Use visual rhetoric to convey a specific message and achieve a specific purpose
The goal of this assignment is to practice using visual rhetoric to convey a specific message and achieve a specific purpose.
Choose one of the vivid images in Daniel or Revelation and illustrate it. Then use/post your image to craft either an advertisement or a meme.
You don’t have to be an artist to do well on this assignment—focus instead on your choices as a rhetor. Consider your:
- primary message, point of view, and purpose;
- the genre conventions you want to portray, reinterpret, or subvert;
- the social, cultural, and/or historical context of your meme or ad; and
- your intended audience(s).
You may create the visuals any way you like—you may draw, collage images you find online, take photos, etc. You’ll also need to consider the formatting, layout and overall design, not just pictures.
You can take inspiration from the images posted under ___ or any other source–make sure to give credit where it’s due in your reflection.
Do not simply post an image you didn’t create–while you may use other people’s images, you must do something to those images to make the message and representation your own creation.
As you create your visual text, reflect on your rhetorical choices by answering the following questions:
1) How did you decide on your primary message and point of view? Describe your thought process.
2) What images did you model your illustration or advertisement on? How did you adapt conventions from these models? Be specific.
3) How are your primary message and point of view reflected in the image you’ve created? Discuss specific elements (genre conventions) in your image.
4) Who is your intended audience and what specific characteristics define them? How have you tried to appeal to this audience? Discuss specific elements (genre conventions) in your image.
5) How does your image reflect or otherwise fit into your chosen social/cultural/historical context? Be specific.
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