problems ans themes that have been identified. Use this as a basis for the part 2 discussion post. Let’s apply this problem to the P-O-L-C. Function 1: Planning: Strategy and action Your first … Read more

Discuss how to apply the skills of critical thinking to lead the team effectively

Discuss how to apply the skills of critical thinking to lead the team effectively Review the solutions (Part 2) that have been proposed by your classmates and team members (participative leadership) and analyze them to see which you think are most effective and identify any issues that may arise if some of them are implemented. … Read more

What strategies are used to address prejudice and discrimination?

What strategies are used to address prejudice and discrimination? 1. Conduct an internet search and locate short video clips that provide examples that offer strategies for dealing with prejudice and discrimination.              For example, you can look up and review the video A Class Divided (a PBS documentary). Then, address the … Read more

Discussing the statics of mass shootings

Discussing the statics of mass shootings Are mass shootings on the rise in the United States?  Answer preview: Words:1,567

Discuss what should happen when a provider doesn’t meet agreed upon service levels?

 Discuss what  happens when a provider doesn’t meet agreed upon service levels? Instructions: Discuss what should happen when a provider doesn’t meet agreed upon service levels or has missed the minimum performance standards specified in the agreement in the Responses.   Answer preview: What happens if SLA expectations are not met? Service Level Agreements (SLA) is believed to … Read more

How to Locate a Journal Article on ethics

How to Locate a Journal Article on ethics See “How to Locate a Journal Article” in the Course Home and then select a journal article to read and analyze in the topic of ethics. In addition to your selected article, also include references to Landrum and Davis (2014) and the Bible Assignment Guidelines: Identify contradictory … Read more

Should Missouri increase minimum wage to $10.00 per hour?

Should Missouri increase minimum wage to $10.00 per hour? Should Missouri increase minimum wage to $10.00 per hour? What should management do about the compensation of other workers who are currently making $10.00 or $11.00 per hour?   Answer preview: Words: 612

Comprehensively discuss the Effects of Depression and War on American Education

Comprehensively discuss the Effects of Depression and War on American Education In chapter 9 of the text book by Wyne Urban Jennings L. and WargonaJr( 2014) the book title is’”Effects of Depression and War on American Education’ discuss the four subtopics below: Personal experience with depression The women teachers Dust bowl Great depression and school … Read more

Discuss the Effectiveness of non-pharmacological and pharmacological techniques in managing pain

Discuss the Effectiveness of non-pharmacological and pharmacological techniques in managing pain Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study … Read more

Discuss in details an Article Review on the Current Human Resource Staffing Issues.

Discuss in details an Article Review on the Current Human Resource Staffing Issues. Please briefly review (2-4 pages) two articles from electronic sources published within the past twelve (12) months that address a current HR Staffing issue. One can come from a professional journal or professional society like the SHRM website. But, one should come from a … Read more

Describe the nurse’s roles and responsibilities in community and public health nursing.

Describe the nurse’s roles and responsibilities in community and public health nursing. This assignment is designed to ensure you understand the basics of public and community health. It is important to understand the close relationship between public and community health. In your assignment: Define public/community health nursing. Define primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention. … Read more

Corporate Conformity and Ethical Business Relations

Critically review Corporate Conformity and Ethical Business Relations The Portfolio Paper The portfolio paper covers the array of topics discussed and presented in the course. The paper will be evaluated using the Unit Assignments and Portfolio Paper rubric. Theme: CORPORATE COMPLIANCE and MAINTAINING ETHICAL BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS Prepare the portfolio paper using the following guidelines: 1 … Read more

Critically discussEvolution of the Role of HR Manager

Critically discussEvolution of the Role of HR Manager For this project assignment on ACME Company, Inc. consider the following concepts: The issues facing Mary, from the perspective of an HRM in the 21st Century. The challenges associated with the leadership roles and functions of the traditional company versus the modern company. The challenges associated with the … Read more

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies.

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies. Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part 1” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide rationale, include examples, and reference content from the studies … Read more

Critically compare and contrast the effectiveness of the dimensions in social marketing process

Critically compare and contrast the effectiveness of the dimensions in social marketing process Instructions Visit two e-commerce websites of your choice, and apply the social marketing process model (outlined on pp. 431–432) to both. Critically compare and contrast the effectiveness of these sites in terms of the dimensions of the social marketing process. Address the … Read more

Build a visual representations of the data collected during research work

Build a visual representations of the data collected during research work This week, you are tasked to build visual representations of the data you have collected throughout your research. Visual representations of data allow us to share information more efficiently and, often, more effectively. Using the data you gathered/created in your Analytical Report in week … Read more

Discuss the case proceedings of the United States versus Opperman

Discuss the case proceedings of the United States versus Opperman Use Lexis.com and the Shepardize feature to list each stage in the case of State v. Opperman, 89 S.D. 25 (S.D. 1975). It was heard in trial court, then South Dakota Supreme Court, then U.S. Supreme Court, and finally back in South Dakota Supreme Court. … Read more

Discuss examples of product width, length, depth and consistency offered by McDonald’s franchise

Discuss examples of product width, length, depth and consistency offered by McDonald’s franchise 1 Consider the product line offered by your local McDonald’s franchise. Discuss examples of product width, length, depth and consistency offered by this company and what the company may consider in defining its product mix. 2. Discuss examples of product width, length, … Read more

Search the web for a business’ or organization’s website that you find effective

Search the web for a business’ or organization’s website that you find effective Search the web for a business’ or organization’s website that you find effective (it would be even better if you can find a website of a potential competitor to your portfolio project subject). Share the link to this website, and answer the … Read more

Evaluate the concepts associated with entrepreneurship.

Evaluate the concepts associated with entrepreneurship. For this assignment, you will evaluate the concepts associated with entrepreneurship. First, locate the video below in the Films on Demand database in the CSU Online Library. ABC News (Producer). (2013). Building a food truck business from the ground up [Video file]. Retrieved from https://fod.infobase.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?token=54907&wID=273866&loid=213912&plt=FOD&w=640&h=360 Click here to view the video transcript. Next, answer … Read more

Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibilities

Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibilities Corporate social responsibility is an emerging trend for businesses in today’s environment. Regardless of the nature of the industry, corporations are held to higher ethical standards. This assignment will give you a chance to think as an executive and take into consideration the importance of ethics and social responsibility. … Read more

Create a power point to explain Cataract and Glaucoma

Create a power point to explain Cataract and Glaucoma Create a power point on the following CATARACT AND GLAUCOMA What is it/ definition Pathophysiology Risk factors if any Cause Nursing Diagnosis Diagnostic test Clinical manifestation Treatment Health promotion and teaching There several kinds of glaucoma. You can list all but the paper will focus on … Read more

Organizational behavior and analysis of employees

Organizational behavior and analysis of employees For this assignment, you will locate an article in the CSU Online Library that relates to organizational behavior, and write a review of the article. Your article review must be a minimum of two pages in length. Be sure to address each of the following points in your article … Read more

Discuss probation and other forms of alternative sentencing

Discuss probation and other forms of alternative sentencing The text discusses probation and other forms of alternative sentencing. Not putting people in jail is a good idea, but only if the alternative to incarceration is successful. In your written assignment this week, describe what factors may cause probation to be successful or not. What are … Read more

Discuss communication and perception

Discuss communication and perception Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. After you have completed the reading for the week, respond to the questions below. Communication and Perception Our perceptions shape how we engage with the world around us, including our communication choices. For this Discussion, … Read more

Select a research article and describe the strategy used

Select a research article and describe the strategy used Select a research article, other than the articles from your assignments, from the GCU library. Provide an overview of the study and describe the strategy that was used to select the sample from the population. Evaluate the effectiveness of the sampling method selected. Provide support for … Read more

Describe sampling theory and provide examples to illustrate your definition

Describe sampling theory and provide examples to illustrate your definition Describe sampling theory and provide examples to illustrate your definition. Discuss generalizability as it applies to nursing research.   Answer preview: Words: 728

Explain criminal justice and correction systems

Explain criminal justice and correction systems In this project, you will conduct one of the following: practitioner interview, criminal court visit, police ride-along, or correctional facility visit. NOTE: If you believe it is impossible for you to complete any of these experiential exercises due to circumstances beyond your control, contact your instructor who will arrange for an … Read more