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Conduct a literature review based on capital punishment

Conduct a literature review based on capital punishment Conduct a literature review on based on capital punishment Your literature reviews shall contain the following elements: Issue identification and summary of both the case study and news story Review of the case study and news story Evaluation of common themes and conclusions in the both the … Read more

What are some of the main reasons you listen to people?

What are some of the main reasons you listen to people? Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. After you have completed the Reading for the week, respond to the questions below. Listening in the Workplace Listening is a skill and the more we practice it, … Read more

Discuss the issues of responding to a complex humanitarian emergency

Discuss the issues of responding to a complex humanitarian emergency Discuss the issues of responding to a complex humanitarian emergency or an international disaster. Choose one Haitian earthquake West African Ebola outbreak Syrian refugee crisis Yemen conflict and humanitarian crisis Some ideas to discuss in the paper: disaster management models, logistics, political factors, funding, capacity, … Read more

Think of a specific situation in which you gave feedback

Think of a specific situation in which you gave feedback A-Think of a specific situation in which you gave feedback. What impact did it have? How can you improve the effectiveness of your feedback? B-Job seekers usually do not have good information about the climate for engagement in the organizations of prospective employers. What questions … Read more

Discuss climate change

Discuss climate change Climate change is occurring as a result of warming of the earth’s atmosphere due to human activity generating excess amounts of greenhouse gases. Because of its potential impact on the hydrologic cycle and severe weather events, climate change is expected to have an enormous effect on human health, including on the burden … Read more

Describe the software development life cycle for system development

Describe the software development life cycle for system development Instructions Scenario: You have been directed by your project manager to describe the software development life cycle for system development to a potential stakeholder. You decide that you will create a presentation for the stakeholder. For your presentation, you will do the following. Create a six-slide … Read more

Create the marketing plan for your business idea

Create the marketing plan for your business idea you are to create the marketing plan for your business idea. Share who your target customers are, how you will reach them, and how you will retain your customers so they repeatedly buy from you. It should include: Marketing Vehicles Traditional Marketing Tactics Online Marketing Tactics Salesforce, … Read more

Do you think that redistribution is a reasonable way to improve equity in a free market economy?

Do you think that redistribution is a reasonable way to improve equity in a free market economy? 1- Do you think that redistribution is a reasonable way to improve equity in a free market economy?Why or why not? 2-Which do you think is the more important type of tax equity to achieve—vertical or horizontal? Or … Read more

Discuss the power of listening

Discuss the power of listening The Power of Listening Your company recently paid your trip to attend training on listening. The focus of the one-day workshop was to identify and explain the different types of listening and demonstrate the value of active listening in the workplace. Now you are back in the office and you … Read more

 Explain the Diseases of the Displaced  

Explain the Diseases of the Displaced Explain the Diseases of the Displaced  .Discussion board questions.There are a number of diseases that are consistently seen in displaced populations. Please explain potential causes for these outbreaks.What are potential solutions for addressing these disease outbreaks.   Answer preview: Words:915  

Describe in details the Western History

Describe in details the Western History Describe in details the Western History.Was this time period an “age of progress” or an “era of anxiety?” Include developments of the time period in your response for justification. 2) Choose an aspect of WWI to discuss more in depth. Possible aspects include the home front, total war, trench … Read more

Use of sociological perspectives to view different aspects of social life

Use of sociological perspectives to view different aspects of social life. Use of sociological perspectives to view different aspects of social life.Sociologists use sociological perspectives to view different aspects of social life. In this assignment, you apply the three dominant sociological perspectives to the concepts of marriage, family, education, and religion. You also differentiate between … Read more

Provide a short summary of the podcast

Provide a short summary of the podcast Provide a short summary of the podcast. What stuck out to you?Reflect on what your personal threshold is- is it high or low? Listen to Revisionist History podcast by Malcolm Gladwell, episode 3.http://revisionisthistory.com/episodes/03-the-big-… How do you know? Response should be at least 200 words. be more liberal and … Read more

Describe the how sex education is handled in families

Describe the how sex education is handled in families Describe the how sex education is handled in families.The paper should he based on a 37 year old Jehovah witness who was born in africa and moved to america baout 6 years ago. I now have two children and a wife. Module 4 Case Assignment This … Read more

How Mobile Games Support Literacy Development Among Children

How Mobile Games Support Literacy Development Among Children How Mobile Games Support Literacy Development Among Children.i have chosen the topic to be how can mobile games support young children’s literacy?Preferred peer reviewed journal articles from libraries, Scholar.google.com, Academia.edu, ResearchGate.net   Answer preview: Words:1002

Locate an article or example of a real use case based

Locate an article or example of a real use case based Locate an article or example of a real use case based on this week’s lesson. If you can’t find an article or use case example make one up. Write a summary of the use case and describe how it is similar or different from … Read more

Write a reflective essay how and why does Henry’s change happen?

Write a reflective essay how and why does Henry’s change happen? Frederic Henry’s perspective and attitude about war changes drastically in this story by Hemingway.   How and why does Henry’s change happen?  Write a reflective essay in which you explain Henry’s change in thinking about war and connect this to a personal experience where you underwent … Read more

Create your own original public service announcement (PSA)

Create your own original public service announcement (PSA) Love PSA For this assignment, you will create your own original PSA. A public service announcement (PSA) informs us about something important, and the purpose of a PSA is to benefit the public by raising awareness about an issue or topic. This unit has been about love, so this … Read more

Discuss digital literacy in strategic leadership

Discuss digital literacy in strategic leadership Digital Literacy in Strategic Leadership How to do a PowerPoint on digital literacy    Answer preview: Slides:27

Explain how digital technology has affected sociology

Explain how digital technology has affected sociology Now that you have seen that digital technology has affected sociology, it is time to try your sociological skills and knowledge on the concept of privacy Explore how privacy has changed in response to digital technology and dataveillance; Describe what the future of privacy looks like Discuss whether … Read more

Describe intersection of media and the first amendment in the United States

Describe intersection of media and the first amendment in the United States A news story from any reputable state or national news source in print, on radio, on TV, or online. The story will be about the intersection of media and the First Amendment in the United States—no stories from foreign countries. A description of … Read more

Explain the difference between an oral style of speaking and a written style of communicating?

Explain the difference between an oral style of speaking and a written style of communicating? Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. After you have completed the Reading for the week, respond to the questions below. Discussion responses should be on topic, original writing, contribute to … Read more

Discuss Naomi Wolf’s the Beauty Myth 

Discuss Naomi Wolf’s the Beauty Myth In class we discussed Naomi Wolf’s The Beauty Myth and attached is a pdf of the title chapter. The central tenets of the Beauty Myth are: that there is a quality called “beauty” that objectively and universally exists, that women must want to embody it, and men must want to possess women who embody … Read more

Write a paper about the qualities of an effective ethical strategic leader.

Write a paper about the qualities of an effective ethical strategic leader.  Write a paper about the qualities of an effective ethical strategic leader. Strategic leadership includes the ability to anticipate events, envision possibilities, maintain flexibility, and empower others to create strategic change. Include biblical references.   Answer preview: Words:3,995

Discuss the population of the United States from many different cultures, races and ethnic groups

Discuss the population of the United States from many different cultures, races and ethnic groups The population of the United States is made up of people from many different cultures, races and ethnic groups, so it is very important that nurses provide culturally competent health care. Review the case study about Mr. Wong and answer the … Read more

Provide a coherent comment as to if “capital structure matters”.

Provide a coherent comment as to if “capital structure matters”. Provide a coherent comment as to if “capital structure matters”. Cite reasons why it should matter and why it should not. Then take a point of view. Your comments should explicitly refer to the readings posted in Canvas and give citations. Reply on Canvas with … Read more

Crucial historical background on the book of Revelation

Crucial historical background on the book of Revelation Before you start to write, make sure you have read Kirsch’s chapter “History of a Delusion,”which presents crucial historical background on the Book of Revelation, its author John of Patmos, and his original audience of Asian-Roman Christians. (For additional information, you may also choose to read the excerpt … Read more

How does the Book of Daniel respond to its historical context

How does the book of Daniel respond to its historical context Make sure you read Kirsch’s chapter “Spooky Knowledge and Last Things,” presents crucial historical background on the Book of Daniel, its writers and original audience, as well as the longer Jewish apocalyptic tradition. (For additional information, you may also choose to read the selections on Daniel … Read more

Discuss end of life decisions,” the Christian worldview

Discuss end of life decisions,” the Christian worldview The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faith expressions; for the purpose of this course, the focus will be on the Christian worldview. Based … Read more

Explain how was a literary device used in “Cask of Amontillado”

Explain how was a literary device used in “Cask of Amontillado” Topic: Cask of amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe how was a literary device used in “Cask of Amontillado”   Answer preview: Words: 1,644

Describe at least one standard that affects the fire service instructor

Describe at least one standard that affects the fire service instructor 1. Describe at least one standard that affects the fire service instructor. 2. Define the four points of negligence. 3. Describe a situation that would result in a fire service instructor being charged with negligence. 4. Describe what constitutes sexual harassment. 5. Describe academic … Read more

Explain climate change is occurring as a result of warming of the earth’s atmosphere

Explain climate change is occurring as a result of warming of the earth’s atmosphere Climate change is occurring as a result of warming of the earth’s atmosphere due to human activity generating excess amounts of greenhouse gases. Because of its potential impact on the hydrologic cycle and severe weather events, climate change is expected to … Read more

Why Impose Trade Barriers?

Why Impose Trade Barriers? In a critical essay, evaluate trade barriers. Why do countries impose trade barriers? What is the effect of trade barriers on the trade balance, the employment, and the economic growth? Now choose a country and evaluate the arguments for and against erecting trade barriers in your chosen country.   Answer preview: … Read more

Discuss information systems and the organization design changes implemented by Knudstorp

Discuss information systems and the organization design changes implemented by Knudstorp QUESTION 1 How did the information systems and the organization design changes implemented by Knudstorp align with the changes in business strategy? QUESTION 2 Which of the generic strategies does Lego appear to be using on this case? Provide support for your choice QUESTION … Read more

Write a Philosophy Paper about love

Write a Philosophy Paper about love You may write a philosophy paper about love. Remember that this is principally a reading comprehension exercise. State what you think is the teaching found in the text and provide textual support and clear arguments to justify your statements.   Answer preview: Words: 1,402

Competition in the Bottled Water Industry in 2006

Competition in the Bottled Water Industry in 2006 Written Case Assignment: Competition in the Bottled Water Industry in 2006 The written case assignment is to be prepared on an individual basis. It is expected that the content of your written case will reflect your thoughts and analysis rather than the work of others. There will be two written case … Read more

Summarize the historical overview of knowledge management

Summarize the historical overview of knowledge management Evaluation of the Conceptual Theories, Elements, and Processes of Knowledge Management in Modern Day Organisations Summarize the historical overview of knowledge management in your own words. Support your answer with minimum two references Why is knowledge management important? Explain the core elements of knowledge management. How is tacit … Read more

Explain situational leadership

Explain situational leadership The Vice President of operations recently promoted you and moved you to a new branch office where the morale among employees is low and performance is poor. Of the five employees, Amani has the most tenure with six years. Amani seems to have the lowest morale and is not motivated to do … Read more

Why do countries impose trade barriers?

Why do countries impose trade barriers? In a critical essay, evaluate trade barriers. Why do countries impose trade barriers? What is the effect of trade barriers on the trade balance, the employment, and the economic growth? Now choose a country and evaluate the arguments for and against erecting trade barriers in your chosen country.   … Read more

Discuss holistic adaptive system that constantly interacts with the internal and external environments.

Discuss holistic adaptive system that constantly interacts with the internal and external environments. Discuss a holistic adaptive system that constantly interacts with the internal and external environments. Both theories view the person as being the center of nursing and present health/wellness and illness as parts of the same continuum, however there are some key assumptions … Read more

Trade barriers in Japan

Trade barriers in Japan In a critical essay, evaluate trade barriers.Trade barriers in Japan .Why do countries impose trade barriers? What is the effect of trade barriers on the trade balance, the employment, and the economic growth? Now choose a country and evaluate the arguments for and against erecting trade barriers in your chosen country. … Read more

Discuss adult health assessment

Discuss adult health assessment 1. A new patient has presented at a local clinic for treatment of a “red, bumpy rash” on his hands. The patient is 47 years old and is accompanied by his wife. The nurse is preparing to take a health history. a. Which type of history, comprehensive or focused, is most … Read more

Describe security in business organizations.

Describe security in business organizations. The paper presents various ideas and thoughts about security in business organizations.   Answer preview: Words:428

Explain data analysis is key for discovering credible findings from implementing nursing studies

Explain data analysis is key for discovering credible findings from implementing nursing studies Data analysis is key for discovering credible findings from implementing nursing studies. Discussion and conclusions can be made about the meaning of the findings from the data analysis. Share what you learned about descriptive analysis (statistics), inferential analysis (statistics), and qualitative analysis … Read more

Discuss business continity planning

Discuss business continity planning May be a refamiliarization for you with concepts inherent to planning. After reading this small chapter, you are asked to discuss the one most important point that “jumped out” at you during that process that employees should be aware of. Be certain to indicate why you value the concept.   Answer preview: Words: 352

Discuss the Yemen Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis

Discuss the Yemen Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis Discuss the Yemen Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis.Explain how humanitarian crisis has made situations life threatening.Describe its impact on standard living conditions of the populations,Background of the Yemen Crisis. What is the Yemen’s complex history of conflict and instability.Discuss the Political factors influencing the Yemen conflict. Answer preview: Words:6147

Discuss the benefits of human-computer interaction

Discuss the benefits of human-computer interaction Discuss the benefits of human-computer interaction.From the week’s chapter reading, we learn from the author’s case studies that, despite the alleged importance of scientific advice in the policy-making process, its evident that scientific results are often not used. Why? The authors proposed a science-policy interface that would be realized … Read more

Discuss the principles and articles of the United States constitution

Discuss the principles and articles of the United States constitution Discuss the principles and articles of the United States constitution .Principles of the Constitution.The constitution consists of some primary principles. Briefly explain the following principles and their significance in shaping American government.  Self-Government:  Separation of Powers:  Checks and Balances: Part II: Balance … Read more

Watch and discuss Chimamanda Adichie’s TedTalk

Watch and discuss Chimamanda Adichie’s TedTalk  Multiple separate short essays first short essay; 1. Watch Chimamanda Adichie’s TedTalk, We Should All Be Feminist (29 min) https://www.ted.com/talks/ chimamanda_ngozi_adichie_we_should_all_be_feminists Share a quote or story that you found particularly powerful or problematic. 2. Read Baumgardner and Richards “A Day Without Feminism” (2 pages, in Readings folder on Blackboard) – What … Read more

What you learnt about proposal form from the case

What you learnt about proposal form from the case What did you learn about proposal form from this case? Would you accept or reject this proposal if you were on the review board?   Answer preview:   Words:489