Woolworths Limited, Australia

Woolworths Limited, Australia

Order Summary
Type of assignment:Report
Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s
Referencing style:Harvard
Number of sources:10
Client country:OtherAssignment extract:

Please complete A1.3. I will attach my previous assignment A1.2

Assessment 1 – Written Assessment
Individual written assignment in three parts
This task allows you to demonstrate your academic knowledge about management as well as your
academic integrity, research, writing, and analytical skills. This task is in three parts.
You are first required to complete the online Academic Integrity Module (A1.1) and then submit
Pre-Report Preparation Tasks (A1.2) and then the Business Report (A1.3).
You are required to use Deakin Business Report Format and Deakin Harvard Referencing Style. You
must use only reputable academic, media, government and business sources to inform your report.
Do not use random websites or Wikipedia. You must not contact the organisation directly.
A1.1 Academic Integrity Module due 5pm Thursday 23/11/17. Submit online.
Note: This must be completed to get access to the drop-boxes for A1.2 and A1.3.
A1.2 Pre-Report Preparation Questions – valued at 10%
Due – 5pm Thursday 30/11/17
Task Summary – Answer three questions that will help you prepare for A1.3.
Word Limit – 500 words +/- 10% excluding table of contents and reference list
Submit in the A1.2 drop-box in the MMM132 Cloud unit site.
Note: This drop-box is only available after you complete A1.1.
A1.3 Business Report – valued at 30%
Due – 5pm Thursday 21/12/17
Task Summary – Analyse specified aspects of management in RSPCA Australia
https://www.rspca.org.au/ or JB Hi-Fi Group Pty Ltd https://www.jbhifi.com.au/.
Use the Business Report Format outlined below.
Word Limit – 2500 words +/- 10% excluding student cover page, report title page,
table of contents, reference list and appendices.
Submit in the A1.3 drop-box in the MMM132 Cloud unit site.
Note: This drop-box is only available after you complete A1.1.
Value 40% of final grade. This is not a hurdle assessment.
Unit and Graduate Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment task you will be able to:
ULO 1, GLO 1 Demonstrate an understanding of managerial theory and preparation in
contemporary organisations.
ULO 2, GLO 1 & 2 Communicate management concepts in a written business report.
ULO 3, GLO 1 & 4 Critically analyse information relevant to management.
Purpose and Scenario of A1
Purpose of A1: All good managers need to know how to find, research, and apply academic
concepts to real world situations. This assessment will help you learn these skills.
Scenario: Assume you have applied for a graduate traineeship at RSPCA Australia
https://www.rspca.org.au/ or JB Hi-Fi Group Pty Ltd https://www.jbhifi.com.au/. As part of the
job selection process the organisation requires you to complete the following three-part
A1.1 Academic Integrity Module – Due 5pm 23/11/17:
In this module you will learn the Deakin Harvard style of citation and referencing. You will need to
apply Deakin Harvard to your A1.2 and A1.3. This module is compulsory and must be completed
to gain access the A1.2 and A1.3 drop-boxes. To access the module go to the MMM132 unit site.
A1.2 Pre-Report Preparation Questions – Due 5pm 30/11/17
The aim of these three questions is for you learn how to:
 Plan your final Business Report by planning its proposed Table of Contents(TOC).
 Use academic ideas (i.e. theory and concepts from the textbook and peer reviewed academic
journal articles) to help understand, analyse and critically examine real world organisations.
 Find peer reviewed academic journal articles relevant to understanding management.
 Develop your academic and business writing skills.
 Provide Deakin Harvardstyle in-text citations and a reference list.
 Ensure your answers meet the requirementsshown in the assignment marking rubric.
The three questions you must complete are:
1. Provide a Table of Contents(TOC) showing the section and sub-section headings you plan to
use in your A1.3 Business Report.
2. Write a 500 word (+/- 10%) discussion on your chosen organization’s general environment and
analyse the impact of one real-life dimension in its general environment in 2016/17. You must
use academic definitions and ideas to describe, structure, and support the information in your
discussion and analysis. Begin your research by reading pp. 32–41 of the textbook.
In this answer you must include:
(a) a citation from the textbook
(b) a citation from a suitable peer reviewed management academic journal article
(c) a direct quotation using Deakin Harvard referencing style
(d) an indirect (paraphrased) quotation using Deakin Harvard referencing style.
3. Provide ONE reference list that includes the sources used in this task as well as the peer
reviewed academic journal articles you plan to use in the A1.3 Business Report.
In this reference list you must include:
(a) the MMM132 textbook
(b) five relevant peer reviewed academic journal articles. One article relevant to question 2 in
this A1.2 task and one article relevant to answering each of the questions 1-4 in the A1.3
FinalReport. (Normally you should only list works used in the body of this assessment but
you are required to include the A1.3 academic journal articles for planning purposes).
(c) at least one reputable (non-academic) source of information about your organisation.


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Word: 2,400