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How George Orwell’s Animal Farm Follows the Steps of Narrative Structure

How George Orwell’s Animal Farm Follows the Steps of Narrative Structure Narrative Structure Analysis of the George Orwell’s Animal Farm Write an essay which demonstrates how your novel follows the steps of narrative structure (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution/denouement). Word count does not include works cited pages. A useful resource of literary terms … Read more

Discuss on Contemporary apocalypse

Discuss on Contemporary apocalypse   Contemporary apocalypse. In his historical overview of the context that produced the Book of Revelation, “The History of a Delusion,” Kirsch makes a compelling case that the author, John of Patmos, uses dream-like symbols to respond to Roman imperial rule and comment on its impact on Jewish and Christian communities … Read more

Discuss the Trends in Supply Chain, Transportation, and Logistics Management

Discuss the Trends in Supply Chain, Transportation, and Logistics Management Identify one issue, trend, or change that is impacting the discipline/professional field (SUPPLY CHAIN, TRANSPORTATION, & LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT)You will find two sources to inform your paper and write a short (1-2 page) essay with a clear three part structure, including a thesis statement. The paper … Read more

Explain Leader-Member Exchange Theory

Explain Leader-Member Exchange Theory Think about a place where you have worked, or where someone you know works. Think both from an employee’s perspective and a leader’s perspective. Now that you are knowledgeable about the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership, what are the implications for you, or the person you know, as an employee … Read more

Explain expectancy theory and need theories

Explain expectancy theory and need theories Can you combine expectancy theory and need theories? In other words do need theories fill a gap in expectancy theory?   Answer preview: Words: 304

Discuss effects of trade liberalization

Discuss effects of trade liberalization Consider the effect of trade liberalization on agricultural markets. Using your weekly readings and additional research, compare the challenges experienced by Saudi Arabia. What financial support does the KSA government provide for its agricultural sectors? How could KSA improve its agricultural sectors policies? What types of results would you expect … Read more

What financial support does the KSA government provide for its agricultural sectors?

What financial support does the KSA government provide for its agricultural sectors? Consider the effect of trade liberalization on agricultural markets. Using your weekly readings and additional research, compare the challenges experienced by Saudi Arabia. What financial support does the KSA government provide for its agricultural sectors? How could KSA improve its agricultural sectors policies? … Read more

Describe effect of trade liberalization on agricultural markets.

Describe effect of trade liberalization on agricultural markets. Consider the effect of trade liberalization on agricultural markets. Using your weekly readings and additional research, compare the challenges experienced by Saudi Arabia. What financial support does the KSA government provide for its agricultural sectors? How could KSA improve its agricultural sectors policies? What types of results … Read more

Extensively discuss on the Normal Physical Changes in Older Adults

Extensively discuss on the Normal Physical Changes in Older Adults Normal Physical Changes in Older Adults. The case studies presented in this course are based on real patients. These individuals have agreed to share their stories to aid in the education of nursing students. Please respect their privacy and maintain confidentiality by adhering to HIPPA … Read more

Discuss on the Normal versus abnormal sexual behaviors

Discuss on the Normal versus abnormal sexual behaviors These are two separate questions and should be answered separately with a minimum of 200 words and include an in text cite a) After reading Iasenza (2010) and Allez (2014) what would determine what is considered normal v. abnormal sexual behavior or functioning in relationships? b)after reading … Read more

Write about Magical Realism

Write about Magical Realism First: annotated bibliography An annotated bibliography is basically the same as any works cited or references page but, and there is one big difference: after each reference, there are a few brief sentences summarizing the contents of the reference listed above it in the bibliography. The bibliography is still a list … Read more

Discuss The Dog Bite “Jones v. Tyler’s Sports Bar”

The Dog Bite “Jones v. Tyler’s Sports Bar” Joe Tyler Roberts, the owner (sole proprietor) of Tyler’s Sports Bar (the Bar), saw a You Tube video about dogs who can catch food and had — what he thought — a brilliant idea. Joe contacted an acquaintance who is a dog breeder to see if he … Read more

Analyze why Intelligence-led policing along with Compstat would be more effective

Analyze why Intelligence-led policing along with Compstat would be more effective Analyze in detail why Intelligence-led policing along with Compstat would be more effective at crime prevention than traditional crime control methods in communicating the problems of drug use and sales in a specific neighborhood. Compare traditional crime prevention methods (reactive and not sharing information) … Read more

Describe the facebook social media platform.  

Describe the facebook social media platform. Create a PowerPoint presentation describing the Facebook social media platform.     Answer preview: Slides:12

Explain implications of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership

Explain implications of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership Think about a place where you have worked, or where someone you know works. Think both from an employee’s perspective and a leader’s perspective. Now that you are knowledgeable about the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership, what are the implications for you, or the person … Read more

Applying the Theory of Leader-Member

Applying the Theory of Leader-Member Think about a place where you have worked, or where someone you know works. Think both from an employee’s perspective and a leader’s perspective. Now that you are knowledgeable about the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership, what are the implications for you, or the person you know, as an … Read more

Compare, and contrast the following strategic measurement tools

Compare, and contrast the following strategic measurement tools Write an essay in which you compare, and contrast the following strategic measurement tools used by business and human resource professionals as presented in the Required Unit Resources for this unit. Compare and contrast the following measurement tools. Economic Value Added (EVA) Return on Investment (ROI) Balanced … Read more

Write a narrative essay about a defining moment

Write a narrative essay about a defining moment Essay #1: Defining Moment   “When a defining moment comes along, you define the moment or the moment defines you. I did not shrink from the challenge, I rose to it. If I had it to do all over again, I’d still hit that shot.”(Roy in Tin Cup) … Read more

Define life course theory and compare it to the propensity and trajectory theories.

Define life course theory and compare it to the propensity and trajectory theories. Define life course theory and compare it to the propensity and trajectory theories. Give one example or more. Define instrumental and structural theories as part of the institution of socialization. Explain why theorists continue a debate of rich versus poor families and … Read more

Discuss activity based costing and management

Discuss activity based costing and management Choose any one from below : 1. Activity Based Costing and Management 2. Basic Cost Management and accounting systems 3. Cost Behavior and Cost estimation 1. can you include an example : if i am sales manager for xxx company , how i will use activity based costing management … Read more

Write a biography of the life and times of Frederick Douglass.

Write a biography of the life and times of Frederick Douglass. Early american History Instructions: you need to use the reader book Perspectives on Early America to answer at TWO of these questions. Newman- Frederick Douglass. From the information in this essay write a biography of the life and times of Frederick Douglass. Adams- Ensuring National Security. … Read more

 Discuss Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership

 Discuss Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership Think about a place where you have worked, or where someone you know works. Think both from an employee’s perspective and a leader’s perspective. Now that you are knowledgeable about the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership, what are the implications for you, or the person you know, … Read more

Write Chick-Fil-A Franchise business plan

Write Chick-Fil-A Franchise business plan Writing a Business Plan Chick-Fil-A Franchise Business Plan   Answer preview: Words: 2,078

Consider the effect of trade liberalization on agricultural markets

Consider the effect of trade liberalization on agricultural markets Consider the effect of trade liberalization on agricultural markets. Using your weekly readings and additional research, compare the challenges experienced by Saudi Arabia. What financial support does the KSA government provide for its agricultural sectors? How could KSA improve its agricultural sectors policies? What types of … Read more

Write a detailed Chick-Fil-A Franchise Business Plan

Write a detailed Chick-Fil-A Franchise Business Plan. Write a detailed Chick-Fil-A Franchise Business Plan.In Month 1, XXXXXXX Company will have an estimated Revenue of zero dollars ($0) since the business just opened. The Month 1 estimated Expenses will be $325,000, which will include Leasing costs, projected Capital Equipment costs, estimated Utilities cost, estimated Salaries, estimated … Read more

Critically discuss two historical Supreme Court cases in U.S

Critically discuss two historical Supreme Court cases in U.S Critically discuss two historical Supreme Court cases in U.S.Locate 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5-10 years that discuss 2 historical Supreme Court cases . This historical case-law can be related to: search and seizure, stop and frisk, searches for evidence, or police SupremeHow is your … Read more

What factors contributed to the stagflation of the 1970s?

What factors contributed to the stagflation of the 1970s? What factors contributed to the stagflation of the 1970s?Watch the below videos. Once you have done this click on the above link “Stagflation DB” and create a thread with at least one page answering and explaining the following: https://youtu.be/qQjAbHR40nk https://youtu.be/SdK_Li6FCic What factors contributed to the stagflation … Read more

Developing the Agricultural Sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Developing the Agricultural Sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Developing the Agricultural Sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Consider the effect of trade liberalization on agricultural markets. Using your weekly readings and additional research, compare the challenges experienced by Saudi Arabia. What financial support does the KSA government provide for its agricultural sectors? … Read more

Leader-Member Exchange Theory: Implications for Leaders and Employees

Leader-Member Exchange Theory: Implications for Leaders and Employees Leader-Member Exchange Theory. Think about a place where you have worked, . Think both from an employee’s perspective and a leader’s perspective.Now that you are knowledgeable about the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership, what are the implications for you, or the person you know, as an … Read more

Write a Memo about the Progress Toward My Educational Goal

Write a Memo about the Progress Toward My Educational Goal Write a short memo about about :You agreed with your parents (or spouse, partner, relative, or friend) that you would submit a report at this time describing the progress you have made toward your educational goal (employment, certificate, or degree). This memo should be formatted … Read more

What were the factual antecedents that preceded an ethical breach?

What were the factual antecedents that preceded an ethical breach? 1. (A) what were the factual antecedents that preceded an ethical breach, crisis, accident, crime or poor judgment that made the ethical dilemma(s) transparent to those outside the specific enterprise? I want to know you comprehend what happened (briefly) withinMerck. This paragraph should illustrate the … Read more

Describe how to increase the overall company performance

Describe how to increase the overall company performance 1. How to increase the overall company performance through organizational development in the energy company. 2. Discuss the approaches and stages of organizational development in the case of Ukrainian energy company? 3.Explain the employee involvement in organizational development?   Answer preview: Words:628

Patient’s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview.

Patient’s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview. “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” Answer the following questions about a patient’s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview. Respond to the following: Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would … Read more

Discuss digital literacy in strategic leadership

Discuss digital literacy in strategic leadership Digital Literacy in Strategic Leadership   Answer preview: Slides: 27

Reflection of personal leadership skills

Reflection of personal leadership skills Based on your experiences, current readings, work experience, education, and use of self-assessment instruments, describe what you think your personal leadership styles are. Include the following in your response: Develop an understanding of your leadership style(s). What is/are your style(s) and give an example of when you have applied your … Read more

Discuss the health as a critical area in life

Discuss the health as a critical area in life. Discuss the health as a critical area in life.Post a short reflection, approximately 250 words in length, discussing your thoughts and opinions about health.   Answer preview: Words:450

What you think your personal leadership styles are?

What you think your personal leadership styles are? What you think your personal leadership styles are?For this assignment, you are asked to determine your own personal leadership style. Start by taking the self-assessment from the MindTools website: (https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/leadership-style-quiz.htm). Next, complete the required Goleman reading. Develop an understanding of your leadership style. Goleman, D. (2000, March-April). Leadership … Read more

Describe what you think your personal leadership styles

Describe what you think your personal leadership styles Describe what you think your personal leadership styles.For this assignment, you are asked to determine your own personal leadership style. Start by taking the self-assessment from the MindTools website: (https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/leadership-style-quiz.htm). Next, complete the required Goleman reading. Develop an understanding of your leadership style. Goleman, D. (2000, March-April). Leadership … Read more

What is a composite?

What is a composite? 1. What is “a composite”? What is reductionism? What is the difference between a “mixture” and “a composite”? Why would one say that “the whole” is what exists and what acts and not merely its elements in some things? How does an organism, or a natural substance, differ from an artifact … Read more

Write a Complain Letter for Legal class

Write a Complain Letter for Legal class Subject: Re: Pretending you were kicked out by school—–Write a Complain Letter for Legal class I need a letter of complaint to US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as a perspective of student kicked out by school. And the employer is Professor London. The reason can be From Age, … Read more

What are you passionate about?

What are you passionate about? What are you passionate about? Using Rhetorical Strategies and Devices Direct conversation is not my cup of tea, but I have tried to construct the paper based on the requirement. Strategies used include: ·         Logical appeals ·         Emotional appeals ·         Ethical appeals Devices used include: ·         Conceit ·         Anaphora ·         Allusion ·         Anecdote  For the first essay, … Read more

Discuss nursing theory

Discuss nursing theory nursing theory After completing the readings, post a short reflection Answer preview: Words471

What is the difference between MaHIM and the public health ICS?

What is the difference between MaHIM and the public health ICS? Read both MaHIM and the Public Health ICS document. Create between 10-15 Powerpoint slides discussing: (1) the difference between MaHIM and the public health ICS, (2) the major functional subgroups contained within the sector of your choosing, (3) critical actions for the first 24 … Read more

Describe personal leadership styles

Describe personal leadership styles Based on your experiences, current readings, work experience, education, and use of self-assessment instruments, describe what you think your personal leadership styles are. Include the following in your response: Develop an understanding of your leadership style(s). What is/are your style(s) and give an example of when you have applied your leadership … Read more

Write an essay using cause and effect as a method of development

Write an essay using cause and effect as a method of development Write an essay using cause and effect as a method of development. While this essay is designated cause/effect, you may write a thesis and paper that focus only on one aspect; in other words, you may focus just on causes or simply on … Read more

What are the characteristics of a leader?

What are the characteristics of a leader? What are the characteristics of a leader? defines a credible manager or a leader? Explain  the essential practices of a leader that ascertains their success? What are the most leadership challenges affecting the success organizations? Discuss the ways of avoiding or limiting the leadership challenges?   Answer preview: … Read more

Describe planning for organizational readiness

Describe planning for organizational readiness Planning for Organizational Readiness Organizational readiness is a multipurpose construct that has implications for organizational performance from different perspectives. For instance, organizational readiness is not only relevant for facilitating organizational changes but it also determines the ability of the organization to react to incidents and changes in the external environment. … Read more

A case study organization leadership and decision making

A case study organization leadership and decision making Organization Leadership and Decision Making Read the Innovation at International Foods Case Study on pages 234-238 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study. Answer preview: Words:571

Explain impact of trade tariffs

Explain impact of trade tariffs Select a developed country that has implemented a tariff, and a developing country that manufactures products that are impacted by that same tariff. The current US and China tariff “war” cannot be used since these are the two largest economies in the world. Investigate the impact of the trade barrier … Read more

Discuss the origin of American foreign policy

Discuss the origin of American foreign policy The Origin of American Foreign Policy in the Revolutionary Era – Response Paper The first part of your paper should be a candid response to the document.Did you enjoy this document, did you find it overly long, or difficult to understand?Why did you choose this document to respond … Read more