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What is the World View/Religion in the Characters and Plot of The Shawshank Redemption?

What is the World View/Religion in the Characters and Plot of The Shawshank Redemption? What is the World View/Religion in the Characters and Plot of The Shawshank Redemption?What is the meaning and purpose of life?Role of World View and Religion: The Shawshank Redemption’s Plot and Characters What is the World View and Religion in the … Read more

Discuss the Reflection of Financial Decisions

Discuss the Reflection of Financial Decisions Discuss the Reflection of Financial Decisions as you answer the questions that follows:Do you think credit cards are a wise way to pay for things? Do you think credit cards are necessary?What would keep you from paying extra on the credit card on Financial Decisions ?What would it mean to … Read more

Write the Summary of the Love Ethic

Write the Summary of the Love Ethic Write the Summary of the Love Ethic.Need to do a summary of each of the following on The Love Ethic: A Radical Theory for Social Work Practice Anti-oppressive’ practice, Neo-liberalism, Critical theory and Critical reflection Need to then apply some critically reflective thinking to the Briggs article (“Children … Read more

Disprove the flat earth theory

Disprove the flat earth theory Disprove the flat earth theory.For this paper you need to research on a conspiracy theory and either conclude it as false or true. The flat earth theory  is a false theory write a paper disproving this theory.   Answer preview: Words:653

Write the Employee engagement in Literature Review

Write the Employee engagement in Literature Review Write the Employee engagement in Literature Review.Employee Engagement: What is it? What causes it? What does it lead to?Organisational Behaviour (MNG82210) Assignment 1 Guidelines and Marking Criteria Title: Literature Review Marks: 35 (which is 35% of the unit grade) Due: Prior to 9am Monday 16th July, 2018 (Week … Read more

Describe the Dynamics of practice

Describe the Dynamics of practice Describe the Dynamics of practice on Family/Significant others Wife, Gloria, 80 years old. Two adult sons living nearby.Hobbies:Gardening, football Harold is reviewed by the cardiology registrar Tara Line, and she notices that he is drowsy, drooling, and is having difficulty speaking, and she recalls that last night, he was alert … Read more

Explain the offense that Arachne committed and the consequences that followed.

Explain the offense that Arachne committed and the consequences that followed. Please explain the offense that Arachne committed (which could be an act of excess, a violation of hierarchy, or something else) and the consequences that followed. The inspiration for this assignment is the fact that, in the classical period at the sanctuary of Apollo … Read more

Research paper about Kokoro a Japanese ramen restaurant.

Research paper about Kokoro a Japanese ramen restaurant. Accounting and Finance research paper This is an internship class, so you might need little bit of information about the place where I have been interning. First of all, I will quickly remind you just in case you need. This is an unpaid internship, so please DO … Read more

Do the managers’ comments cause improvement in employee performance?

Do the managers’ comments cause improvement in employee performance? Question 1 Five problems from research literature are given below. Study them carefully and construct one or two hypotheses based on them. (a) Do the managers’ comments cause improvement in employee performance? (b) How does organizational climate affect administrative performance? (c) How does the socio-economic status … Read more

Discuss Hofstede’s dimensions of culture that influence business

Discuss Hofstede’s dimensions of culture that influence business My chosen country is Portugal Due to the significant impact of culture in the business environment, use Hofstede’s compare countries resource to choose a country for your project and conduct a cultural analysis of your project country, using the resource to investigate the specific culture scores for … Read more

Identify different brands of product that target different age groups

Identify different brands of product that target different age groups Consumer behaviour Individual essay and powerpoint based on the essay In point 1 of the assignment talk about income, lifestyle, gender and education. Point 2 should be how they promote the brand and also brand marketing. In point 3 write about internal and external, perspectives … Read more

Developing a healthcare finance fraud, abuse & Compliance Program

Developing a healthcare finance fraud, abuse & Compliance Program Developing a Healthcare Finance Fraud, Abuse & Compliance Program Assignment use the powerpoint. Answer preview: Slides:7

Discuss creative tourism in food, wine and festivals

Discuss creative tourism in food, wine and festivals Creative Tourism: Food, Wine and Festivals In this assessment, students will develop a discussion paper examining the complex and multiple meanings and values that can be attributed to food and drinks. Through an analysis of a selected type of food and drink, students will explore the importance … Read more

What are Wal-Mart’s most critical competitive advantages?

What are Wal-Mart’s most critical competitive advantages? I would like to read the Wal-Mart Case study then answer question 5 and 6 from this link https://www.wikihow.com/Analyse-a-Case-Study Wal-Mart Case Instructions and Questions A good approach to analyzing cases is found in the “Analyzing Cases Appendix” on page 343. Additionally, I have included a series of questions for … Read more

What is the value proposition to the customer of Web-based shopping?

What is the value proposition to the customer of Web-based shopping? Upscale Markets Value Creation in a Mature Industry Discussion Questions 1. What is the value proposition to the customer of Web-based shopping? How does it compare to the other innovations in customer service that Ives          mentions at the end of … Read more

Discuss causes of pelvic pain and describe the symptoms

Discuss causes of pelvic pain and describe the symptoms Women health Pelvic pain can be acute or chronic and can be caused by any number of conditions. In primary care, nurse practitioners should be able to outline the basic approach to initial evaluation of and management of these disorders. As you have learned in this … Read more

Explain the current recommendations for who should receive HIV testing in the US

Explain the current recommendations for who should receive HIV testing in the US 1.  Explain the current recommendations for who should receive HIV testing in the US and explain the law regarding informed consent for HIV                   testing    in the state where you live. (The information is included … Read more

Describe and discuss the four different thrusts of student movement

Describe and discuss the four different thrusts of student movement 1. According to the author (M. Karenga) the “Student Movement expressed itself in four different thrusts …” Describe and discuss the four different           thrusts? 2. Citing some social concerns, the author (M. Karenga), presents some basic academic and social objectives that … Read more

Melinda would like to convince Melissa on rational grounds that souls exist.

Melinda would like to convince Melissa on rational grounds that souls exist. Plato Melinda would like to convince Melissa on rational grounds that souls exist. What aspects of Plato’s “defense” of the existence of the soul might Melinda use? What argument(s) would Melinda make? Why? How would Melissa respond to Melinda’s argument(s)? What weaknesses in … Read more

Explain how as a nurse, can better guide patients in the use of credible health information in the internet.

Explain how as a nurse, can better guide patients in the use of credible health information in the internet. Patients today use the internet prolifically to locate health information. However, credible resources are not always accessed. Consider how you, as the nurse, can better guide patients in the use of credible health information. Choose a … Read more

A PowerPoint presentation about importance of research and the use of research methods within an organization

A PowerPoint presentation about importance of research and the use of research methods within an organization Research methods Compile a PowerPoint presentation introducing the importance of research and the use of research methods within an organization. Think about how this applies to your industry and, specifically, to a company that might use research methods discussed … Read more

Should Animals be used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?

Should Animals be used for Scientific or Commercial Testing? Should Animals be used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?First, it should include:introduction,presentation of writer’s position,summary of opposing views,response to opposing views(shows weaknesses in opposing views) and Conclusion.   Answer preview: Words:1125

Compare and contrast Christine E Lynn CON and FASN philosophies

Compare and contrast Christine E Lynn CON and FASN philosophies. Compare and contrast Christine E Lynn CON and FASN philosophies.This paper is a compare and contrast between the Christine E Lynn CON philosophy and the philosophy of another organization. Are they congruent? How do the theories relate to leadership? How about change and conflict? Two … Read more

Describe a Rate-based Measurement of Quality in Healthcare

Describe Rate-based Measurement of Quality in Healthcare Describe Rate-based Measurement of Quality in Healthcare.Describe three rate based measurements of quality.Select three rate-based measurements of quality that you will use as the primary basis for this paper.These measurements must relate to some aspect of clinical or service quality that directly relates to patient care or the … Read more

Discuss the Drug abuse and drug treatment

Discuss the Drug abuse and drug treatment. Discuss the Drug abuse and drug treatment.Webliography Topic 2 Assignment: I choose Drug Abuse and Drug Treatment Look again at the assignment criteria and the example in Webliographies. Once you have found a website for the topic Drug abuse and drug treatment and having written your critique, submit … Read more

Discuss the High Turnover Rate in the Nursing Profession

Discuss the High Turnover Rate in the Nursing Profession Discuss the High Turnover Rate in the Nursing Profession.The framework from pages 7 – 11 in the McIntyre textbook will shape the paper.  Within this paper you will choose and examine a nursing issue/problem, articulate why it is relevant to nursing, Discuss the High Turnover Rate … Read more

Discuss on Developing an Easier Path for Legal Residency in America.

Discuss on Developing an Easier Path for Legal Residency in America. Discuss on Developing an Easier Path for Legal Residency in America. Opening Immigration Gates and Developing an Easier Path for Legal Residency in America ‘The paper will thoroughly describe a contemporary controversial issue (in the last 3 months) in American or California politics. The … Read more

Critically discuss Polio and walking gait

Critically discuss Polio and walking gait Critically discuss Polio and walking gait.All writing about what is the related between walking and Childhood polio / Post-polio syndrome I will upload 5 artictes (Should You Use It). Main (major) key words: 1- Walking 2- Gait 3- Foot – Ankle – Knee – Hip -Shoulder _… 4- Childhood … Read more

As a Canadian intelligence official write a report about Toronto attack to your prime minister Justin Trudeau.

As a Canadian intelligence official write a report about Toronto attack to your prime minister Justin Trudeau. You are a Canadian intelligence official who has to write a report to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on an attack that occurred in April 2018 in Toronto by a man named Alek Minassian. You must inform Trudeau whether … Read more

The poetics by Aristotle

The poetics by Aristotle The poetics by aristotle Using the play (or musical or film) that you selected for your first posting, explain whether or not this play (or musical or film) meets Aristotle’s basic requirements for the elements of plot and character.   Answer preview: Words:286

Discuss diabetes and the Australian health care system

Discuss diabetes and the Australian health care system Choose one of the following health care issues: Obesity; age/dementia, mental health; diabetes. Read up on these Australian National Health Care Priorities. 1. Write an introduction for your essay. To prepare your introduction undertake research by following this link to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare … Read more

Read and reflect on Jesus’ teaching on discipleship in the Sermon on the Mount

Read and reflect on Jesus’ teaching on discipleship in the Sermon on the Mount Discipleship Theological Reflection For this assignment, you will need to read and reflect on Jesus’ teaching on discipleship in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7) and its significance for Christian ethics. Each of your responses should  include at least three … Read more

Write a set of instructions for a product of your choice

Write a set of instructions for a product of your choice Technical writing Write a set of instructions for a product of your choice. How many graphics you use it up to you, but every graphic must have a function and must be useful for the reader. Consider if a graphic or a written description … Read more

What happened with Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend

What happened with Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend All the information you can find on what happened with Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend, and all the information you can find on what happened with Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson Using contrasting examples from Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding. Explaining how how far that ancient, … Read more

Write a letter on behalf of a not-for-profit society of your choice

Write a letter on behalf of a not-for-profit society of your choice PERSUASIVE MESSAGE PERSUASIVE MESSAGE CHECKLIST (indirect pattern) Assignment: Write a 1 page single spaced letter on behalf of a not-for-profit society of your choice. (You are a paid staff member of the organization) Your letter will be part of a mailing campaign to … Read more

Discuss quality management in radiography

Discuss quality management in radiography Quality Management in Radiography   Answer preview:   Words:598

A personal statement for graduate school

A personal statement for graduate school Personal Statement Please address the following questions in your response: What are the specific academic and professional qualities you possess that could help you excel within this program? What goals do you hope to achieve if you are accepted into this program? How do ethics factor into your everyday … Read more

Read make some summary ‘The Implied Spider by Wendy Doniger’

Read make some summary ‘The Implied Spider by Wendy Doniger’ Make some summary and then answer the question from some readings 1. Implied Spider -Read The Implied Spider by Wendy Doniger -Post an answer to the following question with a full paragraph (6-8) sentences Choose one myth and apply Doniger’s analytical tool of telescope/microscope. How … Read more

Should a mental health profession ever “friend” a client on a social networking site?

Should a mental health profession ever “friend” a client on a social networking site? Discussion question #6 CH8 1. Should a mental health profession ever “friend” a client on a social networking site? CH9 2. Because having someone in individual counseling and in group counseling simultaneously can be complicated and raise ethical dilemmas for the … Read more

Look at stereotypes and how they affect how Indigenous people are viewed.

Look at stereotypes and how they affect how Indigenous people are viewed. 1. Throughout this semester, we have looked at stereotypes and how they affect how Indigenous people are viewed. How can we breakdown or eradicate these stereotypes? Outline three stereotypes and how they affect Indigenous Peoples. Students must also explain the historical circumstances or … Read more

Summarize the main thrust of the author’s argument or explanation

Summarize the main thrust of the author’s argument or explanation Summarize the main thrust of the author’s argument or explanation, cite key points of evidence or thought. distilling key points from the article. For Trump and his generals,‘victory’ has different meaningsBy Greg Jaffe April 5 Email the author President Trump’s pronouncement that he would be … Read more

Describe how health care reform initiatives and mandates have impacted your organization.

Describe how health care reform initiatives and mandates have impacted your organization. Health Care Reform Initiatives The effects of the continuous effort of various health care reform initiatives to improve a population’s health are difficult to track, measure, sustain, and analyze, but evaluating the impact of changing guidelines and requirements is part of effective operational … Read more

Research a food that is common to many cultures

Research a food that is common to many cultures Food culture For this project, you will research a food that is common to many cultures. Topics will be chosen from the approved list below. You will present a history of the food from an anthropological/historical point of view. For a food topic, you will describe … Read more

Explain enterprise resource planning

Explain enterprise resource planning ERP Enterprise Resource Planning The report must describe the following aspects : • Introduction, small intro like 3 lines last line mintion what will be in the paper. • definitions, of ERP • characteritics, of ERP • advantages, of ERP   Answer preview: Words: 282

Discuss stages of change across cultures

Discuss stages of change across cultures Discussion: Stages of Change Across Cultures Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change model looks at the behavioral changes clients go through in each stage. Understanding the principles of the model and best practices, can help with client success. Being knowledgeable in using the model can help reduce resistance, help … Read more

What are vision, mission, and goals, and why are they important to organizations?

What are vision, mission, and goals, and why are they important to organizations? Strategic Management(Michael Kors Corporation [NYSE: KORS]) Leading Strategically LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, you should be able to understand and articulate answers to the following questions: 1. What are vision, mission, and goals, and why are they important to organizations? 2. … Read more

Explain the following intel forum responses

Explain the following intel forum responses Intel Forum Responses: Replies must contain the following: each advances the learning by including at least two of the following components: Validates post with additional evidence from the literature. Poses a thoughtful question. Provides an alternative point-of-view Offers additional insight into how the concept might be understood. Responses contain … Read more

Identify and discuss the three sectors of health care.

Identify and discuss the three sectors of health care. Identify and discuss the three sectors of health care. Be sure to identify the healers, means of care, and defining illness process.   Answer preview: Words:307

Critically analyse the Organizational Behaviour

Critically analyse the Organizational Behaviour Critically analyse the Organizational Behaviour. Critically, analyse how HP’s culture, politics and power would or have influenced the behaviour of individuals or teams in the organisation overview of hewlett packard (founders and how it started),culture and hp culture,power and hp power,politics and hp politics.critically analyse the effect of hp’s culture, power … Read more

Write an Evaluation Model Paper

Write an Evaluation Model Paper Write an Evaluation Model Paper.Select an evaluation model that you determine has the most applicability and relevance to criminal justice policy today. summarizing the model you have chosen and provide an analysis and explanation for your choice. Include the following in your paper: A summary of the model An explanation … Read more