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Explain the process of environmental assessment. What are the major international variables to consider in the scanning process?

Discuss the levels of environmental monitoring that should be conducted. How well do you think managers conduct environmental assessments? When / how are they done effectively, when are they not and what are the consequences of successful or poor assessments? -Discuss the reasons that companies embark on cross-border strategic alliances – provide at least 2 … Read more

Discuss one risk and one benefit from using over the counter medications as related to this article

Discuss one risk and one benefit from using over the counter medications as related to this article Answer preview:

Compare your Exosystem to the previous generation, such as the lack of social media or the appearance of covid-19 in your life. How has it made you different? 

Please you must have some knowledge on Vietnamese and Asian culture to write this essay because it is more about childhood in asian country. Please read the instruction below. Paragraph 1: In the introductory paragraph, state clearly which aspect of your childhood or adolescent period you want to focus on in writing this essay. For … Read more

Formulate the evaluation questions for GymBox. What type of evaluation do you suggest for GymBox? 

1) write 200 – 250 words: Formulate the evaluation questions for GymBox. What type of evaluation do you suggest for GymBox? Is GymBox ready to measure their outcomes? (Please see the examaple – my friend’s post. You can follow this example to write.) 2) write 100-150 words: Comment on the example (my friend’s post). Requirements: … Read more

Discuss the focus and goals of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the concepts that are the basis of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.

Complementary and Alternative Health Care DQ #1: Discuss the focus and goals of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the concepts that are the basis of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. For all DQs: Please abide by APA 7th edition format in your writing. Answers should be 2-3 Paragraphs made up of 3-4 sentences each, at least 250 … Read more

Care plan for nasogastric tube

nasogastric tube in place for gastric decompression. nursing diagnosis risk for aspiration. patient is 57 female Requirements: 2 page Answer preview:

What are thoughts or actions that were adverse to the NASW Code of Ethics? How did you resolve that conflict?

Has there ever been a time (according to your timeline) when your thoughts or actions were adverse to the NASW Code of Ethics? How did you resolve that conflict? Requirements: 500 words   |   .doc file Answer preview:

To What Extent is the Use of Smartphone Apps Effective in Learning English for Young ESL Learners in the USA? 

To What Extent is the Use of Smartphone Apps Effective in Learning English for Young ESL Learners in the USA? According to my research question and write 1 page of introduction and 1 page of theoretical framework. The research question is To What Extent is the Use of Smartphone Apps Effective in Learning English for Young … Read more

Why do Christians believe that God sent Jesus? 

1. Explain the theological origins of the theory of human dignity.2. Why do Christians believe that God sent Jesus?3. Who does Jesus choose to primarily associate with and why?4. Is Kant’s conception of the human similar to or different from CST? Explain5. Explain in your own words the two categories of people that Gabriel Marcelproposed. … Read more

What is Curanderismo and how will the knowledge of this cultural healing tradition make you a more culturally sensitive nurse?

What is Curanderismo and how will the knowledge of this cultural healing tradition make you a more culturally sensitive nurse? For all DQs: Please abide by APA 7th edition format in your writing. Answers should be 2-3 Paragraphs made up of 3-4 sentences each, at least 250 words (more or less) in length. AND, please use your … Read more

Relationship between Gut Microbiota and Cancer Immunotherapy

Relationship between Gut Microbiota and Cancer Immunotherapy This assignment has two parts. It is based on the final topic for your group presentation .You will need to read research articles and should not use any non-scientific articles such as WebMD. Topic: Connection between the gut microbiota with cancer immune response/immunotherapy Part I. Do a literature review … Read more

Do an ELCA for the following case to determine business-specific responsibilities and recommend actions to address them.

Do an ELCA for the following case to determine business-specific responsibilities and recommend actions to address them. Case analysis – ELCA Do an ELCA for the following case to determine business-specific responsibilities and recommend actions to address them. Case: ABC is a hypothetical leading fashion label. ABC’s main strategic goals are long-term growth, increase market share, … Read more

Run a five minute crisis intervention session on a suicidal patient.

Run a five minute crisis intervention session on a suicidal patient. Suppose you are faced with a terminally ill client with AIDS who is in a great deal of pain. The client indicates to you in a calm, reasonable way that he/she is going to drive out to an isolated spot in a state park, … Read more

Is it better/more important to have online crisis intervention, or face-to-face crisis intervention

Is it better/more important to have online crisis intervention, or face-to-face crisis intervention Take a position, for or against. Is it better/more important to have online crisis intervention, or face-to-face crisis intervention, and why? Think of yourself in a crisis location where both are available. 1. What are the concrete specific advantages of one over … Read more

Research and find one organization that could be your future employer or is well known in your social circles

Research and find one organization that could be your future employer or is well known in your social circles You must select one scenario where online resources are available, and where there is clarification about the HRM functions and activities. Ideally, your chosen company – real case scenario – will be an international place with … Read more

Examine Depression-Era social programs (select one or more to examine in detail).

Examine Depression-Era social programs (select one or more to examine in detail). Were thefears of a communist take-over based on the implementation of these programs grounded inreality? Why or why not? How do they compare to social programs in place today? Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)APA format for … Read more

Why is it important to have an organized approach to finding a new job? Do you have a present (orhistorical) strategy that you have found to be successful?

Why is it important to identify all the paths that users are likely to take at a website before creating newcontent for a new website? Can you think of a website that is well planned? Should a company ever counterattack when its reputation is being challenged online? For example,should a company try to undermine the … Read more

Unifying company culture

Unifying company culture Imagine you work for one of the following global companies, which has recently merged with a fictitious smaller, domestic company: British Petroleum. Coca-Cola. Ecolab. Exxon Mobil. Hilton. Marriott. McDonald’s. McKesson. Modelo. PepsiCo. You may choose another company with approval from your instructor. Note: You will use this same company in all of your … Read more

Analyze a character from from the story”story of an hour”

Analyze a character from from the story”story of an hour” Analyze a character from a story. Evaluate the character’s behavior, offering reasons and evidence for your views. Consider what the character does, says, does not say or do–and why. Identify any significant changes the character undergoes. What do other characters say about him or her, … Read more

Would You Support Therapeutic Cloning? Provide Rationale

Would You Support Therapeutic Cloning? Provide Rationale Should ES cell research prove fruitful, it raises the issue of a particular type of cloning known as therapeutic cloning. Therapeutic cloning would not result in the production of a new human being, but it would mean creating an embryo from which ES cells could be removed that … Read more

Physical Therapy aspects.

Hypothetical Situation Instructions: Carefully read the following hypothetical case, fill in the table of objective and subjective data, and make a care plan of one of Marjory Gordon’s altered patterns. (Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Assessment). Used NANDAA 78-year-old female patient arrives at the emergency room in a wheelchair accompanied by her daughter. He reports having … Read more

Nursing care plan on an alcoholic patient 

 I want you to write this key plan for me on an alcohol withdrawal patient. You’re going to state the definition of each medication what it does and what is the side effect and what is the benefit in the short words patient was on vancomycin just to make it short vancomycin is treated for … Read more

Action Research Methods in Child and Adolescent Development.

First of all, we have to do the forum below, ( due tonight) please as soon as possible) I’m not sure the late post would be accepted. 1. Topic: What is the issue you plan to address?2. Organization/School: You will address this issue by implementing your Action Plan Proposal at an organization. Tell me about … Read more

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers

In relation to human factors, make recommendations for wireless connectivity with personal digital assistants (PDAs); appropriate screen size for the monitor; use of a mobile cart versus a bedside terminal/point of care; and any other features you feel will be helpful to the medical staff. Answer preview:

 Describe the basic steps of the organizational development process

Describe the basic steps of the organizational development process. Analyze the human, structural and strategic dimensions of the organizational development. Part 1 (2.5 marks): Please read the case study entitled as “Job Design at Pepperdine University.” available in your textbook “Organization Development & Change”, p.115, in the 10th edition by Cummings, T and Worley, C and answer the … Read more

The third reading is with the link by “The Ugly Duckling” by Anderson

The third reading is with the link by “The Ugly Duckling” by Anderson Directions: 1. Choose three works of literature you have read in this class. 2. Compare and/or contrast them. Here are some things you can discuss: Writing style audience engagement appeal to audience/ appropriate audiences themes conflict the human condition historical relevance 4. Write a … Read more

 Decision Making and Problem Solving 

Read the attached article titled as “Is Your Team Solving Problems, or Just IdentifyingThem?” by Rebecca Knight, published in Harvard Business Review, and answer thefollowing Questions:1. Summarize the article and explain the main issues discussed in the article. (In 500-600words) (Marks 2)2. What do you think about the article in relations to what you have … Read more

Describe the basic steps of the organizational development process

Describe the basic steps of the organizational development process  Evaluate the strategic role of change in the organization and its impact onorganizational performanceAssignment Instructions: Please read Chapters 2, 3 and 4 in your textbook “Organization development andchange.” (10th ed.) by Cummings, T., & Worley, C. Be sure to use at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed … Read more

Describe the basic steps of the organizational development process

 Evaluate the strategic role of change in the organization and its impact onorganizational performanceAssignment Instructions: Please read Chapters 2, 3 and 4 in your textbook “Organization development andchange.” (10th ed.) by Cummings, T., & Worley, C. Be sure to use at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed reference in support of youranswers and also incorporate the … Read more

Evaluate the strategic role of change in the organization and its impact on organizational performance

Course Learning Outcomes: Describe the basic steps of the organizational development process Evaluate the strategic role of change in the organization and its impact onorganizational performanceAssignment Instructions: Please read Chapters 2, 3 and 4 in your textbook “Organization development andchange.” (10th ed.) by Cummings, T., & Worley, C. Be sure to use at least two … Read more

Explain details about your organization’s culture 

As noted throughout Chapter 5 of your textbook, systems and structures can influence a change initiative and the organization’s culture as a whole. In hopes of ensuring that changes are adopted, it is critical that the proper structures are created, which is aligned with the organization’s culture. Many factors can influence the success of certain … Read more

Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and Accomplishments

Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and Accomplishments Complete a document where you will reflect on the qualities, values, strengths, areas of improvement, and accomplishments that capture who you are and how they connect to the 10 essential employability skills and your personal, academic, and professional goals. Requirements: See instructions– Answer preview:

 Compare the findings described above for Millennials to your own views on Millennial
characteristics. What surprises you about the findings?

 Compare the findings described above for Millennials to your own views on Millennialcharacteristics. What surprises you about the findings? Case: PwCPlease read the case “PwC” from Chapter 3 “Organizational Commitment” Page: – 83 given inyour textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in theworkplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & … Read more

Application of Virtue Ethics in Different Case Studies

Choose 5 DIFFERENT CASE STUDIES (these can be those we discuss or those we don’t; as long as they are from the TEXT, any case study will work). You are to analyze ALL 5 of the case studies using ONLY ONE of the following ethical theories: Kantian Deontology, Utilitarianism, Nozick’s theory, virtue ethics, Rawls’ theory, … Read more

Hospitality and Current Issues

Hospitality and Current Issues I came across this story 2 years ago, and loved what happened next last summer. https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/airline-news/2021/06/08/american-airlines-ceo-attends-wedding-southwest-flight-attendant-viral-race-chat/7601247002/ (Links toan external site.) Read the article, (and there's a short video clip as well), and respond to the following:1. Of all the topics we have discussed in class so far, which do you think this … Read more

Should businesses require employees to have the Covid-19 vaccine to remain employed? 

Should businesses require employees to have the Covid-19 vaccine to remain employed?  Answer preview:

Create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the advantages and disadvantages of union representation.

Create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the advantages and disadvantages of union representation, Create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the advantages and disadvantages of union representation, mandatory benefits in a bargaining package, how market factors may drive the bargaining process, and how these factors increase or decrease employee motivation or morale. Within your PowerPoint presentation, … Read more

 Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies.

1. Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies.2. Demonstrate the ability to understand complex issues pertaining to supply chain integration and strategic supply chain partnership Requirements: well presented answer   |   .doc file Answer preview:

Imagine you started a new business as an entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia 

Instructions•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two-page paper.•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Requirements: 2 Pages Answer preview:

Imagine you started a new business as an entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia 

Please, think and share information on the following items: 4. Marketing Plan a. Market Research- Why? b. Market Research- How? Primary or Secondary Data? c. In your marketing plan, be as specific as possible; give statistics, numbers, and sources. The marketing plan will be the basis, later on, of the all‐important sales projection. Product Describe … Read more

Business Plan for Tesla

During this course, you will learn to develop all the essential elements of a Business Plan, it can either be an existing company on the NASDAQ exchange which is the “American stock exchange, which is located at One Liberty Plaza in New York City known as the New York Stock Exchange” or “a company that you would like to start … Read more

Assess the importance of the WBS. Explain your assessment of the WBS to your project team using an audio-narrated presentation containing three PowerPoint slides

Read Chapters 7 and 8 from the course textbook, Kloppenborg, T. J., Anantatmula, V. S., & Wells, K. (2019). Contemporary project management. Cengage Learning. As the project manager for International Logistics Services, several of your project team members do not comprehend the value of a work breakdown structure (WBS) to manage the Logistics Services Improvement Project. Assess … Read more

Do you feel like you are a change agent or a change manager? Explain and justify your rationale.

Being an effective change agent is not an easy task. Individuals need to continuously analyze their competencies and ensure that competency-related improvements are made. In Table 8.1, attributes of change leaders and change managers are discussed. For this assignment, read Chapter 8 and its entirety and explain the following information: Do you feel like you … Read more

Write a memo to the company CEO that explains the nature of the problem and why it should be addressed as a “cultural” problem (perhaps in addition to a legal, economic, labor, or marketing issue)

Write a memo to the company CEO that explains the nature of the problem and why it should be addressed as a “cultural” problem (perhaps in addition to a legal, economic, labor, or marketing issue) Your final assignment asks you to bring together the themes and questions that have been raised in the course and … Read more

Nursing Question: Community needs assessment

Nursing Question: Community needs assessment You will conduct a community needs assessment by choosing a specified population or community. You are expected to submit a 5-10 page Report and a PowerPoint presentation illustrating and summarizing the report. Papers submitted must be typed using APA format. include, a PowerPoint presentation of community needs assessment * I … Read more

Strategies that Companies Should have Adopted to Make their Business Stay Afloat

Strategies that Companies Should have Adopted to Make their Business Stay Afloat During the Pandemic During the Covid-19 pandemic (and based on its nature), a great deal of businesses has been impacted by it. Also, due to its rapid outbreak, working from home and the limitation of travel become vital and critical to limit the … Read more

According to Josephus, what are the admirable features of the Roman army? 

According to Josephus, what are the admirable features of the Roman army? Answer preview:

Nosocomial Infections

mentions and explains that it is a nosocomial infection: Requirements: 1 page Answer preview:

How would you describe the factors that determine the tone at the top?

Question 1:How would you describe the factors that determine the tone at the top? (500 words in APA FORMAT) Question 2: Pick one of the following terms for your research: Strategic philanthropy, locus of control, ethical culture, ethical awareness, or normative approach. (300 words APA FORMAT) Requirements: 800   |   .doc file Answer preview:

How would you describe the factors that determine the tone at the top? 

How would you describe the factors that determine the tone at the top?  Question 2: Pick one of the following terms for your research: Strategic philanthropy, locus of control, ethical culture, ethical awareness, or normative approach. (300 words APA FORMAT) Requirements: 800   |   .doc file Answer preview: