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Discuss the development of Enterprise Risk Management in an organization

Discuss the development of Enterprise Risk Management in an organization Topic: Enterprise Risk Management Question: Chapter 12 presented the approach Intuit uses to measure the effectiveness of their ERM, and chapter 15 presented the process the City of Edmonton employed to develop and deploy their ERM. You are an ERM consultant, retained by Intuit to re-implement … Read more

Discuss relationships and inter dependencies between marketing and other functional areas

Discuss relationships and inter dependencies between marketing and other functional areas Need to prepare a 3-5 page essay (excluding cover page, abstract, and references) on the relationships and inter dependencies between marketing and other functional areas. APA methodology applies to this assignment. No Plagiarism At least 2 references Answer preview : Word limit : 1184

Compare and contrast Cultural Beliefs on mental health

Compare and contrast Cultural Beliefs on mental health In chapter 10 of Andrews and Boyle, 7th ed. (2016), overviews of mental health concerns for different cultural groups are presented (African American, Native American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic Latino, etc). Compare and contrast your own cultural belief on mental health with one of the cultural groups presented … Read more

Conduct a feasibility study and determine the profit potential of a business

Conduct a feasibility study and determine the profit potential of a business With this assignment, you will be addressing the fundamental question: Does this business have profit potential? Referring to the same business you either started or purchased in the first assignment, write a four (4) page paper in which you: Conduct a feasibility analysis … Read more

Write a short narrative paragraph beginning with “I awoke to a sound i could not identify”

Write a short narrative paragraph beginning with “I awoke to a sound i could not identify” Write a short narrative paragraph (half-page – 250 words) beginning with this sentence: I awoke to a sound I could not identify. Your narrative should contain the following elements: orientation, sequence of events, dialogue (two people talking), and a … Read more

Write a case study on “Keeping the fire burning” in Entrepreneurship

Write a case study on “Keeping the fire burning” in Entrepreneurship Some questions to think about as you write your response: Andres’ father made it clear to him that “keeping the fire going” was an important part of cooking. How do you see this relating to entrepreneurship in general? Think of a few of your … Read more

Discuss the “Fall” of the Roman Empire

Discuss the “Fall” of the Roman Empire Answer the pertinent question and explore the relevant topic. Defend any arguments you make using the source at hand. Read the selections on : the “Fall” of the Roman Empire, and the accounts in The West in Question 8 and Mathisen’s. What are the chief theories? Do you … Read more

Discuss the importance of balancing finance, quality, mission and its relevance to sustainability

Discuss the importance of balancing finance, quality, mission and its relevance to sustainability Prompt: Discuss the importance of balancing finance, quality, mission and its relevance to sustainability of organizational performance. Include at least one example that supports this concept.   Answer preview: Words:661

What are the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods?

What are the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods? Read the following two published papers (available via Saudi Digital Library): Kakabadse, N.K., Figueira, C., Nicolopoulou, K., Hong Yang, J., Kakabadse, A.P., and Özbilgin, M.F. (2015). Gender diversity and board performance: women’s experiences and perspectives. Human Resource Management, 54(2), pp. 265–281. Ionascu, M., Ionascu, I., Sacarin, … Read more

Prepare a complaint against Ms. Myhre. 

Prepare a complaint against Ms. Myhre. Pamela Myhre has an ad printed in the local paper that your client, Gloria Larson, has stolen money from Ms. Myhre. The statement is untrue. Prepare a complaint against Ms. Myhre. Answer preview: Words:761

Analysis of Kimberley Richardson’s legal case

Analysis of Kimberley Richardson’s legal case Kimberly Richardson, a client, had surgery on her stomach to repair a perforation. The surgery successfully repaired the perforation but Kimberly continued to have pain. Kimberly was told it would take a long time for her stomach to heal due to the sensitive area in which the surgery was … Read more

What are some of the values and ethics that criminologists must consider

What are some of the values and ethics that criminologists must consider What are some of the values and ethics that criminologists must consider when conducting research? How are they addressed?   Answer preview: Words:520

Identify concerns and behaviors that emerge when the day we plan for actually happens

Identify concerns and behaviors that emerge when the day we plan for actually happens Managing it when it does happen Chapter 16 pointedly identifies concerns and behaviors that emerge when the day we plan for actually happens. Page 200 talks about identifying “trigger points” that call for definitive action. What is meant by that concept? … Read more

Compare and contrast communication styles between South Korea and the United States

Compare and contrast communication styles between South Korea and the United States Research essay: Research and analyze under intercultural perspective Please write an essay to compare and contrast (similarities and differences) communication styles between South Korea and the United States. Such as different communication preferences, verbal and non-verbal habits, communication in business context, high-context or … Read more

Talk about how Beethoven’s late-year illness change his music style

Talk about how Beethoven’s late-year illness change his music style Beethoven’s frustration: How His Late-Year illness Change Him The paper should talk about how Beethoven’s late-year illness change his music style, need to be narrow down, can not be too general and use knowledge in the music area. The word of the title could change, … Read more

What is the most competitive alternative out there?

What is the most competitive alternative out there? Assignment 2 – Competitive Alternative What is the most competitive alternative out there? How do current beneficiaries currently cope in the absence of your envisioned product or service? Using Table 5.1 as a guide, build your own Beneficiary Experience Table. With what you propose to offer, what … Read more

What traits does the leader possess that you think make leader effective?

What traits does the leader possess that you think make leader effective? Leadership Writing Assignment Please think of your favorite leader (or, if you do not have a favorite leader, any leader or a comic figure, etc.) and answer all of the following questions. Please proofread your responses to ALL questions carefully. If sentences are … Read more

Research Wells Fargo’s recent unethical business practices.

Research Wells Fargo’s recent unethical business practices. Research Wells Fargo’s recent unethical business practices. Summarize what happened, who was involved and who was affected. Then give a recommendation on if and how you would punish the wrongdoers including the CEO Stumpf and the employees who opened the accounts. Your paper should be at least two … Read more

Discuss self-regulation of an individual learned through the mutual regulation

Discuss self-regulation of an individual learned through the mutual regulation Self-regulation of an individual is learned through the mutual regulation/co-construction between the mother and child. This article gives us a view of interaction patterns (communication between mother and child) that may affect the infant’s interactions in future relationships. Describe three points of significance that you … Read more

Does the country run a current account deficit or surplus?

Does the country run a current account deficit or surplus? Select a country of your choice and observe the last balance of payments issued by that country. Does the country run a current account deficit or surplus? What are the driving factors for the deficit or surplus? What are the implications of the current account … Read more

Discuss HR strategic planning which includes effective job analysis, recruitment and selection strategies

Discuss HR strategic planning which includes effective job analysis, recruitment and selection strategies 1. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of an HR Strategic planning which includes Effective job analysis, Recruitment and selection strategies (Lo 1.6 & 1.7). 2. Demonstrate overall Human Resource concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organizations goals and strategies (Lo 1.1). … Read more

What are the main types of constitution of the polis, according to Aristotle?

What are the main types of constitution of the polis, according to Aristotle? What are the six main types of constitution of the polis, according to Aristotle? Which type(s) exist in your country today?   Answer preview: Words:913

Analyze the song of Roland and song of the Cid from a perspective of postcolonial theory.

Analyze the song of Roland and song of the Cid from a perspective of postcolonial theory. This short paper asks you to analyze the Song of Roland and Song of the Cid from a perspective of postcolonial theory. Choose TWO critical readings that we’ve done so far to use as proof-texts for your reading of the epic. You may choose from the following: … Read more

Describe the influence of leadership in improving patient outcomes

Describe the influence of leadership in improving patient outcomes The influence of leadership can be far-reaching in practice and improving patient outcomes even when not in a formal role. Describe advocacy strategies that you can use as a leader to create positive change in your current workplace. In response to peers, describe a time when … Read more

Write a case study on the application of the four principles of principlism.

Write a case study on the application of the four principles of principlism. This assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case. Organizing the data in this way will help you apply the four principles of principlism. Based on the “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” and other … Read more

Watch “The Corporation” and write a list of as many unethical people or organizations

Watch “The Corporation” and write a list of as many unethical people or organizations Requirements: Part 1. You are to create a comprehensive list of as many unethical and as you can from the video. This is to include one sentence for each telling me why they earned a place on your list. Be creative. … Read more

Answer the Biology questions on ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and enzymes

Answer the Biology questions on ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and enzymes ATP (adenosine triphosphate) has been called the energy currency of the cell. Briefly outline the cycle by which energy is stored in and released from ATP. Discuss how ATP is critically important to cellular chemical processes.Enzymes are protein materials that control chemical processes. Describe the … Read more

Describe cultural diversity and leadership in workplace

Describe cultural diversity and leadership in workplace The workplace is becoming more global in nature. It is important for leaders to understand and manage these differences in workplace culture and diversity. GLOBE research identified six global leadership behaviors that are considered important in various cultures in varying degrees: Charismatic/value-based Team oriented Participative Human oriented Autonomous … Read more

Describe the role of the U.S government and its intervention of private institutions

Describe the role of the U.S government and its intervention of private institutions What does government do? Givers and takers. There are just over 90,000 units of government in the United States today, which includes 1 federal, 50 state, 3,100+/- counties, and tens of thousands of other kinds of special governments (school districts, towns, cities, … Read more

Compare and Contrast a symbol in Descender with a symbol in Ex Machina

Compare and Contrast a symbol in Descender with a symbol in Ex Machina Compare and Contrast a symbol in Descender with a symbol in Ex Machina Answer preview : Word limit : 1194

Write an essay on the corn industry in the United States

Write an essay on the corn industry in the United States In your essay, make sure you address the following: 1. Describe the significance of the corn industry to the US and why fighting corn pests is important to the agriculture industry. Provide statistics and/or figures as appropriate. 2. Summarize the “evolutionary battle” between the … Read more

Choose one of the questions below on modern and contemporary art

Choose one of the questions below on modern and contemporary art Choose one of the below: 1) Discuss how abstraction in the United States differed from earlier European abstraction. 2) Analyze the work of Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg as a reaction against Abstract Expressionism. 3) Choosing one or two artists, discuss the aims of … Read more

Describe laws and regulations for gun violence

Describe laws and regulations for gun violence  laws and regulations for gun violence/ school shooting. Answer preview : Word limit : 1343

Write about the intersection of media and the First Amendment in the United States

Write about the intersection of media and the First Amendment in the United States A 150-200-word summary [not a copy] of a news story from any reputable state or national news source in print, on radio, on TV, or online. The story will be about the intersection of media and the First Amendment in the United States—no … Read more

According to Aristotle ,who is a citizen and do we have such in our country ?

According to Aristotle ,who is a citizen and do we have such in our country ? Subject: Re: What is a citizen according to Aristotle? Do you have such citizens in your country? Answer preview : Word limit : 1003

Describe the military intervention in humanitarian assistance

Describe the military intervention in humanitarian assistance Discussion Board Questions: 1. What role does security play during post-disaster or humanitarian responses? 2. How is the response/recovery impacted by security concerns? Answer preview : Word limit :702

Choose a relatively small business and develop a marketing plan with the following details

Choose a relatively small business and develop a marketing plan with the following details Choose a relatively small business you perceive its owner as entrepreneur existed in Saudi Arabia, or one of the middle-east countries, you can use your own if you have private business. Develop the company`s Marketing Plan with the following details (note … Read more

Choose an organization of your choice in any industry and discuss its strategy

Choose an organization of your choice in any industry and discuss its strategy TOPIC: GLOBAL STRATEGY AND POLICY Please choose an organization in an industry that you are interested in. Give some background information on the company. Discuss the company’s major competitors, products, supplies, etc. Discuss the following: What are the key internal and external … Read more

Discuss alcohol intoxication

Discuss alcohol intoxication Instructions: During this class you will be required to review professional journal articles and complete a review on your selected article. A sample paper with formatting is attached along instructions on how to find the article in Galileo. Articles must be from a professional psychology journal but can be on any topic you … Read more

What is cyberbullying

What is cyberbullying What is cyberbullying? is it protected by first amendment  solutions to cyberbullying.   Answer preview: Words:1,822

Debate on digital connectedness

Debate on digital connectedness Find a Topic: The topic is up to you, but it must be an arguable and “debatable” position. You should arrive at an “inquiry question” similar to the ones circled in the list below: For the question of value, you cannot write another public “review” essay, but you can argue the … Read more

Analysis for structural organization, strategic change, culture, and leadership for Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube.

Analysis for structural organization, strategic change, culture, and leadership for Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube. Analysis for structural organization, strategic change, culture, and leadership for Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube.  the book should be related to the companies which are Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube.  Answer preview: Words: 1,879

How much information should you report?

How much information should you report? The cases follow: Case 1 How much information should you report? THE SCENARIO: You are a reporter for a local newspaper. You come back to the office one day to find several staff members discussing this story: Two teenagers have been killed in an automobile accident. The driver, who … Read more

Review the case Komatsu: The Rise of Service Dominant Logic and provide an analysis of the case.

Review the case Komatsu: The Rise of Service Dominant Logic and provide an analysis of the case. Review the case Komatsu: The Rise of Service Dominant Logic and provide an analysis of the case. To understand the issues, you may need to analyze the company, industry and external market issues or any other information. Identify … Read more

Can we still love the work of artists whose behavior we loathe?

Can we still love the work of artists whose behavior we loathe? The question this article poses is this: “Can we still love the work of artists whose behavior we loathe?”. After reading the article, what do you think? Should it matter if an artist is not a exemplary human being or lives a life that … Read more

What is the mission, or goals, of the Fed?

What is the mission, or goals, of the Fed? Watch the attached video then click on the above link “The Fed ” and create a thread with at least one page answering and explaining the following #1: The Fed is the central bank of the U.S and its mission is to establish and maintain public … Read more

Address whether criminal profiling is effective?

Address whether criminal profiling is effective? please address whether criminal profiling is effective? Please specify cases in which profiling was effective or when it misled an investigation. Make sure to include discussion on the benefits and drawbacks of criminal profiling. Include identification of the attributes of a successful criminal profiler and whether mental health professionals … Read more

Explain the role of health education in health promotion.

Explain the role of health education in health promotion. Explain the role of health education in health promotion. How is the nursing process used in developing health education? Describe a contemporary issue, local or global, that a family may experience today. What steps would the nurse take to address these as part of a health … Read more

The Lonely American Man

The Lonely American Man First essay; https://www.npr.org/2018/03/19/594719471/guys-we-have-a-problem-how- american-masculinity-creates-lonely-men Listen to the Hidden Brain podcast, The Lonely American Man. Summarize & explain 3 statistics, studies or theories shared in the podcast. Do any ofthese surprise you? Do you agree or disagree with them? The Lonely American Man; Boys get the message at a young age: don’t show … Read more

Analyze 3 genre models that you will later imitate in your RIP project

Analyze 3 genre models that you will later imitate in your RIP project For this first RIP Writer’s Memo, you will analyze 3 genre models that you will later imitate in your RIP project How do these conventions arise out of a specific context or a specific discourse community? What purpose do these conventions serve … Read more