Write a scene with a partner.

Write a scene with a partner.


1.  Scene with a partner – (Due June 17th)-  A scene is a sequence of continuous action in a play, movie, opera, or book where two or more characters speak to each other.

  • This time you are going to be assigned with a partner from your acting course in order to work together with the same scene. 
  • Both of you will be required to choose a scene from the play In Real Life and rehearse your scene together.  You can rehearse your lines over the phone and rehearse your scene on Facetime, WhatsApp, Zoom, or any other application with a camera.  
  • The scene must me 2 to 3 minutes long.
  • You will come up with new ideas based on what you have learned in class in order to create a good scene video with your partner.  
  • You must upload your scene video on Youtube Unlisted and post it on Blackboard before the deadline.  BOTH OF YOU need to post the same video in order to get the grade on Blackboard.  
  • Post your scene script on Blackboard under the same assignment.  EACH OF YOU need to post the same scene in order to get the grade on Blackboard. 
Unit 3 chapter 7 & 8
word limit:380