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Explain differences between women’s and men’s sexual addiction.

Explain differences between women’s and men’s sexual addiction. 1) Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between women’s and men’s sexual addiction. 2) Discuss some of the newest clinical recommendations for treatment of the spouse and family of sex addicts.   Answer  preview: Words:346

 Discuss pros and cons of tariffs

 Discuss pros and cons of tariffs Macro and Micro economics Upcoming Report to Reveal Pros, Cons of Bush Administration Steel Tariffs Cancelada, Gregory . Knight Ridder Tribune Business News ; Washington [Washington]19 Sep 2003: 1. ProQuest document link ABSTRACT (ABSTRACT) [George W. Bush] slapped on stiff tariffs on certain types of imported steel for three … Read more

Explain telehealth & reimbursement & coverage state policy & gap analysis

Explain telehealth & reimbursement & coverage state policy & gap analysis Telehealth & Reimbursement & Coverage State Policy & Gap Analysis Week 3: Telehealth & Reimbursement & Coverage State Policy & Gap Analysis Assignment Using the site “The Center for Connected Health Policy” (http://cchpca.org/state-laws-and-reimbursement-policies), locate your state of residence. Next, review the attached American Telemedicine … Read more

Research question about same-sex marriage

Research question about same-sex marriage To get started, read Module 1 of your textbook, and watch What is an Annotated Bibliography? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Picking Your Topic IS Research. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Take a look at the Week Five Annotated Bibliography examplePreview … Read more

Describe FM Radio

Describe FM Radio Talk about the regular radio or other things about the radio but the focus point must be fm radio.   Answer preview: Words:2,963

Describe the Anthropological Perspectives and Climate Change

Describe the Anthropological Perspectives and Climate Change Describe the Anthropological Perspectives and Climate Change.Choose ONE environmental issue (e.g. climate change, population growth, consumption, conserving biodiversity etc.) State clearly how an anthropological perspective can: (a) enhance our understanding of your chosen environmental issue; (b) work in conjunction with other scientific approaches; (c) contribute to resolving the … Read more

Create a proposal on Child Abuse

Create a proposal on Child Abuse Create a proposal on Child Abuse.Create a proposal consisting of a one page abstract or summary. Your proposal should identify the community you are targeting and provide information gathered from the 2010 Census that presents a profile of your community (http://www.census.gov/2010census/data/). Using this data to address child abuse and support … Read more

The Role of Ego and Accurate Communication in Management

The Role of Ego and Accurate Communication in Management The Role of Ego and Accurate Communication in Management.The role that ego plays in the team communication can vary depending on the situation that something or a problem happened at work. This can be in a positive or negative way, it is important as a leader … Read more

Describe what is servant leadership

Describe what is servant leadership Assignment Instructions Task 1 Servant leadership is serving followers first and by paying attention to their needs, empathizing with their concerns, and supporting their growth, followers are motivating to high performance.  Similar to many other leadership theories, a leader’s behavior is evidence that serving is top priority.   The Model of … Read more

Summarize the Case of the Unlucky Hiker

Summarize the Case of the Unlucky Hiker Case Study 2 – The Case of the Unlucky Hiker Read the case study and highlight sections with information about 'patient history', 'family history', 'symptoms', and 'treatments'. Create a table with these four column headings for collection of notes. Emily, a 24-year-old Asian-American graduate student in animal behavior, … Read more

Discuss the Evaluating an Action Plan

Discuss the Evaluating an Action Plan DISCUSSION 2: “Evaluating an Action Plan Determine three barriers that could disrupt evaluating an action plan geared towards implementing a new strategy. Propose solutions to these foreseen barriers. Suggest three factors that are necessary to the successful implementation of an action plan strategy. Provide a rationale for your belief … Read more

Explain AICPA professional code of conduct

Explain AICPA professional code of conduct AICPA Professional Code of Conduct Integrity Jon Williams, CPA, is in the middle of a quandary related to his audit and tax client Oneway Corporation. The three directors of Oneway are the officers and the only three stockholders, each owning exactly one-third of the shares. President Raul Jack founded … Read more

Discuss are sounds and sound combinations in English

Discuss are sounds and sound combinations in English It is argued that certain sounds and sound combinations in English and other languages seem to have a relationship with certain meanings. For example, the high front vowel /i/ is found in a lot of words for “smallness” in different languages. English speakers have teeny-weeny, Scottish English … Read more

Discuss “all-in-one” feature in relation to network security?

Discuss “all-in-one” feature in relation to network security? Unit 5 Discussion: Security Reflection Think about the “all-in-one” feature. While it is great when it comes to Swiss Army knives and laser printers, what about when it comes to dealing with network security? Discussion Questions Can one “black box” device perform multiple defense functions as well … Read more

Explain any legal implications that exist for failure to adhere to a standard of care

Explain any legal implications that exist for failure to adhere to a standard of care Legal Issues Consider the importance of using professional resources such as the National Guideline Clearing house to guide care delivered Create a PowerPoint presentation  that addresses the following: Identify and explain any legal implications that exist for failure to adhere … Read more

Discuss DVD triggered sssessment of health status and critique of assessment interaction

Discuss DVD triggered sssessment of health status and critique of assessment interaction Assessment 2: Report – DVD Triggered Assessment of Health Status and Critique of Assessment Interaction   Answer preview: Words: 2,009

Write a paper that describes an overview of CAM and its categories of treatments.

Write a paper that describes an overview of CAM and its categories of treatments. CAM Therapeutic Modalities Paper Write a paper that describes an overview of CAM and its categories of treatments. Include the following: Compare and contrast conventional current regulations and oversights that exist in the United States with that of nonconventional medicine. Define … Read more

Discuss a case study about yahoo in china

Discuss a case study about yahoo in china Case Study: Choose ONE of the following cases and follow the specific instructions for the case. In all cases, students must provide 3 separate references to the book chapter (or previous chapters), and you will be evaluated in terms of how well you incorporate these references. For … Read more

How well does the family maternal leave act help families avoid problems

How well does the family maternal leave act help families avoid problems The stability of family This is an analysis paper that should answer the questions how well does the Family Maternal Leave Act Help families avoid problems they become a crisis or chronic situations that erode family structure and function? question 2: How well … Read more

What are the most common mistakes managers make?

What are the most common mistakes managers make? Managerial Mistakes What are the most common mistakes managers make? What could be the reasons why such mistakes are made? Please do not quote the textbook but bring up the main mistakes you have seen or think are most prevalent. You may want to do some internet … Read more

Drawing from the Just War concept and give examples

Drawing from the Just War concept and give examples Drawing from the Just War concept give examples of when human source intelligence, counter intelligence, or covert operations pass the moral divide and violate the Just War doctrine.   Answer preview: Words: 294

Explain nursing as the protection, promotion, and optimization of health , prevention of illness and injury

Explain nursing as the protection, promotion, and optimization of health , prevention of illness and injury “Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (ANA, … Read more

Briefly define the terms assumptions, values, and biases as they relate to professional practice

Briefly define the terms assumptions, values, and biases as they relate to professional practice Assignment: Self-Analysis of Assumptions, Values, and Biases Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? The underlying meaning is that at first glance, there might be more than what you see on the surface. The same … Read more

In what ways might Loe’s Naïve Super be considered a “postmodern” novel?

In what ways might Loe’s Naïve Super be considered a “postmodern” novel? In what ways might Loe’s Naïve.Super be considered a “postmodern” novel? You may want (but are not required) to consider: the defining characteristics of a postmodern sensibility; the relationship between the profound and the superficial; irony, sarcasm, parody and other unstable modes of … Read more

Explain why the U.S. health system has been described as high on cost

Explain why the U.S. health system has been described as high on cost Instructions: 1. The U.S. health system has been described as high on cost, unequal in access, and average in outcome. Why? 2. The way the U.S. spends healthcare dollars has also been described as wasteful and inefficient. Why? 3. What are some … Read more

Discuss the chosen nursing theory linked back to resident.

Discuss the chosen nursing theory linked back to resident. Chosen nursing theory linked back to resident. Nursing theories include but are not limited to: Tidal model Erickson’s modelling theory Kind’s theory Orem’s self care deficit Parse’s human becoming Roger’s theory Nightingales’ environment   Answer preview: Words:1,000

The HR related case analysis

The HR related case analysis Critical Analysis Instructions Please choose a case from the end of any chapter of the course text for analysis.  A case analysis is designed to sharpen your analytical skills.  The case analysis selected (either by the instructor or by the student) will be HR related. The strongest way to analyze … Read more

Research two careers that appeal to you using criteria that would narrow your choices

Research two careers that appeal to you using criteria that would narrow your choices Research 2 careers that appeal to you. Take into consideration your personality type, preferred working conditions, importance of status and income potential, and any other criteria that would narrow your choices. Have the 2 career searches clearly separated with titles. Your … Read more

Discuss strategic project and risk management in dynamic environments

Discuss strategic project and risk management in dynamic environments Strategic Project and Risk Management in Dynamic Environments Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. Provide a detailed analysis of the risk responses chosen by your classmates to include support for their position. To help you with your discussion, please consider the … Read more

Discuss the basic building blocks of developing a market competitive pay system

Discuss the basic building blocks of developing a market competitive pay system Discuss the basic building blocks of developing a market competitive pay system, including the relationship between internal and external equity. Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ postings. Respond to at least two classmates’ by commenting on their example of management not fulfilling … Read more

What place do animals have especially in relationship to humans?

What place do animals have especially in relationship to humans? Give some ideas about what seems most important to the writer, and then what is most important to you. Since all these readings will be focused in some way on animals, try to comment briefly on one of the following: 1) What place do animals … Read more

The satisfying and unique taste of the American pizza

The satisfying and unique taste of the American pizza Introduction: For this project, you’ll choose a food, such as pizza, or a cuisine, such as Italian cuisine, and then research how four geographic concepts are related to and affect your choice. Instead of presenting your research as a traditional paper, you’ll use PowerPoint or similar … Read more

Describe Ellison’s personality characteristics

Describe Ellison’s personality characteristics Using the big five personality factors, describe Ellison’s personality characteristics. How do these affect others? What’s Ellison’s EQ? Why do individuals work for him?   Answer preview: Words:299

Research your immediate family noting any illnesses or health conditions.

Research your immediate family noting any illnesses or health conditions. You might have to call a relative or a good friend or two to get the answers you need. This is a project and you will need some time to complete. 1. Research your immediate family noting any illnesses or health conditions. (Even if you … Read more

Explain how you will address Jim’s recent performance issues.

Explain how you will address Jim’s recent performance issues. Imagine you work at a company and it is time for an employee named Jim’s annual review. While he was a model employee the first nine (9) months of the year, recently Jim has been coming in late. It has not been just a few minutes … Read more

Critically discuss a contemporary educational policy issue

Critically discuss a contemporary educational policy issue Critically discuss a contemporary educational policy issue in which the case for or against the policy is, or potentially could be, in conflict with biblical principles. You must also provide a personal response to the issue and a discussion of the implications for K–12 educators and students.   … Read more

After watching the youtube video debate on the existence of God

After watching the youtube video debate on the existence of God YouTube Debate on the Existence of God: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=4KBx4vvlbZ8 After watching the youtube video Debate on the Existence of God, in one paragraph describe at least two of the defenses from Hitchens and 2 from Craig. (Single Spaced) In your second paragraph discuss why … Read more

Should spinal patients be immobilized?

Should spinal patients be immobilized? Should spinal patients be immobilized? And if so, how? The points that are need to be considered: 1. How Paramedics / EMT’s in the Middle East concerning spinal immobilisation practices and perceptions and then compare these responses to Paramedics working in Australia. 2. The Queensland Ambulance Service and Ambulance Victoria … Read more

Write a case law brief about Browder v. Gayle, 142 F. Supp. 707 (M.D. Ala. 1956)

Write a case law brief about Browder v. Gayle, 142 F. Supp. 707 (M.D. Ala. 1956) case law brief part 2 Issue Before the Court: Whether a search for weapons without probable cause for arrest is an unreasonable search under the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution (“Constitution”)? Rule of Law: An officer may … Read more

Describe the current conventional medical treatment

Describe the current conventional medical treatment CAM and Conventional Therapies Define and describe the condition. Conventional treatment. Describe the current conventional medical treatment. Complementary and alternative treatment. Discuss and critically assess the CAM therapies proposed to treat the condition. Combined treatment. Suggest how conventional and CAM therapies could be blended. Risks and benefits. Assess the … Read more

Analyze the role of multiculturalism and diversity

Analyze the role of multiculturalism and diversity Topic:Executive Summary of Organizational Diversity By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Competency 3: Analyze the role of multiculturalism and diversity in organizational and systems structure and leadership. Analyze the impact of a diverse nursing workforce on … Read more

The importance of the act of reading

The importance of the act of reading The importance of the act of reading The question of the importance of reading is addressed by considering the ways in which experience itself is read through the interaction of the self and the world. Through examining memories of childhood, itis possible to view objects and experiences as … Read more

Use artificial intelligence and other programming methods to collate and evaluate huge amounts of information

Use artificial intelligence and other programming methods to collate and evaluate huge amounts of information 1.Some recent decision aided models use artificial intelligence and other programming methods to collate and evaluate huge amounts of information in order to predict a result. The hope is that these calculations take into account more variables than a human … Read more

Discuss employee wellbeing focusing on mental health

Discuss employee wellbeing focusing on mental health Topic: Employee wellbeing – focus on mental health Learning Outcomes Assessed The following module learning outcomes apply to this assessment: 1. Demonstrate an appreciation of the various aspects of People Resourcing and examine the contribution that such activities can make to an              … Read more

Research on the currency and banking situation

Research on the currency and banking situation In Modules 1 and 2 you looked at the cultural, legal, and political situation in your chosen country. Continue to do research on the country that you wrote about in Modules 1 and 2, but now do some research on the currency and banking situation in this country. … Read more

What were the recent changes on the foreign intelligence surveillance Act?

What were the recent changes on the foreign intelligence surveillance Act? Congress has to reauthorize FISA periodically. What were the recent changes/actions on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act?   Answer preview: Words:272

Explain how a restaurant is able to differentiate between the short run and long run

Explain how a restaurant is able to differentiate between the short run and long run Week 3 Discussion one Let’s assume that you own a fast food restaurant and you are faced with many customers each day eating in the restaurant without any tables. Describe the difference between the short run and long run in … Read more

Discuss managing information system

Discuss managing information system Managing Information System Question 1 The SellShed social networking application allows users to share product listings with their friends on Facebook and Google plus social networks. From the perspective of viral marketing, discuss the value this capability offers to SellShed business customers. Question 2 SellShed was successful in raising money to … Read more

An Interview on spiritual needs of patients

An Interview on spiritual needs of patients Details: This assignment requires you to interview one person and requires an analysis of your interview experience. Part I: Interview Select a patient, a family member, or a friend to interview. Be sure to focus on the interviewee’s experience as a patient, regardless of whom you choose to … Read more

Discuss nutrition and fitness goals in healthy people 2010 compare to those in Healthy People 2020?

Discuss nutrition and fitness goals in healthy people 2010 compare to those in healthy people 2020 How do the nutrition and fitness goals in Healthy People 2010 compare to those in Healthy People 2020   Answer preview: Words:268