Write an essay on Discrimination in the Workplace

Write an essay on Discrimination in the Workplace

Overview: Research Paper must be typed double-spaced, Times New Roman, and 12-point font.
The text of the document (not including the Works Cited Page) should fall between 1250 and
1750 words. The document should be grammatically correct, free of errors in mechanics,
grammar, usage, spelling, and documentation and must include: MLA standard formatting and a
Works Cited page. This document must use five authoritative sources. Three of which must be
sources included from reputable databases housed in RCBC’s Library Website. The final
research document must contain quotations from or other references to your sources, and these
references should be used to support your assertions about the texts and be properly documented
(utilizing MLA-Style Citations for documentation). Without successful completion of this
document, even sufficient point totals from other assignments, the student cannot pass English
Research Essay Topics (Pick ONE):
1. Several candidates in our most recent presidential election had platforms that spoke on
the cost of college tuition. One candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders, discussed free tuition
for all Americans. Take a stance on this issue. Do you believe that free college tuition
should be offered to all American students? Or do you feel that paying for college builds
accountability and discipline, and should be handled by students on an individual basis?
Find literature that supports your argument. Present your case in a persuasive research
paper, as if you were on the Senate floor with Senators Sanders.
2. Some people believe America is now an equal playing field for all its citizens in the
workplace. It has been suggested race, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability,
and or sexual orientation no longer have a discriminatory effect on people in the
workplace. However, some people believe the exact opposite—that discrimination has a
dramatic and systematic influence on peoples’ pay, position, and vocation of
employment. Take a stance on this issue. Do you believe America now offers an equal
opportunity for everyone? Or do you believe America is still institutionally and socially
discriminatory? Find literature that supports your argument. Present your case in a
persuasive research paper, as if you were on the Senate floor trying to propose a new and
more equal policy or trying to defend the law as it currently stands.

3. Many studies have found that American children have some of the highest obesity rates
in the world. Researchers have suggested this severe problem starts with school lunches.
Take a stance on this issue. Do you believe that healthy lunches should be mandatory,
like the proposed “Hunger-Free Kids Act”? Or do you believe school lunches should be a
choice, governed by families rather than federal or state law? Find literature that
supports your argument. Present your case in a persuasive research paper, as if you were
on the Senate floor.

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