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Describe the illicit drug trade.

Describe the illicit drug trade. Describe the illicit drug trade.Organized crime .My topic is The illicit drug trade.Drug trafficking menace has come with various security problems like organized crime   Answer preview: Words:649

Describe how one might recognize a person with the bipolar disorder condition

Describe how one might recognize a person with the bipolar disorder condition A. Define bipolar disorder condition (e.g., how does it come about? What are the main issues?) B. Describe how one might recognize a person with the condition (e.g., what are the symptoms? What does it look like to an outsider?) C. Possible therapies … Read more

What are the critical issues related to the law enforcement and EMS response to active shooters?

What are the critical issues related to the law enforcement and EMS response to active shooters? The Columbine (Colorado) High School shooting in 1999 changed the active school shooter response forever. Fifteen people, including the perpetrators died in that event. The shooters, students at the school, committed suicide after killing 12 students and a teacher. … Read more

Discuss a death/ after life aspect of Judaism, İslam, Buddism, and Taoism.

Discuss a death/ after life aspect of Judaism, İslam, Buddism, and Taoism. You can discuss a death/ after life aspect of Judaism, İslam, Buddism, and Taoism. For this work I need 3-5 paragraph essay that includes the introduction, body paragraph and conclusion.   Answer preview: Words:824

Write a detailed Response to a Film

Write a detailed Response to a Film. Write a detailed Response to a Film.In a paragraph, please write a response to the celebrated Indian director Satyajit Ray’s film Sadgati (Deliverance) based on 19th century writer Munshi Premchand’s short story, which was made for Indian national television in 1981. Here is a YouTube link to the … Read more

Discuss Pathophysiology and patients adaptive responses

Discuss Pathophysiology and patients adaptive responses Discuss Pathophysiology and patients adaptive responses.Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2017). Understanding pathophysiology (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Chapter 6, “Innate Immunity: Inflammation and Wound Healing” This chapter examines how the body responds to injury and infection by exploring the first, second, and third lines of defense. … Read more

Write an activism letter.

Write an activism letter. Write an activism letter. Find a cause you care about right now and write a letter. It can be to friends/family to share about the issue. It can be to a government representative or a university official. It can be a fundraising letter. The key points should include 1) what the … Read more

Explain the importance of appropriate behavior in the workplace.

Explain the importance of appropriate behavior in the workplace. You have been in your role as Human Resources Manager of Acme Manufacturing for 6 months now. The employee hostilities that existed when you started your job have been resolved. Training was provided to all employees about expected behaviors and disciplinary actions, and the organization is … Read more

Discuss internalizing racial identities

Discuss internalizing racial identities Focus on weeks 6 and 7 lectures, on Mills’s “Internalizing racial identities,” on Nagel’s “The Politics of Ethnic Authenticity: Building Native American Identities and Communities,” and Kim’s “Asian American racial identity. Development theory.” Provide an analysis on how identity operates and is used to create politics of identity and identity politics. … Read more

In the upcoming national election, explain some of the important issues to be addressed by the candidates ?

In the upcoming national election, explain some of the important issues to be addressed by the candidates ? Question: In the upcoming 2020 national election, what are some of the important issues you would like to see addressed by the candidates ? Why are these issues important to you ? Please write personal opinions/ responses. … Read more

Discuss morbidity as a social item

Discuss morbidity as a social item “morbidity” to discuss, it is a social item 2. demonstrating mastery of the key sociological concepts related that the topic, 3. bring in theory, 4. describe research methods, (teach readers how to learn this) 5. and discuss the connection to social movements and social change.   Answer preview: Words:1082

Discuss how families and physicians should approach the treatment of infants who are born with sexually ambiguous genitalia.

Discuss how families and physicians should approach the treatment of infants who are born with sexually ambiguous genitalia. Background: Given the current cultural context, variations in the sexual development of infants can be treated by families and physicians as “medical emergencies.” In this paper you’ll reflect on the intersection of ethics, social expectations and medicine … Read more

write a podcast explaining the role of marketing innovation

Write a podcast explaining the role of marketing innovation write a podcast explaining the role of marketing innovation in a specific idea. Include a statement of how innovation is necessary to develop sustainable marketing strategies. Identify an innovative idea Answer preview: Words:640

Describe and briefly discuss an example of a real-world post-disaster assessment

Describe and briefly discuss an example of a real-world post-disaster assessment Chapter 14, Landesman “public health preparedness” talks about post-disaster assessments and post-disaster priorities. Describe and briefly discuss an example of a real-world post-disaster assessment and a post-disaster priority. Reference the literature citation, website or whatever else you used to substantiate your answer (i.e. the answer can not … Read more

Write a journal article analysis on any of the terms provided such as bounded rationality perspective, cognitive biases e.t.c

Write a journal article analysis on any of the terms provided such as bounded rationality perspective, cognitive biases e.t.c Pick one of the following terms for your research: bounded rationality perspective, cognitive biases, decision learning, devil’s advocate, group think, incremental decision model, management science approach, non-programmed decisions, rational approach, or satisficing. DEFINITION: a brief definition … Read more

How is Management Information System Useful in Companies?

How is Management Information System Useful in Companies? How is Management Information System Useful in Companies? Read the contents therein with proper understanding, and you are going to use this reading to answer : Homework Assignment https://smallbusiness.chron.com/management-informa…   Answer preview: Words:834

Discuss functions of the nervous system.

Discuss functions of the nervous system. This chapter begins with an overview of the structure and function of the nervous system. It also explains the importance of the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems. Chapter 14, “Pain, Temperature, Sleep, and Sensory Function” This chapter covers the role of pain, sleep, stress, and the senses on … Read more

Write about the changing American family and the purpose of the author in writing it

Write about the changing American family and the purpose of the author in writing it Right about the change in American family the purpose of why did Auto write the article and I will be attaching all the information and details about the paper and how did they put should be done instruction and everything.   … Read more

Why is Roche stock not included in the NY stock exchange ,how can it be traded and in which exchange can they be found

Why is Roche stock not included in the NY stock exchange ,how can it be traded and in which exchange can they be found I want you to include a write-up as to why they are not listed on the NY stock exchange. Secondly, how is Roche’s stock traded and which exchange can they be … Read more

Describe the ethical challenges faced by organizations operating globally.

Describe the ethical challenges faced by organizations operating globally. Describe the ethical challenges faced by organizations operating globally.Min 400-450 words with APA format Answer preview : Word limit : 480

What role does the Community Nursing Practice Model have in achieving better access

What role does the Community Nursing Practice Model have in achieving better access Reflect on the various settings in which family nurse practitioners are able to work. Currently in primary care, specifically community health centers, there is a significant need to hire more advanced practice nurses to meet the care needs of patients in both rural … Read more

What are some limitations of financial statements analysis?

What are some limitations of financial statements analysis? what are some limitations of financial statements analysis? Meaning, what are some things which make financial statement analysis less reliable? Do some research on this and post your thoughts on what you find. words : 350-400 Answer preview : Word limit : 371

Review the research process, methodology and purpose of the two publications provided on role of women in executive positions

Review the research process, methodology and purpose of the two publications provided on role of women in executive positions Read the following two published papers (available via Saudi Digital Library): Kakabadse, N.K., Figueira, C., Nicolopoulou, K., Hong Yang, J., Kakabadse, A.P., and Özbilgin, M.F. (2015). Gender diversity and board performance: women’s experiences and perspectives. Human Resource … Read more

Explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules such as the use of MLB steroids.

Explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules such as the use of MLB steroids. Using the MLB steroids case as an example, explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules. Minimum 450 words with APA format Answer preview : Word limit : … Read more

State and justify your position on legal death penalty

State and justify your position on legal death penalty Write at three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: State your position on the topic you selected for Assignment 1.1. Identify (3) three premises (reasons) from the Procon.org website that support your position and explain why you selected these specific reasons. Explain your answers … Read more

Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mrs. J., presented below

Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mrs. J., presented below Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mrs. J., presented below. Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below. Health History and Medical Information Health History Mrs. J. is … Read more

Discuss Value proposition in the hotel industry

Discuss Value proposition in the hotel industry Subject: Re: Value proposition in the hotel industry Answer preview : Word limit : 918

Discuss how to coordinate and present an audiovisual conference

Discuss how to coordinate and present an audiovisual conference Make an essay, whit 5 paragraph and 5 sentence each, don’t forget use any citation and references. It is about your experience, what is the easiest and most difficult to conceptualize, coordinate and present an audiovisual conference? If you had to highlight any talent, which is … Read more

Write review about artificial intelligence trailers

Write review about artificial intelligence trailers Write review about artificial intelligence trailers List URL for each trailer. Answer preview : Word limit : 1018

Examine the research process and findings of the two articles provided

Examine the research process and findings of the two articles provided Read the following two published papers (available via Saudi Digital Library): Kakabadse, N.K., Figueira, C., Nicolopoulou, K., Hong Yang, J., Kakabadse, A.P., and Özbilgin, M.F. (2015). Gender diversity and board performance: women’s experiences and perspectives. Human Resource Management, 54(2), pp. 265–281. Ionascu, M., Ionascu, I., … Read more

Write a journal article analysis on lean manufacturing

Write a journal article analysis on lean manufacturing Pick one of the following terms for your research: analyzability, core technology, interdependence, joint optimization, lean manufacturing, noncore technology, service technology, small-batch production, smart factories, or technical complexity.and It should be in below format DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference … Read more

Summarize an article and discuss how the article relates to corporate social responsibility

Summarize an article and discuss how the article relates to corporate social responsibility Summary: Pick one of the following terms for your research: code of ethics, conscious capitalism, corporate social responsibility (CSR), culture, ethical dilemma, external adaptation, mission culture, social capital, values-based leadership, or whistle-blowing. DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by … Read more

Describe the difference between a nursing and a medical practice problem ensuring your PICOT is based on a nursing practice problem..

Describe the difference between a nursing and a medical practice problem ensuring your PICOT is based on a nursing practice problem.. PICOT is utilized by the health care community to identify and study a nursing or medical practice problem. Consequently, PICOT examples that may provide insight into the use of the PICOT process, may not … Read more

Examine a problem you have seen in nursing and rationally explain why it should be studied.

Examine a problem you have seen in nursing and rationally explain why it should be studied. Nursing research is used to study a dilemma or a problem in nursing. Examine a problem you have seen in nursing. Provide an overview of the problem and discuss why the problem should be studied. Provide rational and support … Read more

Discuss the E-mail marketing strategy of a website of your choice ?

Discuss the E-mail marketing strategy of a website of your choice ? Create a 16- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker’s notes about your selected website in which you complete the following: Assess the pros and cons of using an e-mail or newsletter strategy to help build and maintain a core customer base. Describe any content and/or … Read more

What events led to the American revolution?

What events led to the American revolution? What events led to the American revolution? Answer preview : Word limit :  1913

How important is preparation and implementation in disaster recovery?

How important is preparation and implementation in disaster recovery? Recovery and maintenance are important processes in incident response. The presence of a response plan before the occurrence of an incidence is beneficial in limiting the damage caused. A response plan aids in reducing the time and costs needed for recovery and maintenance. The recovery process … Read more

Select a country of your choice and discuss the pros and cons of its exchange rate regime.

Select a country of your choice and discuss the pros and cons of its exchange rate regime. Select a country of your choice and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its exchange rate regime. Did the country have another regime prior to its present regime? If so, which one had better success? If not, what … Read more

The incident in Haiti that hastened the study of zombies

The incident in Haiti that hastened the study of zombies The incident in Haiti that hastened the study of zombies  “check the citing the secondary sources” for instruction on how to create in-text citation. Answer preview: Words:555

Research a government supplemental food program

Research a government supplemental food program 1) Click on the “Project A” link above. Watch the lecture video. 2) Research a government supplemental food program 3) Calculate your hypothetical eligibility for that program. (You do NOT have to actually apply for any program.) Calculate the food “allotment” you would receive from that program for your current household … Read more

Discuss various issues pertain to privacy and ethical considerations in managing information.

Discuss various issues pertain to privacy and ethical considerations in managing information. Please take a moment to share your thoughts, ideas, comments and/or questions concerning Week 13’s reading assignment lecture? Various issues pertain to privacy and ethical considerations in managing information.   Answer preview: Words:372

What are some of the common quality measurements used in your healthcare employer?

What are some of the common quality measurements used in your healthcare employer? What are some of the common quality measurements used in your healthcare employer? How do they do they fit into the organization’s values, mission, and vision?   Answer preview: Words:625

Explain how would you use social media and digital marketing tools to promote a service

Explain how would you use social media and digital marketing tools to promote a service The marketing of services is ever increasing and has specific differences when compared to the marketing of tangible products. Considering the marketing of services, how would you use social media and digital marketing tools to promote a service related KPMG … Read more

Discuss the detrimental effects of pricing too high or low

Discuss the detrimental effects of pricing too high or low Which is more detrimental to a firm, pricing your product or service too high, or pricing your product or service too low?   Answer preview: Words:699

Explain which is more detrimental to a firm

Explain which is more detrimental to a firm Which is more detrimental to a firm, pricing your product or service too high, or pricing your product or service too low?   Answer preview: Words:747

The story of the Secrets of Haiti’s Living Dead

The story of the Secrets of Haiti’s Living Dead The story of the Secrets of Haiti’s Living Dead   Answer preview: Words:532

Discuss organisation behaviour

Discuss organisation behaviour Organizational Leadership versus Management   Answer preview: Words:900

Discuss three challenges associated with this humanitarian crisis.

Discuss three challenges associated with this humanitarian crisis. The recent Syrian refugee crisis has been classified as one of the largest humanitarian crises in recent history. Discuss three challenges associated with this humanitarian crisis. How would you recommend managing these challenges? Be prepared to substantiate your ideas.   Answer preview: Words:622

Explain the phishing scenario

Explain the phishing scenario Explain the phishing scenario in terms of the threat involved with the quiz drop email that you received and then explain how the University Authenticator protects you. Give your feedback on the University Authenticator and suggestions for improvement.   Answer preview: Words:596

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Saudi Arabia exchange rate regime

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Saudi Arabia exchange rate regime Select (SAUDI ARABIA) and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its exchange rate regime. Did the country have another regime prior to its present regime? If so, which one had better success? If not, what could the country do to improve the regime? Explain … Read more