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Explain how you would disseminate the results of your project to an audience

Explain how you would disseminate the results of your project to an audience To Prepare: Review the final PowerPoint presentation you submitted in Module 5, and make any necessary changes based on the feedback you have received and on lessons you have learned throughout the course. Consider the best method of disseminating the results of … Read more

Write a summary of traits that characterize effective and narcissistic leadership

Write a summary of traits that characterize effective and narcissistic leadership Read the uploaded file and write a summary of 3 pages of the traits that characterized effective and narcissistic leadership   Answer preview: Word limit: 904

Analyze a situation of conflict with a decision made by your leader

Analyze a situation of conflict with a decision made by your leader Leadership Exercise Part 1: Please reflect back on a time when a leader of a group, class, team, etc… made a decision or chose a course of action that you disagreed with. Part 2: Having reflected on the situation, please: Describe the situation … Read more

Describe your assessments, activities and critical thinking process in these clinical scenarios

Describe your assessments, activities and critical thinking process in these clinical scenarios You have been assigned 4 patients on an Intermediate Medical Care Unit. Two of the patients are post myocardial infarctions at various stages of their infarctions with multiple types of arrhythmias, the third patient is having drastic blood sugar fluctuations 218 down to … Read more

Write an analysis on the Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW)

Write an analysis on the Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW) Discuss the Weaknesses and Opportunities of CPW Product Brands and Marketing Strategies/activities in the various Global Markets. Answer preview : Word limit: 617

Write on TOMS Shoes Company

Write on TOMS Shoes Company Based on the text about TOMS Shoes Company, answer the following questions: 1)What is the competitive strategy used by TOMS Shoes Company? (1 mark) 2)Identify opportunities and threats as well as strengths and weakness of the company .(illustrate them within a table ) (2 marks) 3)Describe the roles of directional, marketing, operations and human resource strategies in the overall well-being of TOMS Shoes Company. (2 … Read more

Critically identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts to suggest logistics performance priorities

Critically identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts to suggest logistics performance priorities The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance priorities. To this purpose, you should review about these companies through secondary available information. Think about how you can apply … Read more

Describe provision of health care services for a patient from an unfamiliar culture.

Describe provision of health care services for a patient from an unfamiliar culture. You are admitting a 19-year old female college student to the hospital for fevers. Using the patient information provided, choose a culture unfamiliar to you and describe what would be important to remember while you interview this patient. Discuss the health care … Read more

What is your break-even analysis?

What is your break-even analysis? Break-Even Analysis What is your break-even analysis? How can you improve your break-even point? Explain.   Answer preview: Words:471

Discuss disaster management models

Discuss disaster management models Topics need to be submitted for instructor approval by the end of week 5. This is the opportunity to delve into a topical area addressed in the course and develop an in-depth understanding of the situation. Students can pick either a contemporary or ongoing disaster or one well described in the … Read more

Choose two at-risk health issues and describe how physical exercise can prevent them

Choose two at-risk health issues and describe how physical exercise can prevent them For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose two at-risk health issues that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage. Discuss the prevalence of each of these health problems in society today. Describe … Read more

Answer the following questions based on  “NAFTA’s Tomato Wars,” 

Answer the following questions based on “NAFTA’s Tomato Wars,” Critical Thinking Read the Management Focus on, “NAFTA’s Tomato Wars,” available in your e-book (page no. 620), and answer the following questions: Assignment Question(s):(Marks: 5) Was the establishment of a minimum floor price for tomatoes consistent with the free trade principles enshrined in the NAFTA agreement? 1. Who benefits … Read more

Describe Cancel Culture

Describe Cancel Culture Please respond to the article linked below in a few paragraphs. In your response, please 1) quote the article at least once, 2) paraphrase the article at least once, and 3) provide an APA reference list entry for this article at the bottom of the page. https://newrepublic.com/article/155141/cancel-cult… Answer preview: Word limit: 599

Discuss police stress causes and impact

Discuss police stress causes and impact Write a 500-750 word APA-styled paper that addresses the following tasks: 1.What are some of the causes and effects of police stress? 2.How can departments recognize and deal with the stress felt by officers? 3.Can certain stressors impact the way that officers deal with citizens? Should some acknowledgement of that be taken into … Read more

Based on Virgil’s Aeneid, describe how love and sex for Romans is different from now.

Based on Virgil’s Aeneid, describe how love and sex for Romans is different from now. 2000 word paper. MLA. cite from the book of virgil georgics and aeneid. How sex/ love was different from how sex/ love it today. If you can just refer to the book virgil’s aeneid. Add how venus effects on love … Read more

Describe your journaling experience in the classroom as a student

Describe your journaling experience in the classroom as a student I want a minimum of 300 words about your overall experience (in life, this class) journaling; is this kind of writing important, should it be a part of a graded online or hybrid writing course, how does the writer benefit from journaling?   Answer preview: Word … Read more

Come up with a marketing case study for IKEA Company

Come up with a marketing case study for IKEA Company Ikea is the leading company in selling furniture store in the world. In 2018, the global revenue generated by the IKEA Group amounted to 38.8 billion euros. (statista.com). The IKEA vision is to “create a better everyday life for the many people. Our business idea supports this vision … Read more

Discuss Principlism in context of Christian biblical narrative

Discuss Principlism in context of Christian biblical narrative Principlism, especially in the context of bioethics in the United States, has often been critiqued for raising the principle of autonomy to the highest place, such that it trumps all other principles or values. How would you rank the importance of each of the four principles? How … Read more

Select a country of your choice and observe the last balance of payments issued by that country.

Select a country of your choice and observe the last balance of payments issued by that country. Select a country of your choice and observe the last balance of payments issued by that country. Does the country run a current account deficit or surplus? What are the driving factors for the deficit or surplus? What … Read more

Suggest a strategy for newly released offenders to help them remain drug and crime free

Suggest a strategy for newly released offenders to help them remain drug and crime free The issue facing many communities is how to provide resources to released drug offenders to prevent them from continuing to commit crime. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, “Potential risk factors for released offenders include pressures from peers … Read more

How would you characterize the history of attribution theory

How would you characterize the history of attribution theory How would you characterize the history of attribution theory and what have we learned about how we arrive at causal explanations in our social world? Begin with a discussion of attribution models and close your discussion with the litany of attribution biases (and heuristics). What conclusions … Read more

Write a personal narrative depicting yourself in a way that shows readers why you are a good investment.

Write a personal narrative depicting yourself in a way that shows readers why you are a good investment. Assignment description Option 1: Statement of Purpose Perhaps the most common personal narrative, a personal statement or statement of purpose provides future graduate schools or employers with a quick glimpse into who you are and how well … Read more

Describe the culture of the Lakota way

Describe the culture of the Lakota way THE LAKOTA WAY – Describe the Circle of Life (Sacred Hoop) – What is your understanding of Mitakuye Oyasin? – Describe the Plains Indians concept of warfare vs. Euro- American concept of warfare. – What is the difference between the Red Road and the Black Road? – Describe what an Inikagapi is and its … Read more

Provide an example of how any concept in public health surveillance has improved public health

Provide an example of how any concept in public health surveillance has improved public health Course title: Public health implication of disasters Varney and Hirshon list seven general rationales for providing ED-based public health surveillance. Surveillance is a critical form of communication for public health officials. Choose a real public health outbreak, disaster, or crisis. … Read more

Describe a clinical experience that was troubling to you

Describe a clinical experience that was troubling to you After reading Chapter 8 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post. Additionally, you are expected to reply to two other students and … Read more

What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? How do you believe that your conception of spirituality would influence the way in which you care for patients?   Answer preview: Words:315

Contrast the differences between types of certificates necessary for full certification of an airplane

Contrast the differences between types of certificates necessary for full certification of an airplane Answer the following questions in a word-processed document. Your answers should be at least a paragraph, but not more than one page, in length. You are expected to answer the questions from a management perspective and provide appropriate, APA-formatted in-text citations … Read more

Demonstrate vocabulary strategies to your colleagues

Demonstrate vocabulary strategies to your colleagues This activity builds upon the Proficiency Level Analysis assignment from Topic 3. You will use the groups that you created in that topic for this assignment. Select a passage appropriate for seventh grade students to utilize within this assignment. Create a 5-8 slide PowerPoint that could be used to … Read more

Choose one company you believe would be an ideal company to work for based on working conditions

Choose one company you believe would be an ideal company to work for based on working conditions Choose 1 company that you believe would be an ideal company to work for based on working conditions, salary, opportunity for advancement and work involved. Go to https://research.strayer.edu to research. Write a  paper in which you: 1. Evaluate the … Read more

Understand the human experience across the health-illness continuum.

Understand the human experience across the health-illness continuum. Benchmark: 5.1. Understand the human experience across the health-illness continuum. Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care. In a  word paper, discuss the relevance of the continuum to patient care and present a perspective of your current state of health in relation to the … Read more

Describe freedom of information act

Describe freedom of information act SKILLBOX: GRANT WRITING ESSENTIALS On June 26, 2006, renowned investor Warren Buffett wrote a letter to Bill and Melinda Gates, formerly of Microsoft fame and, more recently, the driving force behind the namesake Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The letter praised the Foundation’s operations and described a series of forthcoming … Read more

What are the core competencies of J&J?

What are the core competencies of J&J? Based on the case Johnson & Johnson from the textbook: a) Provide an answer to the following questions: 1. What are the core competencies of J&J? 2. How would you characterize the organizational structure of J&J? Is decision making centralized? 3. How does J&J create value through diversification? … Read more

Explain in detail the four Bibilical narratives (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) and analyze the implications.

Explain in detail the four Bibilical narratives (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) and analyze the implications. What do the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease? From where would one … Read more

Write a Literary Analysis on Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Write a Literary Analysis on Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper” For this essay, instead of exploring your personal reactions to the story, as in a reader-response paper, you will focus on an in-depth analysis of the story’s various elements. You should not use personal pronouns (e.g., “I was concerned about the protagonist…” or “The … Read more

Examine ethical issues related to cross-cultural research

Examine ethical issues related to cross-cultural research While many psychologists may be familiar with ethical considerations in their own culture, such as the use of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) to review research, or the existence of professional documents such as American Psychological Association’s (APA) code of ethics, when conducting research outside of their majority home … Read more

Can biometrics pose a threat to the privacy of the users ?

Can biometrics pose a threat to the privacy of the users ? Many people believe that the use of biometrics is an invasion of privacy. For example, an eye scanning device records the inner structure of a person’s eye and stores that image in a database. Critics worry that databases of human traits used to … Read more

Critically evaluate leadership and design a strategy to enhance leadership performance

Critically evaluate leadership and design a strategy to enhance leadership performance Part 1 : Essay Question critically evaluate the functions of leadership and discuss times where leadership may not be useful or relevant. Part 2 : Reflective essay Q The reflection essay question is: Reflect on your own leadership experiences in your life thus far. … Read more

Contrast top down and bottom up budgeting and state one which  you would employ at an IT Company

Contrast top down and bottom up budgeting and state one which  you would employ at an IT Company Please do some research on top down vs bottom up budgeting. In your post describe the differences between each of these styles of budgeting. Then describe the advantages and disadvantages of each. Then I would like you … Read more

Define and examine police subculture

Define and examine police subculture Write a 500-750 word APA-styled paper that addresses the following tasks: 1.Define and examine police subculture. 2.Cite a recent example of a dangerous police subculture occurrence. 3.How can police subculture conflict with the police officer’s values and ethics? Can this conflict be prevented? Support your argument with at least two scholarly … Read more

Assess the mass incarceration rates by providing statistics and analysis

Assess the mass incarceration rates by providing statistics and analysis We are now in what some people call the Crime Control Era. Over the past several years, on average, arrests have gone up, prison populations have increased and crime has gone down. This doesn’t hold perfectly year to year but over an average of a … Read more

Prepare a case study on Supply Chain Management focusing on Sport Obermeyer

Prepare a case study on Supply Chain Management focusing on Sport Obermeyer This case describes the forecasting, planning and production processes of a global skiwear supply channel. Sport Obermeyer Ltd. is a high-end fashion design and merchandising company that sells its products through U.S. department stores and ski shops. Although the company has a global … Read more

Describe at least two dissemination strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain why

Describe at least two dissemination strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain why Post at least two dissemination strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain why. Explain which dissemination strategies you would be least inclined to use and explain why. Identify at least two barriers you might encounter . … Read more

Discuss on how to turn a destructive conflict to a constructive one

Discuss on how to turn a destructive conflict to a constructive one Conflict is natural and normal; it results from the differences we share with others. How we deal with conflict will produce either a productive or a destructive outcome. For this Discussion, please respond to the following: Describe a time when you engaged in … Read more

Write on Apple or Samsung

Write on Apple or Samsung please write on apple or Samsung this is the text books we using (johnson G, whittington R, Scholes K EXPLORING STRATEGY 2017 EDITION, Answer preview: Word limit: 2060

How are knowledge and skills  acquired by learning Information Systems applicable in the workspace

How are knowledge and skills  acquired by learning Information Systems applicable in the workspace Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If … Read more

How did your outline evolve form the basic outline you started with

How did your outline evolve form the basic outline you started with Evolving the Outline into an Overview Attached Assignment: As you transition your outline into your Expository Overview, respond to the following: 1. How did your outline evolve form the basic outline you started with into a fully developed outline? 2. What have and … Read more

Discuss how Christian health administrators can use the biblical concept of stewardship

Discuss how Christian health administrators can use the biblical concept of stewardship Prompt: Discuss how Christian health administrators can use the biblical concept of stewardship to produce quality outcomes.   Answer preview: Words:284

Discuss whether some health organizations are exempt from quality improvement initiatives

Discuss whether some health organizations are exempt from quality improvement initiatives Prompt: Discuss whether some health organizations are exempt from quality improvement initiatives because they provide basic, minimal services.   Answer preview: Words:244

Describe one barrier that you feel prohibits nurses from engaging in EBP

Describe one barrier that you feel prohibits nurses from engaging in EBP Improving patient care and outcomes is paramount to the practice of nursing. As we conclude our learning journey through our world of research and evidence-based practice, it is important to reflect upon your time spent in the course: Think about nursing practice and describe one … Read more

How does the culture of an organization influence and affect employees

How does the culture of an organization influence and affect employees How does the culture of an organization influence and affect employees, as well as the quality of care provided? Support your response with at least one scholarly. journal reference   Answer preview: Words:332