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Analyze a recent purchase you made of a durable good.

Analyze a recent purchase you made of a durable good. Analyze a recent purchase you made of a durable good. Note: Durable goods are goods that do not wear out quickly or those that have a lifespan of more than three years, like computers, cars, mobile phones, kitchen appliances, etc. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper … Read more

Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. In doing this, first describe the operation process of the production system. Second, identify operations decisions.

Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. In doing this, first describe the operation process of the production system. Second, identify operations decisions. Assignment Question(s): (Marks 5) 1) Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. In doing this, first describe the operation process of the production system. Second, identify … Read more

What is left to do for diverse workplaces?

 What is left to do for diverse workplaces? Diversity is not simply a box to be checked; rather, it is an approach to business that unites ethical management and high performance. Business leaders in the global economy recognize the benefits of a diverse workforce and see it as an organizational strength, not as a mere … Read more

Describe the flow chart of Textile Manufacturing Process.

Describe the flow chart of Textile Manufacturing Process. Assignment Question(s): Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. In doing this, first describe the operation process of the production system. Second, identify operations decisions. (Marks 3) (word count maximum:500) Suppose that a firm is considering moving from a batch process to an assembly-line process to better … Read more

What is “social engineering”?

What is “social engineering”? What is “social engineering”? Describe a case (other than those described in the textbook) in which a hacker used social engineering techniques to penetrate an organization’s information system. PROFESSOR’S GUIDANCE FOR THIS WEEK’S LE: Social engineering is a manipulation technique that exploits human error to gain private information, access, or valuables. … Read more

Explain why you believe that your organization falls into a mechanistic or organic organization type.

Explain why you believe that your organization falls into a mechanistic or organic organization type. Explain why you believe that your organization falls into a mechanistic or organic organization type. As noted throughout Chapter 5 of your textbook, systems and structures can influence a change initiative and the organization’s culture as a whole. In hopes … Read more

Construct a diagram of the Fraud Triangle and clearly label each component of the Fraud Triangle

Construct a diagram of the Fraud Triangle and clearly label each component of the Fraud Triangle Construct a diagram of the Fraud Triangle and clearly label each component of the Fraud Triangle For this assignment, you are to construct a diagram of the Fraud Triangle and clearly label each component of the Fraud Triangle. For … Read more

Describe the characteristics of a prokaryotic genome.

Describe the characteristics of a prokaryotic genome. Explain the principle of genetic engineering and their applications. Select appropriate methods to study microorganisms. Analyze the role of microbes in human disease and public health. Unit outcomes addressed in this assignment: Discuss standard methods used in the field of microbiology Explain the importance of plasmids in bacterial … Read more

Will China maintain its strong economic growth in the years to come? Some suggest it will be until 2050. What do you think?

Will China maintain its strong economic growth in the years to come? Some suggest it will be until 2050. What do you think?  Explain the forces driving and evaluating the impact of globalization (Lo 1.3)  Identify the major components of international business management (Lo 2.4)  Analyze the effects of culture, politics and … Read more

Land Subsidence and Sea Level Rise in the Bay Area

Land Subsidence and Sea Level Rise in the Bay Area Part 1 – The topic of Week 8 is California’s Pristine Waterscape before human interference. The assignment this week addresses how ongoing human activities are predicted to dramatically change part of California’s landscape. Read this article from the New York Times, March 7, 2018, “More of the Bay Area … Read more

Topic: Admission Statement – Southeastern School of Divinity

Topic: Admission Statement – Southeastern School of Divinity A four-page essay describing (1) your sense of vocation in Christian ministry, articulating the significant points of affirmation that led to your understanding of your calling; (2) integrating your reflection on a theological book(s) that has helped to shape your understanding of your calling; and (3) how … Read more

summarize Sir James Alexander Mirrlees life

 summarize Sir James Alexander Mirrlees life Sir James Alexander Mirrlees 1000 words Requirements: 1000 words   |   .doc file Answer preview: word limit:1200

iCare and Interprofessional Teams and Patients Outcomes

iCare and Inter professional Teams and Patients Outcomes iCare and Inter professional Teams and Patients Outcomes Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. PURPOSE The purpose of the iCARE Paper assignment is to explore the concept of interprofessional teams and patient outcomes. Nursing supportive actions … Read more

Leadership in Organizations – Assignment

Leadership in Organizations – Assignment Personal Power This week you learned about power in the workplace. Write a paper on “Personal Power.” Address the following in your paper: Describe ways in which you might increase your personal power. How would you: o Appeal to a vision or higher purpose? o Use rational persuasion? o  Help … Read more

What was the name of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant that was the site of a nuclear disaster in April 1986?

What was the name of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant that was the site of a nuclear disaster in April 1986? What was the name of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant that was the site of a nuclear disaster in April 1986? Answer preview: word limit:549

Take a Position for an Economic Development that Raises the Material Standard of Living but Does So through Work that Some Find Dehumanizing

Take a Position for an Economic Development that Raises the Material Standard of Living but Does So through Work that Some Find Dehumanizing For our second critical analysis paper, you have two options to pick from. The format and page requirements are the same as the first paper– 6 pages, double-spaced, size 12 font. The … Read more

What part does honesty play when preparing and presenting financial statements fairly?

What part does honesty play when preparing and presenting financial statements fairly? What part does honesty play when preparing and presenting financial statements fairly? What are the consequences of dishonest measures? Requirements: APA compliant, 500-words Answer preview: word limit:530

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your business using SWOT.

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your business using SWOT. Start-up Business Plan Imagine you started a new business as an entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia. Please, think and share information on the following items: 1. Owners, capital structure and company profile a. Your Business Name, Address, E‐Mail b.  Form of ownership: What is the legal … Read more

Create an ethical dilemma and then pretend you are a utilitarian and explain what a utilitarian would do AND then pretend you are a libertarian and explain how a libertarian would resolve the issue also Kant’s theory ” this is what I meant by 3 methodologies

Create an ethical dilemma and then pretend you are a utilitarian and explain what a utilitarian would do AND then pretend you are a libertarian and explain how a libertarian would resolve the issue also Kant’s theory ” this is what I meant by 3 methodologies 1- I need help applying 3 methodologies on a … Read more

Describe how valuable individual, group and organizational knowledge is managed throughout the knowledge management cycle.

Describe how valuable individual, group and organizational knowledge is managed throughout the knowledge management cycle. After completion of Assignment-1 students will be able to understand the LO 1.1: Recognize the overall knowledge management processes, concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organization. LO 1.2: Describe how valuable individual, group and organizational knowledge is managed … Read more

What Next for next-generation Millennials?

What Next for next-generation Millennials? An assignment that compares media thinking with journal articles and explores opportunities. The word count is 1,500 words (+/-). This word count excludes diagrams, images, pictures, tables and charts and references. Be creative. Make it an informative read. Use graphics and visuals to support arguement – not words. These are … Read more

Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies.

Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies. 1. Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies. 2. Demonstrate the ability to understand complex issues pertaining to supply chain integration and strategic supply chain partnership … Read more

Of the four organizational and social stressors, which ones are visible in your organization or social life?

Of the four organizational and social stressors, which ones are visible in your organization or social life? 1. Of the four organizational and social stressors, which ones are visible in your organization or social life? Please give the class a brief background of your organization or social setting and which social stressors are visible. As … Read more

Trademark and Copyright Law

Trademark and Copyright Law Delmondo (D) is an ambitious young businessperson. D has decided to operate food trucks designed to operate in the cold Minnesota weather. D knows that his name is not well known in Minnesota, so instead of Delmondo, he uses Swanson’s. Unfortunately, for D, Swanson’s is a well-known brand in Minnesota that … Read more

Compare the findings described above for Millennials to your own views on Millennial characteristics. What surprises you about the findings? What doesn’t surprise you?

Compare the findings described above for Millennials to your own views on Millennial characteristics. What surprises you about the findings? What doesn’t surprise you? Assignment Question(s): 1. Compare the findings described above for Millennials to your own views on Millennial characteristics. What surprises you about the findings? What doesn’t surprise you? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200) 2.If … Read more

What special challenges arise in implementing SPC in the setting of an insurance company?

What special challenges arise in implementing SPC in the setting of an insurance company? The Frist slide about SPC and Right/Wrong Data. The second slide about PMV Background 1.    Why is DA implementing SPC at this point? 2.    The first 12 weeks of data in Exhibit 4 represent the diagnostic period for Policy Extension group. Use these … Read more

Creating an Online Professional Identity for Novice Instructors .

Creating an Online Professional Identity for Novice Instructors . You have been asked to help newly hired instructors in your organization to build an online professional identity to help them establish themselves in the organizational community and effectively communicate with stakeholders and colleagues. You may include resources from your school, organization or state. Your training … Read more

The effects of the inhalation of smoke and E-cigarette vapor on gas exchange in the lungs

The effects of the inhalation of smoke and E-cigarette vapor on gas exchange in the lungs The effects of the inhalation of smoke and E-cigarette vapor on gas exchange in the lungs In the mid-1950s, the first study linking cigarette smoking to lung cancer was published. In the decades that followed, many other studies supported … Read more

You are required to write a care plan for two different patients that you cared for in this clinical rotation

You are required to write a care plan for two different patients that you cared for in this clinical rotation. You are required to write a care plan for two different patients that you cared for in this clinical rotation. Purpose: Professional nursing requires the development of a formal plan of care. That Care Plan … Read more

Demonstrate the concept of operations functions, supply chain strategy and issues required for a new production design.

 Demonstrate the concept of operations functions, supply chain strategy and issues required for a new production design. 1)Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. In doing this, first describe the operation process of the production system. Second, identify operations decisions. (Marks 3) (word count maximum:500) A paper manufacturing An internal design office 2)Suppose that a … Read more

What is important to you in selecting a dental school? How will you make your decision about which school to attend?

What is important to you in selecting a dental school? How will you make your decision about which school to attend? What is important to you in selecting a dental school? How will you make your decision about which school to attend? There are many important factors that I would consider when selecting the school … Read more

Highlight the role of Knowledge management cycle for the development of organizations in a sustainable way

Highlight the role of Knowledge management cycle for the development of organizations in a sustainable way This Assignment is a report-based assignment. The Assignment structure is as follows: Introduction: (2 Marks) The introduction part must clearly highlight the history of knowledge management. (Provide minimum 3 references to support your answer.) Highlight the role of Knowledge … Read more

Write an essay on the ‘Role of Technology and Innovation in the realization of vision 2030 KSA’.

Write an essay on the ‘Role of Technology and Innovation in the realization of vision 2030 KSA’. Use examples, peer-reviewed journals to support your submission. This essay must be at least 1200-words in length. Directions:  All students are encouraged to use their own words.  Be three to five pages in length (1000-1200 words), … Read more

Assume the role of “management consultant” (one who is hired from outside the organization—to remain objective—to analyze, strategize, investigate, and make suggestions on how to improve return on investment [ROI], production, efficiency, or make a team more effective

Assume the role of “management consultant” (one who is hired from outside the organization—to remain objective—to analyze, strategize, investigate, and make suggestions on how to improve return on investment [ROI], production, efficiency, or make a team more effective ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION The intention of the Key Assignment is for you to apply the concepts of this … Read more

Identify a business process for which there is not yet a workflow diagram, explain the situation, and devise a workflow to address the problem

Identify a business process for which there is not yet a workflow diagram, explain the situation, and devise a workflow to address the problem. Business processes are important to communicate an organization’s best practices as they leverage themselves against competitors. Some benefits of business processes are that in the long-run gains may be realized in … Read more

What is the purpose of “culture-fair” tests? What types of items do such tests usually employ?

 What is the purpose of “culture-fair” tests? What types of items do such tests usually employ? What is the purpose of “culture-fair” tests? What types of items do such tests usually employ? Please use proper APA citation. The word count should be 500 words or more. This is the textbook title: Psychological Testing: A Practical … Read more

Highlight the role of Knowledge management cycle for the development of organisations in a sustainable way.

Highlight the role of Knowledge management cycle for the development of organizations in a sustainable way. Highlight the role of Knowledge management cycle for the development of organizations in a sustainable way. Briefly describe the concepts of Data, Information and Knowledge. Briefly describe the various types of Knowledge management cycles. (Support each part of the … Read more

Explain the impact of internet on the five forces (Porter’s five forces model)

Explain the impact of internet on the five forces (Porter’s five forces model) Explain the impact of internet on the five forces (Porter’s five forces model) Investigate the micro-environment as part of the situation analysis for your company. Summaries the macro-environment variable your company needs to monitor when operating the digital marketing campaign. (two or three … Read more

Identify and describe the theory/modality you have selected, including historical figures in its development and key elements of the theory. Explain it as if the reader has never heard of this before.

Identify and describe the theory/modality you have selected, including historical figures in its development and key elements of the theory. Explain it as if the reader has never heard of this before. Identify and describe the theory/modality you have selected, including historical figures in its development and key elements of the theory. Explain it as … Read more

Eastern Airlines at Battle with Itself

Eastern Airlines at Battle with Itself Eastern Airlines at Battle with Itself Please watch this video on Eastern Airlines for class today. It is a two part video, below are the links. For homework, write a 2 page paper minimum, double spaced, summarizing what happened and why, including the key players in your paper. Do … Read more

Use quality improvement tools and practices for continuous improvement to achieve the organizational change and transformation.

Use quality improvement tools and practices for continuous improvement to achieve the organizational change and transformation. Use quality improvement tools and practices for continuous improvement to achieve the organizational change and transformation. 2. Implement quality improvement efforts using teams for organizational assessment and quality audits. (3.1) •Instructions to search the article: Via your student services … Read more

Explains and defines the term Health and Disease.

Explains and defines the term Health and Disease. Explains and defines the term Health and Disease. Answer preview: word  limit:303

Read through the various translations of Hafiz’s ghazal. Compare a line or two of the translations you have chosen..

Read through the various translations of Hafiz’s ghazal. Compare a line or two of the translations you have chosen. Read through the various translations of Hafiz’s ghazal. Compare a line or two of the translations you have chosen. First: Read through the various translations of Hafiz’s ghazal #1 Download the various translations of Hafiz’s ghazal … Read more

Determine the root cause of endocrine disorders. What are primary, secondary, and tertiary disorders? Compare the differences among primary, secondary, and tertiary forms of hyposecretion and hypersecretion.

Determine the root cause of endocrine disorders. What are primary, secondary, and tertiary disorders? Compare the differences among primary, secondary, and tertiary forms of hyposecretion and hypersecretion. Determine the root cause of endocrine disorders. What are primary, secondary, and tertiary disorders? Compare the differences among primary, secondary, and tertiary forms of hyposecretion and hypersecretion. Select … Read more

Do you think that federal employees specifically men should be paid for paternal leave for a longer time than what is given? If so why?

Do you think that federal employees specifically men should be paid for paternal leave for a longer time than what is given? If so why? Do you think that federal employees specifically men should be paid for paternal leave for a longer time than what is given? If so why? answer the question above with … Read more

Case Study of a Cement Company-Zlatna Panega Cement Company

Case Study of a Cement Company-Zlatna Panega Cement Company Case Study of a Cement Company-Zlatna Panega Cement Company Please take a moment to download the attached case study and read through it. Please answer the following questions: 1. Provide a summary of the case study (About 2-3 paragraphs) 2. 2.3.2 indicates some measures that the … Read more

Compare the differences among primary, secondary, and tertiary forms of hyposecretion and hypersecretion.

Compare the differences among primary, secondary, and tertiary forms of hyposecretion and hypersecretion. Compare the differences among primary, secondary, and tertiary forms of hyposecretion and hypersecretion. Select two of the following discussion questions for your discussion response. Indicate which questions you have chosen using the format displayed in the “Discussion Forum Sample.” As with all … Read more

Research and compare and contrast the following: data dictionary, data modeling, and data warehousing.

Research and compare and contrast the following: data dictionary, data modeling, and data warehousing. Research and compare and contrast the following: data dictionary, data modeling, and data warehousing. Data dictionary is defined as a tool that provides metadata or data about data, Data modeling is a representation of the data that has to be stored … Read more

Write about logistics performance priorities for “Albaik” fast food restaurant chain in Covid 19 restrictions; explain why you have come to your conclusion

 Write about logistics performance priorities for “Albaik” fast food restaurant chain in Covid 19 restrictions; explain why you have come to your conclusion.  Write about logistics performance priorities for “Albaik” fast food restaurant chain in Covid 19 restrictions; explain why you have come to your conclusion. Critical Writing The purpose of this assignment is to … Read more

Define the concepts Person, client, environment, Holistic holism, stress, adaptaion,Basic Needs Abraham Maslow

Define the concepts Person, client, environment, Holistic holism, stress, adaptation, Basic Needs Abraham Maslow ‎1. Person: ‎ ‎2. Client: ‎ ‎3. Environment: ‎ ‎4. Holistic Holism: ‎ ‎5. Stress: ‎ ‎6. Adaptation: ‎ ‎7. Basic Needs Abraham Maslow: ‎ ‎8. Nursing: ‎ ‎9. Disease:‎ ‎10. Health:‎ ‎11. Empathy:‎ ‎12. Honesty:‎ ‎13. Trust:‎ ‎14. Tolerance:‎ 15. … Read more