Write an essay about management and leadership strategies.
- Cafferky, M. (2017). Management & leadership theories in scripture narratives: An editor’s outline of opportunities for further study. Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, 20(2), 78-85.
- Mea, W. & Sims, R. (2019). Human dignity-centered business ethics: A conceptual framework for business leaders. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(1), 53-69.
Mea & Sims (2019) presents the “Human Dignity-Centered” Framework that business leaders can adopt to build an ethos of humanistic management. Using this conceptual framework, examine one of the motivational theories (behaviorism, need-hierarchy, theory x & theory y, two-factor theory, JCM, Equity Theory, expectancy theory, goal setting or social cognitive theory) listed in Cafferkey’s (2017) editorial on opportunities for further study (pages 79-81). In your examination, discuss the ethical and legal foundations of this motivational theory, examples of it found within Biblical scripture, and discuss how it fits (or doesn’t) with the Human Dignity-Centered Framework.
This paper should draw on a minimum of ten substantial journal article resources and will be 10 to 12 pages in length observing all APA style conventions