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Discuss about testing and evaluation

Discuss about testing and evaluation As DMM learners, we have talked much (or will have talked) about testing and evaluation. Of course, many of the testing needs and principles that apply in an emergency environment are clearly seen in the BC context. Here again we meet V.P. Bob Jensen who has been asked to run … Read more

Write about the role of health in society.

Write about the role of health in society. You will write a brief paper on the health & society. Students will focus on one of the related videos for this assignment, either breastfeeding or teeth. Focus on what can be done to address concerns in society about your topic.By using concrete examples and drawing upon … Read more

Explain why good leaders make you feel safe?

Explain why good leaders make you feel safe? Finish reading A Bell for Adano, and watch a TED talk “Why good leaders make you feel safe”: https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_why_good_leaders_make_you_feel_safe Consider A Bell for Adano and “Why good leaders make you feel safe”: Does Simon Sinek have it just about nailed down in terms of what makes a good leader? Do … Read more

Is Major Joppolo still a success in the town of Adano?

Is Major Joppolo still a success in the town of Adano? Pretend that the townspeople did not get the bell at the very end of the book. Is Major Joppolo still a success in the town of Adano? Why or why not? Essentially, this question is asking you to take a position on whether or … Read more

Write an article about the breast cancer between 2016-2019.

Write an article about the breast cancer between 2016-2019. I need an article in APA format , 5 bibliographical references and a power point  of the same topic. Using the book Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition. Authors Jane W Ball. Johnny E Dains. John A Flynn and also 1 article about the Breast … Read more

Discuss climate change in Brazil 

Discuss climate change in Brazil you write on an aspect of the issue climate change in Brazil  Answer preview: Words:942

Read Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and analyze examples of humor or absurdity in the story

Read Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and analyze examples of humor or absurdity in the story Read Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and then write 1-2 pages in which in you provide and analyze examples of humor or absurdity in the story and then give your interpretation as to why Kafka would include elements of absurd or dark humor … Read more

Describe the characteristics of the aging process and healthcare for a geriatric patient

Describe the characteristics of the aging process and healthcare for a geriatric patient Describe the characteristics of the aging process. Explain how some of the characteristics may lead to elder abuse (memory issues, vulnerability, etc.). Discuss the types of consideration a nurse must be mindful of while performing a health assessment on a geriatric patient … Read more

Research and write on homosexuality during WW2

Research and write on homosexuality during WW2 What was life like for homosexuals, in Germany, during WWII? How had it changed in Europe since the early 1920s and1930s? How did the US military react to homosexuality? What were the roles of females in the US military and how did they react to lesbianism? What was … Read more

Describe the significance of organizational culture and values

Describe the significance of organizational culture and values Prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation, with speaker notes, that examines the significance of an organization‘s culture and values. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video. Refer to the Topic Materials for additional guidance on recording your presentation with … Read more

Providing examples ,describe what is a political system

Providing examples ,describe what is a political system What is a political system? Provide examples   Answer preview : Word limit : 688

Explain how one can detect elder abuse in the family

Explain how one can detect elder abuse in the family What characteristics would lead a provider to suspect domestic violence, child abuse, or elder abuse is taking place within a family? Discuss your facility’s procedure for reporting these types of abuse.   Answer preview : Word limit : 470

Discuss domestic violence, child abuse, or elder abuse and your facility’s procedure for reporting these types of abuse.

Discuss domestic violence, child abuse, or elder abuse and your facility’s procedure for reporting these types of abuse. What characteristics would lead a provider to suspect domestic violence, child abuse, or elder abuse is taking place within a family? Discuss your facility’s procedure for reporting these types of abuse.   Answer preview : Word limit :435

What is your opinion on leadership ?

What is your opinion on leadership ? If every leadership situation is a unique mix of variables, what is the value of having previous management experience? Wouldn’t “gut calls” and intuition be just as useful in decision-making? What are your thoughts?   Answer preview : Word limit : 330

Outline the benefits and setbacks of case studies

Outline the benefits and setbacks of case studies Discussion question 1: What are the advantages and limitations of research case studies? Give two or three examples from the class material and/or your personal research/reading. Discussion Question 2: Review one of your articles on case studies. What did you learn? How might you apply this information … Read more

Write about mobile technology in learning

Write about mobile technology in learning Write about mobile technology Answer preview : Word limit : 306

Select a website of your choosing that sells products or services and analyze its design

Select a website of your choosing that sells products or services and analyze its design Select a website of your choosing that sells products or services. Research the company to gather additional information (e.g., via an annual report or investor relations site). Write a 1,050-word analysis of the website in which you complete the following: Determine who the … Read more

Write commentary essays about the new testament

Write commentary essays about the new testament I need six different commentary essays, one for each of the following texts: Gospel of John (this link is only for book 1, please use all the 21 books) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+… Gospel of Mark (this link is only for book 1, please use all the 16 books) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+… Acts … Read more

Determine whether a resource was reliable and reputable

Determine whether a resource was reliable and reputable Evaluating Science Resources In Unit 1 you learned how to determine whether a resource was reliable and reputable and how to best apply such a source of information to your everyday life. To reinforce this skill, you will apply this knowledge by researching and evaluating two different … Read more

Describe behaviors and skills your global leader must learn to do well.

Describe behaviors and skills your global leader must learn to do well. Global leadership Global leadership is a term that may be confusing in its scope. For some, global leadership may mean anything from a domestic executive whose job description includes just a few international tasks, to someone with completely global responsibilities. Explain what should … Read more

Describe global leadership

Describe global leadership Global leadership Global leadership is a term that may be confusing in its scope. For some, global leadership may mean anything from a domestic executive whose job description includes just a few international tasks, to someone with completely global responsibilities. Explain what should qualify as global leadership considering the depth and breadth … Read more

Discuss your plan for distributing influenza vaccine

Discuss your plan for distributing influenza vaccine You are an Emergency Manager in your respective country. A highly infectious influenza strain has been detected. There is a limited quantity of the vaccine to prevent this particular strain of influenza. Discuss your plan for distributing this vaccine. Who receives the vaccine and who does not? How … Read more

Draft a short memo to your clients, giving them advice

Draft a short memo to your clients, giving them advice Taking cases to court is only one aspect of legal work. For example, many attorneys spend their time advising clients on drafting contracts, structuring businesses, and managing workforces. This assignment asks you to place yourself in the role of attorneys advising clients who would like … Read more

A Plan on how to reduce the spread of Influenza

A Plan on how to reduce the spread of Influenza You are an Emergency Manager in your respective country. A highly infectious influenza strain has been detected. There is a limited quantity of the vaccine to prevent this particular strain of influenza. Discuss your plan for distributing this vaccine. Who receives the vaccine and who … Read more

Explain the impacts if the US currency was changed to Bitcoins

Explain the impacts if the US currency was changed to Bitcoins Assume you are the CEO of a company. You want to increase the productivity of your employees who often feel that the environment in your company is very restrictive. Up until now, your company does not allow the employees to access Social Media websites … Read more

Discuss the merger between Microsoft and LinkedIn

Discuss the merger between Microsoft and LinkedIn Successful submissions will incorporate content from the PowerPoint and the posted articles!It’s doubtful that you need to go elsewhere.If you state a fact or opinion, cite the source.The work must be your own and not shared. 1. Why did Microsoft want to buy LinkedIn? (I’m asking what the … Read more

Explain what should qualify as Global Leadership

Explain what should qualify as Global Leadership Global leadership Global leadership is a term that may be confusing in its scope. For some, global leadership may mean anything from a domestic executive whose job description includes just a few international tasks, to someone with completely global responsibilities. Explain what should qualify as global leadership considering … Read more

Write quotes journal related Grendel’s mother’s ghost and explain how you can use it to support your cause

Write quotes journal related Grendel’s mother’s ghost and explain how you can use it to support your cause Create a quote journal. Include 10 quotes, cited in MLA format, which support your team’s client. Then explain how the quote can be used to support your cause. Create 6 questions that your lawyer will ask you … Read more

What are the differences between American options and European options?

What are the differences between American options and European options? we delve into the concept of options, with more detail. Please, answer the following question, and include any supporting research: “What are the differences between American options and European options?” Your response to the discussion prompt should contain a minimum of 600 words Answer preview : … Read more

Examine the Transformational Leadership style.

Examine the Transformational Leadership style. Group Presentation Reflection Paper # 3 – Transformational Leadership Assignment Instructions: Having seen the group presentation on Transformational Leadership, please respond to the following prompts. Add examples and details where appropriate. What concepts associated with this leadership style do you consider to be beneficial (or positives) for those wishing to … Read more

Write a personal narrative

Write a personal narrative Option 1: Statement of Purpose Perhaps the most common personal narrative, a personal statement or statement of purpose provides future graduate schools or employers with a quick glimpse into who you are and how well you will fit into a program or workplace. These statements very often follow the formulaic essay … Read more

Case about Twitter and related questions which are located below.

Case about Twitter and related questions which are located below. Answer the following questions: 1) How does Twitter create value for its customers versus other major social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr.? Consider what makes Twitter unique among social networks. You could start by taking a strategic look by developing a perceptual map or … Read more

What is feminist theory?

What is feminist theory? https://www.amazon.com/Miss-Representation-Cory-Booker/dp/B00A2KHLXW/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Miss+representation&qid=1572880610&sr=8-1 Feminist Theory starts from four basic theoretical questions. The film focuses on the media representation of women. Using at least 2 of the question, discuss examples from the film that demonstrate the question.   Answer preview: Words:370

Describe your ideas and beliefs, that have been guiding your decisions and actions in leadership

Describe your ideas and beliefs, that have been guiding your decisions and actions in leadership Please describe your ideas and beliefs, that have been guiding your decisions and actions to this moment. Illustrate them through an example!   Answer preview : Word limit : 1247

Answer the following questions on TOMS Shoes Company

Answer the following questions on TOMS Shoes Company What is the competitive strategy used by TOMS Shoes Company? (1 mark) Identify opportunities and threats as well as strengths and weakness of the company .(illustrate them within a table ) (2 marks) Describe the roles of directional, marketing, operations and human resource strategies in the overall well-being of TOMS Shoes Company. (2 marks) Answer preview : Word limit :676

Answer the questions in the citation on the future of Twitter

Answer the questions in the citation on the future of Twitter Answer the following questions: 1) How does Twitter create value for its customers versus other major social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr.? Consider what makes Twitter unique among social networks. You could start by taking a strategic look by developing a perceptual map … Read more

Write on a recent, relevant criminal justice issue such as human trafficking

Write on a recent, relevant criminal justice issue such as human trafficking You will write a minimum 8-page research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on a recent, relevant criminal justice issue in the area of police, courts, or corrections. Topic examples include cyberterrorism, sex trafficking, terrorism, and intelligence. The paper must propose a … Read more

Discuss the ideas that are essential while designing an organization.

Discuss the ideas that are essential while designing an organization. Discuss the ideas that are essential while designing an organization.   Answer preview: Words:439

Provide a holistic assessment of the family’s background

Provide a holistic assessment of the family’s background Strategic Advice Provide a holistic assessment of the family’s background, including personal and financial information. Clarify, assess and prioritize clients’ goals given their resource and constraints. o This step may require formal modelling and Excel spreadsheet output can be included in the Appendix to support your calculation. … Read more

Write a Business Analysis and System Recommendation Report

Write a Business Analysis and System Recommendation Report Write a Business Analysis and System Recommendation Report.As the business analyst in the CIO’s department of Maryland Technology Consulting (MTC), your next task in developing your Business Analysis and System Recommendation (BA&SR) Report is to conduct a process analysis.This will identify how the current manual process is … Read more

Critically evaluate charismatic leadership

Critically evaluate charismatic leadership Critically evaluate charismatic leadership.Assignment Instructions:Having seen the group presentation on Charismatic Leadership, please respond to the following prompts. Add examples and details where appropriate. What concepts associated with this leadership style do you consider to be beneficial (or positives) for those wishing to employ it on a regular basis? Expand on … Read more

Answer the questions on Film Paper

Answer the questions on Film Paper Answer the questions on Film Paper.Film Writing Assignment: Interpreting a Film of Your Choice.According to the textbook authors, when we watch a film, our participation is generally in two different ways: Fantasy, in which we can imagine ourselves in the action Acute awareness of the details presented in the … Read more

Write a review essay with an evaluation claim on a topic (reviewable product or service) of your choice

Write a review essay with an evaluation claim on a topic (reviewable product or service) of your choice ASSIGNMENT Write a three-to-four-page (900-1200 words) review essay with an evaluation claim on a topic (reviewable product or service) of your choice. PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to argue the extent to which a given thing-in-question fulfills the qualities or … Read more

Describe Tryptophan depletion linked to Eating disorder

Describe Tryptophan depletion linked to Eating disorder Describe Tryptophan depletion linked to Eating disorder in a woman.According to the American College of Psychiatrists, the higher eating disorder in women results from the “depletion of tryptophan,” a hormone responsible for the formation of serotonin, a chemical body hormone that reduces the risk of the various higher … Read more

Discuss matters ventilation and Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Discuss matters ventilation and Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Mr. Nguyen is a 58-year-old patient that had septic shock and developed Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. He is orally intubated and on a mechanical ventilator. He is paralyzed and sedated. What manifestations might you observe for a patient with ARDS? What complications can Mr. Nguyen develop … Read more

Make a comment and reflection on food and beverage management focusing on Cris Eddings

Make a comment and reflection on food and beverage management focusing on Cris Eddings Cris Eddings co-owns Chuck’s Fish (two locations) and Five Restaurant (five locations). He and his team follow their own compasses and don’t pay attention to conventional wisdom when it doesn’t align with what they believe. So they do things like raising … Read more

Should Christian health administrators try to make quality and performance improvement perfect or simply acceptable? Why?

Should Christian health administrators try to make quality and performance improvement perfect or simply acceptable? Why? According to the book Integrating quality and strategy in healthcare organizations, the goal for hospital compliance is 100% and the readmission rate for patients should be zero and the example given was perfect. It says, “The difference between 95% … Read more

Is poor quality healthcare due to inadequate performance reporting procedures?

Is poor quality healthcare due to inadequate performance reporting procedures? As the development of the U.S. health care system continues to change, it is increasingly imperative to assess the impact of the various changes. We have seen rising health care costs and people not receiving adequate treatment. Some people feel as though they should not … Read more

What are some possible reasons for the decline revealed by the Pace Report?

What are some possible reasons for the decline revealed by the Pace Report This was not good news, as J.D. well knew. The drop-off in sales was now in its third consecutive month. The same was true, to a smaller degree, in the food and beverage department's catering bookings; although the hotel was not experiencing … Read more

How does the biblical teaching of the plumb line provide guidance to the Christian health administrator

How does the biblical teaching of the plumb line provide guidance to the Christian health administrator The plumb line is a way for workers in carpentry and plumbing to keep their work intact and in line. Their work is consistent upon the straight lines used to measure in the end objectively. The plumb line remains … Read more