Read make some summary ‘The Implied Spider by Wendy Doniger’
Make some summary and then answer the question from some readings
1. Implied Spider
-Read The Implied Spider by Wendy Doniger
-Post an answer to the following question with a full paragraph (6-8) sentences
Choose one myth and apply Doniger’s analytical tool of telescope/microscope. How does it work? Does it help to explain the myth? Why would people create myths to enable this kind of tacking between perspectives?
2. Civil Religion in America
-Read Civil Religion in America
-Write a 200 word summary of the reading.
3. Lame Deer Seeker of Vision, Introduction and Ch. 1
– Read Lame Deer Seeker of Vision, Introduction and Ch. 1 by John (Fire) Lame Deer and Richard Erdoes
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