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How should higher education be funded in the future?

How should higher education be funded in the future? How should higher education be funded in the future? The paper should present a summary/statement of the issue, and explanation of the relationship the issue has with their workplace, an explanation of their concerns about the issue as an employee or employer and as an individual … Read more

Write a persuasive research essay.

Write a persuasive research essay. Write an argumentative/persuasive research essay. You are required to have two sources. Remember that you are attempting to persuade the audience into believing that one idea makes more sense than another. Your sources will help you to prove the point you are trying to make in your argumentative/persuasive essay.   Answer … Read more

Critically evaluate trade barriers

Critically evaluate trade barriers Critically evaluate trade barriers.In a critical essay, evaluate trade barriers. Why do countries impose trade barriers? What is the effect of trade barriers on the trade balance, the employment, and the economic growth? Now choose a country and evaluate the arguments for and against erecting trade barriers.   Answer preview:   … Read more

  Is the existence of God self-evident?

  Is the existence of God self-evident?  Treatise on Divine Nature: Thomas Aquinas         Is the existence of God self-evident? Why is this the first question he asks here? What are the two kinds of demonstration he lists? Which way is appropriate for our task, and why?   Answer preview: Words:500

Addresses the issue of disenfranchisement

Addresses the issue of disenfranchisement The question this week addresses the issue of disenfranchisement. This means either an actual bar to voting or an affect on their ability to vote. You should consider this both in the macro and micro perspectives. If you are poor, can’t afford a car or have to work two jobs, … Read more

Define the risk management process.

Define the risk management process. Write a  paper in which you select one scenario from the University of Phoenix Material: Risk Identification Scenarios. Define the risk management process. Explain the role of risk management in the project planning process. Describe at least two risks and their sources for the selected scenario. Outline how risk management may mitigate the risks for … Read more

Select a food-related memory from your life to write about

Select a food-related memory from your life to write about During this week’s lecture, you learned about how and why food memoirists attach larger meanings to their stories. What theme(s) / larger meaning(s) does Adichie’s food memoir essay “Real Food” set forth? Does she imply her theme(s) or directly state it/them? Does she use any food … Read more

Find one important principle from the readings

Find one important principle from the readings Find one important principle from the readings. Step one: Read Chapter 2 in its entirety.There is much in the form of “common understandings” in those pages. You are asked to find one important principle and develop a two-paragraph expansion in order to make the concept clearer. As well, … Read more

Write an article about stock valuation

Write an article about stock valuation Write an article about stock valuation.Access the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) using the SPC Library journal resources. Find an article about s tock valuation. Explain how Chapter 7 concepts are applied in your article. Cite the article and link it.   Answer preview: Words:208

Discuss communicating in a diverse environment

Discuss communicating in a diverse environment Communicating in a Diverse Environment At its core, diversity simply means differences, and we can experience differences with those from another culture, as well as with those who may share our culture. Differences should not be seen as a barrier, but an opportunity. For this Discussion, please respond to … Read more

Describe the Adolescent Sexual Development

Describe the Adolescent Sexual Development Describe the Adolescent Sexual Development.These are two separtate questions and should be answered separatly 1)Discuss how family system’s dynamics impact the development of adolescent sexuality. Present 4 aspects of family structure and adolescent development that are important to remember and discuss how you would address these aspects in family therapy. … Read more

Sexual harrassment and gender discrimination at work place

Sexual harrassment and gender discrimination at work place Sexual harrassment and gender discrimination at work place.Create a PowerPoint presentation that you might deliver to administration on the following topic: Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment In the presentation, you need to explain federally prohibited gender discrimination, sexual harassment in the workplace, and the role of the … Read more

Describe the assignment and budgeting

Describe the assignment and budgeting. Describe the assignment and budgeting.Locate a budget from the government archives and talk about the budgeting.Identify budget  for analysis.   Answer preview: Words:635

Describe the effects of climate change on weather

Describe the effects of climate change on weather Describe the effects of climate change on weather.Subject: Re: informative powerpoint about effects of climate change on weather I need you please to help me with a powerpoint about effects of climate change on weather make sure it is informative   Answer preview:   Words:12 slides

Discuss the Impact of Diversity in Communication

Discuss the Impact of Diversity in Communication Discuss the Impact of Diversity in Communication.Impact of Diversity on Communication Based upon Chapter 4 (Diversity), Lectures: Intercultural Communication, Gender Communication 1. How have gender differences (or similarities) played a role in your communication or interactions with your Partner? Give an example to support your answer. Now, after … Read more

Role of Technology on Saudi’s Vision 2030

Role of Technology on Saudi’s Vision 2030 Role of Technology on Saudi’s Vision 2030.Compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030, which you locate in the Saudi Digital Library. Your essay must include the following: Title page; Introductory paragraph (a brief paragraph that simply and succinctly introduces the topic); Body … Read more

Discuss American History in 1920s

Discuss American History in 1920s Discuss American History in 1920s.You are going back to the 1920s; you are to read Chapter 8 in the text, the lecture on modern culture, especially on the 1920s, and also view the videos on the 1920s. You are going to transport yourself back to the 1920s and write about … Read more

Discuss diversity at Work

Discuss diversity at Work Diversity at Work You work for a company that recently announced a merger, which will combine your organization with one across the country. While you do similar work, the culture within each organization is very different. You have been asked to prepare a presentation for your team on the importance of … Read more

Business continuity management as an organizational aspect

Business continuity management as an organizational aspect Business continuity management as an organizational aspect entails risk management, disaster recovery, and human resource consistency as significant concepts of the sector. The managers in the said sector are subject to intense coordination between all the stakeholders in the company given that the defining activities of business continuity … Read more

Discussion about influences on sexuality

Discussion about influences on sexuality Discussion about influences on sexuality, write a brief response paper about things that have influenced your values around sex. Think about how family, friends, religion or faith, media, school, images, personal experiences, etc… may have influenced your values towards sex, sexuality and your sexual identity (gender identity, sexual orientation & … Read more

A description of the triggers, symptoms and appropriate medical treatment

A description of the triggers, symptoms and appropriate medical treatment 1. A description of the triggers, symptoms and appropriate medical treatment or response for: Anaphylaxis Asthma Type 1 Diabetes Food allergies. 2. A summary of the common food allergens that may cause an anaphylactic reaction. 3. A summary of the Education and Care Service Regulation … Read more

Discuss the assessment, prevention and management of persons living with a mental illness

Discuss the assessment, prevention and management of persons living with a mental illness TOPIC: (Managing Challenging Behaviours) Discuss the assessment, prevention and management of (aggression/behaviours of concern), for persons living with a mental illness Include the following in your discussion: The prevalence of (aggression/behaviours of concern) in consumers with mental illness The risk factors for … Read more

A scenario involving LW a 32 year old female patient

A scenario involving LW a 32 year old female patient Consider the following scenarios: LW is a 32 year old female patient who comes to your medical clinic for primary care. She has been on hormonal contraceptives for years, although she’s just been married and has stopped her pills in hopes of becoming pregnant. Her … Read more

Choose a chronic disease and discuss how you would support self-management

Choose a chronic disease and discuss how you would support self-management Choose a chronic disease from the list below and discuss how you would support self-management of your patient living with this chronic illness in the community. Discussion should include (but NOT be limited to) the following: Main causes and brief pathophysiology (in simple terms- … Read more

Describe the importance of computer system security

  Describe the importance of computer system security Describe the importance of computer system security How will your database support translation of the information for decision making? Explain factors used to mitigate attempts at hacking into computer systems and how data is transformed into information, then into knowledge and ultimately wisdom. Examine definitions of wisdom … Read more

Discuss building a database for obtaining accurate results

Discuss building a database for obtaining accurate results Building a database for obtaining accurate results is a learned concept generally through trial and error. During the last 7 weeks, concepts were presented that may have been completely different than prior nursing courses you have taken. Using the knowledge you have gained, describe the struggles endured, … Read more

Exhibition review on working with children and young people 

Exhibition review on working with children and young people Exhibition review on working with children and young people. Students will present a review of a work that contributes to knowledge in this field. Students may present an exhibition, journal article, book; each presentation must give clear reasons why the work is being reviewed and what … Read more

Answer questions on gendering of work

Answer questions on gendering of work Answer questions on gendering of work.There are 3 questions  on the gendering of work with a reference each to support. Questions1: What is meant by the “feminisation of labour migration Use example from Kofman, Eleonore, and Parvati Raghuram. “Women, Migration, and Care: Explorations of Diversity and Dynamism in the … Read more

Answer the following Economic Assessment

Answer the following Economic Assessment. Answer the following Economic Assessment.Use the aggregate expenditure (AE) model to describe the impact of, “ the economy is on an improving pathway boosted by rising business investment and strong export growth” on equilibrium output. In your answer make sure to discuss the equilibrating process of moving to the new … Read more

Describe оrgаnizаtiоnаl сhаngе аnd dеvеlорmеnt

Describe оrgаnizаtiоnаl сhаngе аnd dеvеlорmеnt Describe оrgаnizаtiоnаl сhаngе аnd dеvеlорmеnt.The report should demonstrate, the rationale and outline of the change and development at both the individual and organisational levels. application of the theory and concepts to the area for change and development ,a clear and purposeful implementation plan a well-constructed conclusion This section is to be … Read more

Describe hospitality industry in Australia

Describe hospitality industry in Australia. Describe hospitality industry in Australia.You are to collate a business portfolio for your chosen hospitality or tourism business. You are not able to use the business from assessment 2. Your portfolio should include coverage of all elements of the business and must include a future Integrated Marketing Campaign and a … Read more

Health care Inequity and Indigenous People

Health care Inequity and Indigenous People. Health care Inequity and Indigenous People. Identifying hotspots of health inequity.How colonisation determines social justice and Indigenous health—a review of the literature 1. https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publications/social-justice-report-2005-chapter-2-achieving-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander#b-equality 2. How colonisation determines social justice and Indigenous health—a review of the literature (Article attached) 3. Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health equity through action … Read more

What is the difference between energy and power?

What is the difference between energy and power? 1. What is the difference between energy and power? 2. How well does standard of living correlate with energy usage? 3. What was the total energy usage in the UAE in 2013 or 2014? (illustrate in graph as well) 4. How much renewable energy was used in … Read more

Discuss the extent to which 21st century Australia is a secularised country

Discuss the extent to which 21st century Australia is a secularised country Discuss the extent to which 21st century Australia is a secularised country. Use both primary and secondary sources to substantiate your answer. Secularisation in the Christian World By Michael Snape. 2010 Australia: towards secularisation and one step back in Secularisation in the Christian … Read more

Introduction to Paraphrasing vs. Quoting

Introduction to Paraphrasing vs. Quoting Watch the following Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=oiM0x0ApVL8&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=j3A0UVGrjb8&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q97YcIFS1zQ&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQauIJGgLfs&feature=emb_logo Then In a short one page journal, tell me what you understand about the difference between paraphrasing and quoting and include at least three takeaways or things you want to remember from this lecture.   Word limit.300words

Historical Statement of the Highline

Historical Statement of the Highline Historical Statement of the Highline.Write a statement (2-3 paragraphs) about your section (private/public/historical/forgotten) of the project and how it relates both in material and concept of New York’s Highline.   Answer preview: Words:576

Critically Evaluate Training and Development of Employees

Critically Evaluate Training and Development of Employees. Critically Evaluate Training and Development of Employees.Write an essay to evaluate how training and development of employees benefits an organization through delivering superior customer service. In your essay, make sure to discuss all the following points: 1- Definition of customer service 2- The difference between training and development … Read more

Discuss the international role of the United States

Discuss the international role of the United States Discuss the international role of the United States.The paper will demonstrate the student’s understanding of all of the course materials on intelligence analysis. The analysis must contain an example of Analysis of Competing Hypotheses to receive any credit. Description: Choose a current geopolitical topic and prepare an … Read more

Describe the reasons why data management technologies and approaches have expanded

Describe the reasons why data management technologies and approaches have expanded Describe the reasons why data management technologies and approaches have expanded beyond relational databases and data warehousing technologies. Explain how NoSQL conceptually supports big data in different ways from traditional relational database management systems.   Answer preview: Words:1,031

Discuss Маnаging  реорlе реrfоrmаnсе

Discuss Маnаging  реорlе реrfоrmаnсе Discuss Маnаging  реорlе реrfоrmаnсе   Answer preview: Words:1,442

What is the history of the Electoral collage?

  What is the history of the Electoral collage? Essay question: What is the history of the Electoral collage? How has the Electoral collage changed the outcome of elections throughout history?Is it still necessary in today’s election process given the availability of information about each candidate? Compare and contrast the Electroral collage to the use … Read more

Dеsсribе thе lift аbоut Building sеrviсе

Dеsсribе thе lift аbоut Building sеrviсе Dеsсribе thе lift аbоut Building sеrviсе describe the lift and its machine, function, materials, capacity, maintenance, improvement about building service Write a part of report Describe the part of LIFT in a building which is in the SCARBOROUGH CENTRE Scarborough Centre information:  The building has 5 levels (including … Read more

Employing older workers not only have benefits but also have challenges

Employing older workers not only have benefits but also have challenges Employing older workers not only have benefits but also have challenges like: – As older workers are close to retirement age, their stay with work will be short. – Finding difficulties to deal with change in technology and taking time to learn IT skills … Read more

Describe a business report of Woolworths Limited in Australia

Describe a business report of Woolworths Limited in Australia Describe a business report of Woolworths Limited in Australia.The aim of these three questions is for you learn how to: Plan your final Business Report by planning its proposed Table of Contents(TOC). Use academic ideas (i.e. theory and concepts from the textbook and peer reviewed academic … Read more

Write a detailed research proposal

Write a detailed research proposal Write a detailed research proposal.Minimum of 4 full pages of text. A fully fleshed out Introduction.The foundational aspects of the literature review.Here, work out the possible subsections (pulling heavily from the direction you took in your bibliography project) Work these out from the literature you’ve already found. Go from just … Read more

Computerised Alumni Information System on Schools for Life Case Study

Computerised Alumni Information System on Schools for Life Case Study Computerised Alumni Information System on Schools for Life Case Study.Schools for Life is a thee-year old pathway college in South Australia. Twice a year, the fundraising office at the school mails requests for donations to alumni. Personalised letters are created by staff using a word … Read more

Critically discuss the details of National Curriculum

Critically discuss the details of National Curriculum Critically discuss the details of National Curriculum.Assessment task for introduction to key concepts of education.Write a 1500 word essay that shows your understanding of the key concepts as discussed during the autumn term of the module ‘introduction to key concepts of education’ classes.The following are the key concepts … Read more

Answer questions on critical thinking

Answer questions on critical thinking Answer questions on critical thinking. Demonstrate ability to implement critical thinking in the following situation:“Some politicians make a lot of noise about how Canadians and others pay much less for prescription medicines than Americans do. Those who are constantly pointing to the prices and the practices of other nations when it comes to … Read more

Critically reflect on indigenous health

Critically reflect on indigenous health Critically reflect on indigenous health.You will be asked during class to begin your critical reflection based on material / resources presented in class. This will be an opportunity to start thinking about your thoughts and feelings as future nurses and integrating these into your reflection. You will be shown how … Read more

PID Controller Design for a Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor

PID Controller Design for a Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor PID Controller Design for a Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor.in the write up consider using the following headings Introduction Aims objectives scope proposed research question Initial Research / Literature Review Methodology   Answer preview: Words:2000