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Discuss code of ethics of a company you currently work for

Discuss code of ethics of a company you currently work for Developing a code of ethics is a way for a company to share its core values and practice ethical business. For example, the National Association for Healthcare Quality has formulated a code of ethics that can be found at https://nahq.org/about/code-of-ethics (Links to an external site.). Think … Read more

Discuss business transformation

Discuss business transformation Discuss business transformation Please take a moment to share your thoughts, ideas, comments and / or questions concerning Week 5’s reading assignment lecture.   Answer preview: Words:450

Explain how could Camp Y best utilize relationships with the local community

Explain how could Camp Y best utilize relationships with the local community CASE STUDY #3: Building and Growing with the Community Camp Y has celebrated its 80th year at the present location on a beautiful lake that once was quite remote. Today the lake has dozens of year round homes and very few summer only … Read more

Explain the process Intuit used to implement ERM

Explain the process Intuit used to implement ERM Explained the process Intuit used to implement ERM. Do you agree with the approach implemented and why? If you could change anything about the implementation of ERM in this case study what would that be and why? Would you implement the same ERM in your current organization … Read more

Locate an article or example of a real use case based

Locate an article or example of a real use case based Locate an article or example of a real use case based on this week’s lesson. If you can’t find an article or use case example make one up. Write a summary of the use case and describe how it is similar or different from … Read more

Would you recommend that the developed country eliminate the tariff?

Would you recommend that the developed country eliminate the tariff? Select a developed country that has implemented a tariff, and a developing country that manufactures products that are impacted by that same tariff. The current US and China tariff “war” cannot be used since these are the two largest economies in the world. Investigate the … Read more

Describe quantitative and qualitative research

Describe quantitative and qualitative research This week we learned how research designs are different and help us to objectively study nursing problems; the key is to decide which type of research and design will serve the purpose or intent to find a solution. After completing Week 4 readings and lesson, answer the following: Reflect on … Read more

Write a discussion on multiplex appropriation in complex systems

Write a discussion on multiplex appropriation in complex systems Write a discussion on multiplex appropriation in complex systems implementation: the case of brazil’s correspondent banking system. Discussion should contain Theory, Research&analysis and conclusion. Article from MIS qurterly please use this link: https://eaesp.fgv.br/sites/eaesp.fgv.br/files/u125/multiplex_appropriation_in_correspondent_banking_system.pdf   Answer preview: Words:635

Discuss an unethical business practice

Discuss an unethical business practice Instructions Find a newspaper article that discusses one of the unethical business practices listed. Summarize the unethical business practices discussed in the article you chose Discuss at least two changes you would make to this company’s practice to follow more ethical business practices. Discuss how your policy change would align … Read more

Negative effects that come with depression and anxiety.

Negative effects that come with depression and anxiety. From both of the readings for this lesson I believe that the weakest reading would definitely be “Is Netflix Bad for You?: How Binge Watching Could Hurt Your Health“. In my opinion it wasn’t very well put together, and it was very contradicting. Clay goes on about the negatives of … Read more

Newspaper Story Project  

Newspaper Story Project Newspaper Story Assignment Guidelines: Must include: At least three quotes from three separate individuals You will be graded on the requirements above, as well as the overall story, clarity, structure of the story, and grammar.   Answer preview: Words:1,221

Write a memo to the CEO describing legal concerns and laws concerning discrimination

Write a memo to the CEO describing legal concerns and laws concerning discrimination Instructions You are the resource manager of Blue Bell Freight, a large trucking company. You have just hired a new driver, Shirley Williams. Shirley is of African American descent. The company did a physical on her as a new hire. The company … Read more

Describe neuroplasticity

Describe neuroplasticity Name of the Research paper: Neuroplasticity     Answer preview: Words: 2,131

Write a company-wide memo to layout corporate strategy for the coming years

Write a company-wide memo to layout corporate strategy for the coming years You/your group are part of the management team for the CEO (me) for an aircraft manufacturing firm. I have tasked you with writing a company-wide memo to layout our corporate strategy for the coming years. Use the information provided to develop a memo. … Read more

Explain treatment of a“red, bumpy rash”

Explain treatment of a“red, bumpy rash” A new patient has presented at a local clinic for treatment of a “red, bumpy rash” on his hands. The patient is 47 years old and is accompanied by his wife. The nurse is preparing to take a health history. a. Which type of history, comprehensive or focused, is … Read more

Discuss the competitive advertisements case analysis

Discuss the competitive advertisements case analysis Case Analyses The case method requires that students have read and prepared cases in advance. Cases are often used to explore a certain theory or model. Theories are provided within the text of the case itself or in supplementary readings. While students should prepare all cases, a written case … Read more

Discuss how strategic leaders make sure that the firm maximizes its core competencies

Discuss how strategic leaders make sure that the firm maximizes its core competencies Core competencies are “capabilities that serve as a source of competitive advantage for a firm over its rivals” (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson, 2017, p. 89). There are two tools that help firms identify a company’s core competencies. The first tool consists of … Read more

Explain strategic leaders develop the firm’s strategic direction

Explain strategic leaders develop the firm’s strategic direction Ethics are a part of who we are as individuals in our personal lives and how we are as employees at a business. Ethics come into play in how people think, make choices, make decisions and how they behave. Proverbs 13:11 states that “Wealth gained by dishonesty … Read more

Select a developed country that has implemented a tariff

Select a developed country that has implemented a tariff Select a developed country that has implemented a tariff, and a developing country that manufactures products that are impacted by that same tariff. “”The current US and China tariff “war” cannot be used since these are the two largest economies in the world””. Investigate the impact … Read more

Conduct a Competitive Analysis.

Conduct a Competitive Analysis. Conduct a Competitive Analysis. You are to analyze your competition–both your current competition and potential competitors who might enter your market. This should include Market Share Distribution, Future Competition, and Barriers to Entry. Answer preview: Words:600

Describe cultural identity and the influence on interpersonal communication

Describe cultural identity and the influence on interpersonal communication Cultural Identity and the Influence on Interpersonal Communication Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. After you have completed the Reading for the week, respond to the questions below. Discussion responses should be on topic, original writing, … Read more

The dangerous way ads see women by Jean Kilbourne

The dangerous way ads see women by Jean Kilbourne Watch the following TedTalk- The dangerous way ads see women by Jean Kilbourne  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy8yLaoWybk reflect on what Jean Kilbourne shared & the points she raised. What is the most dangerous part of advertising for women? What evidence does she use to support her argument? Do you … Read more

Creating a SIOP Lesson Plan

Creating a SIOP Lesson Plan Creating a SIOP Lesson Plan: SEI Strategies Need help completing the attached lesson plan. ( My choice grad level is Kindergarten). Create a lesson plan that integrates language objectives, content objectives, and best instructional practices for ELLs, as well as a method for authentic assessment. In this assignment you will complete a … Read more

Write a paper about effective leadership and the five key leadership actions

Write a paper about effective leadership and the five key leadership actions Write a paper about effective leadership and the five key leadership actions: determining the firm’s strategic direction; effectively managing the resource portfolio; sustaining an effective organizational culture; emphasizing ethical practices; establishing balanced organizational controls.   Answer preview: Words:628

Discuss common applications of the transformation leadership theory

Discuss common applications of the transformation leadership theory Discuss common applications of the transformation leadership theory (areas or settings in which the theory can be readily observed)   Answer preview: Words:773

Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest.

Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest. Advanced Levels of Clinical Inquiry and Systematic Reviews Create a 6- to 7-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following: Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest. Describe how you developed a PICO(T) question focused on your chosen clinical issue of … Read more

Create a sentence outline Strayer:Ways of the World

Create a sentence outline Strayer:Ways of the World Create a sentence outline Strayer. Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.   Answer preview: Words:599

Discuss digital marketing

Discuss digital marketing Digital Marketing Case Study The case method requires that students have read and prepared cases in advance. Cases are often used to explore a certain theory or model. Theories are provided within the text of the case itself or in supplementary readings. While students should prepare all cases, a written case analysis … Read more

Discuss Email etiquette

Discuss Email etiquette Email Etiquette: Examine three email exchanges that you recently had. Do they meet email etiquette standards 1 through 12? Where do they fall short? How could they be improved? There is the skills box SKILLBOX: E-MAIL VERSUS IN-PERSON COMMUNICATION E-mail is the most convenient way to communicate, but it is not always … Read more

what is situational leadership?

what is situational leadership? You can find the evaluation of this report and my leadership style The Situational leadership has two different models that can be used to demonstrate the style. The two different models are the Daniel Goleman and the Blanchard – Hensey. Description Situational leadership is when leader or manager of an organization … Read more

Manny Flavors Cookie Company Case Study

Manny Flavors Cookie Company Case Study Manny Flavors Cookie Company (MFCC) Manny Flavors CC, Inc. is a family owned company now in its fourth generation. The company  began in 1889 making only one standard sugar cookie. Over the years it has prospered, and now it produces over 50 flavors of cookies. The company's motto is … Read more

Select two works of art from your book and discuss them

Select two works of art from your book and discuss them Essay choice 1: Select two works of art from your book. Tell me where they are in the textbook. Why did you choose these particular pieces? Discuss the ways in which the artists lead your eye to focus on particular areas of the work … Read more

How Technology has changed education

How Technology has changed education Part 1: How Technology has changed education. Locate five peer-reviewed articles published within the past 5 years related to a topic of How Technology has Changed Education. Do not include book chapters, books, editorials, white papers, trade magazine articles, or non-peer-reviewed sources. Then, complete the following for each source in … Read more

Analyze the research designs to identify their advantages and disadvantages

Analyze the research designs to identify their advantages and disadvantages Analyze the research designs to identify their advantages and disadvantages. In this assignment, you will use the scholarly articles to analyze the research designs to identify their advantages and disadvantages. Alper, M., Durose, M. R., & Markman, J. (2018). 2018 Update On Prisoner Recidivism: A … Read more

What binds well-formed IT Security Policies together

What binds well-formed IT Security Policies together Research Assignment What binds well-formed IT Security Policies together is a sense of shared beliefs, purpose, and urgency. Within a forward-thinking organization, you will achieve that, in part, by establishing principles that create a shared vision, by empowering others to act, and by institutionalizing support processes. Respond Write … Read more

Explain the principles of principlism

Explain the principles of principlism This assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case. Organizing the data in this way will help you apply the four principles of principlism. Based on the “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” and other required topic study materials, you will complete the … Read more

Discussion about the beginning of Genesis

Discussion about the beginning of Genesis The bible in Literature, discussion about the beginning of Genesis As you read the beginning of Genesis, what do you find surprising? Or are there surprises in the description of the Bible in the article “Literary Forms of the Bible”? Words, concepts, events, repetitions, gaps?   Answer preview: Words: 1,232

Discuss Apocalypse in Comte Culture

Discuss Apocalypse in Comte Culture For this first assignment, search the internet for an apocalypse-themed text and post it here in the discussion thread. A few rules: Your text can be just about anything: a video, an image, a game, any kind of written text, or some other media. Your text MUST feature at least … Read more

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Your annotated bibliography The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks I have chosen the “Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” authored by Rebecca Skloot as the focus of my literary research paper. Ideally, this research paper will illuminate on the contribution of Henrietta Lacks in the field of medicine and influence … Read more

A Doll’s House and Alice Walker’s novel

A Doll’s House and Alice Walker’s novel If you are intereted in A Doll’s House and Alice Walker’s novel The Color Purple or good at analysis the Drama, please help me!   Answer preview: Words: 920

Discuss the importance and value of understanding cultural ethics

Discuss the importance and value of understanding cultural ethics Please discuss the importance and value of understanding cultural ethics as they relate to international/humanitarian disasters. Similarly, discuss why we as responders must conduct ourselves, and distribute resources ethically.   Answer preview: Words:186

Identify and name the pillars of an open government

Identify and name the pillars of an open government Subject: Re: Please identify and name the three pillars of an open government, and provide a short description for each? Chapter 12 – From our weekly chapter reading, we learned that Crowdsourcing can be a very valuable tool for promoting and developing three main pillars of an … Read more

What is Sacred Doctrine and how is it related to philosophy?

What is Sacred Doctrine and how is it related to philosophy? 1. What is the subject matter for this work? Why is this knowledge necessary? Why is philosophy alone inadequate? What is Sacred Doctrine and how is it related to philosophy? 2. What is science as stated in articles 2 through 5? What are the … Read more

Explain unemployment and inflation

Explain unemployment and inflation The topic: Unemployment and Inflation Google purchased YouTube for $1.6 billion in 2006. Now, in addition to a search engine, Gmail, calendar, chat room, and other applications and tools, Google owns the popular video-sharing Web site. What implications might this purchase have for market power and concentration? 2-Review journal articles pertaining … Read more

According to Gilbert and Troitzsch what is the definition of the core of microsimulation

According to Gilbert and Troitzsch what is the definition of the core of microsimulation According to Gilbert and Troitzsch (2015) what is the definition of the core of microsimulation from this context? Chapter 14 – According to Troitzsch (2005), microsimulation could be described as a form of variant and social simulation that can be seen to … Read more

Develop a personal leadership philosophy that reflects characteristics of a good leader.

Develop a personal leadership philosophy that reflects characteristics of a good leader. Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophyleadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Strategic People with strategic talents can sort through the clutter and … Read more

Why do countries impose trade barriers?

Why do countries impose trade barriers? In a critical essay, evaluate trade barriers. Why do countries impose trade barriers? What is the effect of trade barriers on the trade balance, the employment, and the economic growth? Now choose a country and evaluate the arguments for and against erecting trade barriers in your chosen country. “”Please … Read more

Importance of critically appraising research evidence

Importance of critically appraising research evidence To prepare Review the Resources and consider the importance of critically appraising research evidence. Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and analyzed in Module 3. The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project) Part 4A: Critical Appraisal of Research Conduct a critical appraisal of the four peer-reviewed articles you … Read more

In a critical essay, evaluate trade barriers.

In a critical essay, evaluate trade barriers. In a critical essay, evaluate trade barriers. Why do countries impose trade barriers? What is the effect of trade barriers on the trade balance, the employment, and the economic growth? Now choose a country and evaluate the arguments for and against erecting trade barriers in your chosen country. … Read more

Describe Ford motor company products and operations.

Describe Ford motor company products and operations. Ford motor Company. Go to their website and read about their products and operations. Then in your post list five costs that the company would incur. Explain what type of cost behavior you believe would be appropriate for each of these cost items. Please be sure to include a link … Read more