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Write a micro-reflection on non-involvement of patients in their diagnosis and treatment process.

Write a micro-reflection on non-involvement of patients in their diagnosis and treatment process. Can you please write approx. 100 words of what you’ve learnt from the one of the reading materials? Please make sure to be more specific and put more effort on it. Answer preview: Words:198

Describe The Court System, the Constitution and Litigation

Describe The Court System, the Constitution and Litigation In 1989, the Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker, ran aground in Prince William Sound, Alaska, spilling an estimated 750,000 barrels of crude oil. Research this case. If Exxon was to be sued in a US Court, discuss whether it should be sued in federal court or state … Read more

Describe I-Build housing and construction industry corporation

Describe I-Build housing and construction industry corporation Industry Consulting Project Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO) Student who successfully complete this unit will be able to: 1 Apply business principles, overviews, discipline issues and knowledge to a real-world context and develop the intellectual independence to be                      reflective … Read more

Describe morgellons disease

Describe morgellons disease Paper Topic : morgellons disease Your paper must (1) include the name of the disease you are presenting. Write out the entire name the first time you refer to it, and then you may use initials, if appropriate, after you have defined their meaning. (2) Describe the disease, (3) its symptoms and (4) … Read more

Answer correctly the questions below on Engineering and construction

Answer correctly the questions below on Engineering and construction Explain what is different and common between the Fahrenheit/Rankine and the Celsius / Kelvin temperatures scale. Explain the physical meaning of temperature of Fahrenheit. 451F Explain how total emissivity of polished and oxidized cooper is different and why.   Answer preview: Words:369

How do you assist a patient who has increasing pain, please provide an example?

How do you assist a patient who has increasing pain, please provide an example? Nursing Reflection: How do you assist a patient who has increasing pain, please provide an example?   Answer preview: Reporting I did my placement at Royal Melbourne hospital and I attended a patient with cardiac chest pain. This condition is the … Read more

Critically describe the Enterprise Information Security

Critically describe the Enterprise Information Security The purpose of this assignment is to support the following Learning Outcomes (LO) for this topic: LO1: Understand the purpose and context of a range of typical business information systems LO2: Understand the importance of securing the information of an organization LO3: Recognize the security issues associated with the … Read more

Write a 5 page paper discussing how you would market the product.

Write a 5 page paper discussing how you would market the product. Marketing Plan: Your company has just developed a new sports drink that is in a container which will keep it cool for up to 6 hours. Write a 5 page paper discussing how you would market the product. You MUST upload assignment into … Read more

Explain in details the digital marketing plan.

Explain in details the digital marketing plan. Demonstration of your digital marketing artefacts. Explanation of your digital marketing plan. i just need a 200 words.   Answer preview: Words:2336

Do consumers receive more benefit than risk from marketers knowing their personal information

Do consumers receive more benefit than risk from marketers knowing their personal information Do you believe that consumers on the whole receive more benefit than risk from marketers knowing their personal information? Why or why not? what is the importance of consumer personal information? Answer preview: Words: 335

What do you think is the importance of ethics in the workplace?

What do you think is the importance of ethics in the workplace? Imagine you are an employer (could be in the private sector or in law enforcement, your choice) and you are wanting to hire for a new position but you have been burned in the past by unethical workers. Develop a series of questions … Read more

Examine the episodes from an American television medical drama known as House, M.D

Examine the episodes from an American television medical drama known as House, M.D Please read pages 218-223 (points 43-57) and write a 200 word log (log 1) answering the following questions: Which episode or episodes do you plan on examining? House (also called House, M.D.) is an American television medical drama that originally ran on … Read more

Discuss practical experiences that the authors encountered in implementation of new product development

Discuss practical experiences that the authors encountered in implementation of new product development please write the Critique about this article here is the link:http://www.ijdesign.org/index.php/IJDesign/article/view/1008/403 Tips on writing a critique Writing a critique involves evaluating a piece of work. In this case you’re writing short critiques of journal articles. Although the term sounds like you need … Read more

Is there a correlation between personality traits and subjective well-being

Is there a correlation between personality traits and subjective well-being The research seeks to answer the question- “Is there a correlation between personality traits and subjective well-being?” based on the research question, the research examines three hypotheses namely; That there is a positive correlation between extraversion and subjective well-being. That there is a negative correlation … Read more

Identify traumatic brain injury and temporary personality or behavioral change?

Identify traumatic brain injury and temporary personality or behavioral change? Instructions The last thing Conner remembers is leaving a bar with some friends after watching the Super Bowl together. “I know we were drinking,” he says. “But I don’t remember who won. Is it over?” “What else do you remember?” the nurse asks him. “Waking … Read more

Discuss use of IT to enable business model innovation at VDAB

Discuss use of IT to enable business model innovation at VDAB Computer sciences and Information technology Use of IT to enable Business Model Innovation at VDAB   Answer preview: Words: 589

Discuss stereotypes and barriers to critical thinking

Discuss stereotypes and barriers to critical thinking Stereotypes and Barriers to Critical Thinking In this course so far we have discovered stereotypes and how they can have an impact from the perspective of others. For this key assignment you will be conducting research and writing a paper on stereotypes and how they act as barriers … Read more

Discuss quality measures for hemorrhagic stroke

Discuss quality measures for hemorrhagic stroke Health sciences and medicine Topic :Quality measures for hemorrhagic stroke   Answer preview: Words: 301

Discuss petroleum engineering in gas and oil recovery

Discuss petroleum engineering in gas and oil recovery pick any Petroleum engineer topic not to talk about Petroleum engineer in general.!!!! It should be a specific Petroleum engineer topic… “from previous writer ” . I chose “Gas and Oil Recovery” as the petroleum engineering  ”   Answer preview: Words:372

Explore and discuss the following themes as illustrated in “A Doll’ s House”

Explore and discuss the following themes as illustrated in “A Doll’ s House” Explore and discuss 3 of the following themes as illustrated in “A Doll’ s House” by Henrik Ibsen and in “Sweat” by Zoea Neale Hurston, in Backpacck Literature :FIRST of all, do a summary of each reading using “Freytag Analysis ‘, “Literary … Read more

Discuss the big five personality traits

Discuss the big five personality traits Your Personality and Leadership – Big Five Personality Big 5 personality test Summary and your self-reflection – ( how does it reflect yourself, agreements and disagreements, professional/career implications of your personality: (focusing on your personality in relation to the leadership roles, the positive, the concerns, and the possible derails, … Read more

Discuss commercial architecture

Discuss commercial architecture Choose one commercial building built before 1850 and write research paper about it” is not what the paper addressed….the paper is based on Commercial Architecture  before 1850…and I only added 2 pages on it plus an example of the structures of before 1850s   Answer preview: Words: 1,650

Book review: Act like a leader, think like a leader

Book review: Act like a leader, think like a leader Act Like A Leader, Think Like A Leader by Herminia Ibarra A short written critique of the book; not a book report. It needs to be opinion based (with appropriate rationales) of the concepts and ideas in the book.   Answer preview: Words: 587

Operational plan for strategic engagement unit for healthcare services

Operational plan for strategic engagement unit for healthcare services Final Assessment Activity – After the Health Symposium or Conference  Conduct a meeting and write a short report about it (1000 words) You can either use the same example below or make one that reflects on post conference. 1. 2017 NSW Health Innovation Symposium http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/innovation/2017symposium/Pages/default.aspx … Read more

Describe strategies of design for fire and safety engineering.

Describe strategies of design for fire and safety engineering. Assignment Details Part 1 (40%) You are involved in design of an Engineering Innovation Centre for the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), EIC, [www.uclan.ac.uk/eic]. Construction of the EIC, seven-story building, started in April 2017 and it is planned to open this building in the academic year … Read more

Why would a holistic approach be the most effective treatment

Why would a holistic approach be the most effective treatment would approach the assessment and treatment of my patient’s OsteoArthritis with a holistic approach by providing the most effective treatment with the least invasive interventions possible. 1.Why would a holistic approach be the most effective one, if at all? Question above is based on scenario: … Read more

The role of NGOs in social innovation

The role of NGOs in social innovation Read and discuss the important role NGOs play in the field of Social Innovation. The discussion should be based facts which you will learn by reading about these three NGOs. 1. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ 2. iDE https://www.ideglobal.org 3. Project Cure https://projectcure.org/ Supplemental reading:- Colorado based … Read more

Describe different characteristics of the supply chain of a company

Describe different characteristics of the supply chain of a company Write a research paper on the different characteristics of the supply chain of a company you choose. Select one company from the list below to focus on: •L. L. Bean. •Amazon.com. •Starbucks. •Intel. •Johnson and Johnson. Research and write about the company that you have … Read more

Identify the ethical issues arising from the case study

Identify the ethical issues arising from the case study Identify the ethical issues that are raised by the events described in the chosen case study 3. analyse the ethical issues in relation to the notions of human dignity, human rights, your professional codes of ethics/conduct, relevant professional policies/legislation, and the principles of health care ethics … Read more

Factors to consider when planning and implementing learner experiences in the clinical setting

 Factors to consider when planning and implementing learner experiences in the clinical setting Identify a Clinical need, Provide a rationale and develop a Teaching Plan, including Assessment Strategies Task 1: Factors to consider when planning and implementing learner experiences in the clinical setting Task 2: Clinical learning need, rationale for education session, and teaching plan … Read more

Describe the Theories of decision-making in nursing practice

Describe the Theories of decision-making in nursing practice Chose three of the following decision making theories information processing theory Expected utility theories Social judgement theories Cognative continuum theories Answer preview: Words:3285

Describe in details the affordable care act (Obamacare) and Health Insurance

Describe in details the affordable care act (Obamacare) and Health Insurance The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and Health Insurance: Questions to be answered (5 points each): ►(a) Briefly discuss five key provisions of the Affordable Care Act; ►(b) What are adverse selection and moral hazard and how does the Affordable Care Act address each (or … Read more

Expain the Finding of Evidence in Health and Social Care

Expain the Finding of Evidence in Health and Social Care Provide a short paragraph regarding the PICO – describe each element of the PICO acronym, include when the PICO should be used and why?   Answer preview: Words:1180

Read carefully the Questions given and write their correct answers

Read carefully the Questions given and write their correct answers  Black feminisms in the U.S. 1) How do you think the authors of today’s readings would respond to the film She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry? (Remember, watch it BEFORE class.) 2) Why did I assign the Combahee River Collective Statement if it was written so … Read more

Critically describe the Finance Careers

Critically describe the Finance Careers Careers in Finance Finance is an exciting field in need of intelligent, skilled people. The job opportunities range from corporate finance; financial planning; investment banking; insurance; and real estate from individuals, institutions, government, and businesses. Finance managers acquire, spend, and manage money and other financial assets. Use the Internet and … Read more

Discuss the details of the positive effects of marijuana on disorders

Discuss the details of the positive effects of marijuana on disorders Write about 2 or 3 topics on why it’s good like seizures and stuff.   Answer preview: Words:1259

Write a detailed Marketing Plan Proposal of company of your choice

Write a detailed Marketing Plan Proposal of company of your choice Please submit a brief proposal (one page) describing your topic for your Marketing plan that is due in week 7. Keep in mind your final paper is an 15 page marketing plan for a product or service of your choice. I expect your paper … Read more

Present a comprehensive discussion and justification on Clinical Reasoning cycle

Present a comprehensive discussion and justification on Clinical Reasoning cycle Present a comprehensive discussion and justification identifying 2 care priorities within a clinical scenariousing the Livette Jones  Clinical Reasoning cycle. Student are required to provide critical analysis and justification of the care priorities using academic references.   Answer preview: Words:1760

Describe the Formation of a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)

Describe the Formation of a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) Look at the insurance application given out last week and following the information and guidelines in chapter 6, create an incident response team for the Abilities Center. Your assignment is to come up with 1. 10 Questions you would ask the senior management team … Read more

Write a detailed Annotated Bibliography

Write a detailed Annotated Bibliography Read Chapter 1 of Happier, and take notes of the main ideas. B) Write an Annotated Bibliography entry that contains the following elements: 1) MLA Work Cited entry for the chapter 2) A one-paragraph summary of the chapter’s main ideas. 3) A one-paragraph evaluation of the cha0ter, noting specifically the … Read more

Critically describe the Costs and Benefits of college

Critically describe the Costs and Benefits of college This first short writing assignment (about a page and a half), modified from William Coles’ book, Seeing Through Writing, will tell us something about how you perceive your present situation—being in college—and how much of that is related to financial reasons. At some point you must have … Read more

Describe Management Information Systems and Workflow at Adab Iranian and International Private Schools

Describe Management Information Systems and Workflow at Adab Iranian and International Private Schools What is MIS • Why is it important for businesses • What are workflows and systems • What strategies are used to analyse business work flows and strategies • What is the report about – overview 2 Business Description (100 words) • … Read more

Summarize the given book relating it to marketing, consumer behavior, and overall business

Summarize the given book relating it to marketing, consumer behavior, and overall business The book is called “Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman. The book report should be a summary of the entire book relating it to marketing, consumer behavior, and overall business   Answer preview: Words:1639

Write a business memo on elimination of the federal department of education

Write a business memo on elimination of the federal department of education Policy Memo 2: This memo must be directed to your congressman/woman representing your district in the U.S. House of Representative. Your memo must be on a national policy issue.. i have attached an example but that example stil needs more reaserch and argument.. … Read more

Write a reflective essay on the revolution in the media.

Write a reflective essay on the revolution in the media. Write the revolution in the media today features its use in various activities that did not exist decades ago.   Answer preview: Words:355

Use a presentation to explain diabetes and the endocrine system

Use a presentation to explain diabetes and the endocrine system Diabetes and the Endocrine System Describe the organ system and the associated aspect chosen: make sure to explain the organ system structure and function AND then the aspect Define homeostasis and then explain how it is affected If you are doing a Disorder: What are … Read more

Explain the problem or the issue to address as a DNP scholar

Explain the problem or the issue to address as a DNP scholar My previous assignment / the issue I like to address as a DNP scholar. I recently changed my mind on my topic for my eventual DNP project, working in an urgent care clinic I have found an interest in Osteoarthritis. This is a disorder … Read more

What are some differences between models? Similarities and key components.

What are some differences between models? Similarities and key components. In your activity this week you summarized a science article that outlines a Computer Simulation Model. Chapter 4 goes over in detail information about how GCM’s are constructed. Please read chapter 4, and this article (https://www.aip.org/history/climate/GCM.htm) about the history of climate models and answer in … Read more

Discrimination communication strategy for uber Company

Discrimination communication strategy for uber Company MKT 690 Milestone Three: Discrimination Communication Strategy Guidelines and Rubric As a marketing consultant, you will need to consider various scenarios that could impact your client, and as a result you will need to work with your client to develop a communication strategy that will enable the client to … Read more

Explain what is value chains outsourcing and procurement

Explain what is value chains outsourcing and procurement VАLUЕ СHАINS ОUTSОURСING АND РRОСURЕMЕNT   Answer preview: words; 2,498