Topic: Franchising Business Model Article Critique

Topic: Franchising Business Model Article Critique

ASSIGNMENT FORMAT: For this assignment you need to prepare and submit a critique of the attached article in week 10 Under the assignment # 4 in ulearn. Your critique must answer the following questions:
1. What was the intent of this research?
2. How was the research conducted (method)?
3. What was the sample for this research, and how was it determined?
4. What were the conclusions of the article?
5. Is this research actionable? In other words, could it be put into use in any practical way in a Franchisee or Franchisor business?
6. What in this article did you find most important?
7. What in this article did you find least important?
Your paper needs to meet the following formatting requirements:

Requirements: 3 to 4 pages

Answer preview:

word limit:951