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Discuss cell injury; aging and death

Discuss cell injury; aging and death Cell Injury; Aging and Death Hydropic swelling is an early indicator of cell injury. It results from Na+-K+ pump dysfunction at the cell membrane; intracellular accumulations of abnormal endogenous or exogenous particles indicate a disorder of cellular metabolism. Adaptive cellular responses indicate cellular stress caused by altered functional demand … Read more

Discuss use of informatics technology in professional nursing

Discuss use of informatics technology in professional nursing Discuss use of informatics technology in professional nursing How do you informatics technology in your nursing practice?what ethical issues might arises How do you see the use changing in the future   Answer preview: Words:337

Discuss professional misconduct among nurses

Discuss professional misconduct among nurses De-registered of health care professional is not a solution whereas continues improvement to avoid misconduct can improve quality of nursing care.   Answer preview: Words: 873

Compare and contrast realism and idealism

Compare and contrast realism and idealism Realism vs. Idealism Compare and contrast realism and idealism, incorporating ideas from philosophers and political figures who promote each viewpoint. Provide examples from current events to illustrate each viewpoint. Which viewpoint best fits your outlook on politics and international relations? Why?   Answer preview: Words:657

Describe a social problem

Describe a social problem Describe a social problem Social and Political Sciences   Answer preview: Words: 2,873

Intelligence analysis towards solving current global threats

Intelligence analysis towards solving current global threats Current threats have been addressed by systems and technologies discussed and studied during this course. Write a paper that outlines some potential applications/technologies that have not been presented or discussed, but could be developed in furtherance of intelligence collection or analysis. Feel free to use your imagination and … Read more

Discuss health care and well-being in Hillston town

Discuss health care and well-being in Hillston town Task Introduction: Australian society is diverse in many aspects. Our population is located in many different settings, from metropolitan cities, large towns, to smaller rural towns and isolated localities and properties. Australians come from many different cultural backgrounds, educational opportunities, work situations and life experience. Each of … Read more

Critique research on warm homes for older people

Critique research on warm homes for older people Assessment Task Using an essay format, the student is required to critique a research article listed below. 1. Read and use the article listed below: Warm homes for older people: aims and methods of a randomized community based trial for people with            … Read more

Discuss health care professionals misconduct

Discuss health care professionals misconduct Health care professionals found guilty of professional misconduct, should be de-registered for life.  De-registered of health care professional is not a solution. Whereas continues improvement to avoid misconduct can improve quality of nursing care. Good evening Mr………………… My name is …………….. and our topic for today’s debate is Health care … Read more

Discuss securing management support

Discuss securing management support Subject:Computer Sciences and Information Technology Topic:Securing Management Support One of the most important things about establishing a good Disaster Recovery Plan is securing management support. Read the PDFs below to learn more about securing management support. Stakeholders and Their Roles in Recovery (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.The … Read more

Describe the sentinel event

Describe the sentinel event Describe the sentinel event. These analyses can be of enormous value. They capture both the big-picture perspective and the details. They facilitate system evaluation, analysis of need for corrective action, and tracking and trending. Managers will be able to determine how often a particular error occurs or how often a particular … Read more

Discuss about indigenous people in Canada

Discuss about indigenous people in Canada Discuss the need to make indigenous studies 100 mandatory. This is about Indigenous people in Canada.   Answer preview: Words: 1,186

Write a case study on Drugs Affecting Cholinergic Function

Write a case study on Drugs Affecting Cholinergic Function Write a case study on Drugs Affecting Cholinergic Function.Use the Herman Witherspoon case for your study.He is 78 years old, a retired businessman with a history of renal disease. He was admitted to the hospital with a myocardial infarction (MI). After he is stabilized, he develops … Read more

Discuss the Actionable Intelligence and Timely Reception by Authorized Consumers

Discuss the Actionable Intelligence and Timely Reception by Authorized Consumers Write an 8 to 10-page paper on one of the following topic: Discuss the Actionable Intelligence and Timely Reception by Authorized Consumers. Be sure to add a bibliography and footnote the sources you use or quote in the paper. This includes paraphrasing and direct quotes … Read more

Critically Review of the fiduciary rule in United state of America

Critically Review of the fiduciary rule in United state of America.President Trump asked for a review of fiduciary rule. Find articles on the Department of Labor Fiduciary retirement advice rule. Critically Review of the fiduciary rule in United state of America.President Trump asked for a review of fiduciary rule. You can pick any article you … Read more

Research on the Chinese market and find opportunities that Dunkin Donuts can exploit the market

Research on the Chinese market and find opportunities that Dunkin Donuts can exploit the market Our project,Research on the Chinese market and find opportunities that Dunkin Donuts can exploit the market. Make a paper for Dunkin Donuts moving to China. So what i want you to do, is research the Chinese market and Find opportunities, … Read more

Discuss the Homesickness and Adjustment in University Students

Discuss the Homesickness and Adjustment in University Students’ Think about something you would wish to change in your work place,school setup,your home your neighborhood . Discuss the Homesickness and Adjustment accordingly in University Students.Some challenges involving international student including being homesick-how do the student cope when they miss home. Please offer both macro(larger context -in … Read more

Discuss patient family centred Care

Discuss patient family centred Care Topic:Patient Family Centred Care – Delivery of Health Care regarding all those involved in the care of a child family Patient and Family Centered Care (P&FCC)- the delivery of health care based on partnerships between patients, families and all those involved in the care of the child and family. Evidence … Read more

Describe gangrenous perforated appendix with peritonitis

Describe gangrenous perforated appendix with peritonitis Case study on gangrenous perforated appendix with peritonitis. She is a 10 year old girl who is admitted to hospital with gangrenous perforated appendix with peritonitis. She is staying in hospital for her antibiotic therapy and observation. We need to discuss it’s pathophysiology of presenting complaint . Pathophysiology from … Read more

Explain treatments for Bioterrorism agents such as Anthrax.

Explain treatments for Bioterrorism agents such as Anthrax. Health sciences and nursing Topic: Bioterrorism treatments (Anthrax) essay on treatments for Bioterrorism agents such as Anthrax.   Answer preview: Words:592

Describe an ethical dilemma you have faced and how you resolved it

Describe an ethical dilemma you have faced and how you resolved it Admission/Application Essay Submit an essay based on one of the following topics: (1) describe an ethical dilemma you have faced and how you resolved it; (2) explain what you have learned from a managerial, leadership, or team experience that was not completely successfully … Read more

Discuss workforce management and new challenges for human resource

Discuss workforce management and new challenges for human resource Topic:Critique Key Trends in Workforce Management and New Challenges for HR write a critique that addresses and offers your opinion in the following areas: What are the key findings regarding compliance with laws and regulations as a component of workforce management? How does the employer-employee relationship … Read more

Discuss job discrimination

Discuss job discrimination Is job discrimination dead? 1. Write a thesis-driven essay that explores job discrimination from a sociological perspective. 2. A clear statement of the thesis in the introductory paragraph. 3. An overarching discussion that you develop through the essay. 4. Statement of counter-thesis and refutation of counter-thesis. 5. A conclusion that sums up … Read more

Discuss introduction to primary healthcare in Hillston, Australia

Discuss introduction to primary healthcare in Hillston, Australia Introduction to primary health care (assessment 1): Primary Health Care – A town report Task Introduction: Australian society is diverse in many aspects. Our population is located in many different settings, from metropolitan cities, large towns, to smaller rural towns and isolated localities and properties. Australians come … Read more

As the delegate of Somalia which issues i should address in the Model United nation conference

As the delegate of Somalia which issues i should address in the Model United nation conference As the delegate of Somalia, I want you to write resolution paper As the delegate of Somalia which issues i should address in the Model United nation conference , for the both Topics (A and B) .You can mention … Read more

An attempt to raise more revenue in Nobody State University

An attempt to raise more revenue in Nobody State University Suppose that, an increase of Tuition and fee in an attempt to raise more revenue in Nobody State University. Will this necessarily result in more revenue? and under what conditions will revenue (a) rise, (b) fall, or (c) remain the same? Explain this process, focusing … Read more

Marijuana and its effects on neurons and brain activity

Marijuana and its effects on neurons and brain activity Pick a drug that you’d like to research – alcohol, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine, nicotine, or MDMA. Using the internet resources to research the effect of a drug on neuron and brain activity. You may: Use The Science of Addition: Genetics and the Brain website at … Read more

Discuss dilemma surrounding leadership. 

Discuss dilemma surrounding leadership. Answer the questions…. Paragraph 1 I found this week’s reading to be quite interesting.Discuss the dilemma surrounding leadership.  The author describes this dilemma by discussing elite versus participationist approaches to leadership.  Wren (2007) argues that the elitist view looks at democracy as a threat to leadership, whereas the participationist view looks … Read more

Completion of a Job search portfolio. 

Completion of a Job search portfolio. The assessment will be by coursework based upon completion of a Job Search Portfolio. The portfolio will contain the following components: – A job advertisement for the (under) graduate placement position being applied for (may be an internship or a placement). – A well-researched and source referenced Company Report … Read more

Quantitative balance and gait measurement in patients with dementia and Alzheimer diseases

Quantitative balance and gait measurement in patients with dementia and Alzheimer diseases Quantitative balance and gait measurement in patients with frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer diseases: A pilot study. Indian Journal Of Psychological Medicine, 39(2), 176-182. doi:10.4103/0253-7176.203132. http://proxy.chamberlain.edu:8080/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=122248443&site=eds-live&scope=site site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Making sense of a new technology in clinical practice: A … Read more

Describe the purpose and the intent of the American Nurses Association (ANA)

Describe the purpose and the intent of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Describe the purpose and the intent of the American Nurses Association (ANA) American Nurses Association. (2014). Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, salaries, education, demographics & trends. ANA. https://www.nursingworld.org/globalassets/practiceandpolicy/workforce/fastfacts_nsgjobgrowth-salaries_updated8-25-15.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Review the secondary data presented in … Read more

Discuss the role of third parties in conflict resolution in business

Discuss the role of third parties in conflict resolution in business sources: 1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2016.03.013 Discuss the role of third parties in conflict resolution in business In business horizons , peace, and world politics: 2. https://www.economist.com/node/172106 In the Economist: Managing conflicts   Answer preview:   Words: 615

Discuss water pollution

Discuss water pollution Topic on water pollution I need an annotated bibliography with 5 scholar sources and 5 sources that can come from anywhere and discuss on water pollution   Answer preview: Words: 860

Write a report on Sexual harassment in the workplace

Write a report on Sexual harassment in the workplace Overview For this assessment, write a report on one of the issues below (please select ONE): 1. Sexual assault on university campuses 2. Sexual harassment in the workplace 3. Alcohol-related violence Your report should be structured as follows: 1. Introduction: Define the issue and use Australian … Read more

Discuss the Health and Socioeconomic Inequality in Indigenous Community

Discuss the Health and Socioeconomic Inequality in Indigenous Community This task will allow you to gain feedback on your research and writing skills. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes 1, 2, and 3: Describe the principle of structural inequality and explain its relationship to the social divisions of class, gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and age. … Read more

Write an Annotated Bibliography on Child Abuse

Write an Annotated Bibliography on Child Abuse Banned Topic List :Abortion, euthanasia, gun control, violence in media/video games, drug legalization, skateboarding, surfing, global warming, the drinking age, capital punishment, terrorism, stem cell research, evolution/intelligent design/creationism, steroid use in sports, autism, animal rights, illegal immigration, GMOs, bullying, human trafficking, terraforming, cell phones/texting while driving, eating disorders, … Read more

Discuss on how to deal with drug use in the United States?

Discuss on how to deal with drug use in the United States? Since most experts believe that the Mexican drug connection is a problem that is largely unmanageable and out of our control. Would we be smarter to concentrate on “Demand” side enforcement and deal with drug use in the United States? How would we … Read more

Understanding Racism, Prejudice and White privilege

Understanding Racism, Prejudice and White privilege in countries like the United States of America Describe critically racism,prejudice and white privilege in countries like the United States of America. Discuss the social injustices practiced in the society   Answer preview: Words:680

Are there medical abbreviations that are universal? If so, give 3 examples

Are there medical abbreviations that are universal? If so, give 3 examples Be sure to read the Discussion Activity Instructions located under Lessons in the course menu. When opening the Discussion forum for each module, be sure to click on CREATE THREAD which will enable you to post to the forum. As stated in your … Read more

Discussion the Importance of Cell Structure

Discussion the Importance of Cell Structure Discussion Question: Importance of Cell Structure .The structure of a cell determines its function and biochemical activities and properties. Reflect on the cellular make-up of the Type I Alveolar Cell and the importance of this on respiratory physiology. For this discussion, assume the role of a heath care provider, … Read more

Discuss the importance United States involvement in global public health issue

Discuss the importance United States involvement in global public health issue Discuss the importance of United States involvement in global public health issues. Please select one global public health topic (e.g., HIV, avian influenza, tuberculosis, etc.) Discuss the U.S. involvement and its impact. Please use at least three scholarly journals cited in APA format.   … Read more

Briefly summarise your argument about Nokia that they do not act responsible

Briefly summarise your argument about Nokia that they do not act responsible Briefly summarise your argument about Nokia that they do not act responsible, identify the strong and weak elements of it, and recommend ways that you could improve it. In your report discuss;To what extent the organisation is operating responsibly; and  recommend ways that … Read more

Discuss news articles and the approach they use

Discuss news articles and the approach they use Read at least three documents from at least two mainstream news sources (NY Times, KC Star, CNN.com, etc.) sources about a current event or issue (Affordable Health Care Act, Climate Change/Science Denialism, Economic Policy, Middle East, or other subjects in the current news. Briefly summarize the articles, … Read more

Describe the analysis of the following treaty 

Describe the analysis of the following treaty Analysis of the Treaty   Signature and Ratification provisions   Entry into Force provisions   Reservations, Objections and Declarations provisions   Amendment and Withdrawal provisions   Entry into Force provisions   Analysis of the object and purpose of the treaty   Brief analysis of the impact and significance … Read more

The vision of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

The vision of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Cultural Safety Essay Task description: The vision of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023 is: “The Australian health system is free of racism and inequality and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have access to health services that are … Read more

Explore Thomas Paine’s theory (in “Common Sense”)

Explore Thomas Paine’s theory (in “Common Sense”) 1. Explore Thomas Paine’s theory (in “Common Sense”) concerning the idea that mankind is naturally equal and that government should reflect this         state of equality. How strong is Paine’s argument? Is this a reasonable idea that can be applied in the formation of governments or … Read more

Discuss the aetiology and pathophysiology of the patient’s presenting condition

Discuss the aetiology and pathophysiology of the patient’s presenting condition Case Study 1: Susan Summers HISTORY: Susan Summers is a 40 year old female who has 3 children under the age of 10yrs. Susan has casual employment stacking shelves in a supermarket at night. Susan is obese at 90kg (BM I35kg/m2) and has been diagnosed … Read more

Role of heterogeneous catalysts in the chemical industry

The role of heterogeneous catalysts in the chemical industry Topic:The role of heterogeneous catalysts in the chemical industry The discussion should be developed and sustained in a logical manner over the entire answer and be well thought out, relevant and complete. You should have accurate and thorough critical analysis and evaluation of the material in … Read more

The biotech company is a made-up company

The biotech company is a made-up company and the scenario The biotech company is a made-up company and the scenario is the information that we are needing to go off of. Here is a copy of the scenario for the group “project”. Read the following scenario: Valerie Harper has often been responsible for the development … Read more

Identify the key components of the Porter’s Five Forces Model

Identify the key components of the Porter’s Five Forces Model  Identify the key components of the Porter’s Five Forces Model using the Food Packaging Industry as an example: Kraft Heinz (maker of ketchup, cheese and other major brands). Then perform/ include 1 key aspects of each component and how firm’s may use it to its … Read more