Write an essay in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet.

Write an essay in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet.

Pick TWO of the following questions and answer them in a well-developed essay (compelling title, introduction, thesis, body, conclusion, and work cited). Post your work in the Hamlet Discussion forum and respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

  1. One of the most prominent themes in Hamlet is acting; give an example of false appearances in the play.
  2. Since Gertrude does not see the ghost, what light does this fact shed on the question of Hamlet’s sanity?
  3. The “closet scene” (Act III, Scene 4) is a pivotal moment in the play. Hamlet confronts Gertrude over her relationship with Claudius, and she says she sees: “such black and grained spots/ As will not leave their tinct.” What is it that she feels so guilty about? Do her words lead you to believe that she knew about the murder of old King Hamlet? Why/why not?
  4. Why are the songs Ophelia sings such a strong display of her insanity? What do the songs seem to be about? Do they reveal any clues about her mental preoccupation.

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