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What is meant by market equilibrium

What is meant by market equilibrium Questions: Q1.      What is meant by market equilibrium and how might a market equilibrium change. Q2.      Why might marketing expenditure be important to a firm that operates in an industry that is characterised by monopolistic competition but                      … Read more

Explain why operating inside a production possibilities frontier is a waste of resources

Explain why operating inside a production possibilities frontier is a waste of resources 1.  Using a production possibilities frontier, explain how each of economic growth, technological advances or the introduction of trade can enable an          economy to achieve command over a combination of goods and services that it might otherwise not … Read more

Discuss business operations and strategic goals in all HR activities

Discuss business operations and strategic goals in all HR activities UNIT OF COMPETENCY AND EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS This assessment task addresses the unit of competency Effective Workplace Relationships This unit defines skills, knowledge and outcomes required to use leadership to promote team cohesion. It includes motivating, mentoring, coaching and developing the team and forming the bridge … Read more

Ellaborate the appraisal process

Ellaborate the appraisal process Topic to choose from 1The Appraisal Profession 2. The Appraisal Process 3. An Approach Comparison 4. A Study of the Influences on Market Value 5. Trends in the Appraisal Industry 6. Other topics may be identified by the student and approved by the instructor. Answer preview: Words: 773

Discuss the Purnell Model for cultural competence in healthcare

Discuss the Purnell Model for cultural competence in healthcare How can Purnell’s model for cultural competence helps nurses in healthcare? The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence Please present an essay discussing the Purnell model its framework, assumptions which the model is based and how this model helps us to provide cultural competence health care.   … Read more

Discuss violence in psychiatric department.

Discuss violence in psychiatric department. Violence in psychiatric department. Post an explanation of how competing needs, such as the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients, may impact the development of policy. Then, describe any specific competing needs that may impact the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected. What are the impacts, and how might policy address … Read more

Briefly explain the importance of policy-making process

Briefly explain the importance of policy-making process According to the author’s assessment, what’s the importance of this scenario to the policy-making process? Briefly explain When looking at complexity in policy-making, chapter 4 has provided an illustration to offer insights to future business leaders to understand that, despite the inherent unpredictability of environments, organisms survive and … Read more

Elaborate your career plans in nursing

Elaborate your career plans in nursing What are your career plans in nursing? Please I need a very detailed and elaborated master level essay on this topic. Because am trying to get into nursing school that’s what the essay is about. You know how competitive it is.   Answer preview: Words: 681

Discuss the details of Developing of New Information Security Policy

Discuss the details of Developing of New Information Security Policy If you were asked by your employer to develop a new Information Security Policy Where would you turn to find resources to build this policy? List the two most important items you would include in this new policy and explain why you felt these were … Read more

What were the economic, social, and political upheavals of the first half of the 17th century?

What were the economic, social, and political upheavals of the first half of the 17th century? What were the economic, social, and political upheavals of the first half of the 17th century? Was Europe in an age of crisis in your opinion during this time? Answer preview: Words:443

Discuss the legal implications for employers and employees on Noncompete Agreement

Discuss the legal implications for employers and employees on Noncompete Agreement Instructions Please read the case DCS Sanitation Management v. Eloy Castillo (and supporting notes) Once you have read and reviewed the case scenario, respond to the following questions: Discuss the legal implications for employers and employees for requiring employees to sign noncompete agreements. What factors did … Read more

Discuss the details of Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

Discuss the details of Developing Organizational Policies and Practices Developing Organizational Policies and Practices Add a section to the paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following: Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor. Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that … Read more

Describe how the Use of Epidemiological Data to Influence Change in Health Practices

Describe how the Use of Epidemiological Data to Influence Change in Health Practices Describe how epidemiological data influences changes in health practices. Provide an example and explain what data would be necessary to make a change in practice. APA format, 350 word limit.   Answer preview: Epidemiological data is essential in health practices. Health practices … Read more

Critically analyse a Case Study involving Ford Pinto

Critically analyse a Case Study involving Ford Pinto Please use this strategy when you analyze a case: Identify and write the main issues found discussed in the case (who, what, how, where and when (the critical facts in a case). List all indicators (including stated “problems”) that something is not as expected or as desired. … Read more

Critically describe the use of Technology in Patient Information

Critically describe the use of Technology in Patient Information Answer the questions as written: Discuss ways your organization uses technology to gather patient and health care information, How this information and data are used to direct patient care and outcomes   Answer preview: Words:503

Describe in details how to Start a Nonprofit Organization

Describe in details how to Start a Nonprofit Organization Step 1: Identify a social need in which you are interested. The need could be local, national, or international. Step 2: Conduct an environmental scan for organizations that work in the identified space. In addition to their name, include some discussion of the geographic areas in … Read more

Critically describe the Law, Ethics and Corporate Governance

Critically describe the Law, Ethics and Corporate Governance Law, Ethics and Corporate Governance Looking back on the topics covered in this course, which do you see as being most relevant to your current job or the job you’re seeking to obtain once you’ve earned your degree? In what ways has this course changed the way … Read more

Critically analyse a Journal Article related to Saudi Vision 2030

Critically analyze a Journal Article related to Saudi Vision 2030 compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030, which you locate in the Saudi Digital Library. Your essay must include the following: Title page; Introductory paragraph (a brief paragraph that simply and succinctly introduces the topic); Body (a series of … Read more

Discuss the Success of a Community Action Plan

Discuss the Success of a Community Action Plan Key Concepts in Public Health, the authors’ goal is to help public health professionals understand how an array of disciplines in biological and social sciences contribute to public health policies, programs, and approaches to building health and well-being in communities and the population as a whole. Along … Read more

Write a paper on strategic use of information resource

Write a paper on strategic use of information resource Write a paper on strategic use of information resource Answer preview: Words: 821

Discuss how the strategic plan and implementation activities will be monitored.

Discuss how the strategic plan and implementation activities will be monitored. This is part three of the three part Strategic Management Plan addressing strategy implementation, evaluation and control. The purpose of the Week 5 individual assignment is to allow the student to discuss and explain how the strategies discussed in prior weeks are converted into … Read more

Compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030

Compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030 compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030, which you locate in the Saudi Digital Library. APA   Answer preview: Words:1,384

Discuss global report on food crises

Discuss global report on food crises Choose a country in the 2019 Global Report on Food Crises (Review each other’s posts and each student choose a different country). Review the drivers of food insecurity for your selected country and provide an overview. Choose one of the drivers and discuss method(s) for addressing this driver. Be … Read more

Discuss food crises in South Sudan

Discuss food crises in South Sudan Choose a country in the 2019 Global Report on Food Crises (I chose South Sudan). Review the drivers of food insecurity for your selected country and provide an overview. Choose one of the drivers and discuss method(s) for addressing this driver. Be realistic in your approach and remember to think about … Read more

Discuss tangible and intangible resources of a firm.

Discuss tangible and intangible resources of a firm. Prompt: Firms have both tangible and intangible resources. Firms that are successful on a global scale use both tangible and intangible resources wisely. They maximize the utilization of these resources. Discuss tangible and intangible resources and their impact with the strengths and weaknesses of a firm. APA … Read more

Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”   Answer preview: Words:1000

Is social media, overall, beneficial or harmful to modern day activism?

Is social media, overall, beneficial or harmful to modern day activism? Your thesis proposal must include the following two things: Which sources are you using for the essay beside Gladwell? (Remember you need to use at least two, one of which is Gladwell.) Your working thesis answering the question: Is social media, overall, beneficial or harmful … Read more

Discuss media and the first amendment in the United States

Discuss media and the first amendment in the United States A news story from any reputable state or national news source in print, on radio, on TV, or online. The story will be about the intersection of media and the First Amendment in the United States—no stories from foreign countries. the title of the story, … Read more

Discuss the differences between the concepts forgiveness, and reconciliation

Discuss the differences between the concepts forgiveness, and reconciliation The project is coming to an end, and soon Annie and Zoe will find out who will receive the company promotion. They have experienced a wide range of emotions, issues, questions, and feelings that have not always been positive. The last few weeks have seen them … Read more

Critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030

Critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030 compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030, which you locate in the Saudi Digital Library.   Answer preview: Words:1,378

Explain how to design a Selection Process

Explain how to design a Selection Process Assume that you are on the search committee for a new management intern program. It has been determined that interns will be paid between $25,000 and $30,000, will have one-year appointments, and may apply for permanent positions if they receive good evaluations. The recruitment is to be announced … Read more

Research and find a public leader who has went through a crucible experience. 

Research and find a public leader who has went through a crucible experience. Leadership Crucible Experience: Research and find a public leader who has went through a crucible experience.   answer preview: Words: 372

Discuss why competitive advantages are not permanently sustainable

Discuss why competitive advantages are not permanently sustainable Competitive advantage is not a viable stance in an ever-evolving business landscape (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2017). Rivals are using their unique resources and core competencies to compete for the consumers. To that extent, some competitors may be imitating or improving the product designed by a firm. … Read more

Identify the facts of Webb vs. city of Philadelphia case

Identify the facts of Webb vs. city of Philadelphia case Your analysis of the Webb v. City of Philadelphia case requires that you identify the facts, the legal issues facing the court, the various laws that guide the court, and the decision the court came to and why. Analyze how the court reached it’s decision referencing … Read more

Discuss value chain analysis activity and the considerations for outsourcing.

Discuss value chain analysis activity and the considerations for outsourcing. The value chain is a model that helps organizations to assess their cost position and to implement strategies in light of that knowledge (Hitt et al., 2017, p. 93). Essentially, it helps an organization to consider its various facets, evaluating the capabilities that create value … Read more

Summarise keenly The article Childhood obesity: causes and consequences

Summarise keenly The article Childhood obesity: causes and consequences Research Assignment (Assignment 1) You will be researching an area of Childhood Obesity that is interesting to you. Here are some suggestions for you: 1. The importance of physical activity in young children, including the need for activities that match the developmental stages of children. 2. … Read more

Describe a Data Communication Network in Case Study

Describe a Data Communication Network in Case Study Instructions In this scenario, you have been hired as networking consultant by a nonprofit organization that needs to relocate their main office to a new building across town. The new location will consist of 40 users. The organization has a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy, so workers will need … Read more

Write a discussion response on Interpreting Nonverbal Communication

Write a discussion response on Interpreting Nonverbal Communication Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. After you have completed the Reading for the week, respond to the questions below. Discussion responses should be on topic, original writing, contribute to the quality of the Discussion by making … Read more

Write the annotated bibliography on Enhancing Scholarship through Education

Write the annotated bibliography on Enhancing Scholarship through Education Purpose: The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to summarize the sources that you have gathered to support your research proposal project. These summaries help you to think about the complex arguments presented in your sources. Description: In this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography … Read more

Prepare comprehensive worksheet of SIOP Teaching Model 

Prepare comprehensive worksheet of SIOP Teaching Model Teachers who use the SIOP Model effectively plan, write, and teach their lessons while connecting them to the standards and accommodating for different ELP levels. After reading the “SIOP Teaching Case Study,” record each of the SIOP components and at least two features from each component on the … Read more

Explain Christian perspective of the spirituality and ethics in contrast to postmodern relativism

Explain Christian perspective of the spirituality and ethics in contrast to postmodern relativism Based on the required topic study materials, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following: In 250-300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care. In … Read more

Analyze the poem”The Man He Killed”

Analyze the poem”The Man He Killed” Here is your ESSAY 4, the poetry essay. After reading the directions carefully, and when you are finished writing, please submit the essay for grading. ESSAY 4 DIRECTIONS First, explain in simple contemporary language what is going on in each set of lines (or stanza)—write as if this were being said today in … Read more

Discuss how to compose a team for completing a course/work project

Discuss how to compose a team for completing a course/work project Designing Team and Team Identity Part 1: Think about how to build teams in terms of designing the task, selecting the people, and then, managing their relationships. How would compose a team for completing a course/work project in terms of the three dimensions listed above. … Read more

Discuss and analyze an observation of an ESOL class

Discuss and analyze an observation of an ESOL class Observe an ESOL class.( Advanced Reading, writing, and grammar) (Note: you will not be evaluating anyone; you are just trying to describe what you saw, discuss and analyze relating outside research and developing further questions for inquiry.) Write up your observation   Answer preview: Words: 1,871

compare KSA to China in relation to the factor endowment theory.

compare KSA to China in relation to the factor endowment theory. In a critical essay, you will select a country of your choice and will compare your chosen country to KSA in relation to the factor endowment theory. For each country, discuss: What is the impact of resource endowments on comparative advantage? Is the factor-endowment … Read more

Identify and explain reasons businesses diversify

Identify and explain reasons businesses diversify Prompt: Write a paper about the assorted reasons businesses diversify. The reasons should include profit motive, tax reduction reasons, avoidance of anti-trust laws, low business performance, uncertain cash flow, and any other reasons that you want to discuss. Include global diversification reasons in your paper. Answer preview: Words:747

compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030

compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030 compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030, which you locate in the Saudi Digital Library Since you have discussed about healthcare and education ,find another topic not related to healthcare and education   Answer preview: Words: … Read more

Explain probation and parole

Explain probation and parole explain probation and parole. In your response, you should include the information listed below. Identify both concepts. Provide one advantage and one disadvantage of each. Explain how remote location monitoring can assist probation and parole agencies. Cite and reference (in APA format) at least two sources from an academic online Library. … Read more

Effective Ways of Managing Pain in Patients with Migraines

Effective Ways of Managing Pain in Patients with Migraines Research nursing journals for articles that are based on the quantitative or qualitative research methods. Write a brief report outlining the steps involved in one of the methods. choose a case either quantitative or qualitative and write the report APA   Answer preview: Words: 662

Comparison between USA and KSA concerning the factor endowment theory

Comparison between USA and KSA concerning the factor endowment theory In a critical essay, you will select a country of your choice and will compare your chosen country to KSA in relation to the factor endowment theory. For each country, discuss: What is the impact of resource endowments on comparative advantage? Is the factor-endowment theory … Read more