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Information Security Analyst’s portfolio

Information Security Analyst’s portfolio Information Security Analyst’s portfolio.Overview: You will research how to enter this field.Details: Conduct research on a career in cyber security. Select the link to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website ( bls.gov) find out some basic facts about the field and at least 2 other resources to find more specific information … Read more

Critical Analysis of Nella Larsen’s Passing

Critical Analysis of Nella Larsen’s Passing Critical Analysis of Nella Larsen’s Passing.The Norton Critical Edition of Larsen’s text for one specific reading assignment that you are to read carefully pages 350-356, studying and analyzing it, and then you do the following:presenting a brief, focused summary of its main points, including about 2-3 quotes, with page … Read more

The Cult of True Womanhood in year 2000-2018

The Cult of True Womanhood in year 2000-2018 The Cult of True Womanhood in year 2000-2018.Imagine that Barbara Welter is writing a new essay entitled, “The Cult of True Womanhood: 2000-2018.” What do you imagine the Cult of True Womanhood would look like today? Specifically, what are the four cardinal virtues of the modern day … Read more

Review the El Nino and La Nina patterns from 1991 to Present

Review the El Nino and La Nina patterns from 1991 to Present Review the El Nino and La Nina patterns from 1991 to Present.Review the discussion of the El Nino Southern Oscillation in your text. Go to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) El Nino Southern Oscillation data page. Starting with 1991, use the … Read more

Vulnerability, Personhood and Personal Responsibility to Others

Vulnerability, Personhood and Personal Responsibility to Others Vulnerability, Personhood, and Personal Responsibility to Others.People often assume that independence is the highest state of a human life. Psychologist Erich Fromm famously argued that it inter-dependence and not independence that was the goal. No human being is sufficient for her own existence; and Alisdair MacIntyre observes we … Read more

Importance of partnership in human resource

Importance of partnership in human resource Importance of partnership in human resource.For many human services organizations, developing partnerships with other organizations contributes to the success of the organization. Partnerships can fill a variety of needs within organizations and in the service community. Developing partnerships among organizations requires careful consideration. Human services administrators must take specific … Read more

Globalization and International Management

Globalization and International Management Globalization and International Management.International management is management that oversees the conduct of operations in or with organizations in foreign countries. A multinational corporation, or multinational enterprise, is a business firm with operations in several countries. A multinational organization is a nonprofit organization with operations in several countries. Even if you never … Read more

Describe Interpersonal communication in healthcare

Describe Interpersonal communication in healthcare Describe Interpersonal communication in healthcare.Addressing this rationale are important because they enable you to contribute to and seek feedback from the unit coordinator and other markers. The aim with this assignment is that you are able to develop a report that addresses a number of key issues related to health … Read more

Geological Characteristics of Planet Earth and another Planet

Geological Characteristics of Planet Earth and another Planet Geological Characteristics of Planet Earth and another Planet.A new planet that resembles our Earth in size is discovered in another solar system. The newly discovered planet has an atmosphere and a geosphere but has no hydrosphere and biosphere. Discuss in detail how the geological characteristics of the … Read more

The Analysis of ‘How to Raise Great Kids’ Advert

The Analysis of ‘How to Raise Great Kids’ Advert The Analysis of ‘How to Raise Great Kids’ Advert.For this assignment, you will analyze an advertisement using either Dorothy Smith’s article “The Standard North American Family,” Stephanie Cootz’s article “The Way We Weren’t,” or one of the theories detailed in the chapter “Theorizing and Researching Family” … Read more

Principles of Management by Easterseals organization

Principles of Management by Easterseals organization Principles of Management by Easterseals organization.In a well-crafted essay of no more than 1,200 words, describe a managerial position based on information gathered from the person who currently holds that position—a friend, family member, co-worker, or someone you’ve never met before. The only restriction is that if you are … Read more

Case Study for Mental Health

Case Study for Mental Health Case Study for Mental Health.Requirements Format: Your assessment should be submitted in .doc, docx. format Length: 1500 words Curriculum Mode: Case Study for Assessment 1 and 2 – Note: your student assessment work must focus on Chung, regardless of your status as a nursing or midwifery student. Chung is a … Read more

The Use of Stem Cells in Healthcare

The Use of Stem Cells in Healthcare The Use of Stem Cells in Healthcare.The objective of an informative essay is not to present your view, but “to inform or educate the audience on a given topic” (The KU Handbook for Writers, 2008, p. 102). Your informative essay might explain something most readers don’t know present … Read more

Answer the questions on Global virtual teams

Answer the questions on Global virtual teams. Answer the questions on Global virtual teams.How will your team leverage professional GVT coordination platform(s) to help execute this project? What specific strategies and virtual coordination tools will your team use for the three primary activities: (a) innovation, (b) planning, and (c) synchronization?   Answer preview: Words:959

Addressing the health equity and health disparities

Addressing the health equity and health disparities Addressing the health equity and health disparities.Discuss how health equity and health disparities can be addressed in today’s healthcare using the intergenerational effects models, and The Campinha-Bacote Model can inform and advance current practice and how those models and can guide nursing administrators in improving health disparities. Be … Read more

Improving Quality of Health Care

Improving Quality of Health Care Improving the quality of health care delivery and patient safety continues to be a political concern and has been at the heart of reform issues for many years. The American Nurses Association (ANA) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) have increased awareness of health care quality and safety issues, as … Read more

Write a journal on A prayer for the poor by David Bentley Hart

Write a journal on A prayer for the poor by David Bentley Hart Write a journal on A prayer for the poor by David Bentley Hart.Identify an issue in one of the readings that provoked a significant response from you. Identify the context of= the author and indicate how this might shape his/her views. Consider … Read more

What Goes around Comes around in Zora Neale Hurston’s Sweat

What Goes around Comes around in Zora Neale Hurston’s Sweat? What Goes around Comes around in Zora Neale Hurston’s Sweat?In Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat,” does this saying have any relevance to the above mentioned short story? If so, explain the significance. The paper must be written in Times New Roman 12 point font and cannot … Read more

What factors most influenced the relationship between war and society between 1648 and 1941?

What factors most influenced the relationship between war and society between 1648 and 1941? What factors most influenced the relationship between war and society between 1648 and 1941?Write a double-spaced one-page outline of the question you plan to answer in your argumentative essay that includes the thesis, major points, and supporting points of evidence about … Read more

Discuss Christianity and Bible world views

Discuss Christianity and Bible world views Discuss Christianity and Bible world views.Avatar Contact The Dark Night These MoodleTM discussions will then be used as the basis of a critically reflective essay that synthesises your learning from these reflective journal posts. The MoodleTM posts must be included as an appendix to the essay. The essay is … Read more

Discuss Christianity and world views

Discuss Christianity and world views Discuss Christianity and world views.Avatar Contact The Dark Night These MoodleTM discussions will then be used as the basis of a critically reflective essay that synthesises your learning from these reflective journal posts. The MoodleTM posts must be included as an appendix to the essay. The essay is to be … Read more

Discuss the Schizophrenia disease.

Discuss the Schizophrenia disease Discuss the Schizophrenia disease.Select any one of the diseases or disorders that have been covered in this course and discuss key factors including but not limited to, detailed pathophysiology, behavioral or psychosocial related issues, genetics or genomic factors, and related nursing process including evidence-based practice.Identify the disease or disorder including its … Read more

The Benefits of Having Plants inside a Home

The Benefits of Having Plants inside a Home The Benefits of Having Plants inside a Home.Autoethnography Essay about , What are the benefits of plant inside a home and why do de respond positively to then ?   Answer preview: Words:709

Unequal Childhoods by Annette Lareau

Unequal Childhoods by Annette Lareau Unequal Childhoods by Annette Lareau.A key concept this week is socialization. In this assignment, describe the differences in how middle class and poor families raise children, according to Annette Lareau’s research (based on the video you watched for this module). Discuss the implications for children, their life chances and society … Read more

Write a detailed Reflective Journal

Write a detailed Reflective Journal Write a detailed Reflective Journal.Write your reflection about the new movie or new activity that you just did this week.you will post a journal entry on that help you reflect on the text and films and provides me with an opportunity to measure your understudying of the materials. The entries … Read more

Common Pathologies seen at an ENT Practice

Common Pathologies seen at an ENT Practice Common Pathologies seen at an ENT Practice.Welcome students to our first discussion. Is a pleasure to introduce this topic and discuss about the most common pathologies seen at an ent practice, nevertheless other diagnosis can be addressed as well. When medicine progressed, new specialties emerged to treat various … Read more

Describe The Person as Producer and Consumer

Describe The Person as Producer and Consumer **FYI:  My Personal view regarding God. I Believe in God as God the Father, Jesus as the Only Begotten Son of God, and God the Holy Spirt. I Believe that the Bible is the inherent Word of God** Describe The Person as Producer and Consumer.From the ancients like … Read more

Answer the Business Management Questions

Answer the Business Management Questions Answer the Business Management Questions.Explain the difference between internal and external customers and give one example for each. List at least two methods used by companies to determine their customers’ needs and wants. What are the advantages of using web-based customer survey over a mail or telephone survey? What are … Read more

The Role and Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development

The Role and Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development The Role and Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development.The latest version still fails to meet the formatting criteria fully. Please read the Wiki example given in the attached instruction file: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walkability. Be sure to follow the style and pattern of that article. In … Read more

Evolution and Understanding Ecology Connected with My Spirituality and Commitment to Sustainability

Evolution and Understanding Ecology Connected with My Spirituality and Commitment to Sustainability Evolution and Understanding Ecology Connected with My Spirituality and Commitment to Sustainability.Reflective Essay ONE: HOW ARE MY APPROACH TO EVOLUTION AND UNDERSTANDING OF ECOLOGY CONNECTED WITH MY OWN SPIRITUALITY AND COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABILITY? Be sure to integrate insights from the Journey of the … Read more

Business management and the different Forms of Business Units

Business management and the different Forms of Business Units. Business management and the different Forms of Business Units. Explain the characteristics of the different forms of business ownership (corporation, partnership, etc.). Part I.  10 points – Describe each of the following forms of business ownership: Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation S-corporation Limited-liability companies Part II. 8 points … Read more

Analyse The era of ancient Egypt

Analyse The era of ancient Egypt Analyse The era of ancient Egypt.Egyptian Review essay, an expression in artistic & cultural continuity. Over three-thousand years the ancient Egyptian culture, particularly their visual culture of art, changed relatively little. How did they accomplish this incredible aspect? In this essay opportunity our focus will be to review the … Read more

Describe the Egyptian Architecture for Temples

Describe the Egyptian Architecture for Temples Describe the Egyptian Architecture for Temples.Write a brief contextual analysis of your theme looking both at the past and the present. Seek out the larger sociological, religious, and political concepts that may influence the formal and thematic qualities in the artistic artifacts you wish to provide in your exhibit. … Read more

Describe the Clinical Leadership

Describe the Clinical Leadership Describe the Clinical Leadership on the following areas:Electronic Medication System benefits (EMS),Leadership style Plan of change,Resistance.   Answer preview: Words:1294

The Ancient Greeks on The Pre-Socratics

The Ancient Greeks on The Pre-Socratics The Ancient Greeks on The Pre-Socratics.The essay must be a MINIMUM of 5 paragraphs. Each Paragraph must have 5 sentences (of which 4 of those sentences must be in your own words). One direct quote with a page reference is required. Direct Quotes require Quotation Marks!!! The quote, no … Read more

Global Burden of Disease and the Global Health Policy

Global Burden of Disease and the Global Health Policy Global Burden of Disease and the Global Health Policy.In what ways can information on global burden of disease aid global health policy?What are the limitations of global burden of disease estimates?   Answer preview:   Words:365

Describe the Components of the Criminal Justice System

Describe the Components of the Criminal Justice System Describe the Components of the Criminal Justice System.Describe the purposes and functions of the 3 main components of the criminal justice system. Give examples of each. Include discussion on the main purposes of the U.S. CJT system (overall). complete as a word document attachment.complete using APA formatting … Read more

Describe the use Antibiotics in protecting the health of people.

Describe the use Antibiotics in protecting the health of people and animals Describe the use Antibiotics in protecting the health of people..Antibiotics are crucial to protecting the health of people and animals. In order to maintain the effectiveness of antibiotics, stewardship of their use must be practiced in both human medicine and production of food … Read more

Tribute to my late stepfather

Tribute to my late stepfather Tribute to my late stepfather.I like to include in my speech how my step father used to go on bike rides with me when I was little. Cooking during holidays for me and my mom. Teaching me how to drive. When I got older he spoke on my wedding, he … Read more

The Effectiveness of Federalism government in Australia

The Effectiveness of Federalism government in Australia The Effectiveness of Federalism government in Australia.Addresses learning outcome(s):Gain an understanding of general principles and central institutions of government.Gain an understanding of the relationship between principles, institutions (formal & informal) and processes of government in Australia in an international context.Gain an understanding of how the current Australian government … Read more

The Kitchen Co Pty Ltd Case Study on Liability and Consumer Law

The Kitchen Co Pty Ltd Case Study on Liability and Consumer Law The Kitchen Co Pty Ltd Case Study on Liability and Consumer Law.Essay topic: Kitchen Co Pty Ltd (“Kitchen Co”) manufactures and supplies to the public (through its subsidiary Kitchen Co-Sales Pty Ltd) the “Kitchenwiz”, an expensive, high-speed kitchen blender costing $2000, which is … Read more

Environmental Sustainability in School and the Wider Community

Environmental Sustainability in School and the Wider Community Environmental Sustainability in School and the Wider Community.Assignment overview Reports are useful forms of assignment in a pre-service teacher education program as they assess what you’ve learned from your readings, research and class discussions. They also enable you to develop report writing skills and research that is … Read more

Describe the Master of Public Administration

Describe the Master of Public Administration Describe the Master of Public Administration.Use the foolowing website to answer the questions that follows;https://www.ucf.edu/online/degree/master-public-administration/ 1. How does the How does the Graduate School Program compare to other graduate/professional/medical/law/dental school programs?School Program compare to other graduate/professional/medical/law/dental school programs?2. What is the focus of your major’s curriculum of the graduate/professional/medical/law/dental … Read more

Comparison of three Sites; Fox News, CNN, and NBC

Comparison of three Sites; Fox News, CNN, and NBC Comparison of three Sites; Fox News, CNN, and NBC.The three sites Im choosing is Fox news,Cnn, NBC.Select at least three different websites or blogs to visit. Examine the sites thoroughly and evaluate them for authority, bias, and currency. Be sure to post the links of all … Read more

Discuss the Antimicrobial Resistance

Discuss the Antimicrobial Resistance Discuss the Antimicrobial Resistance.imagine you are a community health educator.select a global  health isssue from this website http://www.globalhealth.gov/global-health-topics/.Find an agency or organisation that provides community education.Discuss the programs or services thst are available.How are they funded?   Answer preview: Words:310

Describe the Supply Chain Management Practice

Describe the Supply Chain Management Practice Describe the Supply Chain Management Practice.Select ONE supply chain best practice, lecturer would show few supply chain practice for choice in class. Application of literature in the chosen supply chain practice and discuss the case study in accordance with the research work shown in literature review. Application of theory … Read more

Book review: Scars and Green World.

Book review: Scars and Green World. The following are the stories “Cry Cry Cry” https://www.sendspace.com/file/v9jj12 “Green World” https://www.sendspace.com/file/37bgu9 “Scars” https://www.sendspace.com/file/fmm7ke “The Toughest Indian In The World” https://www.sendspace.com/file/8roldq 19 Sep 2018 08:02 The following are the stories https://www.sendspace.com/file/v9jj12 “Cry Cry Cry” https://www.sendspace.com/file/37bgu9 “Green World” https://www.sendspace.com/file/fmm7ke “Scars” https://www.sendspace.com/file/8roldq “The Toughest Indian In The World” QUESTIONS ABOUT PLOT:  What conflicts does it dramatize? Use these questions … Read more

Discuss hand hygiene for infection prevention

Discuss hand hygiene for infection prevention This is project Topic is Hand hygiene for infection prevention -write the rationale for choice of topic -Background of topic -individual learning outcomes -specific objective of topic -Model of critical reflection for example can choose Gibbs reflection Model or any other reflection model .   Anaswer preview: Words: 2,144

Outline the advantages and disadvantagesfor making English the single language for business in your country .

Outline the advantages and disadvantagesfor making English the single language for business in your country . More and more Multinational companies are mandating English as the common corporate language (Harvard Business Review,2012) Outline the advantages and disadvantagesfor making English the single language for business in your country .   Answer preview: Words: 835

Explain one microvascular complication of Diabetes

Explain one microvascular complication of Diabetes Choose one macrovascular or one microvascular complication of Diabetes and address the following questions My Topic: Peripheral Neuropathy Microvascular describe the pathophysiology of the chosen complication. Discuss the assessment and diagnostics of this complication. Discuss the treatment and management of this complication. Structure and presentation Your response can be … Read more