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Discuss the origins of agriculture

Discuss the origins of agriculture Forum 3, we will be discussing the origins of agriculture. For this forum, you will first need to watch a 60 minute video called “Stories from the Stone Age.” The video describes how agriculture developed from Hunting and Gathering in the Near East and the effects it had on humanity. … Read more

Explain how can horizontal gene transfer give rise to a new adaptation

Explain how can horizontal gene transfer give rise to a new adaptation click on books and its the only ebook in my library, Evolution How can horizontal gene transfer give rise to a new adaptation? What are the differences and similarities between gene duplication and gene recruitment? Describe how a defensin gene was co-opted for … Read more

Think and discuss about a local issue that you are passionate about

Think and discuss about a local issue that you are passionate about Please think about a local (could be statewide) issue that you are passionate about. In Indiana the General Assembly consists of State Senators and State Representatives. These are different that US Senators and US Representatives that make up the United States Congress. For … Read more

Identify techniques that could be done to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline

Identify techniques that could be done to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline Write a paper identifying techniques that could be done to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline. Please include free or low-cost techniques, as well as more in-depth, systemic-level techniques that can lead to change. Please be creative and concise. More specifically, please address the following points … Read more

Explain what is postpartum psychosis and how it affects life.

Explain what is postpartum psychosis and how it affects life. Explain what postpartum psychosis is, symptoms, causes of postpartum psychosis, treatment for it, and how it affects life.   Answer preview: Words: 1,588

Describe the Capability/ Internal Analysis for the company of your choice

Describe the Capability/ Internal Analysis for the company of your choice. 1.For this assessment you are required to conduct a capability (internal) analysis of your chosen organization. 2.About 1500 words.   Answer preview: Words:1658

Develop a Marketing Plan and Analyze potential pricing alternatives.

Develop a Marketing Plan and Analyze potential pricing alternatives. The following 5 questions are your midterm exam. Please follow 6th edition APA format including ample research. It is recommend that you aim for 2-3 paragraphs per question and use each question as a heading so that the paper is organized. Deliverable length: 5 page minimum, … Read more

Discuss the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders as a goal of the criminal justice

Discuss the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders as a goal of the criminal justice As discussed in Chapter 12 in the Bartol & Bartol (2015) text, in most circumstances, rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders is the goal of the criminal justice system as evidenced by the number of offenders ultimately being released back into society. … Read more

Write down an Alternative Ending of To Build Fire by Jack London

Write down an Alternative Ending of To Build Fire by Jack London During the writing process, authors frequently consider alternative endings to their work before arriving at the one we see in print. When we read a novel or a story, we might imagine a different ending than that which the author has devised. This … Read more

Critically describe the Armana Art in Ancient Egypt

Critically describe the Armana Art in Ancient Egypt This class requires an in-depth look at scholarship in various areas of Egyptology. You will be reading articles from a wide variety of interests in the field of Egyptology and writing a critical analysis of 5 of them. Your summary and analysis should include: -Identifying the author’s … Read more

Describe comprehensively The Alexander Technique

Describe comprehensively The Alexander Technique You can use “A Sense of Dance” book by Constance A Schrader as reference. Please answer ONLY question #2 to the best of your ability as if you were to hypothetically execute it as asked (exercises).   Answer preview: Words:443

Describe the purpose of Education in the Society

Describe the purpose of Education in the Society. Your task is to develop a paper grounded in the course readings and outside references to define the purpose of education in society. Yourpaper should illustrate the different facets and characteristics of authoritarianism and education, epistemological discussions, capitalism, as well as, democratic and critical perspectives. Throughout your … Read more

Answer the following questions based on Fidel Castro’s Speech

Answer the following questions based on Fidel Castro’s Speech 1.) What problems does Fidel Castro identify as causes of the revolution? 2.) What goals does Fidel Castro identify for the revolution? 3.) What connections can you make between the speech, the two video lectures and the reading on the origins of the Cuban Revolution? Are … Read more

Describe the Causes of the Cuban Revolution (1953-1959)

Describe the Causes of the Cuban Revolution (1953-1959) In your own words summarize the most important underlying and precipitating causes of the revolution. Be sure to identify two underlying and two precipitating causes. Be sure to include specific examples. Be sure to include citations. Without citations, your assignment will lose one point.  Use the accompanied … Read more

Write a comprehensive Personal Statement

Write a comprehensive Personal Statement To help our Admissions Committee get to know you, tell us about your professional and personal achievements, and why you are a good fit for Hult (400-500 words). Personal achievements: participating in a business project on stock market research Professional: working as an intern at securities firm Company name: UOB … Read more

Discuss the details of the Delegation Principles in Nursing

Discuss the details of the Delegation Principles in Nursing List two (2) principles of delegation that were violated in this situation? Support your response with rationales detailing how these principles were breached. (Refer to p. 134-137 of your course text.) How could the unlicensed staff person have advocated for herself? If you were working with … Read more

Discuss causes and effects of global warming

Discuss causes and effects of global warming Global warming: the big picture. The paper is the Research Paper on a topic of the student’s choice relating to the broad issue of global sustainability topic must relate to the broader issue of global sustainability.   Answer preview: Words: 1952

Creative Writing: The ‘Outbreak’ Film

Creative Writing: The ‘Outbreak’ Film An essay about the Outbreak movie. Needs to have an Introduction, body, Conclusion, APA   Answer preview: Art can be argued to be one of the most effective ways of reaching out to and communicating with many audiences, especially in the today’s society where globalization and advanced technology have been … Read more

Explain strategic manufacturing management

Explain strategic manufacturing management Business and Management Topic:strategic manufacturing management Assignment Aurora Pty Ltd is a small producer of a proprietary implantable cardioversion – defibrillation (ICD) device, the ‘ACCUTRON’. These are small devices implanted in the chest wall of patients with serious and life threatening cardiac arrhythmias. The device consists of a small computer with … Read more

Describe the Community Consultation and Engagement; Elements of Engagement

Describe the Community Consultation and Engagement; Elements of Engagement. Description: Prepare an essay to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the key foundational concepts in this unit – that is, information, consultation, and participation. Your essay should provide detailed academic discussions of each of these concepts, supported by examples taken from real-world situations. Write an … Read more

Discuss the Strategies for Reimbursement and Utilization Management

Discuss the Strategies for Reimbursement and Utilization Management Accountable care organizations (ACOs) are designed to promote value and quality in health care. They use new payment and delivery models that include incentives to improve care coordination and utilization management. With these models, ACOs contract with private insurers and/or Medicare to receive reimbursement, and then the … Read more

Describe the Entry Strategy into the Vietnam’s Market

Describe the Entry Strategy into the Vietnam’s Market. Assignment – Developed in PowerPoint presentation (6 -8 slides). Present a short 15-minute PowerPoint presentation regarding the scenario (below). You have been asked by the Executive Director International Business to develop a strategy to enter the Vietnamese market. He would like you to present to the ACHS … Read more

Describe the History of Rock Music

Describe the History of Rock Music Describe the History of Rock Music. Rock music is a popular music genre and where it originated. Answer preview: Words:344

Describe the Norton Anthology of World Literature-poetry

Describe the Norton Anthology of World Literature-poetry Hello I have read the ‘Beowulf’ essay it’s great but it’s little off the topic. Can you focus more on the story? here is the link to the page that discusses ‘Beowulf’. please read this and revise based on what’s being discussed on this link. https://msmnyc.instructure.com/courses/67/assignments/547 you don’t have to … Read more

Analyze the pros and cons of the scholars approach through the application of a theory.

Analyze the pros and cons of the scholars approach through the application of a theory.(Financialization and Neoliberalism) This critique requires to identify the scholar theoretical position, the thematic focus (including what issues they leave out of analysis), their worldview, and their goal. You need to analyze the pros and cons of the scholars approach through … Read more

Discuss christianity during renaissance in Europe

Discuss Christianity during renaissance in Europe Christianity during Renaissance in Europe   Answer preview: Words: 1,457

My health record in commonwealth government of Australia

My health record in commonwealth government of Australia Reflect on two of the Christian authors from the Roman Empire through the Renaissance The Commonwealth Government of Australia is launching ‘My Health Record’ a secure online summary of an individual’s health information. Available to all Australians, My Health Record is an electronic summary of an individual’s … Read more

Prepare a market entry strategy for Nokia networks

Prepare a market entry strategy for Nokia networks Market Entry Strategy (in the form of a report) It is year 2005.You have been appointed as a Head of International Marketing Strategy for Nokia Networks. You have been asked to prepare a Market Entry Strategy (in the form of a report) for the GCC region. The … Read more

Discuss building Information Modelling

Discuss building Information Modelling Engineering and Construction Building Information Modelling: Principles and Management   Answer preview: Words: 2,322

Discuss the following:To tell the truth,Dirty Job?,A deadly deed

Discuss the following: To tell the truth, Dirty Job? ,A deadly deed Ethics in the City Hall The first lecture (To tell the Truth) has 7 questions. The second one (Dirty Job? Hire a New Person to Do It) has 8 and the third one (A deadly Deed) has 7. To tell the Truth Why … Read more

Analyze new Jim crow book by Michelle Alexander

Analyze new Jim crow book by Michelle Alexander New Jim Crow book by Michelle Alexander https://books.google.com/books/about/The_New_Jim_Crow.html?id=reDzBZ3pXqsC&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button a) What does the text have to do with you, personally? b) How much does the text agree or clash with your view of the world, and what you consider right and wrong? c) How did you learn, and … Read more

List and discuss the arguments for social responsibility

List and discuss the arguments for social responsibility 1-) List and discuss the arguments for social responsibility.2-) Discuss the importance of analyzing the international marketplace before entering a country with a foreign franchise ? https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hhUU5mUTg0d2JDc0g3Unl6V2c9PS0tZDllZjgyMDc3MWQyZTRmYzU3MjA5NjZmYTMyNGE4ZDhiN2NhN2JiNg.mp4 https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hhUVB4azg0d2JDc0hSUjJ6V2c9PS0tNDQ1ZDk5ZTUwZmYyMmJiNGFmM2Y2OWVkNjEyMzcxNjFjZDMyYTY0ZA.mp4 https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hhUU1VK2M0d2JDc0hWaDJ6V2c9PS0tNzMzNWQ1YjZjMWMzNGE4ODhjYTBmZjFkYTIwYjFmNmUyMWJiM2JhNA.mp4https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hhUU50MmM4d2JDc0haeDJ6V2c9PS0tYzU5YjBiNGQwN2M4NTkzNGIxODdlZjczNDFkZDE1YjgwM2NmNmE0Mg.mp4 https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hhUU9NZDg4d2JDc0hleDJ6V2c9PS0tMWFhZWZiMmYzYzRhMmZhNmYxNGVhNWJiZTFkYWFiMzNmMjlkMDlhMQ.mp4   Answer preview: Words: 313

An outline and summary of James 2:8-11

An outline and summary of James 2:8-11 Read the Book of James and write an outline of the book. What does the context say about James 2:8-11? Support your position by referencing three to five academic resources preferably from the GCU Library, the Bible or the textbook. Incorporate the research into your writing in an … Read more

Discuss historical grounding of latino in Santa Ana

Discuss historical grounding of latino in Santa Ana Historical Grounding of Latino In Santa Ana which is the historical grounding and I picked Santa Ana, my class is CHLS not the ASAM. They are two different classes in one section. mine is the CHLS   Answer preview: Words: 870

Discuss market research among generation X

Discuss market research among generation X Market research among generation X   Answer preview: Words: 1,687

Are brand extensions an important brand-growth strategy

Are brand extensions an important brand-growth strategy Are brand extensions an important brand-growth strategy or can they endanger brands?   Answer preview: Words: 372

Would it be ethical to separate patients from friends and family in a time of crisis in order to save money?

Would it be ethical to separate patients from friends and family in a time of crisis in order to save money? Part 1 The Affordable Care Act (ACA) may bring some relief to astronomical insurance costs. But as premiums continue to rise at home, overseas in countries like Thailand, Colombia, and India, health care is … Read more

Identify risk and apply risk management processes

Identify risk and apply risk management processes Identify risk and apply risk management processes E:\TAFE\1. Sem 1 & 2 2017\Sem 2 2017\2. Cert IV Business\2.Identify risk\Assessments\AT01 Portfolio\BSBRSK401_AT1_Element 4.docx\ Version 1\February 2014 Element 4 – Monitor and review effectiveness of risk treatments 4.1 Answer the following questions:  What is the purpose of a treatment plan? … Read more

Explain causes, signs and symptoms, and treatment of liver cirrhosis

Explain causes, signs and symptoms, and treatment of liver cirrhosis Liver Cirrhosis The following questions relates to the patient within the first 24 hours: Outline the causes, incidence and risk factors of the identified condition and how it can impact on the patient and family List five (5) common signs and symptoms of the identified … Read more

Discuss barriers that faced the civil rights struggle movements

Discuss barriers that faced the civil rights struggle movements Barriers that Faced the Civil Rights Struggle Movements   Answer preview: Words: 3,061

Compare how uses of primary or secondary data influence study design

Compare how uses of primary or secondary data influence study design Study Designs Using Secondary Data Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of serious health conditions and death in the United States. This epidemic was first noticed during the 1940s, as cases of death occurring from infectious diseases were quickly being outnumbered by those of … Read more

Describe a particular conflict and its key actors.

Describe a particular conflict and its key actors. This assignment requires you to write a short report that describes a particular conflict and its key actors. Related learning outcomes This assignment assesses the following unit learning outcomes: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the multi-dimensional nature of conflict. 2. Outline the complex dynamics of conflict situations. … Read more

Critically Review the Common Intrusion Detection Systems

Critically Review the Common Intrusion Detection Systems Suggested parts for that articles are: Abstract background /introduction IDPSSs includes sub sections like(Data collections, deployment method, Detection types ,Working mechanisms and evaluation methods Discussion Future direction Conclusion Answer preview: Words:3000

Answer the questions on Quantum Mechanical Tunneling

Answer the questions on Quantum Mechanical Tunneling 2 Essay questions. Both essay questions must include images and equations.  First Essay: Quantum Mechanical Tunneling. The professor provided a link to a pdf on the topic of Quantum Mechanical Tunneling. https://bohr.wlu.ca/pc242/Phys242Lec14.pdf Second Essay: The second essay must be on STM Microscopes. (Scanning Tunneling Microscope.) He stated that … Read more

Write the correct answer to the questions on Nursing course

Write the correct answer to the questions on Nursing course The following questions relates to the patient within the first 24 hours: 1. Outline the causes, incidence and risk factors of the identified condition and how it can impact on the patient and family (400 words) 2. List five (5) common signs and symptoms of … Read more

Critically describe the Five Stages of Death

Critically describe the Five Stages of Death Use the study that was proposed by Elizabeth Kubler Ross in the year 1969. The study was proposed in her book called –on death and dying, which they wrote together with David Kessler.   Answer preview: Words:830

Write a Dissertation of Radon gas in drinking water

Write a Dissertation of Radon gas in drinking water Brief or general/ information about each table which is attach in result file (total five table of each one 150 words). Discussion for each table which is attached in result file (five table each one 250 words). Conclusion and recommendation. After get result and discussion please … Read more

Write a reflection on the term ‘cultural safety’

Write a reflection on the term ‘cultural safety’ Re-read the Code of Ethics (ICN 2012) and NMBA (2018) Code of Conduct for Nurses both set in Week 4 to which Registered Nurses must adhere to maintain their registration.Reflect on standard 2.7 (NMBA 2016, p. 3): The registered nurse ‘actively fosters a culture of safety…’ and … Read more

Discuss the Barriers that Faced the Civil Rights Struggle Movements

Discuss the Barriers that Faced the Civil Rights Struggle Movements  The Civil Rights movement was rife with challenges and barriers to African-American progress.  Using Moody’s book Coming of Age in Mississippi, as well as at least ONE document from OB, Chapter 8 (Documents 1-5), and at least ONE primary source from http://content.wisconsinhistory.org/cdm/landingpage/collection/p15932coll2 , make an … Read more

Describe critically gender and cardiovascular disease

Describe critically gender and cardiovascular disease Answer all of these questions 1. What are the myths about women and heart disease that exist currently? 2. What do you know about the gender gap in cardiovascular disease? Where do the differences lie, and what can we do about it as women’s health nurses? 3. What are … Read more