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Explain different health care models for the older adult

Explain different health care models for the older adult Choose one of the following articles to read about different health care models for the older adult.(meets module objective 1, course objective 4,5). Schwinn, S.V., & Dinkle, S.A. (2015). Changing the culture of long-term care: Combating heterosexism. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 20(2), 1-1. Popejoy, L.L. … Read more

Assess an operational challenge at Orlando Magic and recommend a strategic “next step”

Assess an operational challenge at Orlando Magic and recommend a strategic “next step” 1. Highlight an operational challenge (or opportunity) at the company 2. Recommend a strategic “next step” based on your assessment 3. Suggest a line of questioning / topic area to explore with the consultant team during their presentation 250-300words it only needs … Read more

Watch a film called “Julius Caesar”; and write an analytical essay

Watch a film called “Julius Caesar”; and write an analytical essay Assignment. Watching film “Julius Caesar” (1953) and write an analytical essay: In approximately 800-1000 words, an essay that explores the following question: • Within Julius Caesar, what do you believe to be the primary conflict? While this may seem like an obvious question, it really … Read more

Write a reflection paper on Transactional Leadership.

Write a reflection paper on Transactional Leadership. Transactional Leadership Transactional Leadership Presentation (1).pptx please respond to the following prompts. Add examples and details where appropriate. 1. What concepts associated with this leadership style do you consider to be beneficial (or positives) for those wishing to employ it on a regular basis? Expand on your selections … Read more

Discuss the role of Evidence Based Practice in your specialty as a mental health nurse.

Discuss the role of Evidence Based Practice in your specialty as a mental health nurse. Discuss the role of EBP in your specialty area of practice. Compare and contrast the role and implementation of EBP in your specialty with another advanced registered nurse specialty. 2 references from last 5 years my specility mental health nurse … Read more

Write a blog reflecting on diversity, exclusion and inclusion.

Write a blog reflecting diversity, exclusion and inclusion. Throughout this course you will read scholarly work on questions of diversity, exclusion and inclusion. You will write a weekly blog reflecting upon those issues, but rather than offering an unsubstantiated opinion on these matters. you’ll be expected to offer a unique but informed opinion supported by … Read more

Consider the excerpt from “Power Plays”.

Consider the excerpt from “Power Plays”. Read articles and answer questions: Consider the following excerpt from the Crewe reading: “The play does not present characters or political attitudes for acceptance or rejection; instead it sets up a continuous flow and recoil of sympathy in the reader. Let me illustrate this as follows; if one is … Read more

The story is about the intersection of media and the first amendment in the United States

The story is about the intersection of media and the first amendment in the United States A  summary of a news story from any reputable state or national news source in print, on radio, on TV, or online. The story will be about the intersection of media and the First Amendment in the United States—no … Read more

use the balance sheet to evaluate the company’s financial health.

use the balance sheet to evaluate the company’s financial health. As discussed in Chapter 14, the balance sheet of a company can give us a snapshot of the financial health of a company at a given time. For this discussion, you will find the balance sheet of a company of your choosing. Then you will … Read more

How has digital communication impacted your life?

How has digital communication impacted your life? Essay 1. How has digital communication impacted your life? Apa style format Answer preview: Word limit: 1,148

How Customer Satisfaction Impacts on Customer Loyalty

How Customer Satisfaction Impacts on Customer Loyalty Identify the key concepts discussed in the article. Clarify the principal theories underlying the research. Compare Theories with hypotheses. Write the principal research hypothesis tested by the authors. Clarify its format. Consider the following model: Before collecting data, the authors would have obtained an informed consent from participants. … Read more

Analyze deviant behavior in relation to the theoretical perspective.

Analyze deviant behavior in relation to the theoretical perspective. For this assignment, you need to do the following: Research a deviant act that was conducted in a public place. Describe the act. What were the reactions to the deviant act? Analyze and discuss the act using the theoretical perspective(s) that you believe best explains the … Read more

Assess the dependence on large numbers of expatriate workers in Saudi Arabian

Assess the dependence on large numbers of expatriate workers in Saudi Arabian The Saudi Arabian economy has developed with the use of large numbers of expatriate workers. In a critical essay, indicate the benefits and risks associated with the dependence on large numbers of expatriate workers. Should Saudi Arabia seek to include or exclude labor … Read more

Explain the consumer protection laws afforded to consumers by FTC and CFPB

Explain the consumer protection laws afforded to consumers by FTC and CFPB Research “THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION” and “THE CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU” Address, at a minimum, the following: The legal protections afforded to consumers by these bodies The rules/laws/regulations that these bodies apply/enforce to provide those protections The steps that are taken to investigate/enforce … Read more

Provide an example of how any concept in public health surveillance has improved public health

Provide an example of how any concept in public health surveillance has improved public health Varney and Hirshon list seven general rationales for providing ED-based public health surveillance. Surveillance is a critical form of communication for public health officials. Choose a real public health outbreak, disaster, or crisis. Provide one example of how any of … Read more

Provide a critique of two articles, one for and one against, the privatization of prisons

Provide a critique of two articles, one for and one against, the privatization of prisons For each article critique, you will select 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5-10 years. Using concepts presented in the weekly reading and study, you will write a paper critique that is at least 4 pages but no more than … Read more

Discuss how the marketing mix will vary

Discuss how the marketing mix will vary Discuss how the marketing mix will vary in relationship to the offering of a service and of a product.   Answer preview: Words:811

Explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it.

Explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it. Based on the required topic study materials, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following: Explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care. Explain what scientism is … Read more

Think about a play you have seen and focus on your memories

Think about a play you have seen and focus on your memories In this module we will be think about what is happening on stage. Think about a play you have seen and focus on your memories of the set and or the lighting for the show. What stood out for you in those (set … Read more

Explain productions of inventing Van Gogh play

Explain productions of inventing Van Gogh play Now that you have read the play I’d like you to apply some of what we’ve been talking about to a fictional production of the play. Think about what you think this play should like. I’d like you to focus on being the lighting or set designer for … Read more

Write a case study on Mass Customization at BMW

Write a case study on Mass Customization at BMW BMW of North America: Dream It. Build It. Drive It. This case is found in your Harvard Business Coursepack. Before reading it, watch the videos on mass customization, then go online to research this concept and take some notes for yourself. This will allow you to … Read more

Identify the relation of customer satisfaction to their loyalty

Identify the relation of customer satisfaction to their loyalty Instructions: Assignment-2 covers Modules 5&6 Your assignment is required to be four to five pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements. Support your submission with course material concepts, principles from … Read more

Describe the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice

Describe the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice In this assignment, you will be writing a word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following: Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, … Read more

Describe processes and elements associated with autonomous system development

Describe processes and elements associated with autonomous system development For this discussion, we are going to look at the processes and elements associated with autonomous system development, including modeling, design, and control. Pick a UAS and answer these questions with refrences. Our brain and our senses are the human central processing system; what options/components in … Read more

Explain how to kick a bad habit

Explain how to kick a bad habit Write a paragraph that explains how to kick a bad habit. The paragraph should be an informational process analysis.   Answer preview: Words:313  

Introduction  to world religions real-life approach 

Introduction  to world religions real-life approach Introduction  to World Religions Real-life approach    Answer preview: words:612

Discuss the need for quality improvement within the healthcare industry

Discuss the need for quality improvement within the healthcare industry The need for quality improvement within the healthcare industry dynamically permeates healthcare. Some may feel that some health organizations are exempt from quality improvement initiatives because they provide essential, minimal services. However, I do not believe this to be true. Everyone deserves to have the … Read more

Discuss how an organization’s structure, strategy and stage of development can impact the decision to have globally standardized, or locally responsive IHRM practices.

Discuss how an organization’s structure, strategy and stage of development can impact the decision to have globally standardized, or locally responsive IHRM practices. When conducting IHRM, there is the understanding that there is “global standardization” or “global integration” of functions; however, this must be considered and compared to the “localization” of each group of employees’ … Read more

Discuss in detail on Online Marketing for Differentiation Strategies.

Talk about Peabody Hotel group’s Visit the Peabody Hotel Group’s website (www.peabodyhotelgroup.com) and answer the following questions.   Answer preview: Words:430  

Discuss conflict between a country’s government with the international responding community

Discuss conflict between a country’s government with the international responding community Research and provide an example of the conflict between a country’s government with the international responding community. Research and provide an example of the success between a government and the international response community.    Answer preview: Words:555

Explain problems caused by global population growth

Explain problems caused by global population growth For this assignment, you’re going to imagine that you have been hired as a consultant for the United Nations. You have been asked to write an analysis on how global population growth has caused the following problem and how it affects a developing country of your choosing. Attached … Read more

Discuss Willy Taco’s leadership style

Discuss Willy Taco’s leadership style You are to listen and reflect your thoughts, what you learned that may have been surprising or new to you, and what stood out to you. You can find this on the podcast app on a smartphone, computer, and other devices. These guys interviewed several restaurateurs and I find the … Read more

How do health organizations bring together the common sayings

How do health organizations bring together the common sayings Prompt: How do health organizations bring together the common sayings, “No margin, no mission” and “No mission, no soul?”   Answer preview: Words:644

Discuss mental health using the PICOT format.  

Discuss mental health using the PICOT format. Based on the PICOT you developed for NUR-550, summarize the change initiative you will be proposing. How does this support the population of focus, your setting, and role? Justify how the problem you selected to investigate is amenable to a research-based intervention using the PICOT format.   Answer preview: … Read more

Research and describe the Adolescent Pregnancy situation.

Research and describe the Adolescent Pregnancy situation. Adolescent pregnancy is viewed as a high-risk situation because it poses serious health risks for the mother and the baby. Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy. Research community and state resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy and describe at least two of these resources. Research the … Read more

Discuss the concept of atonement in Islam versus Christian Theism, how man finds forgiveness, and what allows him entrance into heaven.

Discuss the concept of atonement in Islam versus Christian Theism, how man finds forgiveness, and what allows him entrance into heaven. 1. Discuss the concept of atonement in Islam versus Christian Theism? 2. How does man find forgiveness, and what allows him entrance into heaven? Answer preview: Word limit: 593  

In an essay, describe the impact of the rich man and Lazarus parable on a modern audience

In an essay, describe the impact of the rich man and Lazarus parable on a modern audience Long Essay 1 Requisites: This longer essay will consist of no more nor less than five to seven pages, with one-inch margins, double-spaced, twelve font, and Times New Roman. Points will be deducted, if these requisites are not … Read more

Summarize the website design for three companies of your choice

Summarize the website design for three companies of your choice Select 3 websites from different industries and different-sized companies. Write a 1,050-word summary for each of the three websites that includes the following: Analyze the website’s performance in relation to standard components of a digital marketing plan. Recommend potential changes to improve website performance based upon … Read more

Examine the dividend policy of Apple and actions Citigroup took to change the price of their stock

Examine the dividend policy of Apple and actions Citigroup took to change the price of their stock Consider the questions around the life cycle of a company and its dividend policy. Is the company generating positive free cash flow after making all investments with positive NPV and is the positive free cash flow likely to … Read more

Sex Therapy MFT/LCSW

Sex Therapy MFT/LCSW Please answer the 4 questions below the questions are 3 separate questions that must be answered separately. Answer must be 200 word minimum and should go with reading. All questions must have 1 in text cite and have a reference. 1)A couple comes into therapy with a presenting problem regarding the amount … Read more

Analyze communication in MFT/LCSW therapy

Analyze communication in MFT/LCSW therapy Please answer the 4 questions below the questions are 4 separate questions that must be answered separately. Answer must be 200 word minimum and should go with reading. All questions must have 1 in text cite and have a reference. 1) Based on the reading, please discuss the different types … Read more

Write a case study on TOMS shoes company

Write a case study for strategic management on TOMS shoes company What is the competitive strategy used by TOMS Shoes Company? Identify opportunities and threats as well as strengths and weakness of the company. (Illustrate them within a table ). Describe the roles of directional, marketing, operations and human resource strategies in the overall well-being of TOMS Shoes Company. Answer preview: Word limit: 673

What did you learn from these resources about gender/sexuality formation?

What did you learn from these resources about gender/sexuality formation? Born to Dorothy Sterling, a well noted writer and historian, Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling received her PhD in developmental genetics in 1970 at Brown University. For a majority of medical history and practice, variations in genitalia (otherwise known as “intersex”) were labeled as “birth defects.” Because … Read more

How does Peabody Hotel Group’s market its differentiation strategy on its website?

How does Peabody Hotel Group’s market its differentiation strategy on its website? Visit the Peabody Hotel Group’s website (www.peabodyhotelgroup.com (Links to an external site.)) and answer the following questions: How does this company market its differentiation strategy on its website? Does this strategy come across on their website? Who would you assume is their target market? … Read more

Describe the Strategic issues that Mc Donald’s needs to address

Describe the Strategic issues that Mc Donald’s needs to address McDonald’s Corporation-2017 Having reviewed. McDonald’s brief history under successive CEO’s, what might be most pertinent for the new CEO, Steve Easterbrook to keep in mind, as he seeks to turn around this corporate giant. Describe the Strategic issues that Mc Donald’s needs to address. Consider … Read more

Determine whether stock prices are affected more by long-term or short-term performance

Determine whether stock prices are affected more by long-term or short-term performance Risk and Return Please respond to the following: Determine whether stock prices are affected more by long-term or short-term performance. Provide one example of the effect that supports your claim.   Answer preview: Words:569

Importance of training all personnel in the hotel

Importance of training all personnel in the hotel The chapter on F&B states that all personnel in the hotel are required to have training on the responsible service of alcoholic beverages. Why is this necessary? How would you explain the need for this training to a new room service attendant, front-desk clerk, and maintenance department … Read more

Explain high-level process steps for conducting project procurements.

Explain high-level process steps for conducting project procurements. Include the following: Outline and explain high-level process steps for conducting project procurements. Outline and explain contract administration policies and procedures. Describe tools and techniques for the contract administration process, including the following: Contract change control process Procurement performance reviews Inspections and audits Performance reporting Payment process (n/30, … Read more

What are Netflix’s internal strengths and weaknesses?

What are Netflix’s internal strengths and weaknesses? Read “Exemplary Company Showcased: Netflix, Inc. (NFLX)” on page 90 of your course textbook (document attached). As you read, pay close attention to Netflix’s strategy, and write a case study describing the points listed below. What are Netflix’s internal strengths and weaknesses? Who are Netflix’s competitors? Do you … Read more

Write about a recent incident related to software or computerized system failure

Write about a recent incident related to software or computerized system failure For this assignment, you will write  about a recent (within the past 10 years or so) incident related to a software or computerized system failure. Your paper will discuss the original purpose of the software or system as well as the causes and effects … Read more