Weekly file posting in topics and answer the questions
Weekly file posting in topics and answer the questions.If you look at order # 18201: 5 questions assignment 5 weekly posting already answered . Please put the posting in weekly topic week1:(Ie)which key principles,write the full sentence and wrote exactly what is written there. Continue till week 5. Week6 and week7 order# 18356:week6:planning,week 7selfcare week8 ,week 9 week10 order #18483: week8: self care and leisure,week 9 self care technology,week 10 support network. Week 11,and 12, order# 18567:week11 : risk management,week 12 sleep . Week 13 will be the conclusion you are doing now. Please just copy all the post including the conclusion you are doing now in a word document . Thanks
Hi for the weekly topic that Sherlyn forwarded to you, please do not change anything as those topics both questions and answer already submitted to the online discussion group. all what you need to do is copy all of the post in to a word document that all. please put them as according to weekly basses (ie)week1 which key principles, week2 how have you or a friend experience health care from a human right and you need to write the information that was forwarded to you till all the post are done. please the conclusion you are writing will be the last topic
hi please for this assignment follow this instructions carefully as this are the instruction that have been asked to do. I need to copy all of the 13 post including the conclusion in to a word document. 2.Conclusion.For the conclusion I was asked to reflect on key learning from the semester
Conclusion:This are the key learning from the semester that I need to reflect on. The name of the unit is principles of health and community care. I have learnt about human rights, Marginalisation and diversity, The important of selfcare for us and clients. please this are what you need to reflect on. I really enjoy learning those topics in this semester.