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Discuss fractional ownership and it’s relation to cloud computing.

Discuss fractional ownership and it’s relation to cloud computing. Write at least 500 words fractional ownership and it’s relation to cloud computing. Use at least one example from another industry. Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference … Read more

Write a reflective essay on the portrayal of science and scientist in media

Write a reflective essay on the portrayal of science and scientist in media Science in the Media There is nothing like reading a good book or watching a great movie for a little escapism and entertainment. With all of the television channels available and easy access to the internet, you can watch just about anything … Read more

How is science portrayed in the media ?

How is science portrayed in the media ? Science in the Media There is nothing like reading a good book or watching a great movie for a little escapism and entertainment. With all of the television channels available and easy access to the internet, you can watch just about anything you want at any time. … Read more

Research and write a journal article analysis on white-collar crime

Research and write a journal article analysis on white-collar crime Summary: Pick one of the following terms for your research: Moral philosophy, justice, white-collar crime, differential association, or power. Please take care of below. Do make sure that you are using recent peer-reviewed scholarly academic journal article(s) (published within the past 3 years) for your … Read more

Write a policy discussion paper on Americans with Disabilities Act

Write a policy discussion paper on Americans with Disabilities Act I Description of the social problem the selected policy addresses ii Historical context of the policy (When was the policy passed? What was occurring in the larger economic, political and/or social environment that provided an impetus for passage of the policy?)   iii Provisions of the policy (What did … Read more

Discuss abortion and its ethical impact

Discuss abortion and its ethical impact https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3A0cYmJhng&feature=youtu.be Start watching after time: 1:42; you’re welcome to watch the video from the beginning, but the answers to the following question are given one hour and 42 minutes into this second video. Explain difference of spontaneous and procured abortion. Ethical impact of each one Why can the contraceptive … Read more

Discuss the partnership between IT and the business at Hefty Hardware

Discuss the partnership between IT and the business at Hefty Hardware Question 1: Overall, how effective is the partnership between IT and the business at Hefty Hardware? Identify the shortcomings of both IT and the business. Question 2: Create a plan for how IT and the business can work collaboratively to deliver the Savvy Store … Read more

Summarize the patient case study below and answer the questions that follow

Summarize the patient case study below and answer the questions that follow Mr. Akkad is a 76 year old Iranian male who is brought to your office by his eldest son for “strange behavior.” Mr. Akkad was seen by his family physician who ruled out any organic basis for Mr. Akkad’s behavior. All laboratory and … Read more

Discuss Healthy People 2020 goal and describe specific promotional actions for outlined in the Ottawa charter

Discuss Healthy People 2020 goal and describe specific promotional actions for  outlined in the Ottawa charter Choose a Healthy People 2020 goal (www.healthypeople.gov that is important in your community and describe specific actions for the 5 health promotion action areas outlined in the Ottawa charter (Chapter 4, p. 62). Submission Instructions: Your initial post should … Read more

Write a reflection that answers the following questions based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality”

Write a reflection that answers the following questions based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” and other required topic study materials, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions: What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible … Read more

Identify a specific public health issue that you believe needs to be highlighted in health policy and discuss how social media can be used as a promotional tool

Identify a specific public health issue that you believe needs to be highlighted in health policy and discuss how social media can be used as a promotional tool Reflect on Florida’s current health education programs such as Zika Free Florida, Tobacco Free Florida and consider what part the media plays in such disease prevention programs. … Read more

Write a 350-500 word paper on incentives

Write a 350-500 word paper on incentives ·Opportunity Cost, Scarcity, Production Efficiency, Allocative Efficiency, Incentives, Human Capital, Specialization, and Comparative Advantage General Instructions: Choose one concept from the list above, and write a paper a 350 to 500 word paper (350 words, is the absolute minimum) in which you state a response to the following … Read more

Discuss the history of West Africa and the idea of sub-Saharan Africa as the “Dark Continent”

Discuss the history of West Africa and the idea of sub-Saharan Africa as the “Dark Continent” How does the history of West African kingdoms undermine the idea of sub-Saharan Africa as the “Dark Continent”? What did you find to be the most surprising or enlightening part of this history of West Africa and why? Answer … Read more

What are the primary uses of financial information?

What are the primary uses of financial information? Prompt: What are the primary uses of financial information? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply Answer preview : Word limit : 293

Discuss the implementation HICS in emergency healthcare

Discuss the implementation HICS in emergency healthcare How difficult is it to operationalize HICS? What are some of the challenges associated with HICS implementation? What are some solutions to the identified challenges? Who needs to be trained in HICS and why? Should different staff receive different levels of training in HICS? WEEK 2 – READINGS … Read more

What are the primary responsibilities of financial managers ?

What are the primary responsibilities of financial managers ? Prompt: What are the primary responsibilities of the financial manager Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply Answer preview : Word limit : 284

Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system.

Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system. Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment. Include the following: Outline a current or … Read more

Come up with a Criminal Justice Capstone Project.

Come up with a Criminal Justice Capstone Project. Introduction: This project will require you to demonstrate your mastery of the program outcomes by analyzing and writing about an issue that will provide a foundation for the development of either a program or a policy proposal within your chosen specialization. To demonstrate proficiency of the program … Read more

Discuss the family health nurse role in genetic counseling

Discuss the family health nurse role in genetic counseling 1 Laticia Davis M2A3DB: Genetic Counseling This week’s discussion is about the family health nurse role in genetic counseling. Today a couple came into the office expressing their desire to start a family, but they both are carriers of the sickle cell trait. I will be the … Read more

Write a Professional Email and discuss the communication issue provided in the scenario

Write a Professional Email and discuss the communication issue provided in the scenario Write a Professional Email from the perspective of a character in the scenario. The email should discuss the communication issue provided in the scenario and should be addressed to another character from the scenario. i will provide scenario   Answer preview : Word … Read more

Describe the difficulty in completing a merger of equals between Lafarge and Holcim

Describe the difficulty in completing a merger of equals between Lafarge and Holcim Read: “Cementing a Merger of Equals between Lafarge and Holcim Has Been Difficult” on pages 231-232. Prepare a 4 to 6 page APA formatted paper (with six peer-reviewed sources for support): Answer questions: 1. Of the “Reasons for Acquisitions” discussed in the … Read more

Describe local resources that can aid a jurisdiction in making a shelter compliant with ADA requirements.

Describe local resources that can aid a jurisdiction in making a shelter compliant with ADA requirements. From the readings and the material this week, briefly describe local resources that can aid a jurisdiction in making a shelter compliant with ADA requirements. State how you could make members of the community more sensitive to the accessibility … Read more

Complete an analysis on a case study on death and dying from the christian worldview perspective

Complete an analysis on a case study on death and dying from the christian worldview perspective The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faith expressions; for the purpose of this course, the … Read more

Discuss Lyme Disease and Peripheral vascular disease

Discuss Lyme Disease and Peripheral vascular disease Case Study 1 & 2 Lyme Disease and Peripheral Vascular Disease Students much review the case study and answer all questions with a scholarly response using APA and include 2 scholarly references. Answer both case studies on the same document. The answers must be in your own words … Read more

Compare and contrast Impressionism and Cubism

Compare and contrast Impressionism and Cubism Homework: Write a paper. Using Microsoft Word,  comparing and contrasting Impressionism and Cubism. Discuss the work of two well-known artists, one who represents Impressionism and one who represents Cubism. What is similar, what is different? Here are some artists you can consider: Impressionists: Edouard Manet Claude Monet Berthe Morisot … Read more

Explain traits of a healthy family

Explain traits of a healthy family Traits of a Healthy Family For the past 10 years I have worked in organ donation. That being the case, most of my family interactions over that time have been based on approaching these families for consent for organ donation. Initially, I struggled to find the one family that … Read more

Discuss Abortion According to Kincaid And Hemingway

Discuss Abortion According to Kincaid And Hemingway Discuss Abortion According to Kincaid And Hemingway.Girl” (Kincaid 127) and “Hills Like White Elephants” (Hemingway 122): Explain in what ways these stories discuss abortion. Additionally, why do you think Kincaid and Hemingway do not directly say, “abortion”? What clues are provided to readers about this subject? Use at least one … Read more

Research about poverty in the United States and create a photo essay that depicts the economic struggles faced by many Americans today

Research about poverty in the United States and create a photo essay that depicts the economic struggles faced by many Americans today For this assignment, you will conduct Internet research about poverty in the United States and create a photo essay that depicts the economic struggles that many Americans are facing today. Photo essays consist … Read more

Develop an Annual Giving/Fund Development Program/Strategy to Expand Access to Health Care in a city, county or region.

Develop an Annual Giving/Fund Development Program/Strategy to Expand Access to Health Care in a city, county or region. About 15 page research paper…APA style along with a powerpoint presentation to describe or explain the project. As a consultant or entrepreneur who is proposing a solution to a public problem or challenge that a public or … Read more

As a MFT discuss the changes in lifestyle for a “sandwich generation” person in certain family situations

As a MFT discuss the changes in lifestyle for a “sandwich generation” person in certain family situations 1)Discuss the inherent issues associated with the impact of divorce on a member of the “Sandwich Generation” who is currently dealing with aging parents in failing health (it can be a male or female member). Postulate the relationships … Read more

Discuss addressing the issues of long-term care finances as an Marriage Family Therapist

Discuss addressing the issues of long-term care finances as an Marriage Family Therapist These are two separate questions that should be answered separately with a minimum of 200 words and include an in text cite. 1)You are a MFT (in CALIFORNIA) who receives a call from a family that you worked with about 2 years … Read more

Discuss Huawei’s case study on how the can lead the way .

Discuss Huawei’s case study on how the can lead the way . Review the Huawei case and provide an analysis of the case using the following case questions prompts for guidance. Your paper should be no less than 15 pages not including cover page and reference page. Your work should be formatted in the APA style and … Read more

What are the different choices the elderly have for long-term care ?

What are the different choices the elderly have for long-term care ? These are two separate questions that should be answered separately with a minimum of 200 words each and include an in text cite. Please ustilize reading 1) Think about yourself as an elderly person. What type of long term care do you think … Read more

Write a journal article review that relates to Crisis Intervention and highlight the implications the article has on criminal justice

Write a journal article review that relates to Crisis Intervention and highlight the implications the article has on criminal justice For this assignment, the student will select a peer reviewed journal article from one of the databases located in the University’s online library. The article will relate in some way to Crisis Intervention: The Criminal Justice … Read more

Select a film of your choice and select a theme you are going to discuss using critical thinking techniques

Select a film of your choice and select a theme you are going to discuss using critical thinking techniques Your final assignment is to select an issue discussed in one of the films, and create a digital portfolio discussing the issue in-depth. You will need to ensure the portfolio is understandable by someone who Is … Read more

Discuss what you thought and now think of managerial accounting

Discuss what you thought and now think of managerial accounting What was your impression of managerial accounting before the semester started vs. what you think about it now? Focus on two topics that we have covered (Balance Scorecard, Ratio analysis, Horizontal & Vertical analysis,Cost Behavior Patterns) which you feel will be beneficial to your work and/or personal life. While … Read more

Describe the philosophy of friendship using “The Nicomachean Ethics” by Aristotle as your resource

Describe the philosophy of friendship using “The Nicomachean Ethics” by Aristotle as your resource you have to choose one of the 3 topics and with strong argument using sources like book and text required. ‘ Aristotle. The Nicomachean Ethics, tr. Ross: Oxford Univ. PressThe texts for these topics are found in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics Books Eight and Nine.  The texts … Read more

Discuss the body idealization of either men or women by industries or professions.

Discuss the body idealization of either men or women by industries or professions. There are many professions and industries that profit from the social construction of the idealized body in the United States as demonstrated in the film Miss Representation. Select either 1 profession or 1 industry and discuss the ways they continue to perpetuate … Read more

Use annotations for RIP project and RA to comment on what you learned/struggled with in more detail and/or with a different focus

Use annotations for RIP project and RA to comment on what you learned/struggled with in more detail and/or with a different focus Section 2 annotations for RIP project and RA (major assignment) Captions are basically brief notes that accompany each process assignment in your ePortfolio. These captions or annotations (we will use these terms interchangeably) … Read more

Discuss what political parties do ,what they should do and that which they don’t

Discuss what political parties do ,what they should do and that which they don’t What do Political Parties actually do and what do not? What should they do and do not? Provide examples. Answer preview : Word limit : 799

Describe the effects of cold war on America

Describe the effects of cold war on America 1) Who started the Cold War? What actions did the USA take that contributed to the tension? What was their motivation? What actions did the USSR take that contributed to the tension? What was their motivation? Was the Cold War avoidable? 2) The Cold War had a … Read more

Extending or adding on immunizations and infectious diseases

Extending or adding on immunizations and infectious diseases. Extending or adding on immunizations and infectious diseases.A healthy people 2020 goal that is important to me and in my community is the issue of immunizations and infectious diseases. I work in a pediatric environment and this issue is something I come across everyday. Not all parents … Read more

Discuss the Palace of Versailles

Discuss the Palace of Versailles Discuss the Palace of Versailles.The answers to the following questions can be used as a basis for parts of your Project submission. Keep these questions in mind as you continue to learn about the artifact of human creative expression that you chose to analyze. After thinking about the two to … Read more

Discuss the Globalization on Russian Health

Discuss the Globalization on Russian Health Discuss the Globalization on Russian Health.Cell phones, video cameras, and other technologies are changing the way we live today. It is difficult to avoid the stories and images of poverty, human rights abuses, disasters, diseases, and other tragedies that plague people in rich and poor countries alike. It is … Read more

Qualitative and quantitative article on supply chain and logistics management

Qualitative and quantitative article on supply chain and logistics management Qualitative and quantitative article on supply chain and logistics management.Major: Supply Chain & Logistics Management total of 6-9 paragraphs in APA style format. Citation: Rhode, D. L., & Luban, D. J. (Eds.). (2006). Legal Ethics: Law Stories. New York, New York: Foundation Press Summary: The article should … Read more

Case Study on Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

Case Study on Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative. Case Study on Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative.This assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case. Organizing the data in this way will help you apply the four principles of principlism. Based on the “Case Study: Healing … Read more

The “Haves” and “Have Nots”: Why Are There Disparities?

The “Haves” and “Have Nots”: Why Are There Disparities? The “Haves” and “Have Nots”: Why Are There Disparities?Both India and China had similar health outcomes at the end of WWII. Unlike India, China’s health improved tremendously over the next 30 years. When it did not have a focus on economic growth, China’s health achievements surpassed … Read more

What does it take to be a great leader?

What does it take to be a great leader? What does it take to be a great leader?Case Study 1:What does it takes to be a great leader? Reading: Van Wart Chapters 2 & 3 https://www.ted.com/talks/roselinde_torres_what_it_takes_to_be_a_great_leader Question: How does this presentation by Roselinde Torres tie into our assigned readings this week? Note: Respond in the … Read more

Discuss the time value for money

Discuss the time value for money Discuss the time value for money.Define the time value of money.Do you believe that the average person considers the time value of money when they make investment decisions?Please explain. (2) Distinguish between ordinary annuities and annuities due.Also, distinguish between the future value of an annuity and the present value … Read more

Promoting A Culture of Academic Integrity

Promoting A Culture of Academic Integrity Promoting A Culture of Academic Integrity.How is a culture of academic integrity upheld in your nursing program? What evidence do you have that supports this notion, or disputes it? How can you promote academic integrity within yourself and your classmates?   Answer preview: Words:731