The Intersection of Social Class and Entrepreneurship-Discussion

The Intersection of Social Class and Entrepreneurship-Discussion

The case of Elizabeth Holmes’ notorious startup Theranos provides important lessons about the intersection of social class and entrepreneurship.

After reading the various magazine articles about Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos, and listening to The Dropout (if you have sufficient time), I want you to consider how Holmes’ background, education, and contacts might have facilitated her initial success and maintained her support despite evidence that the project she was pursuing was clearly a house of cards. Specifically, in a 750 word essay,

1. address how Holmes’ status, class, and social capital were central her early entrepreneurial success;

2. reflect on whether and how social class matters for entrepreneurship;

3. consider if the capacities to fail and innovate innovation are equally distributed across social classes.

Requirements:   |   .doc file | Essay | 3 pages, Double spaced

LISTEN: The Dropout – A Podcast

The case of Elizabeth Holmes is representative of how the world of innovation is tied to the affordances of class and status. If you are interested in this case and don’t have enough time to read John Carreyrou’s terrific Bad Blood, I would *highly* recommend listening to a few episodes of The Dropout. This podcast traces the case of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos in great detail and, like most well-produced podcasts, is compelling, engaging, and entertaining. The first and second episode are particularly important in the context of this course’s discussion of class and failure. The podcast, in its entirety, is available here:

Look this teacher video. It is feedback on the 2 ur 2 assignment

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