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Discuss Hemp growing in US

Discuss Hemp growing in US Hemp growing in the US  Answer preview : Word limit : 761

How does the biblical worldview frame decision making in the measurement of organizational performance?

How does the biblical worldview frame decision making in the measurement of organizational performance? Prompt: How does the biblical worldview frame decision making in the measurement of organizational performance? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply Answer preview : Word limit : 320

What are some of the challenges of integrating finance and quality in a healthcare organization?

What are some of the challenges of integrating finance and quality in a healthcare organization? Prompt: What are some of the challenges of integrating finance and quality in a healthcare organization? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply Answer preview : Word limit : 305

Discuss where marketing mix strategies are similar and different in at least two companies in your selected industry

Discuss where marketing mix strategies are similar and different in at least two companies in your selected industry Instructions The marketing mix is used within the implementation of the marketing strategy. Please select one of the industries listed below, and search for information about the marketing mix used by at least two companies in your … Read more

Write an evaluation essay on a product or entertainment source of your choice

Write an evaluation essay on a product or entertainment source of your choice For this essay, you will be responsible for the evaluation of a product or entertainment source. This product could be conventional, such as something you would find in the home, or it could be a creative product, such as a performance or … Read more

In a critical essay compare U.S and Saudi Arabia kingdom in relation to the factor endowment theory

In a critical essay compare U.S and Saudi Arabia kingdom in relation to the factor endowment theory In a critical essay, you will select a country of your choice “The US” and will compare your chosen country to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia KSA in relation to the factor endowment theory. For each country, discuss: What … Read more

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the exchange rate regime of a country of your choice

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the exchange rate regime of a country of your choice Select a country of your choice and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its exchange rate regime. Did the country have another regime prior to its present regime? If so, which one had better success? If not, what could … Read more

Illustrate how the technology of electronic medical records(EMR) has altered healthcare administration and patient care.

Illustrate how the technology of electronic medical records(EMR) has altered healthcare administration and patient care. Competency: Technology and Healthcare Administration and Management Illustrate how the technology of electronic records has altered healthcare administration and patient care. Course Outcome: HS290-2: Use current technology in a variety of health care roles. Before you begin your Assignment watch a … Read more

Providing examples describe health and diet connections between a child and a senior citizen

Providing examples describe health and diet connections between a child and a senior citizen Describe some of the diet and health connections between a child and a senior citizen? Provide examples.   Answer preview : Word limit : 348

Write a review on Organizational Behavior and how it relates to your work life

Write a review on Organizational Behavior and how it relates to your work life You have to read chapter 4 and I also uploaded a powerpoint review of chapter 4 that the professor presented that you can also take a look at, make a 15 powerpoint slideshow of the review of the chapter, relation to … Read more

Summarize and synthesize the information from the chapter in relation to psychology and the legal system

Summarize and synthesize the information from the chapter in relation to psychology and the legal system Chapter Application Paper is due and write a 3-5 page paper which summarizes, synthesizes, and then applies the information from the Chapter to issues relevant to the topic. Each paper must identify the premise and supporting points of the … Read more

Discuss firefighting Line of Duty Deaths in the United States

Discuss firefighting Line of Duty Deaths in the United States select any previous fire that occurred in the United States which had a LODD Line of Duty Death or a major impact on the fire service that you would like to know more about and is of interest to you (ex. Worchester, MA, Charleston, SC). … Read more

What role does the community nursing practice model have to patients living in underserved communities

What role does the community nursing practice model have to patients living in underserved communities Reflect on the various settings in which family nurse practitioners are able to work. Currently in primary care, specifically community health centers, there is a significant need to hire more advanced practice nurses to meet the care needs of patients … Read more

Define privacy and confidentiality

Define privacy and confidentiality For this discussion, you will define privacy and confidentiality. Next, you will discuss the case study on page 77 titled “Making the Best Choice” and address the follow up questions in the case study. Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum … Read more

What would be the most appropriate researchable population for use in your research project?

What would be the most appropriate researchable population for use in your research project? What would be the most appropriate researchable population for use in your research project? What are the challenges of obtaining a sample from this population? How could you address those challenges? (Essential I-IX)   Answer preview: Words:187

Discuss authentic leadership

Discuss authentic leadership Authentic Leadership Authentic leadership focuses on leadership that is genuine and real. Whether something is genuine and real may likely be in the mind of the individual evaluating it or experiencing it. Examine the usefulness of authentic leadership in organizations by identifying research that supports or refutes authentic leadership as a determinant … Read more

What is the best way to get that message across?

What is the best way to get that message across? In a response  answer the following questions. You can include multimodal features in this response if you’d like. What message do you want your Portfolio (The final assignment that combines all works throughout the quarter, to show one’s progress in order to pass the class) … Read more

Discuss two strategies that would help a researcher manage and organize the data.

Discuss two strategies that would help a researcher manage and organize the data. Qualitative data has been described as voluminous and sometimes overwhelming to the researcher. Discuss two strategies that would help a researcher manage and organize the data.   Answer preview: Words:412

Explain John Cotter privacy and confidentiality case study

Explain John Cotter privacy and confidentiality case study Post a thoughtful response to at least two (2) other colleagues’ initial postings. Responses to colleagues should be supportive and helpful (examples of an acceptable comment are: “This is interesting – in my practice, we treated or resolved (diagnosis or issue) with (x, y, z meds, theory, management … Read more

Describe types of qualitative research

Describe types of qualitative research The three types of qualitative research are phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnographic research. Compare the differences and similarities between two of the three types of qualitative studies and give an example of each.   Answer preview: Words:416

What are the risks associated with maintaining too much cash and marketable securities?

What are the risks associated with maintaining too much cash and marketable securities? Prepare a  discussion article on :”What are the risks associated with maintaining too much cash and marketable securities?” using the finance concepts discussed in presentation and other resources. ”   Answer preview: Words:168

Discuss various aspects of ethical issue, and also looking at public policy related information

Discuss various aspects of ethical issue, and also looking at public policy related information Your outline must include introduction, body, and conclusion sections in outline format. You should include topic sentences (for each section) and paragraph transitions that help tie your major points together. Outline templates are provided for your use below or you may … Read more

How ought the Christian think about sickness and health?

How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? In addition to the topic study materials, use the chart you completed and questions you answered in the Topic 3 about “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” as the basis for your responses in this assignment. Answer the following questions about a patient’s spiritual needs in light … Read more

Define wastewater and provide an example of where wastewater originates

Define wastewater and provide an example of where wastewater originates Water and Waste Water is a seemingly abundant resource on the planet, but that perception would be incorrect. Although 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, less than 1% of that is potable — fresh water that people can drink and water crops … Read more

Discuss eyewitness identification and testimony

Discuss eyewitness identification and testimony Eyewitness Identification and Testimony The research paper current APA guidelines. The page count does not include the title page, abstract, or reference section. It must include 10–15 sources with at least 1 source being the Holy Bible and no more than two (2) books. The student should have a specific … Read more

Select an article that discusses a best practice in any field of nursing and analyze how the findings were obtained

Select an article that discusses a best practice in any field of nursing and analyze how the findings were obtained For this written assignment, select one recent (within the last two years) evidence-based article from a peer reviewed nursing journal that describes a “best practice” in an area of nursing you are interested in. For … Read more

Discuss how lifestyle affects longevity and how we can become a healthier population

Discuss how lifestyle affects longevity and how we can become a healthier population Watch the TED Talk, How to Live to Be 100+ http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_buettner_how_to_live_to_be_100 How does lifestyle affect longevity? What effects does living to be over 100 have on healthcare provisions? On types of placement? Can the concepts reported in this TED talk help us become … Read more

Carefully analyze merger and acquisition strategies

Carefully analyze merger and acquisition strategies You have found the CEO, Joan, of Venus Widgets impatiently waiting outside of your door wanting to talk to you. You quickly finish up your latest meeting and invite the CEO into your office. Joan is talking a mile a minute, and you must do your best to calm … Read more

Describe how Heifetz and Linsky HBR and Haddad relate to Kotter’s point in their highlighted books

Describe how Heifetz and Linsky HBR and Haddad relate to Kotter’s point in their highlighted books “A Survival Guide for Leaders” – Heifetz and Linsky HBR “Chap. 5 Organizational Barriers to Integrated Change”, Haddad For each reading (above), find how the authors relate their material to the stated Kotter’s point. You may show how the … Read more

Discuss the following questions on Sovereign citizens

Discuss the following questions on Sovereign citizens Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, … Read more

Discuss parts of a post-incident action plan

Discuss parts of a post-incident action plan Three parts of a post-incident action plan are noted. All are credible statements. Now it is your turn to add one more part. Indicate your action and define why you feel that your suggestion should be included in the listing.   Answer previw: Words: 283

Discuss an ethical decision-making model

Discuss an ethical decision-making model Discuss an ethical decision-making model to address a case study. Include two critical thinking questions to facilitate class discussion. Submission Instructions: Presentation is original work and logically organized. Power point presentation Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to … Read more

Discuss colon cancer

Discuss colon cancer Select one of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how that factor might impact your selected disorder, as well as potential associated alterations and symptoms. Identify the pathophysiology of the associated alterations, including the normal and altered cellular function. Consider both intra- and extra-cellular changes that … Read more

Reflection from Restaurant Owners Uncorked

Reflection from Restaurant Owners Uncorked Podcast: Seth Gross_Bull CIty Burgers & Brew Reflection from Restaurant Owners Uncorked You are to listen and reflect your thoughts, what you learned that may have been surprising or new to you, and what stood out to you. You can find this on the podcast app on a smart phone, … Read more

Describe the benefits of SIOP model as a teaching framework

Describe the benefits of SIOP model as a teaching framework Describe the benefits of SIOP model as a teaching framework.For this benchmark, create an in‐depth, 15‐20 slide PowerPoint presentation to inform other teachers in your school district of the benefits of using the SIOP model as a teaching framework. This presentation should elaborate on the … Read more

What is the problem you wish to address in social entrepreneurship

What is the problem you wish to address in social entrepreneurship Forum 2 – Your Opportunity What is the problem you wish to address? What is your solution? What will beneficiaries have to do differently for your proposed solution to work? (Ensure you have read the readings for this week.) Research to find ways that … Read more

In what ways can a person be tracked by digital veillance on an average day

In what ways can a person be tracked by digital veillance on an average day For your written assignment for this week, write a 2-3 page paper about the ways an individual might be tracked by digital veillance on an average day: Discuss what devices might be used What data might be collected and to … Read more

Use , Schultz, Kevin M. (2013) HIST (3rd Edition) to answer the following questions

Use , Schultz, Kevin M. (2013) HIST (3rd Edition) to answer the following questions Using the referenced material, Schultz, Kevin M. (2013) HIST (with CourseMate Printed Access Card) (3rd Edition). Must be one of your sources. For each question, the response should be at least 450 words, and have at least two other authoritative sources … Read more

As a leader with employees from a diverse culture discuss culture and leadership

As a leader with employees from a diverse culture discuss culture and leadership The workplace is becoming more global in nature. It is important for leaders to understand and manage these differences in workplace culture and diversity. GLOBE research identified six global leadership behaviors that are considered important in various cultures in varying degrees: Charismatic/value-based … Read more

Write a literature review on studying abroad

Write a literature review on studying abroad Please read the Literature Review Chapter before working on the paper. I have chosen ” studying abroad ” to be my topic. The paper must be between 1,500 to 2,500 words. At least 5 academic (peer-reviewed) sources . No personal opinions. I have uploaded the Instructions for the … Read more

Write a philosophy essay on God’s love

Write a philosophy essay on God’s love Please check the files I sent and pick a topic from the file and write an essay about 4-5 pages. Also I sent the file where you will use as a resource. Also, here is the name of the book we’re using in class so you can use … Read more

Analyze the last balance of payments issued by a country of your choice

Analyze the last balance of payments issued by a country of your choice Select a country of your choice and observe the last balance of payments issued by that country. Does the country run a current account deficit or surplus? What are the driving factors for the deficit or surplus? What are the implications of … Read more

Research and discuss Community Justice from where it began to its effectiveness

Research and discuss Community Justice from where it began to its effectiveness Community Justice is a relatively new philosophy of justice that differs significantly in some respects to criminal justice. Research Community Justice and discuss how and where it began, how effective it has shown to be and what the prospects are for the future. … Read more

Discuss vitamins and toxicity levels

Discuss vitamins and toxicity levels 1. What is the difference between fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins in deficiency and toxicity levels? How do deficiencies and toxicities occur for each?   Answer preview : Word limit : 289  

Describe the process of coming up with your RA(major assignment)

Describe the process of coming up with your RA(major assignment) In this checkpoint, you should use at least 500 words and multiple pieces of visual evidence to lead your reader through your RA(major assignment) composition and revision process. What assignments best helped you prepare for the RA Essay? Once you began drafting the RA, what was your … Read more

Discuss why nutrition is a central component in health promotion.

Discuss why nutrition is a central component in health promotion. Discuss why nutrition is a central component in health promotion. What are some of the nutritional challenges for emerging populations? What roles do nutritional deficiency and nutritional excess play in disease?   Answer preview : Word limit : 308

Discuss leadership nursing trends in today’s healthcare

Discuss leadership nursing trends in today’s healthcare Discuss a formal role where a nurse is in a position of leadership. Outline the essential responsibilities of that role and the educational preparation required. Explain what leadership traits, styles, or qualities are required to be successful in this role and why.(minimum 200 words)  healthcare Answer preview : … Read more

Describe developing an IT Enterprise strategy for a company

Describe developing an IT Enterprise strategy for a company PROJECT OUTLINE Using the peer-reviewed articles that you have gathered throughout this course, create an outline of your IT Enterprise Strategy project. Review the course project description for the expectations and grading criteria of the paper you will be writing based on this outline. It is … Read more

Use visual rhetoric to convey a specific message and achieve a specific purpose

Use visual rhetoric to convey a specific message and achieve a specific purpose The goal of this assignment is to practice using visual rhetoric to convey a specific message and achieve a specific purpose. Choose one of the vivid images in Daniel or Revelation and illustrate it. Then use/post your image to craft either an … Read more

Submit an entry about a leadership challenge you (or someone you know) faced and how you/they dealt with it

Submit an entry about a leadership challenge you (or someone you know) faced and how you/they dealt with it You can choose any leaderships theory. submit an entry about a leadership challenge you (or someone you know) faced and how you/they dealt with it? It has to be one paragraph   Answer preview : Word limit … Read more