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Analyze Dell’s supply chain and logistics management

Analyze Dell’s supply chain and logistics management Instructions Supply Chain and Logistics Management Watch the following video (just over 11 minutes) by clicking on the link below: MacNeil/Lehrer Productions (Producer). (1999). Your computer, your way: Dell and the direct sales model [Video file]. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?auth=CAS&url=http://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=273866&xtid=10070 Click here to view a transcript of the video. After viewing the video, answer … Read more

Evaluate Legal and ethical issues related to dental care

 Evaluate Legal and ethical issues related to dental care Assignment 8 Competency: Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare Analyze a patient–provider interaction regarding the legal and ethical issues involved. Course outcome: HS290-5: Exhibit behavior consistent with the professional, ethical, and legal standards of allied health practice. GEL-7.05: Evaluate the ethical rules applicable to the field of Health … Read more

Prepare a marketing reflection paper based on your readings

Prepare a marketing reflection paper based on your readings Instructions For this activity, prepare a reflection paper, and consider the concepts that you have learned during your readings. Think about what you understand completely and what did not quite make sense. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to reflect … Read more

Discuss and expound on negotiations in business

Discuss and expound on negotiations in business Trying to Sell Your Audio System You are trying to sell your audio system (an amplifier and speakers) to raise money for an upcoming trip overseas. The system works great, and an audiophile friend tells you that if he were in the market for this kind of equipment … Read more

Identify the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation

Identify the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation To Prepare Review “Asthma” in Chapter 27 of the Huether and McCance text. Identify the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation. Consider how these disorders are similar and different. Select a patient factor different from the one you selected in this … Read more

Read and discuss radiometric dating

Read and discuss radiometric dating Age is Relative The question of age can be applied to humans, clothing, food, furniture, and fossils. Doctors study how humans age and can observe how hair turns grey and skin becomes wrinkled. Rocks and other organic materials do not always provide observers the same outward changes. In order to … Read more

Discuss and contrast the pathophysiological mechanisms of iron deficiency anemia and the anemia you selected.

Discuss and contrast the pathophysiological mechanisms of iron deficiency anemia and the anemia you selected. Post an explanation of the pathophysiological mechanisms of iron deficiency anemia and the anemia you selected. Compare these two types of anemia, as well as their potential causes. Finally, explain how genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior might To Prepare … Read more

Write a short essay entitled the origin of the language of medicine

Write a short essay entitled the origin of the language of medicine Medical terminology is a standardize means of communication within the healthcare industry the importance of fluency in medical terminology cannot be overstated the best way to learn medical terminology is become familiar with the structure in the most commonly used components read chapter … Read more

Differentiate between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

Differentiate between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells (1) the difference between a eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell structure and function. (2) describe the function of at least five major organelles in Eukaryotic cell, nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondria Golgi complex ribosome lysosome in 300 words     Answer preview : Word limit : 366

Examine ways in which an organization might attempt to reduce or eliminate discrimination.

Examine ways in which an organization might attempt to reduce or eliminate discrimination. 3. Some discrimination is a function of the HR system, such as recruiting through word of mouth or referral. Using case studies examine the ways in which an organisation might attempt to reduce or eliminate discrimination. If you’ve selected question 3 then … Read more

Write an essay titled HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis co- infection

Write an essay titled HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis co- infection Write a health education message in an essay the title of which is HIV/AIDS tuberculosis co- infection( text bookCase studies chapter 6 or 7) the goals articulate the in the way that is well understood by General public with the goal of promoting health, preventing, disease, … Read more

What could you do to improve the professional image of nursing?

What could you do to improve the professional image of nursing? Describe the way in which nurses are perceived by your patients and the public. How do the best known nurses currently depicted in the media represent the type of nursing image you wish to promote? Speaking of image, do you feel that no longer … Read more

What strategies will you employ in order to create brand awareness for BeMo?

What strategies will you employ in order to create brand awareness for BeMo? Role as a Student Brand Ambassador Indicate the top 5 strategies (online or offline) to employ in order to create brand awareness for BeMo? What platforms will you use? Please indicate these items in order of importance. Would you please save strategies … Read more

Discuss the population health promise.

Discuss the population health promise. 1. What is population health? 2. Why is a population health approach needed to promote health and wellness? 3. How do the four pillar of population health work together to improve population health in the case o f a benzodiazepine epidemic? Answer preview : Word limit : 637

Read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study.

Read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study. Summary: Read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study. Do make sure that you are using recent peer-reviewed scholarly academic journal article(s) (published within the past 3 years) for … Read more

What is IT value ?

What is IT value ? Question 1: What is IT value? Question 2: When is IT realized? Question 3: Discuss the five principles for delivering value. Question 4: Which of the five principles do you think is the most important? Instructions: Need minimum 150 words for each question. Need 1 reference for each question Note: … Read more

Describe the digestive system, process and the fate of an ingested carbohydrate meal

Describe the digestive system, process and the fate of an ingested carbohydrate meal Read chapter on digestive system describe the digestion process and the fate of an ingested carbohydrate meal as it passes through the digestive track from the mouth to the anus and the role of each the accessory digestive organ in digestion process. … Read more

How do drugs work in the human body ?

How do drugs work in the human body ? Read chapter on drugs write a review 300 words in titled how drug works based on your reading of chapter 8 drugs from your lecture notes and your textbook. In your review underscore Two fundamental concepts (1) pharmacokinetics: describe the fate of medication administered to the … Read more

In writing, discuss popular non-traditional healthcare practices

In writing, discuss popular non-traditional healthcare practices Research different popular nontraditional health care practices. Write a 1,000-1,200 word paper exploring nontraditional health care practices and include the following: Describe nontraditional health care practices in different cultures. Compare at least three cultures. Explain how these practices affect wellness and prevention in different cultures. Identify the nontraditional … Read more

What is your opinion on the nutrition and exercises in preventing heart disease ?

What is your opinion on the nutrition and exercises in preventing heart disease ? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-disease/multimedia/exercise-nutrition-myths-preventive-cardiology-video/vid-20138710 Answer the questions that follow. Do you question any of the information in the video? Do you feel the information is current and up to date? Why or why not? What new information did you learn? What information provided in … Read more

Analyze the concern on childhood obesity

Analyze the concern on childhood obesity  watch Weight of the Nation Part 3- Children in Crisis http://theweightofthenation.hbo.com/films/main-fil… Write 1 full page summary essay and in a second page answer all the questions below. Answer questions and complete the summary in 2 full pages minimum.Childhood obesity is not just a problem of appearance and self-esteem it is a … Read more

Discuss ethical and moral dilemma in Swiss town

Discuss ethical and moral dilemma in Swiss town Watch the video and answer the following three questions 150 + words for each question https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msGcROOcieE&feature=youtu.be 1. Were the actions of the Swiss town unethical, ethical, or neutral in terms of ethics? Explain your reasoning. 2. Is acting ethically the same as obeying the law? 3. In … Read more

Analyze at least two sources of laws and regulations governing your nursing practice.

Analyze at least two sources of laws and regulations governing your nursing practice. Describe at least two sources of laws and regulations governing your nursing practice. What is the impact of these laws/regulations on your current practice? Discuss one positive and one negative impact of these laws and regulations on your current practice? Submission Instructions: … Read more

Discuss Business Policy and Business Strategy highlighting key points

Discuss Business Policy and Business Strategy highlighting key points  Business Policy and Business Strategy. Highlight any key points. Own words and references!! Answer preview : Word limit : 610

Discuss the role of emotions in negotiations

Discuss the role of emotions in negotiations Emotion in Negotiation Conduct a light research on the role of emotion in negotiation process, and the effect it has on the outcome of the negotiation. In your essay, try to answer the following the questions: Does emotion delay the negotiation process, or prevents parties from reaching an … Read more

What are your thoughts about the “Civil Defense Era” and our first foray into Emergency Management?

What are your thoughts about the “Civil Defense Era” and our first foray into Emergency Management? “Civil Defense Era” and our first foray into Emergency Management? Must be at least two paragraphs with at least one reference. APA style Question to be addressed or answered in the Post: Life in 1950’s America – a bit … Read more

Discuss the evolution of science and sports

Discuss the evolution of science and sports The Evolution of Science and Sports Sports have likely been around as long as there have been people. Every society has its favorite pastimes, and today with ever-advancing technologies, there is the ability to design high-tech equipment and utilize a host of specialists to help athletes perform better. … Read more

Discuss your understanding of a rigorous accelerated program in education systems

Discuss your understanding of a rigorous accelerated program in education systems Your essay should be double-spaced and should follow accepted English usage standards, including sentence and paragraph structure, appropriate punctuation and correct spelling. Please be sure to proofread thoroughly. Should be two pages long The essay should address: 1- your understanding of a rigorous accelerated … Read more

How do businesses respond to the case of gun control in U.S cities ?

How do businesses respond to the case of gun control in U.S cities ? Read the Case “Businesses Respond to the Movement for School Safety” at the end of Chapter 2 and response to the following: What was the public issue facing the companies in this case? Describe the “performance–expectations gap” found in the case. What were … Read more

Discuss biological and psychosocial factors in healthcare

Discuss biological and psychosocial factors in healthcare  Psychosocial and Biological Factors in Healthcare Research and analyze a healthcare situation for its psychosocial and biological factors. Course outcome: HS290–1: Integrate knowledge from behavioral and biological sciences as a basis for allied health practice. GEL-5.01: Identify examples of human expression in society and culture. Before you begin your Assignment, … Read more

Write a case summary for the cases provided

Write a case summary for the cases provided Chapter 1 Cases Trump v. Chicago Tribune Company Donald Trump brought forth a libel action suit against the Chicago Tribune Company and Paul Gapp. This case is an example of common law procedures and is a judge-made law whereas it is up to the judge on deciding … Read more

Apply an ethics-centered, evidence-based analysis to complex situations encountered by criminal justice practitioners.

Apply an ethics-centered, evidence-based analysis to complex situations encountered by criminal justice practitioners. Instructions: Competency 1: Apply an ethics-centered, evidence-based analysis to complex situations encountered by criminal justice practitioners. Apply ethics-centered analysis to the program or policy (topic) in a criminal-justice-practitioner context. Apply evidence-based analysis to the program or policy (topic) evaluation in a criminal-justice-practitioner … Read more

Analyze the implementation of a performance management system in Network Solutions Inc.

Analyze the implementation of a performance management system in Network Solutions Inc. Identifying or predicting positive and negative outcomes at Network Solutions, Inc. may be aided by the information on page 22 of the text where the author identifies the characteristics of an ideal performance management system (PMS). For this discussion, read “Case Study 1-2: … Read more

Discuss the agency problems in Saudi Arabia

Discuss the agency problems in Saudi Arabia The textbook mentions the agency problem wherein managers do not act in the best interest of their principals. Discuss what the agency problem means for firms in Saudi Arabia, especially in the context of Saudi Vision 2030, and whether you have experienced any examples of the agency problem. … Read more

Are aging Americans owed comprehensive healthcare based on the key tenants of our current societal ethics?

Are aging Americans owed comprehensive healthcare based on the key tenants of our current societal ethics? Develop a response to the question: Are aging Americans owed comprehensive healthcare based on the key tenants of our current societal norms and assumptions? Research two articles that support your discussion post Answer preview : Word limit : 354

Discuss the impacts of technological trends in an organization of your choice

Discuss the impacts of technological trends in an organization of your choice Consider the organization you work for or an organization with which you are familiar. Using that organization, answer the following questions in your discussion post: Describe the organization you have selected to your classmates and instructor in a short summary. How have technological … Read more

Discuss U.S electoral system

Discuss U.S electoral system The US electoral system. Its evolution and characteristics. Presidential elections. Elections for the two chambers of the Congress. The primaries. The process of nomination at the national conventions.   Answer preview : Word limit : 1155

Discuss your food intake in relation to its nutrient content

Discuss your food intake in relation to its nutrient content Final Evaluation Narrative – Students will write final evaluation, at least 2 full pages long (normal margin (1”) font 12). The Final Evaluation/Write up discuss your food intake in relation to its nutrient content. It must include the following: A comparison of your baseline assessment and your post … Read more

How can knowledge gained in Global Health and Issues in Disease Prevention be used to promote positive social change

How can knowledge gained in Global Health and Issues in Disease Prevention be used to promote positive social change Share some of your ideas on how you can use the knowledge and insights gained in this course (Global Health and Issues in Disease Prevention) to promote positive social change in a community/country and the world. It … Read more

Discuss the impacts of technological trends to an electricity organization of your choice

Discuss the impacts of technological trends to an electricity organization of your choice Consider the organization you work for or an organization with which you are familiar. Using that organization, answer the following questions in your discussion post: Describe the organization you have selected to your classmates and instructor in a short summary. How have … Read more

Discuss what the agency problem means for firms in Saudi Arabia, especially in the context of Saudi Vision 2030

Discuss what the agency problem means for firms in Saudi Arabia, especially in the context of Saudi Vision 2030 The textbook mentions the agency problem wherein managers do not act in the best interest of their principals. Discuss what the agency problem means for firms in Saudi Arabia, especially in the context of Saudi Vision … Read more

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Performance Management Systems

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Performance Management Systems Identifying or predicting positive and negative outcomes at Network Solutions, Inc. may be aided by the information on page 22 of the text where the author identifies the characteristics of an ideal performance management system (PMS). For this discussion, read “Case Study 1-2: Performance Management at … Read more

Analyze the implementation of Performance Management system at Network Solutions, Inc

Analyze the implementation of Performance Management system at Network Solutions, Inc Identifying or predicting positive and negative outcomes at Network Solutions, Inc. may be aided by the information on page 22 of the text where the author identifies the characteristics of an ideal performance management system (PMS). For this discussion, read “Case Study 1-2: Performance … Read more

What is the role of nurses in strengthening community health and how can you impact health promotion in your community ?

What is the role of nurses in strengthening community health and how can you impact health promotion in your community ? Based on your experience, what is the professional nurse’s role in strengthening community health? As an individual nurse, how can you have an impact on health promotion in your community? Provide rationale to support … Read more

Develop a presentation educating your peers regarding a federal bill you believe may be of interest to nurses.

Develop a presentation educating your peers regarding a federal bill you believe may be of interest to nurses. Please review the infographic as way to guide you in getting started with your assignment: Developing an Assignment with Integrity (Links to an external site.) A short tutorial with tips for completing this assignment may be viewed here: Healthcare Policy (Links … Read more

Develop a teaching plan proposal for primary intervention/Health promotion

Develop a teaching plan proposal for primary intervention/Health promotion The benchmark assesses the following competency: 4.2 Communicate therapeutically with patients. The RN to BSN program at Grand Canyon University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), using … Read more

Name and explain the levels of human sexual intercourse.

Name and explain the levels of human sexual intercourse. https://youtu.be/uF68UAUrQyY Name and explain the levels of human sexual intercourse. Difference between reproduction and procreation. Levels of intimacy. Contraception: What is it? What is the intention of contraception? Describe the three types of artificial contraception. Risks / Side effects Bioethical analysis and unfair dynamics of artificial … Read more

Write a case study on Performance Management at Network Solutions, Inc.

Write a case study on Performance Management at Network Solutions, Inc. Identifying or predicting positive and negative outcomes at Network Solutions, Inc. may be aided by the information in the text where the author identifies the characteristics of an ideal performance management system. For this discussion, read “Case Study 1-1 on page 34: Performance Management … Read more

Research on psychology aspects of a specific human behavior exuded in everyday life

Research on psychology aspects of a specific human behavior exuded in everyday life Understanding and applying psychology in one’s everyday life can have numerous benefits and is often the basis of research that is conducted in this field. In this assignment, you will write an essay requiring you to employ critical thinking as you contemplate … Read more

What lessons do you see from these hurricane events that serve mitigation and preparedness for future events?

What lessons do you see from these hurricane events that serve mitigation and preparedness for future events? Two Paragraphs, APA Style with references from videos provided and the reading from the book. Mitigation & Preparedness   The number one threat to natural disasters in South Florida belongs to hurricanes. The events depicted here were “focusing … Read more